Mom of 12-Year-Old Drag Queen Shocked To Find Pedophile Lusting After Him
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Mom of 12-Year-Old Drag Queen Shocked To Find Pedophile Lusting After Him
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fuck guys, they found me
at least when (if) these retarded kids make it to adulthood they will kill themselves or suffer embarassment of spending childhood years dressed like an ugly tranny faggot.
Anybody else glad we defeated Hitler yet?
Didnt this kid strip at a gay strip club
In the mid-1940s, several teen books and magazines stressed that men prefer a natural look over a made-up look. Books and magazines also warned girls that wearing cosmetics could ruin their chances of popularity and a career. The implication of these articles was that lipstick and rouge were for teen girls who acted very provocatively with men. Despite the increased use of cosmetics, it was still associated with prostitution. Teen girls were discouraged from wearing cosmetics for fear that they would be mistaken for "loose" girls or prostitutes.
this is normal bigot
I remember someone posted a quick rundown of physical signs of abuse/neglect at home and it included things like bags under the eyes when there shouldn't be any. Anyone have it? The first pic in particular looks a lot like the example kid they used as far as unusual features go.
Got a source on that?
I've seen numerous makeup advice videos from the 40s so this seems fishy to me.
Sure you have.
er, they are dressing their 12 year old sons up like female prostitutes. the parents are the ones sexualising them, and judging by the expressions on the second faggot's father's face, the parents are abusing them physically and likely have been doing for a long time.
set the houses on fire and clear them all out.
Mitchell, Claudia; Jacqueline Reid-Walsh (2007-12-30). Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing. pp. 396–397. doi:10.1336/0313339082. ISBN 978-0-313-33908-0.
put me in a time machine and let me marry her
(((civic nationalist))) neocon jew-loving faggots are glad
She's wearing makeup tho.
It's just tasteful rather than trashy like modern women are into.
(dubs of truth)
Damn that is some spot on sourcing, user.
Thanks, will look into it pronto
The first time I heared about this kid I thought he's just following his parents' orders but just look at the kid speak. He's clearly insane.
Hopefully they kill the ones that did it to them
>(((civic nationalist))) neocon jew-loving faggots
Just say T_D
Children are victims in every single case, you demonic fuck. Get in the oven with the yids just long enough to fry the portion of your brain that has been infected with jew venom.
Kek, pic related?
It just took me a simple search "Is Ingrid Bergmann jewish?" to find the answer.
Pic related.
Sure they have slapped her face at least 3 times, or she was having sex with producers for the last 20 minutes before filming. Just saying.
Sorry, re-examined the webm and you're right, I was wrong. (when I first watched it I experienced some lag and the beginning was cut out for me)
Miss Bergman is certainly an attractive lady, wow.
I originally assumed that her rosy cheeks were makeup but this is actually simply due to her taking really good care of her features. Truly an inspiration for all women, regardless of her jewish heritage.
fuck off kike
So you kept the answer to yourself and saged your post?
Go fuck an ugly jewess, kike.
Her genealogy was tested twice and even the kikes don't say she's one of them
When are you disgusting anti-humans going to accept that absolutely nothing belongs to you? Not even your fucking names.
she blushing because there probably wasn't a lot of air conditioning in 1939. you can literally see the sweat on her face.
your sarcastic reaction to beautiful woman is typical of a jew that hates nature and natural beauty.
Who is more sane here, the pedophile who is open about it? Or the mother who is putting her near naked son on stage and clapping while he does the slutwalk next to a strip pole and mad that the pedophile likes it?
dumb bitch. serves you right/
Just profiling the pedo in question here
I wasn't being sarcastic.
I actually did a little further research on her after my last post and I failed to find evidence that meets my standards that she is a jew.
So Aryan and beautiful.
Come on now.
Each and every word in her name gave funny results.
Whatever, this discussion is pointless to the topic in hand.
Keep thinking she's swedish nobody cares.
Your jewish supplied anecdotes are worthless in your vain attempt to claim one of the world's most beautiful women as chosen.
Answer: Get an oven built for 2
Mom of 12-Year-Old Drag Queen Pretend to be Shocked When Confronted With Evidence of Pedophile Lusting After Him
this isn't just some rando pedo lusting for a 12 year old boipucci.
Tom O'Carroll is like the goddamn King of Pedos–he founded the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) back in the 1970's. he absolutely deserves to swing. if you've been tracking Pizzagate 1.0 since before Comet Pizza and before Podesta's weird pedo code worded emails, then PIE has been the bullseye you've been aiming at uncovering. the official membership list of PIE numbers around 1,000 and the majority of them are still out there, free as a fucking bird, molesting and kidnapping and raping and cannibalizing lil' Pizzas.
PIE infiltrated all levels of the UK govt and military and the Royals, was funded by the UK govt, and was officially protected by the UK intelligence services.
so for Desmon'd mom to suddenly be shocked that Pedo King Tom O'Carroll wants to blow out her little boy's asshole reveals just how fucking stupid she was. what the fuck did she think was going to happen by hanging her boy out there like meat on a hook in the lion's cage?
if you've never heard of PIE before, you should spend a few hours digging. PIE is Pizzagate, but real as fuck and over 30 years old.
