So what is it - is this a mistake or are the people who run youtube just that sick?
Youtube advertising pedo websites on normie videos
Other urls found in this thread:
Hello Susan, trying to cover up the truth? Wouldn't want another scandal, would we? You sick bitch
Nobody will be surprised by this on Zig Forums. These fucking sick bastards are given a free pass on Youtube but why wouldn't they when Youtube employees/silicon valley are supportive of it too? The only way to handle this is harshly clear out SV and these SOB controlling this material.
Dan Schneider was here.
This qualifies for pedobait? I guess they should just ban children from the internet.
Youtube recommendations are based on your history. Did you search for some "funny kids playing with slimy foot paint" videos?
Fuck off kike, a little girl showing her feet to a webcam is ultimate pedo bait
You sure you're not the pedo here, bud? Jesus fuck.
Kill yourself, jew.
I assure you multiple pedos saw that ad and jerked off, how does that make you feel you sick jewish freak??
That isn't a pedo website. There's nothing wrong with Seeziskids
ill bet you do, (((user)))
This is the laziest sort of trolling. You don't deserve to be paid for this.
nice try, pedokikes, the day of the rope awaits you dengenerates
So you admit that it's inappropriate, interesting hhhmmmm
You are the degenerate. Expect pedos to be armed in future, and for yourself to die.
Hey Anons the Christfags in satellite colonies of the USA such as the UK and Australia are trying to start things up again. Pence better be on top of this shit.
i implied no such thing, masterbation is good for you
can we arm the little girls too??
Question to you pedo - why do your kind seem to flock into elite circles?
Die, jew.
OP, ignore the shills arguing. Refresh that page a bunch of times and see if there are more, and screencap those as well. Then send those screencaps and information to news sites that reported on the Elsagate and pedotube stories. See if we can get this story to break, it would be very damaging to jewtube right now.
If you act like a fake Christian who is shill for right capitalists expect to be called out.
wouldnt it be the other way around? 'why do so many elites happen to be pedos?'
Pence is going to have to answer for you guys.
NRA has to start marketing to pedophiles and giving them the best deals.
That isn't English, my AI friend.
you tell me rat - is it genetic?
There is a large belt of middle aged white collar Christfag theologians pouring over the internet looking for ways to take it down and stop freedom.
Do you support Israel?
i have no idea tbh, we need to go deeper
Do you support Israel?
This bot is ten kinds of malfunctioning.
not particularly, no
I'm trying to figure out these other guys.
Hm….Are you guys Aussiemutts?
dont mind me, im just shitposting
hardly a conspiracy theory, those scenes are some of the most kino tv ever made!
found a footjob addicted degenerate
Never let an opportunity escape, huh Zig Forums?
You don't need to be left to be anti-capitalist. You're political views are about, ten years old already, maybe two dozen.
Did it a few times, the shady ads are all from the same weird website - don't think its anything msm will ever report on, you have to be woke Dan Schneider/Nickledeon to truly get it, outside of op its shit like girls in pigtails laying on rainbow colored mattreses, the different painted nails thats a pedo dog whistle too and more of the feet stuff
*woke on, dan schneider isnt woke lol
now try deleting your cookies and then refreshing 5 times in a row, showing us which ads are displayed
thread pruned on 4chan pol, wtf, when did kikes take over that board
The theme is the most important one. The OP is shitty. Hence the "QTDDTOT". Next time, make a better OP.
We already know that all major Tech Companies are filled to the brim with pedophiles and other assorted scum. See this tweet by the OFFICIAL twitter account of last month.
They are pushing their agenda, regardless of how you feel about it.
The painted feet thing is a perfectly normal kid thing, about as much as painting your hands. You do it to make kid-tier art, which parents will put on the fridge for a few weeks and then stash away in their chest of "various precious things my kid did."
The advertisement for it is probably either unfortunate or Dan Schneider. There might be one worrying guy on the team making it, but it's probably not widespread.
Susan's managed to evade some pretty crazy scandals, like the monkey torture ring that just sort of never gets any real flak and operates on youtube with no punishment. Nobody seems to notice them for long enough to do anything.
LGBTP slippery slope.
Saging for shit OP, rest of the thread is good.
suck my cock you pedopologist faggot
Theres no real rhyme or reason anymore, they'll just delete threads randomly and let useless blacked threads up for an entire day. They really not to hang all the mods on there
*ought to
Meanwhile on jewtube…
When Christopher Poole sold it out to the Kikes some years ago. I'm not too versed on that piece of internet lore. /8pol/ is also sold out to kikes: nowadays we're just a containment board where the enemy studies our moves. Jimbo is also a Freemason.
Hence the need to take our activities to the real world.
Totally normal behavior for children. If you do not let your child become a pole dancer, you're a racist bigot.
Lol how can you even watch YouTube with out some kind of add blocker
What's an add? The last time I saw commercials was in the 90s.
Jewtube IS run by pedophiles/leftists, and one of their many goals is to subvert children for prostitution. When people stop just questioning and exposing them, and start killing their staff, things will improve. Remember that the law is on their side. Politicians and law agents are pedophiles, working together with jewtube's and Google's staff. There is no political or peaceful solution to this.
using old outdated ipad that can't run adblock, jfl @ paying for new (((tech)))
the kikes at the top can do anything that they want. we just have to nod and ignore it like the goys that we have become.
