I mean, can we even stop it at this point? Even Japan is falling for diversity.. There’s an user going around Zig Forums with a literal obsession with Japan. They say he barely sleeps or eats. Guy has an idea to grow a political party to rival LDP, and turn Japanese against the minorities. He’s also INFJ. Auitistic, probably, but he may be our only hope.
Not sure even africans want to live there. I doubt their society would adapt to the new diversity. One of the most sterile and dehumanizing societies you can find on this earth is the Japanese culture and how they raise kids into adults. Removing their ego persona into a group think mentality. If the individual refuse or is unable to remove the ego persona and become part of collective mind they become outcasts and ridiculed for not adapting and removing their personalties for the greater good. Japan is no joke. There's a reason why students commit suicides there.
Carter Moore
I mean can we just sage and report low-effort slide threads?
I’m worried about the minorities. If Japan has minorities of significant size, it’ll lead eventually to shit like here in the US.
Ryder Stewart
Yes, yes we can.
Also, as someone else had already mentioned, this is not the immigrant invasion you are scared about/leftoid jews are excited about.
This isn't refugees, it's skilled workers with no chain migration plan. Most companies won't help the newcomers find homes and housing.
And just like Singapore, most of these people won't want to live their long term.
In hindsight, though, the number being brought in will probably just reflect historical trends.
If anything, Japan needs to amend the constitution, become a great power, then throw out the (((USG))) filth, and the faggot trash nigger browns.
Parker Taylor
Jonathan Cooper
oh the humanity!, a society not infected by anarchistic individualism like the west but organic and super-individualistic! what an horror!
Christian Foster
What is being slid?
Hunter Clark
LOL no u.
Christian Perry
Japan has been suffering a societal collapse as a result of the neoliberal judaistic society forced upon them after WW2. Their attempt at reconciling those notions with their existing traditional culture brought them great wealth and failed.
Zachary Johnson
Anyone who thinks this means anything, or references it, is a redditfaggot. What's next? Shifting the overton window?
Tyler Garcia
Christopher Watson
All I can tell you is that Tokyo and Kyoto suck. There are just so many pajeets, niggers, arabs, muslims, faggots, and racemixers in both places, that and the society is pretty much just pire consumerism in these places. Honestly, I had only a handful of genuine interactions with legitimately decent Japanese people, but other than that, their country is in no better shape than any of ours, and tbh it might even be worse.
Ryan Turner
I haven't seen anyone with an obtuse obsession with Japan recently. What can we say? The elites are all traitors. They deserve to be shot. But I'm less worried about Japan than I am for other places. Japan has many noble men who will take action against the invaders and tyrants. Like that one guy who attempted to stage a military coup in the 70s. Ho-boy, that was something. I wish someone had done that in America.
does japchan even do redpills, infographs and honk.webms? or are they busy not having sex and masturbating to infantalized entertainment?
Sebastian Murphy
The jew is tying to genocide the samurai but dont worry I am pretty sure the based nips will stand against it (hopefully they dont have cuck like we do)
He was posting on 4chan. Guy got banned on his WiFi and 4G. He made a post from his friend’s phone. Said he was moving to Zig Forums to spread awareness. People are saying he got banned because the Jews saw how serious the guy was. Talked about how China should create a biological weapon to only target Africans for population control; compared Africans to bacteria. His main focus was Japan. Idk if reincarnation is real, but you never know; guy could just be the Hitler of the East. He talked about waking up at noon, and researching all day and night; constantly till like 5 or 6am. Guy was consumed by his obsessions.
Pah. That's nothing unusual to talk about here. I wish him luck with his bio-weapon but I have no confidence at all in such ideas. I hope he gets into a better sleeping schedule. It's important to stay healthy lest he collapses.
Daniel Davis
Worry about your own. You're in deeper shit than they.
Connor Evans
Try drinking water instead of soy sometime.
Ian Cook
This. Japan is completely and utterly fucked and there is nothing we can do about it. Everyone ITT should be listening to you. Japan is far beyond repair.
Nips won't exist in 10 years. Immigration is the future of Japan.
Tyler Rivera
Stop talking shit. I've been to Japan, it is a great country. If anything, japanese education is FAR superior to ours. Children learn useful skills, respect and hard work - they learn handywork, gardening (grow vegetables with teachers), cooking (help make their own lunches), cleaning (clean after lunch and help clean school). They even grow chickens and then kill and cook them. Every jap girl makes a more competent wife at age 12 them most older women in the west do at 30.
