Must of them will instinctively side with the little brown underdog Palestinians.
Then their Jew Bucks will disappear.
End of movement.
This has already happened to Black lives Matter. They took a stand for the Palestinians and now they don't have the funds to send out bus loads of rioters.
OP is either acting in bad faith or he hasn't thought this through. Consider the following:
Obvious psyop is obvious.
Ian Williams
yeah sure, as if most jews arent leftist jews
John Garcia
A lot of Antifa are just plainly anti-white though. At least here in Germany we had some real left-wing anti-imperialist, anti-zionist movements that clashed with the typical anti-german Antifa. Like they literally beat each other up in the streets. When the antizionist, maoist Jugendwiderstand formed in Berlin (now they're dissolved sadly) the outcry from (((Antifa))) was huge. A lot of Antifa is aware of the jews being the most anti-white though, so they'll rather stick with them. But we definitely can use the Israel-question to split up the ,left-wing' faction even more.
The Antifa set are very two-faced towards each other, was my experience. They can’t handle disagreement - and they’re so wired against bad faith that they misunderstand people, not that you lying warrior slaves know how to do anything but submit yourselves to bad faith - but they need to be inclusive, so what they do is they stalk wrongthinkers to fabricate ejection pretexts.
Kevin Cook
Do you think ANITFA has some weird reverse influence?
I want remain against Israel even if N.A.M.B.L.A. joined BDS.
Though you’re probably going to be SOL in this respect, as insofar as Jews control culture-funding its diaspora Jews that control most of the relevant culture-funding, and they tend to be ambivalent or worse towards Israel’s treatment of Palestine. Blind support of Israel is more of a right-wing thing.
Andrew Sanchez
Make the Antifa realise that in reality he is a Fascist. He fight the wrong ennemies and welcome him. Make him a newfag 14words
Dominic Gutierrez
Slide thread notwithstanding, it did work with Femen
Parker Butler
Ah, the incoherent pedofascist in its native habitat, self-abusing for our amusememt.
Henry Lopez
So if some LGBT types or whoever it is, you don't like turned on Israel.. You would drop everything and join the Jewish side?
Are you sure you're posting on the right board?
John Collins
OP here.
If both Femen and Black Live Matter lost their Jew bucks and ceased to have meaningful influence after condemning Israel, why is proposing Antifa go the same route a "slide thread"?
Jace Garcia
Social Justice Warrior Jew who can't rhetorice detected.
William Watson
To do that would require a diversionary campaign.
Create fake antifa posters that involve destroying fascist oppressors (Usually whites bytheir standards), but make sure all of them feature Jewish faces and Jewish people. Attack anyone who calls it anti-semitism as being a Fascist oppressor that wants to commit a Holocaust of the minorities.
Dominic Jenkins
The underlying ideology that motivates any of these people is the belief that something called "white supremacy" rules that thing called "America." It would be more effective to demobilize them by going to places where they congregate online, and convincing them otherwise. Of course, doing so without immediately getting banned would require some careful use of language, but it can be done. "Modern corporate capitalism isn't fascism, it is liberalism. Racism hurts the image the US government tries to spread around the world. If the US government represented the interest of white workers, there would be no immigration, outsourcing, and civil rights would have never happened." These thoughts go counter to the conditioning of the Democratic "Party" controlled cults they belong to, where the underlying belief is that some mean old white guys that hate darkies and fags is the cause of all their problems. Simply exploding this bubble is enough to get them to leave such organizations. Of course, these groups also try to carefully control their expose to competitor ideologies (especially from the "Left"), so actual access to these people is probably going to be fairly limited.
Juan Scott
you destroy ANTIFA the way they were destroyed in 1917 germany: superior violence.
no communist revolution has ever won through force of arms; they have all won by demoralizing the enemy and convincing them it wasn't worth fighting. every single time a country unified to curb stomp the commies the black block faggots have folded like cards.
Antifa's violence is not meant to intimidate, but to wear you down. when you beat them they cry and play the victim and their jew commissars make it their life work to put you in jail. because they want you and everyone else to be certain that there is no way to resist them, and it is suicide to try.
the proper way to deal with this is to show them, that when they raise their hand to you, you and everyone around you will fight back with superior violence, and will not stop until those commies are driven from the field or lay broken on it.
Leo Lewis
their leaders and half the rank and file are kikes.
look at the DC antifa arrest list for easy confirmation.
Lucas Reyes
They are shape shifters whose only loyalty is to themselves. Antifa, whatever the fuck that is, isn't the problem.
Andrew Rodriguez
Wouldn't be that hard.. Zionism is basically fascism for Jews.
Israel is a Jewish Ethnostate. Netanyahu has publicly said this.
