I looked up "relationship forums" and subreddits with search terms like "boyfriend is right-wing/conservative/racist"
(so that's the other side of the story, sometimes women just agree with you on everything politically, which is the other way of women being apolitical)
The hilarious thing is also that especially on reddit everyone keeps advising women to break up with their boyfriend over such things and talk about how racism and right-wingers are horrible. Then the woman is actually in a position, where she has to defend her boyfriend and he is just misunderstood, not actually racist.
I think this thread is imporant. We shouldn't treat women like they are guys. They can't deal with blackpills. They don't want to think about the end of western civilization and the european race. If you say that stuff to her, she probably doesn't like it. Because women think differently. She wants a happy relationship. Talk about this kind of depressive politics basically stresses the relationship without any benefit. So in a weirdly rational way she identifies political discussions as a source of unhappyness.
Maybe some women out there can deal with that. After all this entire thing is biased. It only shows women that complain. I doubt women just randomely make threads about how their boyfriend is great in every way, but there is no but. It's just great. But in my experience the vast amount of women are apolitical and just don't have the right attitude, interest and knowledge to deal with politics. So if you want to redpill her, you need to have a positive message for her or she will just be unresponsive, because she (correctly) thinks that politics just introduce stress into the relationship without any payoff.
women should gently be guided as a child to the right position.
something as small as a minor facial expression expressing disappointment is enough.
anytime she brings up something liberal, i simply very minorly wince as she scans my face for the lack of approval and quickly shifts her position. it's funny.
Oliver Moore
Honest answer: Pump a ton of your semen into them. It heightens their testosterone and gets them thinking like humans. Keep her pregnant until she is old enough to become a teacher in the community, at which time she will have lived a life of far right ideology, and will teach the children the proper truth of our existence. Not ready to get her pregnant? Move on, you're wasting your time with a friend for the benefit of sex that doesn't produce anything. It's pottery.
Gabriel Ross
TL;DR Don't treat women like they are just guys. They have a completly different way of thinking about the world. Women aren't as interested or knowledgable about politics as you, but they are correct from the perspective, when she identifies political discussions as a source of negative feelings for the relationship, herself and you.
Don't come across as frustrated, blackpilled or angry to her. You might be objectivally right, but your gf wants you to be happy and she will associate right-wing ideology as the source of your and her unhappyness.
So true. If they like you they will follow you and all your views. Bumping for potential.
Jackson Anderson
Can confirm. Unfortunately I was foolish and tried to "press" her into it, she started thinking seriously about it because she wanted to make me happy. In the end, we are both just depressed now. Make sure she is on your side, but don't feed her unnecessary redpills. This is a man's war.
Nathan Gonzalez
This is a very good thread and you two are entirely correct. Women don't want to think too hard, and if you force them too, they'll look for stronger figures like the government, TV, or online personalities to do the thinking for them, then assume they came up with those conclusions all by themselves.
Do your woman a favor and offer her easier pills to swallow. Don't talk about every political detail with her. Give her easier pills to swallow, like health of the family, well-being, and otherwise local subjects. Women are just not built to understand long-term politics.
Just let her know you're by her side. That no matter what happens, your family will be safe, and you'll make sure of it. Be strong and show her you're strong; and when you're hurt, tell her clearly what she can do. She can be very strong, but not in the same things as you can be strong. That's why we're not hermaphrodites.
Women are emotional by nature so it is understandable that they hate stress, frustration, unhappiness and powerless that threatens to destroy them. There's a reason why the women always go after the strong logic men. It is fine to redpill her but be careful to not appear too negative. Women are super sensitive to the negative attitudes because it sticks in their minds for long time.
Oliver Green
Murdoch explains it in the 2nd ama, basically right wing women teach how to cook and maintain a community Also 90% of the breakup with bf posts are probably kikes or cat ladies
Nolan Scott
This post makes no sense, you don’t “convert” women. Women are designed to go after men who can protect them, provide for them. Also they care about gratification (social or whatever). Women can be Socialist, Conservative, Fascist because they want social standing within the group. If you are a guy with a pair who actually acts like a man, they will follow.
