Antifa, Police, Proud Boys, DSA, un-uniformed civilians - no nahtsees, but should be a habbening
The Battle For Portland 2 ⛔ Rose City Antifa ⛔ Proud Boys ⛔ PPD ⛔ Live Now 🤳 Word of the day: Safet
Antifa, Police, Proud Boys, DSA, un-uniformed civilians - no nahtsees, but should be a habbening
The Battle For Portland 2 ⛔ Rose City Antifa ⛔ Proud Boys ⛔ PPD ⛔ Live Now 🤳 Word of the day: Safet
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That "music" is awful
Nigger, go back to half.
what is this clusterfuck (Portland Protests) even for? I just happened to run across this.
Proud Boys, antifa to protest in downtown Portland on Saturday: LIVE UPDATES
Updated 12:54 PM; Today 10:00 AM
I think its for the fags
The proud boys decided to do a thing today
I just want to see people get beaten, pepper-sprayed, arrested, and just fucked up by each other
watch it all burn
It's odd that they call proud boys nazis though
Maybe the combination of the standoff with the state senators and now this riot will finally kickstart the civil war.
This stupid shit again? I wish it truly was a happening but whenever I see it is ANTIFA vs Proud Boys I know it is just the same old shit, a few people will hit a few people, a video will be posted, nothing will change, Portland will still be an anti American shitzone and continue to devolve.
Things will only change when the feds roll in with a force and remove the decision makers for committing sedition against our Constition.
It's not odd at all now that drinking milk is an act of white supremacy
Be the change that you want to see in the world.
Nothing is gonna happen.
What if someone shot the event up in Minecraft. Could be neat.
Of course those bitch boomer militias protecting the state legislators won’t go to Portland and purge Antifa. Muh constitution.
gloomtube stream
Marchin out
Portland andy seems to be some kind of mutt but at least it is live.
A fitting ringmaster for clown world political circus.
tbqh he looks like a typical NY jew
I just finished watching food bucket apocalypse half an hour ago waiting for this.
third feed on gloom
Why is no one beating the shit out of these fucking faggots?
because the mayor is on their side
They are marching all over the streets and no one is doing shit.
Not much you can do to them unless you get a nice big moving van.
Why? This is literally doing what the kike wants you to do. Spend your time, energy and chances on fighting your own people/kin that you disagree with (you of all should know better than to let the kike pit you against your own.)
They attacked that reporter who was following them
One guy still following the commies to see if anything eventuates.
mind your own business. What we're doing out there is protecting innocent people. ANTIFA always start shit in that city, and the Oregon chapters have had enough. You faggots glorifying everything isn't helping.
Matter of fact, most of us hold you faggots responsible for getting Rufio's life fucked up by spreading around his knock out video.
Shut the fuck up, mind your own business, or stop being man children and join the goddamn club. #UHURU #POYB
The proud boys decided to do a thing today
It's called a private meet up, and private security for political rallies. If you're gonna talk about us, get the details in order FIRST.
sorry, but I'm not interested if this is your pitch
What part of my statement was inaccurate?
If you're going to post on Zig Forums, how about you lurk moar first, faggot? Or better yet, fuck off entirely.
This is so fake.
Plz ladies we are very busy here
Go back to reddit, you pathetic sack of shit.
They're trying hard with the totally organic D&C.
Antifa just got btfo as they were reaching their chanting crescendo and instantly fell silent. Now the niggery thefts and smashing of things begin as they are told were they can march haha.
Do either of the even know what they're fighting for?
Chasing shadows.
Antifa have no idea wtf they're doing and are reduced to wandering aimlessly in circles. I think ZOG actually told them to walk to the river where they'll hinder no one
Antifa is I think using a uhaul truck with fags on it to break police lines
Isn't Proud boys that group who got created from the guy McCinnes something who constantly showed his butthole live on TV. Also that hes controlled opposition. So wtf is Proud boys. Seems strange to me and the origin seems to define the tree aka the butthole loving creator. I'm guessing their holdout is at Reddit since not much talk about them on any chans or anywhere really alt-right. I bet they are very popular on Reddit. . . Jesus fucking christ.
Its not a happening unless gloomtube is streaming it .
Vids of the Assault on Andy Ngo
truck of peace, user, truck of peace.
We've got a few more hours of impotent police warnings before anything happens, though.
is this duck new?
Neither are fighting for their own people; both are either willingly or unknowingly fighting for the kike, some are probably even kikes.
damn, I was hoping for more
its over
even gloomtube is shutting down
I spoke too soon
Portland Andy is still habbening
This is why I have never understood the whole "let's meet in the street and battle. FoR THE HORDE!" It's just a waste of time. The best way to handle business is send in a scouting party for pictures and pictures alone, nothing else. Take pictures, identify who is who, create your profiles of each person who is anti American in their group. Identify their leaders. Find leaders away from ridiculously stupid and televised street battle, beat the shit out of leaders (do not fucking do anything else - no killing or anything extreme). Bring random person with no connection, pay them a bit, tell them they are the witness that the person attacked you and you defended yourself.
Leader will remember beating, will not be so quick to be involved next time. Do this enough, issue over.
Asian gay dude got his shit packed by antifa
Doing this shit without a couple of leg breakers for security is nuts.
What are they pissed off about now? Don't they know they run that city?
Lmao that's how hitler and the nazis got to power, because they beat up commies in the streets constantly.
Firstly showing antifa get beaten is good propaganda. secondly it shows that leftists can't intimidate or try to silence right wingers because they get sparked out.
