Who was Hitler to you? Someone to be respected or emulated? Can something like what he achieved in Germany be achieved once more? Is he your greatest idol, or is he to be looked down upon for failing?
Who was Hitler to you? Someone to be respected or emulated...
Definitely someone to respect, it's pretty obvious today that the good guys lost the war. Not sure how he can be emulated or re-created today, Hitler worked because Germans actually wanted their country to succeed. Take one look at the west today without laughing. Europe is begging to be inseminated by the long cocks of Islam and the chimpanzee negroes.
Reminder that when we win, people like this will belong in cages.
2nd coming of Christ and the ultimate leader of the european race
We need to retrace Hitler's footsteps, we need to go to South America.
He was a loving man, everyone knew. He was totally, unfailingly loyal, and would do anything to prove it. He couldn’t possibly be lying, but he was.
Lying about wot?
He called out the Zionist scam in Mein Kampf but then later went on to fall for that very same scam. Very curious…
I used to think he was an idiot. Upon closer inspection and historical study I am now convinced that he was one the most impressive humans to walk this planet.
I am still convinced that he made tactical blunders, but I don't know precisely how much of that was his doing, or his officers.
His loyalty, determination and ability to inspire through leadership is almost magical. But hubris might have done him in. Again, I don't know.
All I know is that the wrong side won WW2. And if different tactical decisions had been made, that apparently were being suggested by war tested generals…then Germany would have probably achieved ultimate victory and humanity would be all better off for it.
So let us all learn from his genius, and his mistakes as well.
/sig/ and prepare…always.
Hail Victory.
Hitler is someone who should be both respected and emulated. He is not a flawless man, no one is, but he was quite clearly empowered by God. If he had won the world would be in a much better position today.
Sending Jews to Palestine is not being a Zionist. Zionism is the belief in an independent Jewish nation-state. Israel didn't exist at the time and it was right to try to induce Jews to leave by any means necessary.
he was blond , tall, and had perfect blue eyes.
The only time a man fails is when he fails to act.
Hitler radiated with light. Even the jew can't spin the lie hard enough to say he was detested by the masses, although if we allow the plague to continue on, they will in time.
Only love can create passion in Aryan men. He loved his people and they loved him. He didn't fail, he created a time for all men of God to aspire toward.
Great leader among many Europe has produced and textbook example of the right balance between ideology and realpolitik. Trying to ally with the anglos was never going to work and the war with the east was purely out of mutual paranoia and unnecessary.
Hitler claimed the Jews only wanted a state in Palestine to strengthen their international swindle. And yet he went along with that scam. You can try to justify it all you want but those are the facts.
Here's a bit of irony to contemplate; Most anons will agree that the jews caused Germany to lose WW1. Yet most anons also agree that this was a bad thing for our race. Yet without Germany losing WW1, there would have been no Hitler. Not as we know him.
Germany would have remained a monarchy. At least for a short while longer.
Interestingly, depending on when Germany won WW1 (whether Germany won before November 1917 or after) Germany might have fallen to communism shortly after the conclusion of the war because regardless of who won, Germany would have been in a weakened state and with the weak monarchy still in power, the king and "right wing" political parties would be blamed for any mismanagement of the state. And with Britain, France, and Russia pinning for revenge against Germany, they might actually AID the communists against their rival.
And with so many non-German subjects feeling oppressed by their new German overlords, it would be easy to see them turning to communism as an ideological tool to fight for their National independence. Communism has been used by Nationalists for decades as a tool to solicit money and resources from empty-headed liberals who are turned off by the real reasons the Viet and the Kurds and the Khmer fought; Nationalism. The same thing would happen in the new German Empire. And would that state be capable of suppressing the nationalist rebels in a world where arming men becomes easier and easier?
