Just to preface, this is all speculation but based off of previously used communication patterns by these groups along with the media. That said, take the following as you will but it feels odd/suspicious to me to say the least.
So as you all know the POTUS has been bringing up this years 4th of July celebration to be a big deal and a large celebration. We all know that 4th of July celebrations occur in every city and usually draw a massive amount of people.
Now as you also know a few days ago there was a ANTIFA vs Proud Boys shit show which resulted in ANTIFA used slow acting concrete due to the addition of sugar which the idiot in picture1 attempts to claim dissolves cement when, in actuality, it slows down the chemical drying process so the compound can last longer while in a container (like a jug, etc).
Fast forward to yesterday (29th actually) when, randomly, Big League Politics ran a report about ANTIFA planning an "acid attack" on July 6. Now BLP cannot be trusted due to their Loomer connection/among others but one thing about them is they always "somehow" seem to know about these events before hand. You can make up your own conclusions about them but suffice to say, I do not trust them and feel they have some coordination with the other groups but that is a separate topic all together. Here is the article:
On the exact same day (29th), ABC ran an article as well. Now we have ABC, on the exact same day as BLP wrote an article about ANTIFA planning acid attacks writing an article about the FBI receiving threats about an attack by "domestic terrorists" on the 4th of July. Here is the article:
A day later, "It's Going Down", a mouthpiece for ANTIFA publishes this tweet stating "Federal authorities are warning that white supremacists could look to attack Independence Day revelers on July 4th. Previous bulletins have often focused on groups like ISIS rather than “domestic” terrorists radicalized by abortion or white supremacy"
Of the very few Retweets it receives, it receives one from the Board Chair of CAIR in Oregon, this asshole:
Long story short:
on same day
a day later
Responded by..
CAIR, It's Going Down, Big League Politics, ABC all discussing issue with fingers pointing in the other direction before anything even takes place. In the past whenever these patterns including these groups has presented themselves it was followed by an issue. In this case and given that the POTUS has made it a point to state this years 4th will be a big event I don't think anyone would disagree that the evil powers that be would want to disrupt it. Not to mention disrupting the 4th anyhow since it celebrates America.
My point is, I have seen these patterns emerge before and it always follows with an issue taking place. I am posting this for Zig Forums discussion of course but also posting it because I know the feds read what is written here and, hopefully, if something truly is being planned they look at those who appear to communicating about an event before it even occurs. Maybe it will help if there truly is something going on but these groups always follow similar patterns I have noticed. They are subtle and only can be noticed if you pay attention to who is posting, how they post, what they say, and how the order of events plays out. I just think something is going on here as (at best), it is an odd series of events and (at worst) something may truly be going on. But consider this: When was the last time you ever saw CAIR, or a CAIR lead, supporting and working directly with ANTIFA? This guy here… he is… and it just so happens that his area is the exact area all these issues are happening.