User has been incapacitated

I’d like to point out something important:

user IS incapacitated when it comes to actually working towards important goals in a meaningful way.

Whenever there is a thread that tries to raise intelligent discussion, all the bashing of “certain” groups of people kills the discussion immediately. The bashing works as a powerful distraction from the actual topic of discussion. The phycological effect of it is that the bashers and the readers feel that they are achieving something with it. They feel united when they are venting the angsts with like minded people. In reality it just achieves two things:

1. It kills the original topic of discussion, making it impossible to develop its ideas further and mobilise any kind of concrete and meaningful actions based on it.

2. It keeps the discussion (or what’s left of it) tightly contained on this small website which no-one has ever heard of or will visit to see these discussions. Effectively censoring the topics/discussions from the rest of the world.

In other words, the actions of user on this very site are really effective self censorship methods.

The method of killing discussions by distraction has always been one of the main methods how ideological subversion and propaganda has been done throughout the history (check out Yuri Bezmenov for more information on this topic).

With all this in mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the anons here are actually actively and knowingly trying to distract and kill meaningful discussions and meaningful mobilisations of the user.

So no bashing, no distractions and no digressing from the topic of this thread please! If you do any of those things, you are:

1. …most probably knowingly and actively working against the user and their goals.
2. …not a very intelligent person since you don’t even understand that you are working against your own goals.

Here are two such threads as an example. Both started by me as a way to raise intelligent discussion about the topics so we could take meaningful active steps against them:

Attached: censorship2.jpg (1920x1428, 442.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, it's impossible to have discussions on Zig Forums where the fabric of established knowledge is deemed fake shit by jews/CIA/Mossad/masons.
- 9/11 was false flag so the earth is flat, nukes aren't real, Brenton Tarrant is a jew shill, and so on and so on.

And you are a jew if you don't believe otherwise.

Zig Forums is drowned by schizo posting.

Brenton "Jew are ok if theyre in Israel" Tarrant.

Maybe it's time to create a new sub forum on this site, dedicated for staying on topic?

Brenton "So powerful that jews can't stop misquoting him" Tarrant.

Useless, same exact shills will come.

My advice, when you encounter schizo this like , report and filter.

Don't give it attention, that's what it needs to derail thread.

I wonder if is actually a bot…?

Maybe, but who cares? Filter it.


Fuck. Was too fast with filtering. Filtered out of the thread also :-/