Brandon Butler
Literally any forum with a up/down voting system are going to be kike shill breeding grounds, thats why Zig Forums hates reddit
Feed her some whitepills. Like whenever my mom asks me about, if the immigration situation can ever be fixed in Germany, I tell her we can fix it in less than a year, if we just have the will. Even in 100 years it's not going to be about "if it's even possible anymore" to fix the situation. You still together?
I curiously saw very little posts about women breaking up. Most posts are about help on how to deal with it.
Brandon Campbell
Good topic, something that needs to discussed.
Women do NOT think like men… until they are grandmothers, and then they start to relate to children in the same way that men do. By the time they are grandmothers, though, their neurons are pretty much set in their ways. If the woman has been part of a family throughout her life, tied with a marriage and children, she will generally have happily kept to her husband's political stance. If not, she will probably be irrevocably outraged and Left-leaning.
The solution, if we want to put it on the table so soon, is to only count the votes of landed married couples (trad marriages only…) How would this work? The only counted votes are those cast by landed couples. When a newlywed couple nests, for the purpose of generating healthy next-gens, that family collectively gets one vote. Whether the woman or the man casts their vote is up to the couple, but between the two of them they just get one vote to cast. This continues on as long as they are both land-owning, and married. When either of these requisites is not met, then the people (individuals) can live in society, sure, but they do not democratically guide it.
A further refinement, if you like, is to classify some of the more advanced topics coming up for vote according to the intelligence and background understanding required to be able to make an informed decision on the topic. Those that qualify to vote on the more advanced topics topics would determine how the outcomes.
Gabriel Jackson
You are correct but the problem is they have so much bullshits in their heads that actually suppressed the true nature. Feminism is a perfect example as a feminine suppression against the nature.
William Russell
yeah, need to escape the city and tie knot.
Elijah Turner
We need the infographic for the types of women so we know which woman to redpill with good results.
Nathan Johnson
And frankly not just her. We also need to remember this.
There's no infographic for types of women. It doesn't work like that. Do you not have instincts? I can only assume you're legit autistic.
Leo Morris
One thing you can do to mitigate that, is give her explicit tasks allowing her to use her natural creative talents to better her family and be prepared. This will let her feel useful and more secure.
Basically look to what women used to do, for example: -Canning -Gardening -Keeping track and rotating of emergency food stores -Repairing and making clothes. (Have her take an old worn out button shirts, and practice cutting them to properly fit you.) -Gain knowledge and willingness to safety use firearms. (She doesn't have to like guns, she just has to consider what kind of women isn't willing to protect herself and her family) -Seasonal decorations and crafts. Culture, tradition and beauty are fucking important. -Network with neighbors and exploring these topics with them. Building a community is HUGELY important.
It's important how you frame things though. "Make a garden because everything is fucked" isn't nearly as motivating as "We need a garden because the healthiest food is the food you can control yourself".
Find videos on youtube or elsewhere that have an impressive DIY/self efficiency toolset. Preferably with women. If she sees you showing interest in these sort of women, she will very quickly take interest as well. :)
Jesus Christ, just go back to those reddit hideouts and stay there, you absolute insufferable homosexual retard. Why the fuck do you care if your woman is 'uncomfortable' with your politics? Slap her across the fucking mouth and tell her to accept it or fuck off. There is no fucking compromise in these matters. Women are just like children, yes, but if she is online talking about you and your politics, then you've already failed as a man and you should hang yourself.
You're correct, it can be even more simple too, like going to a place with a nice garden with her, taking a big breath and smiling, then asking her if she would like to have one at home too. Women react well to being accepted and loved for what they do.
It is necessary to plan ahead and choose the right loyal women to redpill before welcome them in the white community. We don't need the backstabbing bitch on the birth control pills.
Regarding the pill though - a lot of perfectly fine women take the pill so their cycle is more steady or some shit. Some have no idea it's bad for them, their mothers just told them to take it and they started. So it's not always a case of cock carousel.
