First use of deep fake in live news broadcast

MSNBC added a pimple to Tulsi Gabbard's chin during the debate's live broadcast. While brainlets are going "wtf" and "who cares?" those of us who spend more than a minute to think about this know what's really going on.

The media is gauging our reaction to fakes to see if we're offended or if we love the spectacle. News is just entertainment, after all. If they get a ratings boost by putting purple 3D dildo on Assad's head next time he gives a speech they'll do it and cheer Mazel tov while the plebs roar with laughter.

Welcome to Idiocracy, 2019.
(was going to post video but summerfags are making it hard to make threads)

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Other urls found in this thread:


nice find but im suspicious.

Nigger your only source is a link to TMZ. Eat shit and die.

They broke the story, cheese dick

So either makeup artist during commercial breaks working overtime, or realtime image correction.
It used to be as simple as vaseline on a camera lens.
You are an idiot.


How can someone be this fucking stupid. The video clearly shows the "pimple" disappear live.

For complete knuckle-draggers I'll clue you in: everyone on fucking TV wears makeup so blemishes like this would never show in the first fucking place. Vaseline? Holy shit there are retarded people on this site.


Is the pimple fake or did the pimple protector protocol fail? I think that's the real question here.

Fuck off kike.

No no, the real question is does Tulsi Gabbard exist?

Did Obama? Sometimes I have to wonder

Most likely Tulsi is just a state of Obama

Form? It disappeared, never to return


Snapchat filters are how old now?

So, OP is the glownigger who created this debris nonsense, dead end conspiracy to occupy time and get clicks. Tulsi and all the others are in on stunts like this.
Pathetic and amazing this clownfest is in power.

Mods, you can remove glownigger shills.

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News is supposed to inform people what's happening.

It's like saying schools a form of entertainment.

No it isn't.



You read TMZ, that's really all we need to know.


These are kikes. Any newfags should pay attention to how they word shit. This is a 'nothing to see here' operation to pretend the topic isn't worth discussing. They also imply mental instability in the users who respond sincerely to make others call their validity into question. I expect they'll either ignore this post, or tell me to 'take your meds kike/shlomo' in an effort to further discredit.

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Is this actually a deepfake?
I'm reminded of the superman moustache fiasco when I see this and I don't think that was a deep fake.

Wow. Sauce on animegrill? I fell in love at first sight…

filter and ignore all i can say

Immediately after the debate she gave this interview. No pimple

This couldn't have happened without Tulsi's awareness and consent. Politics is totally scripted theater boys… fucking controlled opposition!

its real

There's no reason for a candidate to consent to having her face blemished.

A (1) and done has appeared.

Ramiya Ryo artbook.

thanks man

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I'm fed up with the amount of shit that bypass my dozen filters. This thread filtered only 2 replies.

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CIA's anime folder.

I've been looking at this frame-by-frame and there is no way this is a video aberration. That was honestly my first thought, that somehow the MPEG4 encoding got a glitch, but it doesn't track the face like one at all. It changes shape and simulates a 3D pimple with a red center and even catches a glint of light at one point. This thing is fucking sophisticated.

It also doesn't appear to be a fleck of lipstick or whatever. It doesn't fall off, but fades out as if there was a deep fake Tulsi on another stream and they did a cross fade.

Well now , that was pretty sick there ai
6/10 subtle

At first I thought it was that Tulsi accidentally walked out there without covering the pimple, and it was being covered in post-processing live on air… Except that's retarded, her makeup artist wouldn't let her go out like that, and NBC wouldn't go out of their way to help her, especially in such a ridiculous way.

Deepfakes are fucking here guys, now its pimples, soon "video" will appear of Trump grabbing some ass or saying something horrible. They'll do it to any candidate they don't like.

this. they use pics from anime anons would never watch

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Alright, anyone checked out the Gabbard workout video released 4 days ago?
The pimple isn't there.
There's few scenes from the rehearsal of the debate and there's no pimple on her face. This can't be the same guy who broadcasted it.
Timestamp @38

I think that's not possible because they probably had a rehearsal before the actual debate.

I wonder if anyone who paid the $3700 to attend the debates (yes, the DNC Jewed that hard) was allowed to film it

to be fair, the Vaseline was a valid, and utilized, technique that filmmakers would use. about 70 years ago.

Irrelevant. Attacking the source instead of the information.

9/11 truthers were talking about deepfakes Mordecai.

They also overuse "anyone who names the jew is a jew™" like the kikes they are.

I don't know about first. Maybe for a live news broadcast but it's been happening for years

That is fucking bonkers and should be so illegal.

