Some faggot wrote this somewhere, posting it here.
The problem isn't any specific political system (e.g. Anarchy, Minarchy, Fascism, Monarchy, Communism), it's the way those who are delegated authority are selected.
I believe the answer is to align the polity recognizing that human nature is what it is (and changes very slowly, if at all), and that many will make decisions based on short time preference and unenlightened selfish self interest.
With regards to the current US system, repealing the 19th is a no-go, as is the 14th. White men clearly didn't care enough, or trust themselves enough, or (maybe) discovered enough of a moral conscious to keep the vote to themselves. Moreover, just because you're white and male doesn't mean you're not a mush-brained r-selected POS that isn't going to vote for psychopaths who will ruin your society.
However, since universal suffrage always leads to Communism or worse, how do we restrict it? The dork enlightenment would say eliminate it, but that's a no-go for practical and logical reasons. Practically, people won't accept it, and logically, there will always be a form of popular will being represented in the social order. IMO the question is how do you organize a polity so that only those that are most likely to improve and insure the future are making the decisions?
Since no political system that is even somewhat democratic can survive universal suffrage due to selfish incentives, suffrage needs to be restricted to private sector parents of living children that are net tax contributors.
That is the first principle, all other steps should be to insure that it is adhered to.
So, for example… No vote for:
Anyone who isn't the parent of a living child. You don't have a stake in the future. Sorry. Get married and have a fucking kid.
Anyone deriving income directly, or indirectly from taxes. You have conflicted interests in civil society vs. bureaucratism. Nobody should be trusted (or asked) to vote themselves out of or into a job. This includes e.g. politicians, civil servants, welfare recipients, employees of government-supported industry.
If a company is mixed-revenue (part private, part government contracts), use the private/public income ratio to determine whether a person gets more than 50% of their income from taxation. If yes, you get to vote. If no, you don't.
If any of the former reimburse government for the money they received, and produce a living child, they regain suffrage.
Those who don't fit into the above are the only demographic that can be argued to even begin to care about the future of their society.
People respond to incentives, and ours are FUBARed. We need to un-FUBAR them.
Immigrants and children of immigrants don't get to vote for at least 5 generations. All immigrants are on probation for at least 10 years. Commit a crime, become a burden, you go back, immediately.
Politicians and government employees DO NOT get to emigrate or hold dual citizenship, ever. No dual citizen politicians, or top 10 level of gov't agcy employees. No expatriation after service, for any reason. The point of all that is you don't get to fuck up the country and then flee.
Taxes need to be implemented along Georgism/Geolibertarian principles, e.g. land tax, high minimum threshold, clear title path to a natural living human… And NO OTHER TAXES except tariffs (perhaps not on commodities, but that's a geostrategic decision depending on circumstances).
Welfare is collected and distributed on a county level, maximum.
There are other rules yet to be thought of, but this is a work in progress. I'm sure other opinions will be offered, hopefully some will be useful.
Basically, any political system needs to be subversion-proofed. Not just from kikes either, but from any similar group (e.g. pajeets, organized crime, etc.). I suspect the ethnic makeup might be very interesting under such a system, my personal guess is it will be similar to Switzerland (shared political system with self-segregation), but who really knows.
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