Jose Miller
tits or gtfo
Cameron Allen
just fuck off with worries man, women are purely to impregnate, I'm gonna say and do what i want and they love it they love the drama and the edgy shit and feeling things so long as they take my loads i dont have any problems with them
Jason Wilson
I always think of it as if the hordes can be transplanted in such a short span of time, then they can be removed in an equivalent amount of time as well
Logan Nguyen
Yep its easier to destroy then create, so it takes them 10x more work and money to create atmosphere for shitskins. While Whites simply just stop having to put up with the invasion and it will halt then reverse overnight from momentum and all the pressure built up over it.
Isaiah Brown
As it was in Weimar too. If you looked at what Hitler looked, you could have said "I give up" or you could have fought. He did, and he would have won in the age of the internet, where telling big lies is harder.
This is a true statement. It is inherintly good to not treat women like men. Our adversary the devil has however turned women against men through equality laws and feminism.
Ian Parker
I think equality causes a lot of men to hate women. Look at Incels, MGTOW, etc. They certainly aren't feminists, but they still have equality in their heart. They know that women aren't equal and aren't treated equal, but they think any kind of difference between men and women is inherently unfair and just concentrate on what women have better.
Camden Turner
There's a lot of wisdom in that postulation.
Elijah Barnes
Birth control pill is more than just harmful to girls's health but to environment. Personally I believe the birth control pill should be illegal. There is another option that don't harm women or environment.
Instead of blackpills, deliver whitepills - talk about how a NS country would be (without actually saying it's a NS country). Or you cna say that there was a country that had X (natzi germany) but never say what country it is.
It's not that. Women don't like blackpills but they do care deeply about what you find important. Just make it clear how deeply important you feel about our civilization. Except talk about how much you feel rather than crime-stats and statistics and other things women simply don't care about. Talk about people. Personalize your struggle. And bring her into your world. She wants to be a part of it. But also, make this an adventure that the two of you go on together. Like it's your little secret that bonds you together. And always ask her how she feels about what's going on around you. Listen to her opinions and give her positive encouragement when she expresses herself. A simple shouldier squeeze or a hug or holding her hand can make all the difference. Committing thought crimes is even more difficult for women than for men. It's almost traumatic. She needs your physical touch to guide her out of the hellscape the jews created for her and for you. That's how you do it.
Aiden Richardson
oh wow that second femanon strikes me as the kind of person that gets karma cancer at 28, misscarries 3 daughters, and dies at 31 after loosing all hair due to chemotherapy
when you're young, and clock never stops ticking
Jacob Baker
Look at the difference in voting patterns between white men and white women, fucktard. That's all you need to know.
Isaiah Lewis
OP is spot on. I took went full throttle redpill on my wife. For years she didnt enjoy it, she didnt know what to say. She believed me, but she didnt like what was said. She was afraid, but at the same time didnt care because she didnt want to believe that it was true. Basically she was just blocking it out.
But after I backed off after a few years she has slowly started to mention things to me that she sees out in public. She will mention things to me like "i see what you mean by social media pushing interracial relationships". And one of the biggest things she notices is the massive amount of immigrants that keep showing up in our area. We were both raised here and it used to be nothing but whites. She also notices how certain things are being pushed on our children without our permission.
The point I'm trying to make is that women will not connect the dots faster than a man will. But if you plant the evidence in their heads, whether the understand it or not, eventually years later they will start to see it unfold and realise that you were right. Which solidifies the fact that you are a great leader of her family. Women like that type of shit, they are just too stubborn and slow to realise it in a timely manner.
Brody Anderson
>that's what real men do Hang yourself
Adrian Jackson
That actually makes perfect sense, they are still viewing women with modern feminist glasses. They are not deprogrammed at all.
Tyler Sanders
women are natural communists.
