Trump heading to the Korean DMZ in a few hours.
Zionist kikes in Portland trying to spark civil unrest.
Probably a mossad false flag incoming. They were spamming threads about Tarrant and Brevik and other mossad patsies before it went down.
Trump heading to the Korean DMZ in a few hours.
Zionist kikes in Portland trying to spark civil unrest.
Probably a mossad false flag incoming. They were spamming threads about Tarrant and Brevik and other mossad patsies before it went down.
Get ready for the wave of reddit-tier 4chan shit
Post screenshots
Not all boards are down. At least /mu/ is still up.
ahem, fuck niggers
It's mostly back.
Zig Forums and /tv/ are online
Gotta go back guys
which group are bigger faggots? reddit or 4chan.
Reddit obviously
Reddit accepts globalism.
4chan gets raided a bit by them but some users know better.
maybe to a cuckchanner
the sites are extremely similar in both user base and administration.
guess its time to redpill some migapedes
A thread died for this
Antifa already IS a terrorist group in New Jersey.
Who gives a fuck.
You mean every post, every day.
Even more legal ones thanks to Trump.
jewChan got more active jew shills and glownigs. Reddit is just full of donks and mindless wandering NPCs. Sometimes Jews tries to brainwash the NPC herd on reddit tho. But on jewChan its full on jewshit show, should name Jewchan the new Synagogue of internet even.
Cuckchan is up , now you have to go back op
the only thing cuckchan is good for is finding images you can use when shills/retards show up
Back when I was a newfag, I tried making serious discussion thread (similar to the quality that thankfully happens on 8ch). They were either completely ignored or I was just called a glownigger.
Cuckchan is beyond cucked.
Hopefully the flag is that Trump gets assasinated and its blamed on Korea.
I actually don't disagree with this user so OP is for once not a faggot and thinking of typical patterns on how they have operated.
I expect some bullshit to happen to shift all attention off whatever good he gets done there.
that would be a travesty