Brazilians make their own white milicia

Now, with Bolsonaro, Brazil is going to become Lebensraum material.
Alright, jokes aside, I would say it's totally viable to incorporate lands in South America to a white settling project. I just don't know if it would be a nice strategy to rush it now to secure white genes in some kind of "external reserve" or if we should just concentrate ourselves in trying to create big families in already white lands. I would like anons to give their perspectives about it, cause I'm considering moving to Argentina sometime (if prices are good and other conditions are fulfilled).
Can we expect to have good interactions with whites already there? How pure are they? Are there many of them? Can I teach my children not to mix with shitskins in a way that they will simply be too redpilled to be brainwashed? What history says about this?

By brief studying the history of the countries that applied a "whitening" policy instead of segregation, I realized that the mixing between whites and non-whites was actively incentivized by the post-colonial elites that wanted to muttify newly freed niggers.
This was an error of an elite that was too "christian" to do what was necessary (negative eugenics for blacks, killing the worst of them, or nearly all). The results of those policies are indeed mutified niggers that aren't nearly as aggressive as afro-americans (for instance) and even recognize whites as superior to them, being better than pure blooded niggers overall, but also another result is a lot of niggers and nigger genes infiltrating in some older european populations that were present before more recent migrations.

What should we expect by settling on third world countryes? Will all this quasi-marxist shit of the "blanqueamento"/"branqueamento" happen again without the active support of the elites for that?

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Brazil is literally Hell, not a single White person should go here.

Brazil will destroy itself, so don't bother and stay the fuck away from this shithole.

are those humans? jesus christ how horrifying. they look exactly like the mutt meme

100% pure Bavarian phenotype

But if you white and lived there.. fuck yeah,you'd have a militia. you'd patrol your little piece of the world with guns.

Is this the future of all white people?

Read the rest of the post. That was the ironical part. This was just a random video of fat brazilian mutts larping as policeman.

Read the rest of the post. I don't talk about going to Brazil, I know Brazil is shit

No, they aren't fully human.

I will just say that, if there is any whites there, they must be legendary tier to survive those conditions…

There are German regions in Brazil. South America is huge, they have many White towns all throughout Brazil and South America. Uruguay is very White. Argentina is very White.

Whites should look to Latin America for long term survival. It's much less politically oppressive there. Less white leftists which is, white leftism is a witch burning culture in USA inherited from New England puritanism.

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I'll stay on the farm my family's owned since before the Revolution

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"Run away"… stay… Whatever! Whites need to reproduce and grow in numbers!
As I said, this is just the creation of a new reserve.

Racism is actually outlawed in Brazil.

Ok, but will all of your 5 sons divide this land?

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Who said they have to be white, nigger?

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racial soul cringe

what is it like living as a retarded meme?

guess where this was taken?
Year 1938
Location Argentina

Attached: Nazi_rally_Argentina_1938_3.jpg (1600x1147, 395.39K)

No there aren't. There are regions of jungle monkeys that LARP as Germans because they have no culture of their own.

please stop

Do you not believe in the tenets of National Socialism?

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now i know you are a shill

You form quite an argument there. I bet you really have a way with the ladies!
Who has you fooled into believing national socialism finds racism in its roots?

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National socialism is for everyone, just don't breed outside your race and stay true to your roots in your ancestral homelands. Hitler had the most racially diverse army of world war two.

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What a shitty thread, CIA.


Just saving the thread with some based Vlad's quotes.

Bye bye

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This is what happens when you let Vargtards into your board, fuck pajeets and fuck niggers and fuck you, go worshipp your moon goddess or whatever you deluded retard.

I have noticed a lot of Rooster shilling recently, whats the (((KGB))) up to now?

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And that is a subversion that must be fought and completely eliminated. No white man must ever be punished for hating, harming or killing a nigger. Killing niggers must become a reason for praise again.

There are millions of blond blue-eyed Brazilians in the south that speak German primarily. You are a retard who don't know what you're talking about.


Southern Chile is the official kino destination if you want to escape to South America. Lower taxes and less government intervention than Argentina, also more safe and stable. It is less white on average though, and Argentina would probably be better if they got their shit fixed, but it isn't the case right now. Both countries have a strong German presence in the south though.