Get in here fags, it's happening.
Sorry for low-quality thread but I wanted to be quick.
Video of missiles over Damascus
Get in here fags, it's happening.
Sorry for low-quality thread but I wanted to be quick.
Video of missiles over Damascus
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Kek again?
The kikes are getting super desperate lately.
Why the fuck does Israel get to keep firing and attacking others without anyone telling them to stop? Even America is not attacking these sites.
They just got Trumpowitz to throw his support behind their occupation of Golan Heights. Maybe they want to make sure based Assad gets the message.
Numbers stations have seen unusual activity right before this…
Might is right.
If only these ships would now take an excursion through the Strait of Hormuz, we could get some real action.
Looks like some got intercepted.
israel's only might is that it hides behind america and faces no consequences for what it does. I hope they get their shit kicked in sooner than later, the fucking kikes. If something happens to the us, they won't have a golem to hide behind any longer.
Jews fucking suck. As much as I find "
happenings" interesting to watch on youtube, I am not some heartless person. I honestly don't want random arabs dying in the middle east, and I especially don't want them killed by jews.
But yes I enjoy watching crazy shit on TV and youtube, but I don't want that crazy shit happening. I want to stop it.
Plus this stuff could come back and hurt us because our people have been stupid enough to be friends with jews.
The weak must fear the strong.
jews are pathetically weak
Yea they are. I do wonder what they see on the horizon.
Look at this moron thinking his morals matters to the world, i can tell you right the fuck now that Arabs want you dead, and you should think the same. Your "good" morals only feed your ego, nothing else, Good or Bad doesn't exist in Nature.
It clearly does. That is why we want good world for white people. Arabs have right to live in middle east. Just like whites have right to live in Europe.
Israel's response to criticism…
Then you can go live with the other beasts, and leave the talking and reasoning to humans.
Attacking a capital is a lot more serious than taking pot-shots at the border. Any way the kikes can spin this one around?
This might be enough to send Assad into fighting back, I hope.
Which would trigger the US to join in… and Iran too… and Russia I suppose.
dead wrong
What comes around goes around. It's a Natural Law that you should you learn before you're buried under it.
got em
Won't like it here, but CNN is already spinning the Narrative:
They claim Israel only fired on "Iranian" targets that were currently in Damascus.
Got pull that "Iran is ebil" somehow, or the goyim would not back this up.
God's chosen keep winning.
So what? Doesn't concern me or any american for that matter.
How are Christians winning?
They have incredible political strength.
They dominate the United States. ( a supposed democracy) and are less then 2% of the population.
Don't deny your enemy's power, you must see them clearly to fight them.
Jews suck.
You should know that Israel was forcefully given to Jews by Brits. Besides, Jews never had the military power invade countries.
This is an example of Jewish Power.
Rothchild's banking influence over Britain made that happen.
Well, there are people in every race who suck. But if you treat them with compassion and respect they will make your life happier and worthwhile.
Fuck the ass hole yids
Unfortunately, they doesn't work with certain races who are prone to taking advantage of the pathologically altruistic goodwill of others.
They aren't.
Every pop has its redeemables, but I don't Jews out there protesting literal genocidal schemes. I don't see Jews putting their asses on line, the way white folks are. Quite the contrary, I see Jews complicit with this shit. Where are the redeemable Jews?
Jews suck.
Stating Trump was in Alaska 6 hours ago. Likely still in the air. War rooming it with Bibi on a Sunday? I hope the Iranians bomb the shit out of that country and we send the Boomer Evangelicals over to fight for them.
And Rothschilds are Brits. You're getting too hung up on the jew part. Elite "Jews" in those days were Jews in name only. Read some George Soros quotes and you will learn that they also disliked Jews and Jewish culture. Nothing they do benefits the common Jews or Israel otherwise we wouldn't have to pay millions of dollars in aid to Israel.
fuck off rabbi
oh not all Jews?
What percentage then?
Because you cannot deny the Jewish Political Lobby is corrupting the United States.
I want to know which jews to blame when young Americans start coming back from Iran in flag draped boxes.
The kikes are badly behind schedule. After all these years they still can't mossad the Assad and Lebanon and Jordan would just embarrass them again. That's the problem with semites you can give them billions in American tax dollars they still can't fight for shit.
Reminder that codemonkey banned the moderators who would have removed these spam posts from the board.
No, I want to hear this Jew make a cogent argument.
Physically impossible for it.
they only have "strength" when every single other person around them is thoroughly pacified and cucked
how pathetic
The Rothchilds are from Germany.. fuck JIDF. Do some basic research if you want to try to sandwich a lie between two truths.
Zig Forums deserves a better nemesis than you.
I want to talk to your supervisor!
It just argues until others gives up
Which is why it must simply be banned. We have absolutely no reason to accept this spam here. There’s no excuse or purpose to it. We deserve a single board on a single website on the entirety of the fucking Internet where ONLY our beliefs (facts) can be posted.
And how many white folks are putting their asses on the line? How many of them are actually powerful enough to make a difference? There are far more intelligent, powerful and competent white s in charge of making decisions for the whole world than Jews. To say otherwise and that they are all being controlled by jews is just diminish white achievements.
Don't bother. All you'll get is pilpul. Remember the tale of the scorpion and the frog.
You may find the method distasteful but you cannot deny ti's results.
They can summon the United States Military like a butler.
They have Congress on a leash.
and they have forced criticism of them is this dark tiny corner of the internet.
That's power.
