The goal of this operation is to make homosexuality and anyone associated with it be seen as cringey and uncool. The left is especially vulnerable to this type of social shaming because they fear being mocked in the cringe manner. It is also a great tool for demoralizing our enemies since they are sensitive to words. You may have heard recently that many companies have been celebrating something called "gay month". Now that it has gone so mainstream, we can tap into the counter culture and make gayness seem like a lame and outdated fad. Create memes that inform the public how cringe gayness is, and also false flag by saying cringey shit while pretending to be gay. During all this, it can be a good opportunity to drop redpills, but do it in a humorous fashion so that the public can know that gays are to be laughed at, thus turning them into the outgroup again.
Gay = Cringe
nice bait, come out of the closet, fag
Gays will form their own state
USA will become U and SA
This is the kind of cringe I'm talking about. See how cringey these faggot are? They do the work for us.
Promising reaction from kikes above. Bump
nice bread
Not only is this shi-tier, reddit memes, but it will literally do nothing.
You're fighting against a media empire and think dead forced memes will help you. Now before you start calling me a kike shill like your bird brained mind would be likely to do, please consider making memes that aren't garbage first. The idea isn't bad, but the execution is legitimately awful.
Based and redpilled.
I always laugh at faggots like I would laugh if I saw someone smear his face with shit and start dancing naked on the street, it seems to bother them much more than hating them.
Do these memes have to be so direct? It will seem too forced.
The memes aren't targeted at you, unless you're a faggot which is seeming exceedingly plausible judging by your response.
Make it your own. The concept is to convince people that gayness and gay acceptance are cringey, obsolete fads like disco or 80's hairdos.
MSM's reply: you're a bigot
good job, you accomplished nothing and will probably strengthen the lgbtlmnop
Have some more OC.
You can't be a bigot for cringing at something. Also, it is impossible for this the strengthen them. You're probably a faggot for trying to derail this idea. Sage negated.
Dropping redpills on the gay lifestyle is much more effective.
We can make gay acceptance die quicker than Ugandan knuckles if we spread word that it's old and cringe now. We just need to get a major streamer on board or something and it could go big. We've been dropping redpills for years but they are inoculated against the truth. Whenever they hear something bad they are programmed to scream bigot and shut their brains off. Now that they are teaching faggot shit in schools, we could make it backfire like the "Dare to Dream" program if they all realize the fact that gay is now cringe.
"You're still gay in 2019?"
This one has serious shame potential. It attacks at the core of the "Progressive" movement being the evolution of Ideology, and the faggotry of the future. Make them feel old, tired, and worn out.
"Defining your entire identity by where you put your dick is so last century."
Another one that I found works when talking to NPCs, is being completely honest and blunt with what being a faggot entails.
"Bro, you suck your own shit off of some degenerate's dick. That's kinda cringe, bro."
Everyone gets that redpilled look for a second.
Faggots aren't "Sweet Love".
Faggots are Dirty, Diseased, and Delinquent Pedophiles.
If you want to subtly unravel the ingrained bias that some have in favor of gays, you could make a regular cringe compilation video, except you sneak footage of a "coming out party" as one of the cringe clips Those are actually cringe so it's fitting. It will not set off any red flags in their heads because they are not mentally acute enough to make the conscious connection but they will still make the subconscious connection. The next time they see anyone celebrating gayness, they will remember seeing it in a cringe compilation and not want to be associated with it. It is also a great way to avoid getting the video taken down because if you make the central focus anything negative towards the protected class of faggots, it will be removed.
I appreciate the notion, but tailor your message for your target audience. If you're talking to parents who are concerned about pedophilia, it would be a great opportunity to bring up the pedo rates among faggots. If you're screaming it in all caps at random people, they might think you're crazy and therefore lying.
Okay, I like this one. Saved
Spot the irony?
Kill yourself.
Why so butthurt? Too many dicks up the pooper?
And why should I spent time doing such a thing? What benefit will I get?
Male gender is proned to be pedo. There are straight pedos and gay pedos.. to call all gays pedos is to be a blatant ignorant, and stupidily hurting someone that could maje you good in many things. This post is pure nonsense.
Sorry for te pinkpill but being gay has nothing to do with jew shit.
Kill yourself kike.
Those cocks will be pulled out of your ass and you can get your ripped anus sewn up before you need a colonoscopy bag. You won't catch AIDS, you can reproduce, and your family can stop being ashamed of you.
lol look at this sperging internet tough guy. He's really pissed that I told it how it is. Stop being a cringey faggot and take that AIDS pole out of your mouth before you write back. These are the type cringe faggots I'm talking about.
Bro, you just posted cringe.
Keep squealing, piggy. It amuses me.
How is being gay "cringe"? And is liking traps considered gay here?
You aren't too bright huh? I have to admit, I was having doubts about this operation, but your autistic rage encourages me. I'm going to go make some more OC now so I can bump with meaningful content. Just remember that we are too clever to let you drag the conversation down to your level of shitposting. Have fun being useless and never accomplishing anything meaningful in your life.
You like traps? Men wearing dresses like in Monty Python? Bro, that kinda cringe.
Transgenders as well.
Transgenders? The ones who chop off their wang and then turn their skinned dicks inside out and shove them up into their own hollowed out body captivity after carving and gouging a hole in their lower abdomen in order to fake a vagina? I'm cringing just thinking about it.
Are you really trying to make a point on the reproduction shit? Cause a lot of gay couples want to adopt or even have their own children.
Also how being gay is due to jews, are they poison water or something?
You’re fucking talibans.
I don’t want the jews ruling my life but to hide your stupid hate behind a political threat is dumb.
One thing is to cope everything with gay propaganda and another is the right to be gay.
You know by the way you’re using wifi (woman invent) and a computer (gay invent) right?