Lincoln Gray
This is a man's world. Women can't comprehend our urge to defend our people and our heritage. I lost my childhood girlfriend like that, the thing is she understood everything and she agreed with me, but she just wanted to "enjoy her youth" and "to be free". And as soon as you will tell her that there are better things to do than "going out with her friends", that she should go out less and read more to have more knowledge, she will accuse you of being manipulative even if you are not. They don't want to be saved. They don't want you to protect them either. They like the looks of nationalism, but they can't handle the responsabilities that comes with it. They like children and think they are cute, but they will wait forever to have some because they will "never truly be ready". Focus on yourself and get your money. I even met a girl that said she loved nazism, but as soon as I started talking to her about muslims and how catholics founded everything around us, about abortion, and the fags, she didn't want to talk to me anymore. They are always faking. It's all about the looks and attention. It's like women who love bdsm but as soon as you grab her arm in an argument they will think you are abusing her. Fuck off, let them get raped in streets by some niggers or muslims. Go to church and find a trad cutie.
How? Be strong. Do not falter. Be kind. Do not demand respect, children do that - command respect. Do so through your actions. Show you are worthy of standing up to other races. If another man is larger than you, size him up. Show you are not afraid of other men, even groups of other men. Be a warrior. A provider. Capable of protecting her and your children.
Schopenhauer said it best: women are something in between teenagers and adults. They need guidance. Without it, left to their own devices, they do things based on feels.
Jason Martin
Dubs checked. This user gets it. Too much time on 8/pol/ makes you into a not-fun, angry person. To lead your woman, you need to bring the good feels.
Adrian Thompson
You don't have children
Ayden Scott
Oh, come now. We're the most fun, and funniest mother fuckers on the planet right now. But I will concede, we're angry as FUCK!
Christopher Flores
Jaxson Foster
real big brained thoughts, user. but this should be obvious to anyone.
Grayson Rogers
What about actually finding one? Church feels like a meme.
Alexander Williams
It is.
Cameron Diaz
Alrighty, only 60% of white women aren't suicidal retards. Happy?
Ryan Barnes
Both of my parents were snnoyingly politically opinionated.
Brody Cruz
Levi Butler
never take a woman's advice about women. They make all this shit up then will literally fall for any above average looking guy with a sense of humor.
Leo Nguyen
Yup, most men don't understand any of this. Pic related is something that should be taught in schools at least once, instead of the useless liberal crap they insist on instead.
Stop fapping you faggot and stay away from your containment board, there is no excuse to bringing your irrelevant and stupid fantasy out into matters where it has no place.
William Morales
ditch them, let every nigger in the neighbourhood get them pregnant and see how they like raising a bunch of horrible kids as a single mother
Eli Green
If women have the wrong political opinion they risk being ostracized by their peers and so they have to conform. This is why they support the left. The only reason the left is the prevailing opinion is because white men let jews take over the media.
So the goal is for white men to push jews out of the media. To take away jewish control over the media. This can be done by inventing new media platforms and delegitimizing the mainstream media. Or if there are ways of taking over the mainstream media, then that too.
The media determines the prevailing politics, the media is the mind of society. Women are women. Women do what women have always done. Jews are the problem. Remove jews from power and women and white leftists will stop following jews. White leftists are simply feminine men.
Legally we can pray for God to curse the Jews or do Black magic rituals against Jews. There are stories about verbal curses of enemies having the same effect as physical things on people. I just ask people avoid sacrificing animals in Black magic rituals.
From the Iliad a priest called Chryses prayed for his god to destroy the enemies of his people. It is legal to pray to God for God to destroy the Jews, or pray to some pagan god too or something.
Always embody your politics as well. Be the change that you want to see, and the woman will respect that and be more willing to come over to your worldview.
Gavin Gomez
Dylan Watson
Don't respond, just report the kike spam.
Jordan Martin
Women that pretend to be political typically: or
Anyways OP is right, whenever political talk is on the table with a Women because she pretends to be interested, give her a positive outlook and rather than saying what you think is shit and be angry about it, first state the problem neutrally and rationally and then tell her what could be better in a positive way and paint it as a better future, that way she'll want to support you in it. Also general tip, when your women has a dumb opinion and says stupid shit, don't get angry, just laugh at it the same way as if she did something clumsy or cute, works everytime for me.