The whole suicides things is a overblown meme. Media likes sensationalism after all.
Michael Lopez
400k? Really? That's an insane amount given Japans size.
No doubt they got threatened after they called the Jews out on their lies about the ship bombing hoax.
Landon Young
I hope our 700 million Aryan brothers in Latin America are doing well…
They are busy fapping to shemale and soyboys acting like a girl (ex: astolfo).
Andrew Adams
try posting a non-pozzed source
Hunter Miller
Yep. Japanese people and their culture will cease to exist come the next decade. Just accept that it's over for them and surrender them to the kikes. There is nothing we can do.
This. Nips will never fucking fight back because they are completely pacified by (((anime))). Do not think Japanese people care about the fact that they are being infinitely cucked.
John Young
See Nips are literally too pacified to fight back. That's just the honest facts.
Kevin Lewis
You do realize otaku culture is niche and doesn't represent the masses right?
Luke Perez
With right wing ultra violence, anything is possible.
Charles Robinson
I’m not just about to lie down and give up on them. However, people need to understand that a lot of Japan’s cities are not some glorious haven of traditionalism anymore and are in fact as fucked as our cities. Their culture is slowly but surely becoming emptier and emptier. The people are worked to death as children just so they can be worked to death as adults, and the nation is beginning to heavily change around them, but all a lot of them can do is escape into consumerism or carry on in ignorance.
I feel bad for them, because as a European, I am in the same situation. And I can only hope that another Yukio Mishima rises up and takes back the reigns of fate.
Tyler Ramirez
Japan's social liberalism predestined it to be destroyed by immigrants. Every country that starts to tolerate homosexuality, feminism and sexual promiscuity will eventually become weak enough to accept invaders. I would like to remind you all that homosexuality isn't even a concept in North Korea, and they maintain a birthrate of 1.94, compared to South Korea's 1.27, and it will remain that way until North Korea caves in to globo-homo degeneracy. Stop accepting liberalism, or be replaced. There is no in-between.
He's right. Liberalism is the path to defeat in the name of victory.
Mason Gonzalez
once upon a time there was a sword in a stone the man who claims it becomes king and save his people the boy who would never did because merlin was too busy posting on magical forums about how traps aren't gay
Hudson Wright
Why don't we collectively move to Japan, use our influence to destroy the neoliberal government and reinstate the rule of the Emperor, kick out all the subhumans and make anime real? Part of us could then return to our home countries and part could stay to use it as base of operations.
Kikes forcing mass immigration everywhere could also be used to our advantage (think of a Judo move), but you faggots would actually need to get your asses up from your sweaty chairs.
Do you have the full video?
Connor Cooper
Jaxson Gray
Adam Foster
Anyone has his channel?
Jackson Turner
Waifu dubs.
Kayden Garcia
Owen Garcia
Also: Let's legalize our 700 million Aryan brothers in Latin America #MAGAwithDACA
Benjamin Thomas
You should. Your post has laid bare the fact that Japanese culture will no longer exist in the coming years, and will never come back in any form ever again.
It's official. Japan has no future. We're giving up on them and that's fucking final. We lost.
Robert Rodriguez
Friendly reminder from the past, the present and the future…if you don't kill jews they will kill you. That's all. Have a nice day.
Angel White
This. There is literally no use in trying to save Japan anymore. Surrender them and let their culture vanish into the ether for all eternity.
That will neber happen. This is life. The bad guys will always and forever win.
It's best if we just took the defeat like men instead of fighting like children in denial.
Kayden Bailey
Fuck off
It does affect japan's culture and economy. Honestly if it's just fiction I would be okay with it. But then trap cosplayers are increasing and they begin to accept lgbt fags because of anime culture
Hudson Allen
Repetitive bots are repetitive. Some of us around here have memories, What do these fuckers get out of "ruling" over a world of shit and nonsense? It's all so tiresome.
Brody Edwards
Is what the weebs in denial will call you. But you all are absolutely right. Japanese people and their culture is not long for this world and preserving both of those is absolute delusion.
Japan is beyond saving. Surrender them. They do not wish to live anymore.