And yes, of course most pedos are MEN. Should we make men feel creengy material?
Gays are (often) the ones who figure out how to makes things cool. Aside from the media empire pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda, you're not going to win a PR battle with them.
Not to mention, this is actually the reason for the leftwing LGBT movement in the first place. If "normie" conservatives didn't treat them like garbage, they never would have become cannon fodder for the left.
Gays rape children.
I hope to god you're being ironic because your whole post is cringe material.
Does this look 'cool' to you? Because it looks fucking stupid and cringey to me. Look at some of the webms in that thread. Fags aren't cool, they're the opposite and the only reason anyone tolerates them is the heavy media shilling 24/7.
That's cringe.
So straight men do… do we kill u?
Gays at much higher rates. You freaks can never be trusted with adoption.
So you make a point over the 3% of the population based on random childish gender protests posters lol, this children…
Really? Why dont you share with us that source your argument is based on?
Yeah i guess that's why people use gay as a synonym for lame and weak constantly
Yikes. Democracy is evil buddy
Hahahahahahahaahah in what reality you faggot?
Even the antifaggots hate faggots they pretty much killed one in Portland recently. Nobody likes faggots.
I'm glad the founding fathers, Hitler, and Stalin wanted all gays dead.
You are the most disgusting lifeforms.
Keep posting cringe like that and continue to prove me right.
Face it, you're barely a step above furfags and that's reaching. My point is that gays are cringe and you cannot refute it, you pathetic attempts to do so have thus far only given more fuel to my own argument. Maybe if you and you ilk could act like normal human beings instead of cocksucking snowflakes, you wouldn't be rightfully mocked. But then again If you were normal human beings, you wouldn't be gay, so it's a moot point.
You know what? Do whatever the fuck you want. Im gonna kiss my girlfriend and hold her hand while walking the streets and wont give a damn about your sad life or opinion :)
goodbye dyke we won't miss you
But im missed by someone else… you probably dont know what im talking about though.
Your life is a joke.
By another dyke, lol. Gays can't really connect anyhow, it's all about themselves ultimately. It could never be a real connection because by definition is a dysfunction.
Yeah whatever. Look, my niggas white or otherwise, there’s something to this subversion business. I got in a good strike by being a failing anti-environmentalist voice. Leftism kinda forgot how to play both sides to find the higher truth, eh?
Don’t fear the flipper. It takes empathy to understand both why we might hate nature and why we might love it. Between the two songs is the song of taming, which is the greater mastery.
The crux of faggotry.
Self serving sex addictions.
Fight or Flight.
Fucking or Fighting.
Lowest vibrating human frequency among the Chakras.
Subhuman filth.
That one is a little too wordy, let me try again.
Pretty gay bruh, go back to kikechan.
good attempts anons, but they are all shit tier. why? don't change the structure of the meme. you have to keep the text in all caps and the bottom line should be kept as "YEP, THIS ONE'S GOING IN MY CRINGE COMPILATION." or simply "*SNAP*" (second option is not as good but still acceptable). once again, the idea is fine but you have to look at these finer details or else they'll not hold the power of the originals.
also annoying orange was always cancer, I don't any memes will change that. if you want advice on how to improve that macro though, cut the text to only "SO YOU'RE GAY? BRO… THAT'S KINDA CRINGE"
I don't think any memes**
alternatively you could make it "SO YOU LIKE MEN? BRO… THAT'S KINDA GAY." and that would reinfornce the idea that gay=lame or cringe plus add more humor to it.
I didn't make the annoying orange one, I found it elsewhere but it helped give me the idea so I included it in the OP.
Focus on their most disgusting aspect: buggery. Most gentiles hate feces, these kikes fuck the sewer pipe on random strangers.
Norm McDonald has a bit about this comparing the parade for moon astronauts to some guy who takes it in the ass so he deserves a parade. It's funny on many levels if you know freemasonry.
your memes suck OP
you'll want better ones if you'll want them to accomplish the stated goal
I think the new generation really appreciates cringe humor. They are the targets since they are being the most heavily brainwashed by schools and other institutions.
better but still feels too wordy, also change "THAT" to "THIS".
Hedy Lamar was the coinventor of spread spectrum communication. She did not invent wifi, Precious (that is your name right? Brock was seen hiring people at a drag show, he's that desperate).
You have a cock. You are male.
you could change the top text to "POOP DICK PARADE?" and it'll be more effective imo
Your father who you put in a early grave with your faggotry?
last critique for this edit for now, if you can change the shrek to the smug shrek in the OP while keeping the gay flag it'll be more in line with the original and more effective that way.
all I can think of now is to make the top text slightly larger and what I said here:
other than that, it's memeable now.
You're an idiot.
not bad user, not bad
this is being picky now, but if you change the size of the top text to around 3/4ths the size of the bottom two text lines instead of it being 1 to 1 in size, it might look better and give us a little bit more view of the flag.
He's a faggot trying to derail because he's scared. There is always at least one of them shitting up every thread. Any sane board would ban them.
the top text font size is 48 and the bottom text is 32. You want the top text to be 36? I shrunk to bottom text down to 28 so that they would contrast more.
nevermind I read it again.
I think I like this one best, same user as here. running on 4G to the store rq. gw OP
If something freaks you out that’s all in your head dude.
You can’t make other people uncomfortable with something that doesn’t bother them.
literal faggot
the thread is over anyways and something good came out of it, move your tantrum elsewhere
This could be the most boomer thing I have seen all day. It just needs bad memes… oh wait.
And here I thought that salt mine had already run dry.
alright cool, we're good now. almost didn't catch that detail.
also this'll come in handy for the folsom street fair in 3 months
Here are some template before I go. Just remember that it doesn't have to be this exact meme. The general idea is to socially shame them through smug mockery.