Let me guess this straight. A kid is showing her feet and doing a funny gesture with her hands. You sick fucks reference that to sexuality? That video reference is not the disturbing part here but whoever views that segment anything remotely as sexual. You are the fucking sexual predator. Probably some shill here or glownig how created the thread for lulz. I hope so otherwise we got actual dirty fucks on this board who views kids showing feet as sexual. Absolutely disturbing.
Once again posts like this shows how fucking insane people in general are. No wonder religions were created to control you crazy fucks.
why is this board filled with bluepilled normies all of a sudden, read up on dan schneider you fuck
No. Just OP from /b2/ here is wasting your time. He's going to call you a jew anytime now.
years ago. remember gamergate you stupid kid? why do you think everyone came here?
Hello rabbi. Answer this.
That clip of the kid showing her feet and being happy shows no reference to gay or homosexuality at all. You reference that shit in you own dirty mind on your own. You reference innocent kid to gay shit without context and sexual behavior.
Gay shit in general yes seems to go towards being disgusting with kids. But the pic OP gave us have nothing to do with any Dan schneider or gay crap. Fucking insane. Get your brains together.
Do I have to spell it out to you how pedophiles signal eachother?
These people are either really stupid (remember that the_donald got shoah'd earlier this week) or kikes downplaying their paraphilia by calling you stupid for pointing it out
Since weekends are always busy times for the shills, I'm leaning towards the latter.
the pic is literally exposing her panties, fuck you shill
woops meant for
Maybe they are getting what they want goyim to reference all kinds of postures by kids as sexual. You fucking idiots are falling for it and getting brainwashed without knowing it.
Have you seen pics from before the damn kids sexual shit started? Kids in bathing suits what do you say about that then. Fucking lunatic.
Maybe this is the case in Tel Aviv, but in the Civilized world, this is abnormal behaviour.
People are unable to see how they are getting brainwashed themselves indirect by the ZOG its unreal. Self censoring any picture of kids in any kind of form. Only if you look close in that pic you see any kind of panty shit. Who even looks that close unless you look for sexual stuff. You fucks are disturbing.
No I don't scour the internet for pictures of kids like uou, if you're paying to advertise girls showing their panties and girls laying on rainbow mattresses in sexually suggestive poses, there's something shady going on
we are not talking about people taking private photos of their kids, we're talking about kikes hiring child actors and dressing them up and having them pose like this
filtered for being a dumb nigger
Yes, jews are known to have a high incidence of pedo and foot fetishes.
I knew a jew in San Francisco who sold children's shoes just for that reason; he molested my nephew.
Stop bumping your own thread.
not me blind pedo
You mean they used reports and controversy over this to fuel their AI to make sure this hits kids more right?
Youtube is banning anyone even remotely right wing, you cannot dare to say anything remotely thought provoking, however there are millions of these pedoshit sites plastered all over Youtube.
It's even worse with Youtube Kids. Every other video is a five finger family video or something far more questionable on the platform.
And yes. Kids do watch this shit. All the time.
If this is just the mere tip of the iceberg, what other shit are kids being exposed to on Youtube?
Don't let your kids consume (((Jewtube)))
its all so tiresome
one of these things is wrong
Are you bragging about watching adds AND being poor. lol
The elites pick pedos, give them children to both reward them and blackmail them.
The Italian mafia just used murder for their rite of initiation. The elites use pedophilia, which is why Epstein's pedo island exists.
And it gets worse the higher they go into the Globalist hierarchy. Remember, Wikileaks showed that there was "left-overs" after a pizza party to be had. Children are literally consumed. (Or do you think billionaires eat left over actual pizza?)
keep being a slave to the tech industry retard
Thanks for contributing.
Research blood libel. The jews are sacrificing children for thousands of years in a desperate attempt to clean up their bloodlines. It's why they are holding a monopoly on genetics, why they push the systematic slaughter of babies through abortion everywhere, why they hold children as slaves for organ "donations", and it's at the top of their sexual deviancy blackmail racket that assures loyalty from top circles of military, politics, monarchies, secret societies, religions, and each other.
Incredible how they're able to scrub Youtube clean of all white nationalist dissent yet for some reason they can't get rid of this shit.
To all the anons who doubted how much pedophilia goes in in the child entertainment industry and "In 2014 CNN reported “at least 35 Disney employees [have been] arrested since 2006 and accused of sex crimes involving children, trying to meet a minor for sex, or for possession of child pornography” resulting in at least 32 convictions. "
I assure you there's at least a 50% chance the girl in the op has been molested
And then,
It would be funny to use it against them.
All kids have access to Phones the days.
Tell them what to do.
Any 911 operator is going to take it serious and there will be police follow up no matter what.
The kids have the power they always have they just don't know it.
Let them know.
Be the Change you want to See in the World.
Make videos, Memes. They can't ban education material. If they do it would be even worse. Why are you banning my helpful education videos to prevent child molesters.
These monsters can't stop something they aren't prepared for. These monsters will be eliminated. One at a Time.
Hey Kids. Call 911 they will believe you. They will stop it. A police man will come to the house.
I was searching for tacticool gear?
based youtube openly hosting pedo videos with millions of views
Half the board is QTDDTOT threads, 90% of the rest is off topic spam that gets personally protected by the anti-Zig Forums moderation, and barely anything left is an actual thread. Pizzagate/elsagate-type threads are actual Zig Forums material. Kill yourself.
see this post it's not even a conspiracy at this point