Certainly, Austria-Hungary would not have survived its ethnic conflict (Austria-Hungary was a multi-ethnic empire) nor would the Ottomans.
any one know where did he say that , i agree with what it says , i remember someone saying it wasnt hitler who said that
dont have the page number on hand but even kikes are kvetching
Chapter 11: Nation and Race, Page 268 of Mein Kampf (Stalag Edition).
The quote isn't from the Stalag Edition, it's translated a bit differently.
thanks man
My bad. The actual book has this on page 280-281, not page 268
141 == big brain nibba
Hitler is like Caesar or Alexander, they are a rare breed. Hitler though in my opinion was the greatest of all of them. Caesar and Alexander fought for glory and power, Hitler fought to save Europe and defeat the world's most dangerous enemy.
Adolf Hitler was the last great leader of Europe. The Jewish vultures and their shabbos goyim are trying to flood Europe with negroes and other colored savages from the third world in order to destroy the European race which they so utterly detest.
The Jews stationed negro soldiers in the Rhineland in the postwar years of WW1 in order to humiliate the Germans and encouraged these apes to reproduce with Germans to bastardize their racial stock. What they did then they are now doing on a mass scale that is beyond comprehension. The Jews are growing impatient which is why they are flooding White nations with more and more coloreds every year to speed up the process of mongrelization. They want to create as much internal strife and havoc as humanly possible to get the gentiles to slaughter each other in droves as they slowly deplete us of our wealth and resources.
The Jews are parasites and enemies of mankind! The Jews fear the National Socialist because they were the first people to ever mount an effective resistance against their rule. They demonize and slander them because they don't want another rebellion on their hands.
We will die as slaves, they died as free men resisting Jewish tyranny!
What would you give the jew if they agreed to move out tomorrow?
He just wanted rid of the vermin. He did what was available at the time. The hook-nosed fucks repaid his generosity by defaming him every opportunity they get.
He called out the jew so hard, the entire world stood against him and almost lost, and 70 years later we're STILL talking about his message, and its catching on more and more with each passing year.
Failing? He didn't fail. He lost, surely, but he didn't fail.
According to Anal Cunt, a sensitive man.
He fucking hated (((Gypsies))), and actually respected individual people outside of the white ethnicities. The man was based.
Murder the fucking kikes en mass, and glass the Middle East, then purge Europe of non-whites.
He failed. Only because (((The Allied Forces))) stopped him.
t. Bi-Racial American who knows he did nothing wrong.
I think Madagaskar was considered for the jews to reside in.
That's literal death tier
Hitler failed. His people have been mixed out of existence. Germany, as Hitler knew it, is dead. Hitler was a good man with a dream of hope and prosperity for his country. But he failed to fully root out the corruption that destroyed his country before. If he had exterminated the jews, bombed the uk out of existence when they refused to end things peacefully, and slaughtered all enemy forces upon first contact, he would have won and his people would have become great. No Germany is an even worse shithole than it was after world war 1.
Hello Jew!
What comes next will be "literally worse than hitler". They've begged for it. They've killed and destroyed for it. What rises now will astound them with it's ferocity, sicken them with it's depravity, stun them with it's effectiveness. They will learn true fear. They will learn true horror. They will learn true helplessness. What comes will change the world forever.
Adolf Hitler was a man of great virtue and vision, who wholly dedicated every waking moment to raising all of his racial kinsmen up and showing them the path to true greatness.
To me, he is possibly the greatest man to ever live.
quintessential mongrel post
He should be respected but not emulated or worshiped, as he lost. Maybe a military defeat was inevitable but the fact is that he could have at least actually wiped out all the jews and commies he had in the camps so they couldn't go on to to be unleashed by the allies and destroy what remained of Europe. He was too much of a romantic and a moralst and all of Europe paid for it. Hitler is someone to be admired but we should never make the same mistakes he did by letting our enemies go.
in 500 years, whites will only survive on earth under the flying swastika flag.
All of the greatest men who ever lived you do not know the names of.
Sure did. We can name a few off hand.