Not the user you're speaking with but I admit the Jews do have power. However, they're also very fragile. Their power relies on the ability to deceive the general population; if the billions of regular people knew what Jews and Israel are planning they would collectively hang every single merchant from lampposts. This is exactly what's happened throughout the whole of Jewish history: Jews run their scams, get busted, get killed/imprisoned/deported. The different between the next time and every other incident is that we are in the information age and their actions will not be forgotten. This time the solution will be final.
I am. Let me tell, I've have given more than you'll ever know to make this world a better place. Risked prison, wet works, ridicule, and loss of career. And I've had some impact, but by god why should I have TO FIGHT YOU ALL THE FUCKING TIME?
You are excusing the maiming and murder of people right now in Syria. People. You know, you goddamn sociopath, people.
No, it's ignorance
And suddenly Zig Forums loves sand niggers.
Not a jew. What I'm saying is that it's not just jews. There are whites, jews, asians, Indians at the top of the pyramid who are making these disastrous decisions to keep themselves and their offspring in power forever. Focusing only on jews shows that one is driven by hatred rather than the willingness to rid the world of corruption.
I am very aware of that. It's a slippery eel I've been grasping, but always I can grasp it by the Jewballs.
everything you say is only partly true to make kikes look good. fuck off you kike
No one was saying that a traitor is a waste of a bullet.
t. Niggerbrain
Good question. Why do you think you have to fight a group of people and risk losing everything all the time? Maybe you enjoy the act of fighting more than acheiving something?
You say you don't wanna fight or are tired of fighting yet you continue to fight for another group of people, who live in Syria. This is the type of bleeding heart global warrior attitude that keeps you fighting and losing everything in return. Let em fight. Maybe Syria will be no more, it's already in its deathbead, but Israel will become weaker too. You don't come out of a war stronger.
You have to get past your handlers first to get to your enemy. You can't even do that as shown by your poor choice in leaders.
I do it because, deep down, after having lived through an NDE I know deeper than most, I really am a paladin. I come to Zig Forums because I can get shit done here, but I miss the reality of my home. Until it's my time, I do honor to life here - all life.
If you had died and come back, you'd probably do the same.
Is that all you care about? Whoever looks good? Looks good to whom? And why do you give a fuck what you look like? That's some liberal tier hypocrisy, fella.
Again israel invades lebanese airspace and shoots missiles at syria and yet again the magical s400 anti-air missile system is nowhere to be found
Supposedly it's turned off in Idlib. I guess that's why they chose to attack now.
So, this incursion is fairly frequent you are saying?
Idlib is way to the north of damascus, the S400 are stationed -between- damascus and idlib to the west, north of the golan
Yes they are very common, and just as common is syria not shooting back. and obviously, neither will russia.
oy very donald dumbf didnt start the war with iran for us, lets go bomb syria and see if we can get away with it
>he thinks jews can win in a fistfight or any fight for that matter
delusional much?
Ominous digits
I understand you, man. I probably shouldn't have interfered with you venting your frustration.
That said, here's what I'm getting at. Jews are very powerful and so are their white, brown, black counterparts. It's on 1960 anymore. You would be amazed to know and I'm think you already know that it's not only the jews anymore. There are multiple powers at play. They don't care about their race. We need to identify those who are actually responsible and focus on the person, people, corporation and not something as generalized as just "Jews!". Which jew? If you know their name well then get after them! At the same time don't be lenient on someone who does the same thing as a jew but is white or black or asian. That's just corrupt and makes you no better than a jew. Think globally, act locally - that kinda shit.
Do you know the name of the secret religion?
What are you up to?
If I knew it wouldn't be a secret. Anyway, enlighten me.
Bahai faith?
Yup.. They have had vision of Greater Israel since the late 1800's but in reality they can barely hold an area smaller than New Jersey.
Learn to Manifest Destiny.
sage negated
When the first fucking bomb that gets dropped on Pissrael I'm going to the local satan worshipers den to dance, celebrate, gloat, and mock live jews mourning dead jews.
It's not that secret, and it is pan-racial. Earth's history is quite abit different than what most believe. That said, Jews play a central role in all this.
The first syllable is correct.
That's what I'm thinking. They have a schedule to keep, and they are behind. They want their limited nuclear war, and then Apophis (which is an absolute date), to solidify their world governance.
Picture this:
You enter a room with 100 niggers.
One of them has a rare genetic mutation: he's capable of empathy, parenting and working a job without stealing from his boss.
The rest have shiv's and a crack addiction.
What do you think happens if you go "Well, I'm sure not all of them are bad, I can trust… that one." as you randomly pick one.
tl,dr: what you're saying is a NAXALT fallacy, what I'm saying is "I'm not taking any chances".
Here is a report from a Syrian state run newsagency. It's not fake.
Then jews are capable of winning a war?
You're playing 4d chess against your brain.
He signed to recognized Golan as israeli so of course he won't do shit.
Where are the baste russian missiles?
War is on the horizon. If you're not a boomer, you're being drafted to fight in the middle east.
So you make 100 enemies instead of a few and accurate enemies whom you might have fought and won. Also, the ones that were actually harmless turn on you. How many seconds will you last?
The US abolished the draft. A good way to push the US into a Second Civil War would be to do something that forced the Feds to re-instate the draft.
Contrary to popular beliefs the majority of US Americans would rather kill each other than send their children off to kill/die for jews.
i dont know satan, you created them
Not defending Jews, but posting a Syrian state rn newsagency is almost as credible as posting The Times of Israel.
Especially the:
I didn't make niggers.
im sure they'll remember this as they rape your daughter and behead you for not worshiping a goat fucker
No one trusts a Semite news source, m8. Got an official Russian news source?
Yeah, thought so.
I've read about it. Not really a secret. I was guessing Zionism or something super secret.