>women don't have the right attitude brain mass and wiring FTFY
Kayden Smith
Ok, I'll grant you that, it's an interesting dichotomy. Many of us have taken the black pill though.
Lincoln Brooks
There is no such thing. There is only the RedPill. Dehumanize yourself, and face to bloodshed, lad. We are going to win. We always do in the end.
Ian Gonzalez
This seems simplistic and based on only one example. However there is some amount of truth here, at least in generalities.
Jaxson Fisher
If the woman is relatively indifferent or uneducated, then yes. If they're strong in their views due to brainwashing and have the vocabulary, it won't work. They check those reactions hard and expect rational arguments, which is like using a paper bag to move gallons of water.
Zachary Murphy
Because it'll be circular reasoning to avoid accepting defeat. At some point they have to pee and remember they have to do things. They eventually wait for sex moments to reestablish order. Perhaps I'm describing a rare breed.
Levi Jackson
Failure is not an option.
Brayden Robinson
Your country spams "bbc" imagery in every corner of the galaxy, but I am the fixed?
Ian Young
its the jews you mouth breather
Ethan Gutierrez
Yeah unless she asks directly for your opinion don't bring up politics with women.
Kevin Ross
My mom flips a shit anytime I get political
Justin Ortiz
Women don't like politic. They will only follow the strong guy insane or sane. It's their fucking instinct but they are heavily brainwashed so they don't react it instinctively, which resulted in weakening the nations. That's what happened if we prevent the Mother Nature from doing her fucking important jobs.
Luis Phillips
All the posters talking about women following along are plants teaching defiance.
Let’s just obsolete gender with cloning tanks, shall we?
Jack Williams
all you have to do is scare them, they're number one concern is their own safety, everything else is secondary
Jordan Howard
Xavier Martin
Allowing women to vote is the greatest mistake in the last 4000 years.
once you accept women for who they are. They are much easier to deal with. Once you see that women are incapable of reason, their irrationality becomes something to love. A woman attempting argue is a child dressing up in their parents cloths, adorable. Remember every child you have after the second is a white-pill.
I would say that the state of women is worse than the state of men. However if you don't understand that having a family of 8 with a based and trad women means you are the only one working then you are retarded.
get her pregnant. white children are white-pills, especially for women.
they shouldn't. no one here is defending the 19th amendment.
I am tempted to put these kinds of women in the gas chamber. But they would probably be better used as literal breeding stumps.
Most women are trash Gays are worse, but women think anybody that doesn't want to fuck them must be gay. It's never than they are intolerable cunts.
Eli Brooks
It was your women that made it happen Schlomo.
Alexander Martin
Only in the Kali Yuga can this shit happen
Henry Anderson
I've been preaching that for YEARS but purple pilled virgin mgtows won't have it. They always revert back to accusations of white knighting and their perceived need to finally "teach women folk a lesson". Which of course is based on the utterly blue pilled notion that you could even do that.The idea that women are equal and therefore able to be hold accountable is retarded and super blue pilled. Women are childlike creatures, they are simple minded, easily impressionable and they only want to follow and look after the herd. Globalism fucked them up because they now feel like they have to employ their empathy to all the citizens of the world.
But only because at home so many leftists in power positions are telling them to. The thing with women is simple. Just lead and they will follow. That's really all that needs to be said on the topic. You can't change who they are and shouldn't expect to much of them. You also shouldn't demonize them for the vile acts they perform, not saying you should marry a roastie, but it needs to be acknowledged that women are out of control because men stopped controlling them. Female nature is to be passive and to conform. That needs to be understood. Women is neither good nor bad, woman conforms to her environment.
Like everybody they have some bad and destructive instincts that run purely on biology and against civilization but again, it's man's role to build civilization and keep woman in check. If you are a man and cry about women being out of control, you are pathetic because it is our role as men to keep women pure and honest. If you don't like, go be a faggot somewhere else.