He is my inspiration. The fact that he was able to turn a whole nation against a single group of people, and get away with mass extermination of said people was truly remarkable. Everyone wants to paint him as an evil man, stupid man, but in fact he was very intelligent. His IQ was estimated to be between 120 and 141 by one source (others say ~125) They always say that the truth is written by the victorious. I believe he was trying to save the world from from contamination. You see what’s happening today. Race mixing is higher than ever, and the Jews are fucking everything up by promoting homosexuality, transgenderism is now being pushed onto children, the list goes on.
The second coming of Christ
We Wuz Hitla'!
I am a regular critic of Hitler's military and diplomatic blunders. If you have seen criticisms of Hitler backed by historical facts, you may have seen me before.
However I disagree in part with your critiques.
1. Dunkirk was certainly a blunder but it was not as terrile or obviously a blunder as you might think. We must remember that bewegungskrieg requires massive amounts of fuel and supplies. The reason why Hitler ordered a halt was because he feared that his men would outrun their supply lines (which was true) and become encircled (which turned out to be unlikely). So Hitler's mistake was in failing to recognize a favourable situation and capitalizing on it.
If you look at the battle lines when Hitler ordered the Halt, you can see that the German lines are very exposed. If you did not know that the French army had been utterly disorganized by the surprise (fog of war) then I suspect that you might become concerned over the exposed German salient as well.
2. Mistakes were made on the Eastern Front. No question there. However, in the beginning of the war, Hitler's decisions were sensible. At least in my opinion. I can elaborate if you like.
3. This is a tricky one since one of the contributing factors to Germany's defeat was her inability to mass produce weapons for the front. Look, for example, at the massive amounts of weapons and equipment the Allies produced and compare it to Germany's meager output. It's almost disconserting. This was made worse by the German decision not to go on a warfooting until 1942/43. SO believing that Germany should have focused more on miracle weapons seems like a poor idea. Wars are not won by miracle weapons. They're won by men (and material/resources). What Hitler should have done was focus more on that and not on ridiculous Wunderwaffe that never made any impact during the entire war. Look at the insane weapons they created like the Mouse or the gigantic artillery piece and ask yourself; was this REALLY worth all the men and resources that were used to produce this? Did it REALLY affect the war enough to merit so much cost?
I don't think so.
Instead, that effort should have been put into standardizing their mechanized vehicles and mass producing the shit out of them. Think about this; Germany's ENTIRE strategy during the war was Bewegungskrieg. Yet at no point during the entire war did Germany have enough automotive transportation to transport soldiers to the front line in sufficient numbers. Look at Operation Barbarossa for instance. While the mechanized tank corps flew far ahead of the infantry, they were forced to take constant breaks from attack so that the infantry and fuel could catch up
Think about that. The German panzer corps needed to take CONSTANT BREAKS from fighting the Soviets to sit around waiting for fuel to catch up. Had Stalin not slaughtered his competent officer corp and replaced them with empty-headed communist lackeys, the Soviets would have been able to take advantage of this weakness and counterattack the hamstrung Germans.
So if you really want to stick it to Hitler, talk about how the German army was insufficiently prepared for the very war that the German high command was expecting to fight. Also, I believe that the resources spent on laser weapons other crazy ideas should have all been focused on synthetic oil production.
Finally, if you really want to stick it to Hitler, his biggest mistake of all was; Starting the war.
I have been pointing out this blindingly obvious fact for years, that Germany was unprepared for war in 1939, and despite dozens of emotional, triggered illiterates crying at the top of their lungs, not one person has ever provided one reason why it was in Germany's long term interest to start a war in 1939. Instead, they tend to focus on short term benefits of war.
You know what kind of people only think in the short term? Niggers.
The only other recourse they've come up with is to dindu Hitler and claim that he was forced into declaring war on the rest of Europe for convoluted reasons. Just like how Trayvon Martin was forced into attacking that Mexican guy.
But the truth is apparent for anyone to see. Germany was not ready for a long term war and Hitler fooled himself into believing that war with the Allies would be short.
