Denmark YES! Danish schoolkids chanting Allahu Akbar

Integration or indoctrination? Video of Danish schoolkids chanting Allahu Akbar triggers DEBATE

The methods of integrating Muslim refugee children into Denmark's society is at the center of a fierce debate, after a video of Danish pupils being trained to recite Islamic prayers prompted harsh criticism from conservatives.

Defenders of European identity quickly rushed to condemn ‘Koran indoctrination’ in schools after a two-minute video surfaced online showing a boy of African descent teaching his third-grade classmates his daily prayer ritual, all under the careful guidance of their teacher. The entire exercise ends with the class kneeling and chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great).

The principal of Thyregod school in Vejle municipality defended the teaching methods used during the “getting to know each other” week, where pupils of different backgrounds had a chance to share their culture.

Looking at the legislation, it says that we must spread the knowledge of different religions, including also the practical understanding, so yes, I think it was a good way to teach children about religion.

The school's explanation, however, failed to quell critical voices defending European identity and values, with Stephen Morris, chairman of the English Democrats North West, having a heated dispute with the chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, Mohamed Shafiq, on RT.

“It is the school’s fault in trying to teach people about different religions. It is one thing teaching them what goes on but getting them to actively pray, that is the violation of their European rights, their human rights. It should not be done,” Morris said.

“I think the reaction has been way over the top,” argued Shafiq. “And it is from the usual suspects – people who latch on to anything negative and anyway they can attack the Islamic faith or the Muslim community.”

Arguing that learning about different faiths is a must in a multicultural society, the proponent of the Danish classroom exercise explained that such methods form “cohesive societies.”

In a multi-faced society, should we learn about each other’s faith so we can have cohesive relationship relationships and cohesive societies? I think most people would say, ‘Yes.’

Morris, however, was not convinced: “It’s one thing to teach them and to show them, but actually getting them to do it, that is a completely different thing.”

It is the same as someone expects a Muslim to take the Catholic rituals, go to a church.

“What they should have been doing is teaching the peaceful side of Islam. Yes, there is a peaceful side of Islam. But at the moment, there is the extremist part that is taking over,” Morris claimed.

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But their culture is being "nazi" and "viking".
The actual Danish kids would not truly be able to share their ancestral culture.
It would be called "racist".
I'd rather be speaking German tbh.

Oh look so much tolerance.

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Some kid should bring in an ancestral pork dish and be super offended when the muzies don't eat it.


Did you not know? ((( Integration ))) means, native european Population has to follow Invader's religion and culture, and also tolerate child and adult rape, molestation, acid attacks, theft, vandalism and aggression by invader sand niggers.

Fuck the EU

Is there a part of Europa that isn't fucked by mudslimes?

Pretty much all countrysides.

This makes me physically fucking sick.

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I hope so.

The liberation war will come, don't worry brother.

100 millions of white ain't going to die in a whimper.

Say it with me:
La Ilaha Ilallah Muhammad Rasulullah

Muslim's need to be dead

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This all points to war; a crusade on European soil. Remember the state of Germany before the Fuhrer.

Ok guys relax, its natural when a weak culture loses, now lets use it and make a "white islam" movement

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Well Arab Christians use the word "Allah" for "God", getting it from the Hebrew Old-Testament wherein some books use similar forms. This is an old Muslim conversion trick though, used on Christians wherein Muslims bring out passages like Matthew that has Jesus naming "Eloi" and then of course the Old-Testament books with the Hebrew "Ellah". Then say using the word "God" has pagan influences.

A simple naming conflict can cause immense problems.

Look at Bosnia and Chechnya.

Nah, hell naw.

Yes, but I wont say where, because we don't want them or any other foreigners.

I thought race was important…

It should have triggered a mass murder that would have made Christchurch look like a peaceful conversation. Every single parent of every single child who was there should have gone and put a bullet in every mudslime and every traitor who allowed this to happen.
But of course, that won't happen, which means that these children no longer have parents. If you cannot protect your child from things like these, you have no right to call yourself his father.

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is kinda fucking based af tbh.
Imagine marrying a beautiful virgin.
Imagine having a strong community behind your back, that supports you.
Imagine not having GMO-foods and not having gay parades.

I know I will never see all of that. because of my kike-gov.

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fuck. gas the kikes race war now.