And third it's fun. most people on this board probably haven't been in a lot of fights but it's fun as fuck beating cunts up with your mates.
Someone should do something at one of these rallies. That could start a civil war. Pose as antifa or a proud boy and do something. It would create chaos
Rescued from a Chinese restaurant.
what do you mean by "something"?
I'm not saying would want any involvement nor do I support it just saying if someone did something big at one of these rallies it could start civil war.
audible sage
the mayor of portland is openly antifa. he called for the police to stand down when antifa blacked an ICE building. he let a nigger who worked for UPS go free after he killed a white man for calling him nigger. He let a mullatto antifa child molester go free as well. Him and Portland's DA. that place has a massive problem with completely brainwashed Whites who are actively suiciding their city.
exactly why Anglin is such a strong supporter of them
I could rape any proud boy or antifa member’s mother and not a single one could fight me off of her.
its an antifa occupied city. they whine about shit in the streets every weekend. they wont stop until its a 3rd world country and all Whites are dead.
lel yup
wanna know how I can tell you know nothing about Portland?
bunch of trannys just casually strolling around
wasn't that dude who knocked out an antifa at the portland ice protests a proud boy? that dude could probably kick your ass, you fat faggot
Even if that man was in a delirious adrenaline soaked rage, I could beat him until his pee was red.
Well if a major event happened at one of these rallies it could start a civil war. I'm not promoting it just saying that it could/would start a civil war. Kinda like what brenton was trying to achieve but failed
Dumbass fags
please go back to where you came from and take your buddies with you
Why does he have this much power? Shouldn't somebody above him or the supreme court or some shit deny his actions?
He has that much power because no one has killed him.
Thats what you get for living in a major city. Antifa don't exist outside of major cities because they are unable to survive without massive consumption of soy.
The foot soldiers, sure, but the leaders? They definitely get killed. Something needs to happen to remind people that their enemies can be stopped with just a few bullets.
Two heavily Jewish funded and majority non-White groups of paid actors that were used to bolster Trump's support among boomers and normalfags from cuckchan.
Both sides are Jewish Psyops.
This user is a Jew or a MIGApede falling for the AltKike memetics.
Corporations, heavily Jewish Owned corporations, are the enemies.
Let these non-White fucks kill eachother who cares? Capitalism is cancer and so are faggots who defend it.
wake me when these ‘riots’ escalate to Molotov throwing, and aren’t hosted by civnat goobers
/r/Portland mods are deleting all comments about this lmao
Let me know when "Proud Boys" ban jews.
Gotta love how you people lie about pride. So proud you gotta shit on the legacy of peace and prosperity your civics are built on. So proud you’re nothing but animals. So proud.
It's not about intimidating or silencing user. In fact it isn't even about ANTIFA. It is about working around their protective shield of the media and corrupt politicians. Do it, but do it off the books, keep quiet about it and move on. They will get the picture eventually as they are weaklings and weaklings do not like to get punched in the face and I guarantee not a single one of their leaders have gotten punched in the face but rather it is their followers who have. This is why they toss women to the front of the line to both stop men from fighting back and to protect themselves most importantly.
If a few tough SOBs randomly saw one of their decision makers and randomly slipped and while falling randomly socked them in the face and knocked out a tooth and randomly had to hurry away to their midnight World of Warcraft raid than, ah well.
Not saying to do it of course but if I were planning to go after them in an area that was protected by the shield they have that is how I would do it.
Training for spesiul services on riot control etc
Talk to Antifa, y’know? Fraternize. Do it real. They aren’t scum outside of your fevered fantasies - they aren’t the enemy you want ‘em to be. (You need to have a concept of scum beyond “opposes me”.). They’re anti-authoritarian. They “get” fraternization. If you’re making the attempt they’ll tell you to buzz off long before they actually punish it, and it might work.
I’ve had beef with Antifa, and… now I don’t. I brushed a few Antifa types. They annoyed me. They didn’t threaten me. I figured them out. I don’t need to know if they figured me out. I own my stance, and know how to keep the peace.
You know what it takes to shoot someone? You have to be willing to kill without fighting. It’s the same willingness as it takes to set up a lethal trap, but hot and fast instead of cold and slow. America has concealed carry, and so it’s built on people who have a hot and fast hatred of fighting.
The people who want to beat someone because they’re broken pre-civilized animals are people who don’t like to pull the trigger.
In the long run if shit ever hit the fan and CW broke out? Of course. But for a fight to control the cities and our current state of affairs? Just need a good old fashioned ass kicking. I can fucking guarantee you user, absolutely guarantee you that none of those wimps have ever been in an altercation before so one swift straight to the face after accidentaly running into one of them at night and, while falling, accidentally knocking one of their teeth out.. guaranteed they apply to McDonalds a week later and hang up their douchebag hat because douchebags do not like to be hit.
that's why you adopt their tactics. wear masks, dress so you don't stick out. the european right has been doing this for years.
have you ever been in a fight? it's fun. and i've never killed a man but have killed plenty of animals and i'm fine with it. And for 99% of human history people killed in melee combat, so they killed with fighting.
and the right are pre civilised animals(that's a good thing). The left are effete degenerates who want to take us away from our animalistic heritage, the right wants to keep it.
99% of the problems in the western world is because whites are too civilised and domesticated and not violent enough
I do not want to convert you, I do not want to come to an understanding. Egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy will never come to terms.I don’t want you by my side or I don’t want share power.
I want you in my sights. I want your neck under my boot.
they are scum. sure there may be some who can be converted but 99% are weakling college intellectuals. the epitome of the "oversocialized" type ted K talked about