Someone make this Bernie's 2020 motto before the normies realize who said it first. Bonus if you can incorporate free college, state healthcare and unity. Fuck hand signs and frogs. Imagine he took this on.
Sanders is a jew who wants to run up the national debt for his jew banker masters. He will do this not by war like other jews have done, but by handing out gibs to colored people and losers - thieves who will take the money with no shame at all.
That will make you their tax slave.
Phone Bernie and give him $1000 and he will do it.
Kill all jews explicitly and exclusively for being jews. Death to sanders. Death to trump. Death to kushner. Death to harris. Death to kudlow. Death to schultz.
REPORTED. This is a board of peace and mindcraft. Yes, mindcraft.
On the most patriotic day, where most Americans (were) are white THEY say we are terrorists. Fucking clown world. If it wasn't so dangerous it would be funny.
I don't know it I can get any more pissed.
When, lads? WHEN?!
Never. There's no justice here. If it wasn't clown world what would we learn? Why would we ever want to leave? This planet is not where it's at. Learn and move on.
And learn to take a more neutral, passive stance on matters here. It's easier to observe then to be emotionally involved. It'll just hook you in and make you return here.
So everyones good above jewish good? Count me in.
Pitiful, demoralizing coward. Go the fuck away, and don' t back here, you whining faggot.
Cowards are lower than kikes, bitch.
Bernie is the greatest threat to the establishment in decades
Trump has added nearly 4 trillion
Not so. The establishment is the jewish banks.
Your tu quoque is a fail, the jews always back both candidates.
Ok bernie, let's deal with the individual jews first.
Bernie wants to destroy the aryan race
Has to be the stupidest post made in a long time. The kike took money from da establishment and got a beachfront house just to step aside for that cunt in 2016. He's a willing stooge for them and you fall for it like the useful idiot you are.
Immortal people will stop breeding. Immortality is the best possible solution to overpopulation. End the death cult of natalism.
Also, the common good IS the individual good, as long as people are sufficiently liberated to value peace. This is why gun control is so pernicious; guns keep in the world the people who would rather kill than fight, bringing the world towards the end of all fighting.
Also, it was literally on 8ch where I first encountered the idea of replacing human reproduction with cloning. My first reaction was negative. I’m the only person who spams the board with that idea recently, but I’m not the only person to ever propose it. There were threads about artificial wombs, too.
THIS would end the Human race. So will genetic tailoring. Only NATURAL men are HUMAN.
Just waiting for the Jews to say fuck this, let's just make robots to serve us. After the humans build the robots, that is.
More like those with a male and female parent still willingly around barring unfortunate fatal circumstances are humans. Looking at the data and modern society, single parent subhumans should all be culled and are worse than clones and genetically engineered ubermensch.