Liam Torres
Read and to be illuminated on the truth of Japan. It is no mere blackpill, it is truth!
Matthew Long
They want a world of their own and they create this "shit and nonsense" to divide, enslave and kill every other human being. They've been doing this for millennia, murdering billions in the process.
Cameron Cook
There isn't much worth preserving as it is, once you remove the layers of collectivist consumerism, oriental degeneracy and soul destroying conformity.
Camden Edwards
Japan is not worth saving. Sorry.
Fucking tea. Japan is degeneracy and consumerism incarnate and is better off dead. Leave this one for the wolves, boys.
Evan Cooper
Read and accept that your country is fucked and should never be saved.
Jordan Morris
Fucking ROASTED! Why can't more anons be as based and redpilled as you? There is literally no reason to save a country that openly promotes trannyism and pedophilia.
Liam Phillips
This user speaks the truth!
Ayden Garcia
Josiah Allen
So, you're really doing this then? Go for it, nigger!
Juan Lewis
There aren't many people like me out there.
Levi Price
It was never about nations, countries, cultures and wealth…it's an attack on natural level. they are destroying the foundation of the human species, which is the collective of race and blood, while also using predatory capitalism to to destroy this ecosystem by polluting soil, air and water, and annihilating the animal kingdom.
It's a parasite that attacks each and every human alive and that is responsible for every catastrophic event in human history for at least 5k years. We are enslaved to lies so big, so profound and so destructive that the entirety of humanity is aimlessly running towards their on extinction.
There is a small group of people who control the entire world and want to destroy the rest. On the other side are a bunch of people you understand this and are desperately trying to stop them, and in the middle are 99,9% of literal cattle, who aimlessly drifting through life, follow every self destructive order they receive, and who can't comprehend that each and every one of them has the potential of changing the entire world…if they would only wake the fuck up, start questioning the narrative and act accordingly.
Brody Sanders
Stay delusional pedo apologist. Japanese culture is over!!!
Thinking this will happen is like a pipe dream. Literally nobody will rise up. Nobody here will do anything. It's over.
Brody Butler
This is why they flood our nations with such drones. A monotonous brown wave which is only concerned about getting its grubby hands on money, slowly advancing its state enough to purchase the next item on the list of material possessions; which sets it apart slightly from the others who came before it.
Josiah Nelson
The relevant amount of non-european immigration into a country like Germany came from refugee (fraud) migration and low skilled workers being allowed to stay and import brides from their home countries. For some decades. Now immigrant children are at 30 percent, but this includes children with one parent from other European countries.
Immigration of some highly skilled workers and real rotational migration is not relevant. Also many of those which are allowed to stay will be white or rather pale Asians with a vaguely similar culture, so probably not having a huge impact in terms of one-world-solidarity and such. Also, they are rather immigrants with a low birthrate.
Interesting. I didn't know that. However if that is even true, they have most likely not a permanent status.
It never is. Time will continue, with or without us. We all have it in us to change it all, if we just try.
No. The drones are already here, they always were. What's happening is that the jewish parasite is systematically attacking the natural structure of intelligence, resistance, strength and health, to make sure that we will not stand up and crush their weak ass incest asses. They are the weakest group on earth, hiding in the shadows like rats, incapable of creation, being driven by nothing else than fear of persecution and hatred towards the persecutors, which is all based on the endless crimes they are committing. Biologically they are already dead, but they use every lie, deception and threat in the book to exterminate everyone else beforehand. And humanity can't even properly address the jewish elephant shitting on human history. It's ridiculous. You are afraid of violence and death? Then get the fuck out and speak the truth to everyone, because once we are not allowed to speak anymore, only violence will be left.
Zachary Sanchez
They play on it to make anyone exposing their activities seem delusional. Who would suspect the poor, oppressed jews? That is what they aim for.
Not I.
William Adams
Same here, same everywhere. Problem is the lack of communication thanks to jewish division. Get out and recruit, user. Speak truth, expose lies and don't make judgements.
Bentley Clark
Listen retard, don’t use my post(s) to push your blackpill shilling. I am merely giving people my take on the reality that Japan is facing and what they need to overcome in order to ascend out of the encroaching nightmare. You sound like a chink shill, trying to spread defeatism to demoralize the nips.
Zachary Cruz
What the fuck is it with these retarded posters and bots swarming here?