*honk honk*
Paedophilia: The Radical Case by Tom O'Carroll 1980
a few quotes from the Tom:
"The key element in PIE’s proposals on the age of consent, as we have seen, is the assertion that children should have some say in what they do with their own bodies. They should be free to decide, as a matter of right, whether or not they want a sexual relationship"
"It may be thought this analogy is insufficiently close because dogs are not sexual partners of their human masters. But they can be. Dogs are not shy about expressing sexual interest in humans, and when their owner reciprocates that interest a sexual (and loving) relationship may develop"
This is one of those people who puzzles me…how is it that they are still walking around while advocating that children and dogs are raped? it puzzles me in the same way that Barbara Lerner Spectre puzzles me…how is she still walking around?
He is so ugly…I am never going to 'get it', thankfully.
user, I…
jewish and germanic names are very difficult to tell apart for non germanics it seems. bergmann is not a jewish name.
would slam that boipussy in 6 years
I refuse to believe even gay pedos would fuck that thing. He's ugly as shit and looks very sick. Like physically sick and deformed.
Imagine being this much of a nigger.
But user the hierarchical concept of "beauty" has been deconstructed. Now everything must be fucked.
Someone take this kid away from his whore mother. Please…
Imagine what would happen if someone raped and murdered the little fruit…
It would immediately be covered up, probably with the help of his own mother.
Somehow I get the impression that these "mothers" dressing their sons in drag are actually manipulating their child's daily life into a mother's sick larping. The mother as a middle-aged failure in life wanting to experience her youth again, so she creates her character, by turning her son into her own avatar.
There is no way any rational human being could have ever seen this coming.
EMPOWERMENT is the cheat code to get a liberal, Western female to do whatever you want. She'll fuck a donkey on camera or let her 12-year-old boy dance on stage in a gay bar if you convince her it will be empowering.
A very good point. That's how the Jews pushed smoking, that's how they pushed women into the workplace and that's how they've been pushing feminist degeneracy.
This is why women can't be allowed to have power over anything. If fashion conflicts with the right decision, a woman will choose what is fashionable. They can't even be allowed to make decisions for their own children. (((Anyone))) who is telling you that women need rights is trying to destroy you.
This seems relevant.
Yeah, no.
Stop putting hollywood sluts on a pedestal. Christ.
Soon his mom will be considered a bigot.
What happened to us
You need help dude
bitch is dumb. lol but seriously, the thing to do is kidnap him beat his ass and teach himmto not be, "don't gay desmond' lol
You need an oven, jew.
These paedos are like the fugees, they fuck everything that gets in front of their dicks. Look at that thing I would rather fuck a vanilla boy tbh
So, if I understand things correctly;
it's wrong for an 11 year old girl to dress like a slut and dance provocatively in a club for men for money, but it's okay for an 11 year old boy to dress like a slutty girl and dance provocatively in a gay club for gay men for money.
But, there is nothing sexual about it except to a small minority of pedophiles who are massively over represented in the gay community and have always fantasized in their online communities over little boys dressed as prostitutes performing for them.
All the parents who abuse their children like this are greedy, ignorant, fuckwits who should be hoisted by the neck from the nearest stop sign. This has to stop now and anyone who chooses to defend it should be executed beside the parents.
When one of these Desmonds grows older and seeing how his protectors allowed him to be abused, slaughters his parents in their sleep, I hope I'm on the jury for his murder trial. I will find him not guilty.
She did whatever propaganda the jews told her to.
Nice projection, fag
I can't imagine why younger generations are rejecting faggotry. No, not at all!
this fucking irony
Is there a (German) word for "a feeling of nostalgia for a time and place you've never seen"?
Here's a comprehensive timeline on PIE (in the UK)
Now I don't know what to think.
I would love for you to point out what specifically is ironic about me telling you stop acting like bluepilled faggot and idolizing the whores the jews put on your television screen. You're probably that same stupid faggot who actually thinks that taylor swift is a nazi. Invest in a helium bag immediately.
This post says she worked for the
who apparently tested for jews.
You sound like a lot of fun at parties.
This is just propaganda. It's not actually news. Likely this pedo fag was just one of her friends. Sort of like the jusse smolet hoax.
I know exactly what gaslighting means, and I didn't call her a kike. I called you a faggot simp for getting butthurt because someone insulted your shabbos /tv/ waifu. That's not ironic. It's pretty straightforward, infact.
What are you, some kind of normalfag?
It's no hoax.
I work in a rehabilitation center for all sorts of sexual reprobates including pedos and all they do is sit in a crescent around the talmudvision watching these child drag and tranny shows.
Like what the fuck did they think was going to happen?
What the fuck were they thinking?
No, I mean the mother is faking shock and got some pedofag to write some blog so she could virtue signal that her "sons" behavior isn't sexual how she doesn't like pedofags.
The parents who are responsible for this are either mentally ill or have sewage for brains, and it is the polar opposite of a miracle that the CPS hasn't intervened earlier.
>12 year old DRAG QUEEN
It's like having your door unlocked in a diverse neighborhood and being genuinely surprised when it gets robbed.
She is wonderfully cute, yes, however
I hope she's just blushing because if not then she's got a medical condition
This is unnatural for White women, idiot, hence why they make such a note of how she is not wearing rouge. It was to show the actress's lips were naturally this color, but that's not normal for White women of any era. It was a genetic anomaly–a unique and attractive one (I don't like it but I can appreciate it) but an anomaly all the same.
Her brows are plucked and her hair is trained and parted as well. She is done-up for the camera, just not with lip stick or typical make-up techniques.
You should focus on her deep green eyes a, light White skin, and naturally wavy–not coiled, curly or nappy–hair. These are the traits of a White woman's beauty and what makes them so to be treasured.
I like this meme. I did some research on it. It has a real quality to it, it really fills a niche in the meme ecology. Sort of abstract, but with a tangible feel.
bro that bitch is ugly