This is the same mistake that Germany made in 1914. He should have simply not started the war in 1939. Then Germany might have actually created some of those wonder-weapons and they could have made a difference on the battlefield. Or at the very least, the Germany army could have been prepared to leg it to Moscow without halting every 40 miles.
The only mistake Hitler made, was assuming other white nations would ally with good white Christian Germans; over, Godless, Jew communist.
The war was coming no matter what; and the only cure for International Socialism is NATIONAL SOCIALISM.
In 500 years I predict Adolph Hitler will transform into a Christ Like historical figure; who once hated and despised, will be worshipped and respected…
I don't speak German; but from the very first time I saw Hitler speak, I had to accept the truth and meaning was true, because he put his entire "being" into what he was saying.
I felt like cheering when he finished; even though I had no idea what he just said?
anyone else have this experience?
Corporal Shitler was a larping drug addict Jew agent.
Quick message to everyone comparing Hitler to Christ or implying he was divinely blessed.
You seem to forget he disavowed Christianity, was a pagay for ancient egyptian shit, and the Church sent out an order to not vote for him.
Fuck you kikenigger;
The only reason Adolph Hitler was able to spit so great and vast was because he always told the truth.
Just like those blk Baptist preachers who preach with their eyes close…
when you tell the truth, you don't need all those props…>>13468291
He was Canada's First Prime Minister until my social studies teacher pulled me to the side and called me a "rotten bastard child" when I gave his name on the 2nd grade test.
She actual didn't teach us about our 1st Prime Minister, and droned on about Mr. Hitler and Nadzees for the time when we had our books open at the pages of Canada's starting history.
Note: Social Studies from grade 2-5 In Canada from 2002-05 taught both Canadian History and Liberal Propaganda in one class.
Essentially Canadian White Millennials for the most part are lost causes that hate Canadian history and equate every paramount figure as a Nazi.
you cant imagine how powerful these speeches are to us germans. it literally feels like there is a divine element to him.
Take this one for example. Can't put into words how powerful it is to actually hear him talk in your own language and see that he was right all along
This was very interesting and informing to read, thanks.
Do you have any recommended books / essays / documentaries to seek out regarding this topic? Thank you again
Vishnu Hitler was a great & good man. The last & probably greatest manifestation of the old Aryan: Loyal, honourable, noble, fair, kind but without the softness or weakness that so commonly accompanies those fine attributes.
But we can see the flaw in his application of National Socialism when we observe his treatment of the jew. There WAS no holocaust but there SHOULD have been. His willingness to spare them & even permit them to masquerade as Germans (mischlings & the Nuremberg laws) was always doomed.
Further, Hitler’s attempts at peace with the vile Churchill whilst we bombed his people & his refusal to allow the Luftwaffe to reciprocate for the first 6 months of the war was far too lenient.
The decency & nobility that Hitler showed has always been characteristic of us in spite of all the accusations to the contrary.
When the ancient Aryans invaded India why did they spare the mud people?
It was a tragic mix of nobility, honour & arrogant profligacy. They should have slaughtered them, not incorporated them as an underclass. Had they done so India would still be Aryan to this day.
The Apartheid system in south Africa is another example. Its actual purpose was to allow niggers to live & find their level based on their ability as demonstrated by the flourishing black middle classes you never heard about. While retaining white control & racial purity. But why did they bother? What did they need the niggers for? Cheap labour?
The very strategy of the non white filth is dependent on our fine qualities as Aryans.
Why else would telling us that we are bad people give us pause?
Why would it matter to us, if we really were the monsters they make us out to be?
It only matters to us because we are generally quite decent people in most cases. And it is this perversion of Aryan decency that is taking us down to death without a fight. Because its the decent thing to do.
Throughout our history so much would have been better for us if we had been willing to set aside our decency & Aryan nobility in the name of ruthless, uncompromising survival. If we had simply exterminated those we conquered how much better off would we be now? Instead we fed them, clothed them, educated them, built their infrastructure then patted them on the head and left them to it. And for all our decadent nobility we have been repaid with degradation & death.