Benjamin Torres
This. OP is a sodomite.
Ethan Cruz
That's neo-con propaganda. Most Japanese aren't soy boys. The decline in population is a good thing anyway. Japan is a small island (if you don't count the uninhabitable land anyway) and there's little space for everyone. This is just natural population reduction. Completely different to jewish feminism artificially suppressing our birth-rate whilst they vomit their sub-human refuse upon our lands to (((solve))) our (((population crisis)))
Mason Evans
400k immigrants a year + who knows how many illegals = huge problems
Many ARE low skilled. Convince stores, restaurants, construction, etc. To make things worse, Japan is introducing a new Visa in 2021 the allows these low skilled workers to bring their families, and the Visa can be renewed indefinitely.
Henry Baker
Who the fuck are these fucking migrants that need to move into other countries??????????????? MAKES NO SENSE
Nathaniel Gomez
Japan is a country of great culture and art. Has Hollywood ever produced a story so moving as Grave of the Fireflies?
Japanese are the greatest artists and story tellers of our time. In addition of course, to being great engineers. Anybody who hates Japan should die.
So it's official then. These immigrants are confirmed to be permanent residents to Japan and will replace Japanese natives very swiftly. Japanese people are their culture will be gone forever!
It doesn't matter anymore. Immigration will permanently fuck the country. Once their culture dies, it will never come back ever again. It's over.
Adrian Murphy
Nips are already hopeless enough as is. See and face the truth. Japanese people and culture will be no more, and will be eternally replaced by a horde of shitskins. Japan is the next Sweden. Surrender them to the kikes now if you know what's good for you!
Dominic Gonzalez
I found the guy… He seems a bit autistic, but this is the guy that was going around Zig Forums on Japanese threads, speaking out about this stuff. How do we get an autist like him into Japanese Politics? Fucking Hell.. is he Japan’s only hope?
Since I'm a useless waste of a human being here, I almost wonder if I should participate in this. One less spot for someone brown, one less person to disrespect the culture, the nation, and the people.
Angel Anderson
Saved and sent to relevant authorities.
Kayden Barnes
There is no reason to preserve Japan anymore. They are fucked permanently. There is nothing we can do to fight back against the brown hordes that will infect Japan. It's fucking done.
Asher Jones
Japan is still fucked. They have a hyper-materialistic society foisted on them by the US.
Jacob Taylor
This. Anyone who still has hope in Japan is a deluded nigger who needs to leave. Japan is fucked and there are many reasons as to why they are fucked. Give up on them. They are not worth it!
Joshua Jenkins
The jews lost. You lost. There is nothing that you can do about the world winning against the jews. You will never stop people from winning against the jews. You will always lose. We will always win. The jews lost. You lost.
Ryan Reed
LOL If you did, they’d laugh and say “so basically you’re reporting someone with a world domination fantasy.” lololol
Fuck off faggot. All ZOG occupied states are worth being liberated.
What about my post makes me a jew? Japan, just like Germany, is an occupied state. The culture they've adopted, hyper-materialistic capitalism, isn't their natural state.
Joseph Adams
Maybe, but it's obvious Japan is fucked beyond repair. Liberating them is a pipedream.
Logan Martin
They're actually less permanently fucked because they are still racially homogeneous. Culture can change very rapidly.
Sebastian Sanders
Go on reddit and call all leftist comments "BOT"s. Transition to an objective ethos-based commenting system on the Internet. Material and voting rights follow. Organize humanity into tiers. Quarantine the lower tiers of every race where applicable.
Lincoln Thompson
Did 'Japan' pass the amendment or did the (((Japanese Government))) pass the amendment?
Joseph Ramirez
The Government, I’m sure. But still, it kind of worries me about the citizens. I’ve taken it upon myself to ask Japanese people on language and social apps, and a other sources. Most that I have asked what they think about immigration; they seem to mostly be ok with immigrants if they adapt and respect their culture. However the problem is that the Japanese That are on these apps OBVIOUSLY want to interact with foreigners, so naturally they’ll say they like foreigners. However, I have met a few that say they don’t like foreigners, and I believe there are many more, who just do not express their hate. For example, I’m talking to a woman from Japan, and she says that many Japanese around her (including her best friend) hates foreigners, and prefer only Japanese.