Let's face it, real world protests/revolutions always end up with us either denying their legitimacy or end up dying like those boys that were silently standing with their arms. What I propose is that we all do something, ANYTHING , uncoordinated but with a same theme on a same day all around the internet.
This way the glow in the darks can't stop or subvert us because we aren't centralized in our efforts and still nobody is telling us what to do so everyone can do anything in what they see as moral behaviour.
Hacking, trolling, spamming, anything goes.
I suggest it be on the 9/11 2019 or 4/20 2020 for maximum effect.
I believe an user's duty is to shitpost constantly and heavily whenever he can. But setting a date for a major trollstorm is something that definitely should be considered. I like choosing 9/11 as the date but there must be a lot of interest for it to be remotely different from a regular day.
Jonathan Perez
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
Mason Harris
How about we all get off the internet, turn off the TV, and put away the phones. Then spend some quality time, undistracted from all the noise, with our families. I suggest Uno but go fish can be just as fun.
Parker Price
how'd that work out for the monks?
Eli Scott
shut it down
David Hughes
In my opinion white genocide is happening right now and is the most pressing issue.
Grayson Perry
How about we all get off the internet, turn off the (((TV))), and put away our (((phones))), then spend some quality time, un-distracted from all the noise, spreading redpills irl, making posters and signs and placing them in local cities to inform others of the truth, and sabotage attempts of the kikes to continue white genocide (i.e. removing signs, defacing explicitly anti-white propaganda, changing the minds of those who have been indoctrinated, etc.), instead of sitting on our lazy asses browsing an imageboard all day, we can all be more productive and effective irl. FIFY
Lincoln Ward
Let's make 20th April international white genocide day.
Joshua James
"Do not seek after the sages of the past. Seek what they sought."
No, you fixed that 4u. I prefer it my way.
i hope they do
Luis Fisher
I wead on this sight witch neber eber lies and distenses the red pills of tooth that abortion is a juicish superpower spell which gives auperpowers to juicish heroes. We shud have lots and lots of abortions so wr can give suparpowers to houe heroes also
Aaron Young
Brayden Stewart
420 is uncle adolf bday
James Diaz
every day is a good day for gassing thkike and race warring. on the fourth there are suposed to be quran burning in dc. stuff i saw said at noon in front of all the famous bildings? wtf? on the fouth of july why not burn a quran? fuck it.
Ryan Rodriguez
4/20 is someone's birthday that 8ch doesn't associate with.
Dylan Cook
Isaac Taylor
Let's face it, your redtexting is not as intimidating as you'd hoped