You have to decide what is more important to you: your job or your dreams of a better future.
The world will always despise revolutionaries. You will not win the public's favor. Especially the American public. You will not win via elections.
You will win by committing to the dream of the future. You will win by making it your life's work. You will win by forming up with your comrades and leaving your old life behind. You will win by forgoing comfort.
You will win by making your own encampments, feeding yourself off the land and being charitable with each other when it comes to money.
You will not win any victory from the suburbs. Do you want a better future, do you want to enact real change? Then go and make it. Form up and provide for your friends and comrades in the struggle. You will be freed from the need for employment by corporations and be freed to pursue the dream you all share.
If we switch to exowombs we can give men the privilege of aborting babies too, and people can argue over single party abortion vs two party abortion. It’ll be great.
Brayden Price
I thought he was arguing must give up your toilet.
based typo turning slide into shitpost containment
Mason Butler
Checked I think it meant shitter. You have to give up your shitter man blah blah blah
Carter Gutierrez
Not to nitpick but the whole "camel through the eye of a needle" bit was due to a mistranslation. The actual phrase is rope through the eye of a needle. It conveys the same meaning but is slightly less weird and convoluted.
t. son of a long line of ministers and bible scholars