William Myers
Well, if you wanted to destroy antifa, which isn't really a grassroots thing, youd probably want to look at their bankroll.
Purportedly, they are funded by ngos including alliance for global justice. Their tax return is public. All of their officers are listed. Id assume most of them are jewish due to names.
You know they sit around reading this board right? Best to just let them continue to be glorious faggots. Theyre weak, pathetic and gullible kids. Ignore them.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Why would I want to destroy ANTIFA? They're virtually harmless (as a big threat) and all they do is push more people away from the left because they're fucking retards.
Eli Perez
You have no idea.
Daily Reminder of the Time AntiFa was Infiltrated by Zig Forums
1 hour & 40 minute tape of two Zig Forums Anons undercover at a local AntiFa meeting where they planned to shutdown a "white supremacist" rally. The audio is very clear & loud & would only need some editing to be useful for propaganda purposes. Highlights of the tape include them admitting affiliation with the (((JDL))), admitting being a violent organization & going beyond a "peaceful vigil" with confrontation. They discuss logistics and shutting down the event with intimidation and by drowning them out with noise and chanting.
antifa has always despised Israel. they're doing 100x more than fat nonwhites on Zig Forums to bring down the system. acceleration
Levi Phillips
So much this.
I was the same way.
And the antifa who were at Portland basically beat the shit out of lugenpresse non-white gays so they're already with us even if subconsciously.
They know Zig Forums is right.
Kill the gays and faggots.
Portland will be capital of fag drags we're already there.
Thomas Ortiz
You fucking newfags, 2000s left was strongly anti Israel because those "Palestinians" are not rebels but communists, just like all these Islamic boy clubs are rooted in Marxism and fighting for socialism. Antifa is just a sign that the left is in an identity crisis, Germany had those since the 60s and they didnt do shit, bunch of brutes who will be worked to death and their bodies used as fertilizers.
Lucas Johnson
GERMAN ERWACHE Chemnitz ist überall, germany start to open the eyes again like the rest of europe. Hope a fash wave gonna happen soon for the west. Keep the fight brozza.
Justin Morris
True antifa do far more against the system than cucks on the right who hold it up.
Juan Bell
I don't (((who))) hires you to keep a check on the faggots here but they sure have no clue about anything.
Levi Davis
Do not touch them, they are destroyers, better help them to destroy all around. ACCELERATE, FUCKING DEGENERATE
Obvious that Portand Mayor Ted Wheeler is in on it. Recall him, problem solved.
Eli Ross
Kikes like George Soros will still fund Antifa even if they talk shit about Israel. I'm pretty sure Israelis aren't even fans of Soros. Jews work in different factions and have a variety of methodologies but they have the same goals.
Jordan Diaz
I think this is a good idea OP
I don't know how to implement this, but an idea could be to join antifa and subvert from within. especially online with troll accounts.
Christian Ramirez
He is pretty much the sole reason why Antifa has such free rein in Portland. the police cant really do their jobs properly while he's in office
Ryder Green
Henry Miller
Good luck. Most of them are jews with a licence to attack Europeans.
Nathan Evans
>End of movement.
Good point. b u m p u m p.
Michael Morris
They are fragiles faggots and pieces of shit, one of us can destroy 10 antifa at once.
Benjamin Bell
in minecraft, convince antifa to create southern stronghold. alabama elected doug jones but its leaders passed anti-abortion/ghey/etc… so it is a perfect place for antifa to "flip". advertise and pump it up to bring in higher leaders. based alabama is based, citizens and police. clear battlefield line is drawn.
bonus points: emphasize associations with antifa to any elected politician they have, then that politician to its party leaders, establishing actual support for antifa to a particular political party in the minds of people. create clear boundaries that force people to take sides.
Brayden Ward
Is Luis Enrique Marquez on the payroll of Stratfor geopolitical intelligence or FBI proper?
You might mean well but you don't understand how Zionism works. It doesn't matter who the bad guy is; it matters only that there is at least one bad guy to carry the blame. Zionist's will continue to fund the likes of antifa even while antifa are raping the dead bodies of other kike's children in the streets. Therein lies the JQ.
tl;dr: Antifa are a symptom, not the disease.
Dylan Harris
Leo Hall
I understand this sentiment, but let's take a serious look at it. Antifa are guerilla soldiers. I know some if you are snickering at that idea, but if you look at time and training they only have room to improve.
I remember antifa showing off their training videos about a year to two years ago. With conservative estimates of two years training in rifle and squad tactics they are on their way to actually being an effective force. Sounds silly I know but you see my logic. If I'm wrong some how then I'm wrong, but if we dont thin that herd quickly then they could be opposition later for us.