Just look at North Africa or Anatolia or anywhere else in the Islamic world that was once White.

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The most important point you stated was the fact that all Muslims are part of a strong community, whether they like each other or not, especially overseas. Muslims give each other support and rely on each other even if they are complete strangers to each other.

That's what the white race is missing.

Imagine the honor killings user, imagine stoning or beheading some qt because of your stupid fucking schizo god.
Do you really think that community support and organic food is limited to muzzie shit? If Adolf had won we would have all that and more. Don't fall for kike shit, user.

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kikes hate muzzies, user.

Yeah, thats kinda hard to swallow. but, if shes a slut who spreads aids and sleeps with kids because she is a cockhungry degenerate, thn I think ill accept it.

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This, we need a white, racially exclusive, but much less retarded and bronze-agey version of Islam.

It's their cultural RIGHT!

A socialist paradise, free (((marxist))) "education" and good roads for refugees to arrive comfortably.

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wtf are you talking about. sunnis and shia have been warring even over the slightest misinterpretations of koran for a thousand years and more.

Good point. There should never be 'free' education again.

Kys faggot

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but we're in between both of them. And that makes us stuck between a rock and a hard place
Danish Youth have this ignorant idea that nothing outside their social circles matter, they don't care about news, they couldn't care less about what is happening to the country as long as they get cheap alcohol.
There are no go zones in Copenhagen, it's not as bad as Stockholm or fucking Malmö (Malmö is a lot worse in some cases)
There are movements and guys working to try and enact change, but these dogs keep coming and they won't stop.
My suggestion for Amerifags is to get organized. Your idea of nationalism is a lot less organized and authoritian than in Europe (most "nationalists" over there are civnats) but you guys have an easier time getting organized because your freedom of speech shit.
Get on board with anything that works, don't get Jewed by a Trump scenario again but get organized and network locally. Here in Scandinavia we have the Nordic Resistance Movement. Not perfect, but backing them strategically is a better move for us Danes than nothing at all.

Denmark has the strictest immigration policies in Scandinavia.
Visiting from Sweden it feels like a paradise in that aspect.

Take your anti-socialist capitalist memery elsewhere you proto-commie. Socialism works fine if it is by the people for the people, in a benevolent dictatorship.
I.E. National Socialism.

But it can't work with other races or parasites/subhumans and that is why they are importing it into our nations. Because they want to break the back of Socialism for all time.

Both played for me, maybe you should browse on a computer instead of a phone kiddo

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You are really one to talk about sexual preference lol

Better for them to submit to Allah than turning into trannies.

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If Aryans were from India and were Gods with flying nuclear ships an shieet, then why are they now turning into sandnigger's slaves and trannies an shieet?
How did the Aryan Gods kicked out of India by panjeet and his street shitting habits?

Is this a joke, Islam can eat shit u faggot

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They hate white men more.

The Islamaborg is trying to assimilate white children.
Is resistance futile?

odin didnu nuffin

sounds cozy af

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Enemies of your enemies are not always your friends.


we need to go back to India for some of that spice, eh my aryan god bro?

ignore our other problems :DDD

Well shilled, goy.

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Don't forget the MASSIVE genocidal TechWar Machine that pitted Aryan against Aryan, and ground the strongest, smarted, most courageous of our Bloodline down to pulp in the millions.
The balance is due.
Are you ready to collect?

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was it vishnu v khristna ?

strong aryan

Chechnya is based fuck off soyboy.

i am starting to have doubts breivik did anything wrong

You know what? I'm actually fine with this.


It's less gay than what we have now, but abrahamistic death cults are still abrahamistic death cults.

Forcing schoolchildren to pray to a false god is simply part and parcel.

Based & Shariapilled

Muslims think truth is tied to revelation and not the actual truth as extracted from nature itself. Even Christianity at its most dogmatic could suppress the white man's striving for truth and so the faith over time bent to his will instead of the other way around. Islam, however, will not bend. It would sooner kill millions of whites and rape millions of more white women into carrying subhuman spawn till all that is left are submissive slaves to thier semetic moon demon they dare call God. All muslims deserve death. No better than kikes.

