Is traditionalism and conservatism an obstacle to development and progress in modern world or conservatism and Truthful Progress can go hand in hand ? What do you think about it?
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Is traditionalism and conservatism an obstacle to development and progress in modern world or conservatism and Truthful Progress can go hand in hand ? What do you think about it?
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It’s a worthy question. I’m not good at thinking about this; it reaches into a tangled thornbrush of emotion by searing a little too close to identity factors. The way I want to say is the right way to think about it is, “What are you conserving?” and “What are you progressing towards?”. Yet even when people clarify their goals, they don’t always know the way to reach them, and why should I expect that I’m immune to that? I don’t think I know the right way to come to this table, but it’s a worthy question.
You misunderstand what those terms mean. Conservatism is clinging to decaying forms when you don't even understand their origin, Hitler already said as much. Traditionalism is understanding that you have a place in a long succession of people building societies on the Unshakeable Truths of the universe. One is foolish and passive, the other forward-thinking and active. Conservatism is clinging to muskets and horses, traditionalism is a modern army using the structures that have proven effective for thousands of years.
You got it the other way around.
But just think nobody taught the first gun makers or car makers how to build those things. Their abilities were in their genes but they needed the proper environment which was liberal enough to accept their ideas and inventions .
For me idea of progressive is focused on development - a fulfilled person is a person who makes full use of his or her development possibilities.
The sense of progressive is the state of perfection and harmony of thinking and action, which leads a person to the heights of his possibilities,
Gee, if only there was a 3rd option that took the best parts of each and formed a doctrine around that.
the blur between (((progressivism))), progress(tm) and (n.)progress makes it a strange question
the proper environment is one that appreciates scientific truth, which is a slight problem with the authoritarian mystics (who prize transcendent truths) and a fundamental problem with nature denying ideologues (who prizes approval)
What's sold as progress today is basically reverting to the state of an animal, or even below animals. Traditionalism is about preserving the building blocks of societies which allow for higher forms of culture, science, society and individuals to thrive. Conservativism is a misnomer.
I just say no to this cursed ideology.
be sure to clean the jew semen from your mouth before kissing your boyfriend goodnight tonight
Traditionalism built the fucking modern world you stupid fuck.
Congrats on the win, paytriot!
Here's your prize!
What the fuck is this "something gender-neutral" ?
I want normal woman like her.
This is normal woman , not any fucking tranny .
You have no right . For example in Saudi Arabia which is extremely traditional country by its faithfulness to the tradition and radical version of its religion is a country with an unbelievably backward, anti-progressive and superstitious society.
And yet Saudi arabia isn't in any imminent danger of being outbred any time soon. Saudi arabia isn't being invaded by foreigners that are taking over every institution and brainwashing their kids not to breed.
Saudi arabia despite being "backwards" is in a much better position currently than any western "progressive" "modern" state.
Call them regressive because that is what they are. They seek to destroy nations and peoples, to lower our quality of life and prospects. Much of their ideology is based around sexual pleasure, hedonism, nihilism. These can only take us back, these can only take us to a lower place of animal depravity.
But you didn't beat the Nazis. White heterosexual men did.
And those guys who were later stabbed in the back by the baby boomers of the 68 movement and denounced as evil racist misogynistic white monsters.
You are the inheritor of traitors, not the inheritor of the veterans.
QTDDTOT left up for 3 days. Kike spam left up for 3 days.
because it's demoralizing. it's really just an idiot with an idiots opinion though… He's probably young and don't understand the words he's using. Nor the world he's living in for that matter.
Traditionalism is: "Let's build society based off of models that have worked for thousands of years". I don't think you can equate that to someone following a religion, that is to say a religious built society. Saudia Arabia is not "traditional" as much as it is a sharia state…
So not "wisdom of the ages" but religious adherence.
Progressivism is only progressive in name only, just like most of the jew 1984 words. In practice it supports almost no freedom of speech, tight authoritarian control of the press and social media, an unphilosophical spirit not curtailed by anything at all: a return to animalism or actually like some person said above here: below animal level…
It doesnt support science, but only the science it agrees with. It doesn't support art, because believing and standing for something and then expressing it is so passé.
Here in the west we look down upon Saudia Arabia because they are religious, but here in the west liberalism, "progressivism" and feminism are our religion. At least religion - some of it - is based upon wisdom of the ages, but our religions are based upon nothing but lies.
Their population is already completely mongrelized. The Jews never attack an asset.
Or maybe you think the difference between successful conservatism in SA and failure in the West is due to based sandniggers?
The original progressives were eugenicists and racialists. They were on the right track, but it was derailed by Jews towards negrofication, post modernism for education, and deliberate promotion of primitivism for the masses.
I think you're progressing towards a moot point and a societal dead end and it's pretty easily evidenced by the fact that none of todays social champions can even explain why we had the traditions they're so desperate to replace. And because you people have no idea what you're tearing up, you can't actually replace it and this is where the hollow empty feelings the average person has now comes from. Because you've torn up thousands of years of their societal evolution and replaced it with Pokemon Go and casual sex. It's okay though the pendulum will inevitably swing back, you can't force the world to go on with your fantasy forever.
Reactionary traditionalism is the aim of fascism. Fascism being reaching that state via modern means (the modern state, mass movements, hobbsian use of power).
Conservatism has quickly turned into defending a certain class (middle class) and pretty much fully cut ties to traditionalism and the right during the 80s when it went full neolib, i.e Reagan forcing no-fault divorce.
As someone who regularly implements learning algorithms in my data analyses, the answer is that you need both. Every learning process is a combination of Exploration (of possible new solutions, usually mutations of old ones) and Exploitation (of known working solutions).
What we know, by definition, is that the known solution already works, and we can survive and sometimes even prosper by exploiting it indefinitely. This is the tradition; If you will, it's the past 10k years of wisdom passed down in the form of a book of lessons intertwined with myth.
We may want to do better, and if we are competing against others then we may NEED to do better. In this case, we may consider new solutions through theory and experiment. We may consider mutations of old solutions or (cautiously) new solutions from out of left field, but it would be foolish to venture far from the known working solutions. In the modern world where businesses, countries, and families are "either growing or dying", and especially now in the technological singularity, it would be foolish not to consider ways of updating our old social systems.
Seek new solutions while respecting the old ones.
Oink oink.
>modern world seems to be implying that the modern world is a good thing
You act like you've never read Evola, Guenon or Devi?
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it
Let's drop an Evola quote in here while the thread is still young…
"The axiom of the revolutionary-conservative or revolutionary-
reactionary mentality is that the supreme values and the
foundational principles of every healthy and normal institution
are not liable to change and to becoming: among these values
we may find, for instance, the true State, the imperium, the
actoritas [authority], hierarchy, justice, functional classes,
and the primacy of the political element over the social and
economic elements."
-Julius Evola, "Men Among the Ruins", page 116.
its important to slowly make the general population lean more to the right and towards nationalism.
There is nothing progressive about the modern world. Jews and leftists want humanity to be regressive, becoming nothing more than animals that act on impulse.
Progress can only be achieved through permanently conserving tradition.
The "progressives" aren't even progressive. The original progressives were for segregation, eugenics, and wanted to exterminate lesser savage races. Actual fucking progress.
There's no shortage of far right Christians in congress and government, too bad they're traitorous heretical anti-Christ zionists on top of that.