2 options to counteract this
1: Get to fucking training you lazy, hypothetical theorizing, fat fucking jew
2: Nip the growing antifa horde in the bud and make such an example that it scares others to not join
impossible. Jews don't do menial labor in America.
Michael Rogers
True. Jews prefer to invent NGOs and con the government to pay for their "labor" with tax dollars. They basically sit on their asses and call it "work".
Andrew Walker
. BLM was largely subsumed by pantifa. BLM was largely relevant before Trump, because of perceived disproportional police violence against niggers. Now the trunk is in office, the focus has shifted.
So BLM isn't as active as they were because from a left wing perspective, there's a larger problem than just niglets getting put down by cops.
Getting pantifa infighting is a good idea, but it won't cut off their funding.
Sebastian James
Assemble sniper teams. Black clad, easy to spot in crowds. Take 30+ before they scatter. Take out another 10+ as they scatter. Another 5+ depending on where they hid. Make them afraid.
Create an identical black bloc force called "Anticom", which labels anyone with a liberal/socialist/globalist viewpoint as a "communist", and attacks them as violently as Antifa would attack a so-called fascist.
Nolan Long
1. Create /antifa/ on Zig Forums and 4chan 2. Post links on social media 3. Trace IPs back, report
1. Infiltrate groups real world 2. Identify leaders, expose 3. Conduct recall of mayor/police chief in any city antifa is active (they are in on it).
Christopher Wilson
What a fucking larp. Have you ever even held a gun? You're not going to get 30+ kills with a bolt action rifle before people react. Unless you have 30 """Snipers""" or a crowd of lobotomites.
Oliver Green
this is 4chan mentality. Antifa hates Israel. They hate khazar converts too but they are too pussy to go beyond saying "the 1%". Nevertheless they are still degenerate shitskin lovers that favor open borders, fag marriage, and abolishing private property.
Instead of trying to destroy them it would be more effective to strengthen the mind and health of the ones joining it. If you promote good nutrition, exercise, and appreciation of beauty they will naturally stop gravitating to movements of destruction and weakness.
Samuel Morales
its beyond that now user. its their religion. and there is no logic to it. only outrage against anything strong, white, and moral.
try harder
Samuel Gomez
What Jew bucks? Conspiracy theories haven’t actually proved they get funding from Jews. Plus Soros backs Palestinian independence
Bentley Stewart
Dox of Portland Mayor, Portland Police Chief and Johnathan Evans the Antifa member with the cement milkshake
Antifa is heavily controlled by keepers. It's not what you think it is, it's paid protesters given signs and told to bitch. They use drug addicts a lot because they are violent and careless.
Colton Bell
If it was a swarm of people you would be better off walking through them with a knife and just jabbing it into peoples chest cavity and moving on to the next one. Due to the chaos, it would take minutes before the crowd is aware that there is 20+ members bleeding out on the ground. Medical attention will be hard to get due to the crowd and it's practically a guaranteed death. You also could just wear a mask like the rest of them and spray yourself with liquid repellent so blood wouldn't get on you.
If it's at night in a big city you could just haul ass after a few minutes of stabbing and be a complete ghost.
Benjamin Torres
antifa does not support Israel, never have
trips of truth. there is nothing that the Jewish organizations hate more than BDS. Hence their lies and prevarication about the nature of BDS. I live in South Florida and the Jews literally gave a birthright-level trip to the whole administrative staff of the local university to win(e and dine) them over to their point of view fau (dot) edu/newsdesk/articles/fau-participates-in-historic-business-development-mission-to-israel.php
Easton Jenkins
Different strains with different agendas. The Antifa in the United States is nothing like the Antifa in Italy or France. Antifa in the United States is druggies, liberal college kids, and hispanics. Druggies and Hispanics don't have any opinion on Israel and the college kids follow what there professors tell them.
Nathan Phillips
Elijah Gray
Jaxon Cooper
Create a database of all active ANTIFA members get the faces and put into public. The worst they can imagine since they always hide their faces in masks. They would mentally melt and burn if their faces got plastered all over the social medias.
Luke Miller
That's fine we win either way, force them to side with Israel and they become even less credibly as an "anti-fascist movement" and even more openly just an "anti-white" movement which is what they actually are.
Nicholas Cook
They don't discuss anything. Go look up videos of them. All they'll do is ignore your arguments, yell at you, impede your movement, chant stupid faggotries, mob around you, or assault you. The only way they'll listen to you is if you say exactly what they want you to say.
They already do you dumb fucking faggot and they still get paid by kikes. Most ancoms and communists don't like Israel, calling antifa the "real fascist/anti semites" never fucking works because kikes will want to use anything in their arsenal to suppress anything that would remotely promote any actual traditional world-view.