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Muslims want to enslave or kill anyone and everyone who isn't a muslim. Atheists too. Pagans too. They are a common enemy. Their entire doctrine revolves about tenets created during 11th century and haven't changed much ever since. Islam encourages homosexual paedophilia, violence against women, slavery and mistreatment of anybody that's not a shitskin (dhimmis) and lying (taqiyya). There are almost no scientific advancement of the muslim world, everything attributed to them was stolen by them (like the numerals that were created in India), since any kind of science opposes their beliefs. The famous "scientists" like Avicenna, were considered heretics by hardline Muslims, and still are. Also there's not such a thing as "moderate muslim". Either they're believers, or they're apostates. Apostates are punished with death. Believers want to kill you for resisting them, enslave and rape your family, uproot your culture and make European Dark Ages look like fucking Renaissance in comparison. Everything I say, even if it might seem hyperbolized, is true, and reading the essential basics of Muslim literature will show anyone it's a fact.

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Islam literally means slavery [to the bullshit contained in this book]. Its impossible for a free society to surrender [to sandnigger religion] and remain free.

I didn't know Europeans had rights

Wow thats a lie, also thats what kikes want, read the T*lmud. they want to enslave the goyim.

The Quran has texts that allows to make allies with a non-muslim.
Its funny how deluded are you, you should do some research before posting shit.

nigger we already know about your code that allows you to lie in order to propagate islam

go take your "based shitskin" lies to reddit you pedo worshiper
polite sage for double posting

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You either die an hero, or live long enough to see yourself become Sweden

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You mean become Isra*l and kill muslims? oh ok, thanks schlomo, well shilled, heres your shekels.

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Youre glowing, how much they pay you? you know, I need a job, can I offer myself to your boss? I will post the same shit as you do, just pay me. I really need a job.
So please connect your boss and tell him about me. tell him I will do a better job than all of you. I will not glow atleast.

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Jesus, no wonder we have to fight their wars for them.

They are weak but have a foxy brain.
You are strong but dumb.

So whats happening today is only natural.

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That's what happen when you allow the separation of Church and State faggots.

Name one good reason why it is wrong.

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Thats a lie tho.

Whites have been neutralized by jews thoroughly and can't seem to name the zionists or jews in any capacity whatsoever. Whites feel a vacuum of culture since they cannot celebrate their own which has been villified thoroughly by the jew.

If converting to Islam gives them that excuse to name the jew and curb the LGBT problem in their culture, then so be it. Hopefully they'll sympathize with Palestinians will want to crush jew skulls next. I wish it would be so with return to Christian orthodoxy though.

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Look on bright side O.P.,, at least they ain't gay.

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white children being coached by an authority figure to worship Allah? What is this, 1992?

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the enemy of my enemy, is my tool.

Reminder that this isn't only happening in Denmark.

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Learning about is not the same as practicing. The school knew exactly what they were doing here and did it anyway.

Western education systems have been completely and utterly subverted.

That fat cunt should be executed. When are we going to grow balls and start getting rid of traitors and enemies

This would be great but I am extremely black pilled on getting the subhuman golem to turn on their Jew masters. They are so retarded and will always be controlled by them I am afraid.

I feel we just have to start war now while we still have decent numbers of whites and just cleanse the world. I just doubt we’d ever get a truth to defeat a common menace and then live peacefully in separate communities. Also if a few kikes live in a 1,000 years jews might be able to make a comeback and use the other races against us again. One single Jew is all it takes to eventually infect an entire world. With no golem to use against us they have trouble subverting us.


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Yeah, because being a fucking blackpill nigger is so productive.

"at least they're not gay"
no….just pedos 🐻
if they have done zero to stop jews
in a thousand years and can't even get them out of their own country they won't do anything in the future. we can all free ourselves from organized religion which is mostly bullshit.

we can also choose our race with Eugenics and CRISPR CAS-9

most people don't want short dark skinned babies. we choose our fruit and livestock and plants and pets with eugenics so why not our offspring?

we can advance racially and scientifically

the technology part is doing good except that it might kill us

the only thing holding us back is finance and the greed and corruption of the people we trust and call a government

greed is holding us back

unless we can change that attitude with eugenics

otherwise we will all perish

It's called genocide and any act against it is automatically moral, ethical, and just.

of course and it would be done freely under no duress

the genocide definition is not pertinent if i personally of my own free will choose my offspring
that is zero genocide

What a fucking bullshitter. He'd be the first one screeching if his kid was told to start reciting some Christcuck prayer.