Black Women Are GARBAGE

I’ve seen countless cases of men with promising futures dying at the hands of these women. Young men destined for professional sports leagues, artists, legends like Sam Cooke and many others. It seems the only way to successfully live in life is to avoid these women at all costs.

[example Teen NFL Players Murdered](

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Fuck off, JIDF shill. /bleaching/ is based. Black women are the best. White women age like milk and 99% of them are already roasties.

It's clearly obvious the Juden fears the bleaching of the black race, as evident by your persistence to slander the based black queens (which us patrician colonizers will breed anyway). Nice try, kike.

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Do you know if the girl in the picture there in the Hardrock is named Heather?

Fuck off JIDF skitzo shill

Zig Forums is a board of tolerance

Gaslighting faggot.

Know the difference, fren. It could save your life.

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Please spoiler your fucking chimpanzee next time user.

Shut up, man.fatherfucker.go to hell with your cry talk about how bad women are,pussy.

'I’ve seen countless cases of men with promising futures dying at the hands of these women. '

look what a weak pussy you are.

Put one of these 2 on the road while you sit back and go fishing and drink beer.

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It's been proved as a scientific fact that low-t virgins often take out their anger of being sexless neckbeards by berating black queens on nazi anime image boards.

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Yes nigger, you are.

Hating blacks is JIDF?
Niger please.


Black qomwn with hair looks like Medusa.
Their hair feels like monkey hair. Black women are so Ugly.

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Low effort faggot bait. Back to reddit with you

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Black women are voted the ugliest of all races.
Plus black women have big pussies. Like fucking a glass of water.

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Lmao @ the noise that thing makes when the nigger punches it, sounds like a chew toy

And a nigger dad will punch it.
Niggers, they are not human.

Nigger dad you say?

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We are all in agreement, miscegenation is the highest sin to blood.

Do you know why black men try to fuck anybody not black?
Black women have big pussies and they look like bald men.
BYW, that is only a 3% of black father. The rest are in jail for smoking crack/molly/cocaine.
Niggers are addictive as fuck.
Most prostitutes are niggers. Why, niggers are not human.

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Oh you know das rite!

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So many reddit boomers ITT. Go back to cuck channel where you belong until you start bleaching black QTs

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But a nigger posted it on twitter.
You mad nigger?
Niggers are not human…

Gimme an Indo-European waifu

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I saw this on sesame street.\
Which of this pictures do not belong.
I say the ugly nigger bitch with the big pussy.

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You go fuck a nigger.
Fucking nigger fucker.

I agree wholeheartedly, user. While it is vile for a nigger to fuck a white person it is the white mans duty to fertilize nigger soil until the earth is bleached with white seed.
You're bold for saying this on fullchan, but with a bold statement like this, action must follow!