Hitler was the greatest of the old Aryan.
Now the new Aryan must live & he will show no mercy.
If you accuse Hitler of needless war i can only advise you to read Icebreaker by viktor suvorov.
As for the defeat of WWII: It took the combined might of the soviets, the British Empire & the Americans five years of total war to destroy a Nation the size of Texas. WWII was our Thermopylae & i am proud of them.
Also, pic related.
He was a Ziofuckincocksucker and why White people,blonde hair and blue eyed esp, ever worshipped this lowlilfe failure I can't even begin to imagine except you fell for the Goddamned JEWISH PROPAFUCKINGANDA AGAIN!!! He was a Rothschild agent the moment he stepped his broke ass off the park bench and went to get the free food and drink at the rally. Just think..who has always controlled all that money that gets loaned to fight wars ..Do you honestly think they'd fund killing their own and willingly lose a supposed 6 million? No..but 278,000 or so would do fine to push their agenda then throw the fucker under the bus and make him so evil everyone wants to kill him…Fucking stupid ass neo nazi wannabe fucks..Fuck Hitler..
is this you?
Do people still talk like Hitler in Germany? When I listen to German today they all speak so feminine.
And you claim to be knowledgeable? This isn't even Irving level.
Here you go, faggot:
I've listened to a lot of his speeches recently and now make an effort to sound more determined and harsh. It's having an effect.
I've already read this and know that Suvorov is claiming that the USSR started WW2 by using Hitler like a tool.
Even if that were true, it doesn't paint Hitler in a very generous way. It paints Hitler as a dumbass who Stalin used like a puppet to seize half of Europe.
Furthermore, it STILL admits that Hitler is ultimately the one who chose to act as Stalin's tool (according to Suvorov, not me) by instigating conflict with Poland and her allies over land.
And honestly, I don't buy this premise. Stalin was a clever man, but I do not believe that he was so superior to Hitler in intelligence that he could convince him to start up a conflict that Hitler didn't want already.
Especially given Hitler's irredentist goals. Did Stalin trick Hitler into annexing Czechia in 1939? Of course not. They barely had any contact then. So why would we assume that Hitler was content with occupying Czechia and didn't already plan on doing the same to Poland?
That said, I do agree that Stalin did plan on attacking Germany. I believe that Stalin's plan was to wait for Germany to launch an invasion of Britain and then invade whilst the best German soldiers were in Britain.
I have no one source that has coloured my views. I just listen to lectures about WW2.
Faggot, are you for real? How did you even find this place?
Don't listen to Suvorov. The only thing he's good for his another Russian admitting Staling wasn't building a 10 million army for the heck of it. If you want proof Stalin was planning an offensive look no further than the fact the Soviet army under him didn't develop a defensive doctrine at all. When Hitler attacked the army was clueless as to what to do. And then look at all the airfields Stalin built right on the German border, enabling the short ranged Luftwaffe to obliterate the Soviet airforce on the first day.
Your problem is that you lack the ability to think for yourself. You escaped the NPC liberal narrative only to mindlessly adopt the NPC reactionary narrative.
History doesn't give a shit about narratives. Only facts. If you're unable to use your head to distinguish between propaganda and truth, stop responding to me. Fuck off and suck Trayvon Hitler's dick. He dindu nuffin. Hewuz goin college when ebil Poland attak'd him!
Be warned though. If you ever try to convert intelligent people to your cause, you will encounter people who know more than your NPC narrative about WW2.
Anyone know what happened to Alerta Judiada? Saw that he got arrested in Spain but after that nothing. Shame, the group that put out those videos was some of the highest quality propaganda I've ever seen
Hitler did nothing wrong.
they got arrested. it was 3 dudes in spain, there is a small group in telegram app.
And here we see the Pole engaging in his natural mating call.