I've seen election fraud first hand during a GOP caucus in 2007 (Ft Worth, TX). I gathered the proof, but there was no way anyone would prosecute

That wasn't live, and neither was pic related. I think this is the first live deep fake

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this was adobe morph cut cutting out too long a silence or something

how do you do fbinigger?

fuck off cuckchan2.0


its a fucking pimple? who fucking cares lmfao
i literally thought that NK trump dick ride topic that hit 300 replies was going to be the absolute trashiest thread id see today

It clearly isn't a pimple you absolute pleb

Make noise so Tulsi has to respond. If it really is a fake it will throw a wrench in the media's credibility.


She has bad skin anyways.

Do any of them exist? Been asking that for years of celebrities.

You're a retard.

It's far worse than a faked pimple.
Someone shopped all their intelligence out

Digital was used heavily on the closeup cams. Image attached is from a camera without softening filters. Tulsi mustn't have had access to shaving cream in Hawaii.

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Excuse me what the fuck.

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in the anime MegaZone23 or Matross ((THEY)) use a supercomputer to make a fake pop-idol that serve to control the people by making them happy with songs and things like that. it turned out that they were living inside a spaceship and not on earth.

Okay. Mind explaining your point?

The date?
The democratic debate happened 4 days ago. The video is about Tulsi preparing for the debate starting with her workout, morning coffee, conference meeting, rehearsal. Same costume.
The pimple?
Some replies here talked about how the makeup missed a pimple or how the pimple just popped up on the debate day.

TMZ still has more journalistic integrity than insert news source here. Also they btfo libshit actors on a regular basis. They got gud bantz if only they focused on hard journalism UWU

Slippery slope from here.

Look how dry her lips are

also the spot on her chin is the same color and shines exactly like her lipstick

it's a flake of skin covered in lipstick that came off while she was talking and stuck to her face for a little while

god she talks like a fucking zombie, what a fake golem bitch

Look how dry her lips are

also the spot on her chin is the same color and shines exactly like her lipstick

it's a flake of skin covered in lipstick that came off while she was talking and stuck to her face for a little while

god she talks like a fucking zombie, what a fake golem bitch

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Your reddit is showing, kike shill.


There is no information to attack, and attacking the source is Zig Forums bread and butter. Also who are you trying to quote? Harakiri yourself

also you can see the exact spot where the chunk of makeup/skin fell off

you're all stupid, end of story, shut the fuck up you retarded nigglet zoomers

the FBI or whatever outfit probably makes these threads to fuck with you

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are you surprised? theyre already blackmailing people with fake shit.

wrong. Zig Forums outsider confirmed

true if gib

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you stupid fucking niggers

how does it fall off and stick to her chin only to magically disappear. her lips protrude so it should fall straight down. not backwards. the "missing spot" is the same on the other side of her lip


I don't like this deep fake shit, it could ruin the internet.


had no idea kikes were experts on crossdressing and lipstick wearing…..



fucking pottery goys you heard it here first. did the holocaust happen?

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dont you wish you were white? HAA

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It's not real. Don't waste your time. Block teh OP. Tulsi is fake. Iran is our existential threat. Whaddabout dem bouncy ball shwartzes in Tarranah eh? kekekekeke. I'll tel ya sumptin', I'm tellin' ya sumptin' , let me tell ya sumptin. If it wuz up to me, see, I'd take one big nuke and let it off out in teh middle of the desert of Iran. Just one. maybe some lizards or scorpions would die. Then I'd say to them iranians; "see dat? Next time it'll be Tehran and all your other cities too."

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Found the FED :^)

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has one of you autistic niggers done a frame by frame pixel analysis of this yet? looks to me like it's not even a pimple. probably just a bit of dried cum or something and happened to fall off. nothting is confirmed unless there's more than just the "pimple". deep fakes have pixel blemishes on a micro level as well as the obvious ones.

Sure there is, it makes her the so-called underdog, the one attacked by the media, just like Trump was, and we saw how that turnd out. Its an effort to make it seem like she is not controlled by the jews, when in fact they are all controlled by jews. There is no vote, the only solution is violence.

They made Trump orange. this pimple projection is next-level tho

Pfff "deep fakes". What a gay shoehorned astroturfed CIAnigger focusgroup word. This is just some live blemish removal software.

If it did indeed really happen then I say let them continue to do it. It will only ruin their credibility as a trustworthy source of news.

Guys …

they're literally all (1) and dones too, pretty much the only multiple posts in this thread are people all saging it and saying "who cares"
mods allow this.jpg