4children, this is what we call a false dichotomy, now pay attention to these, because they are a strong indication of shilling.
a subject matter that represents a good litmus test to determine whether or not someone is still plugged in.
So far you haven't presented a single fact, Jew.
Hitler to me was a good politician but overall a mediocre tactician. The way he took over is inspiring, the wars with Britain and Russia were fails but Hitler was rushed
Good not perfect
He did something no one else in modern history has achieved, fighting directly the jew like that, unifying his country and restoring it. Leaving a mark and a precedent for those who can appreciate it
But, he also made immensely huge and blatant mistakes, maybe power got too much in his head, and due to his mistakes the good things he achieved are deemed as the worst in history, crippling his countrymen into a submission that may kill the country
Despite his flaws the world needs more people like him, willing to improve/restore/save their countries against all setbacks
holy data-mining batman
Simply a man with a very compelling idea. Trying to emulate him would be like trying to make lightning strike twice and all that's needed is simply translating, or remodeling his ideas to fit the current political climate.
you are completely correct
Shitler was a drug addict larper agent for the Jews.
Learn some history.
Hitler as a person to me is an idol, but Hitler as a kraut is a failure.
Reminder that those regions were Germanic regions far longer than they were Slavic.
Reminder that slavs rendered the entire East-Germanic linguistic branch extinct with their policies on Crimean Gothic.
Reminder that there's zero verifiable evidence of slavs even existing in the region until after 1000 AD.
Reminder that foundation myths are not evidence.
Reminder that goths weren't slavs.
Reminder that vandals weren't slavs.
Reminder that varangians were not slavs.
It was real in your mind.
Look everybody it’s the ((( white nationalism))) is bad for the goyi- whites lunatic.
I wish my voice would stop cracking so I could properly achieve that tone that he has.
I know most will disagree with me (which is fine), but i think we should drop Hitlerism. He is a man to be respected, not emulated. His ideas and path to power is not possible nowadays, due to technology changing a man and society so damn much. If he was born 30 years ago, he would be considered a "freak" by mass media and simply executed by glow niggers
Both. He chose to trust the wrong people despite repeated examples of their disloyalty. Wasn't till after the assassination attempt with the suitcase bomb that he finally started kicking ass among his ranks, but by then the major blunders of the war had already taken place.
Good for you. Go make a thread on it. If there's one thing 8/pol/ need more of, that's threads explaining that Slavs should be wary of National Socialism.
Shoe shoe, woman.
Somebody to be incredibly respected and emulated. The only thing i’d not emulate would be his waste of resources on very nice camps to house his enemies in and his ethics in regards to fighting a “humane” war as to not commit “war crimes”.
I’d just do whatever necessary to win. Fuck all optics. Destroy the enemy with extreme prejudice, otherwise you lose and we end up in the present day disaster we live in now.
A source of inspiration. The answer to the question "would Hitler approve?" is an easy way to test whether a behavior is beneficial or not. If you can't honestly answer "yes" to that question, then chances are the behavior is self-destructive.
hitler didnt approve the stg-44 but it was bad ass?
i guess your test sucks because he was a crazy maniac who empowered communists and neoliberals?
also there was 88 replies but i ruined it now with this post hahahahahahha
No. You're just a faggot.
Father. The father of national socialism. Like any father, he made mistakes, but no mistakes only one who does nothing. For his mistakes I forgave him for his victory, I respect him.
nice argument *not*
There won’t be any left to put in cages, Sir.
Hitler's preemptive strikes and reclamation of previously German territory can hardly be deemed "starting the war". We know who declared war on who. Should he have gambled on a propaganda campaign while his enemies amassed forces that were obviously encircling him? Why don't you try that in real life? Go to where whites are hated and say "poor little me". See if they fucking care. More likely you'll end up dead without having made any impression.
Hitler was right.
hitler betrayed stalin.. is that the sign of a good leader??
You must be a neo-con.