It is confirmed that black nationals are afrocentric insurgents conspiring with the (((media))) to destabilize the country to usurp our futures and securities.
Hollywood put white genocide encryption in Season 3 of Stranger Things
We have a couple of days to burn down Netflix in order to save our race
go die you worthless shitskin
Only a couple of days? You got timetables to meet, agent?
every person of color is an afrocentric insurgent conspiring with the Zionists to destabilize the United States
Could you give evidence of that?
Pizzgate encryption? What does that even mean? Whatever that is, can you give evidence?
Fair enough
How does any of this mean that black nationalists and the media are working together? How do you know it's not just nogs being nogs?
before Season 3 of Stranger Things premieres and sets of a pre planned msm coordinated propaganda dirty bomb to destroy the white race
Just what we need, more schizo posting. no proof, no evidence, no context, just rambling, exactly what jewmonkey wanted.
e is going to kill all the shitskins
this is a shitskin insurgent that gatekeeps to spread false information and downplay any collusion
Netflix got a transgender to voice Shinji to push a tranny psyop on the chans
Nice projection you jewmonkey nufag. You shitskins give yourselves out very easily
Yes, some random subliminal messages and a few crazies is enough to be qualified as genocide. Keep in mind that the average white person is too pathetic to be even worth genociding. Get over yourself.
Because they're the only ones not posting gore, faggot shit and cp.
Shitskins have stolen the Alt Rights +++ sigil into and a triple repetition derivative to psyop white people into thinking that they have Alt Right clout
It isn't random as you tried using yes and your last three worded sentence to tread the lines of using encryption as you shitskin insurgents use stolen memes to mask yourselves and larp that you aren't pathetic or worthless
You are trying to gatekeep and deny the use of encryption when its apparent in the images I posted
The thread about deepfakes modifying live news broadcasts was deleted, but this schizo shit is left up?
Your "evidence" is weak at best. Just because a set designer used a certain symbol does not make them a pedophile. Further yet, why would they feel the need to advertise to the entire world that they like diddling little kids?
OP, I'l believe whatever it is you're tying to prove. But first you have to give me a strong reason to believe it
What kind of schizo shit is this? Kys OP if you're unable to present a coherent postulate.
OP, if I was trying to cover up your thread, it wouldn't be hard. In fact, I'd just do exactly what you're doing, that is, just call everybody names who disagrees with me and ruin the thread quality. Give me an actual reason to believe what you're saying
WTF are you babbling about? Nothing in your screenshots in any way backs up your claims
fuck off shitskins
I would be extremely pleased if China cyberfucks all (((streaming services)))
Are you the same nigger that thought the FBI was pretending to be the CIA and that they hacked you by changing one random picture for another random picture?
I don't know if u r joking or not
I believe you OP. Just post more evidence next time.
nigger you keep using mainstream media words, even i can tell you're a glowing nigger
This has been going on for decades kiddo, must be nice to be living in a completely sheltered environment free of niggers.
I can tell you haven't been on the chans too long, are you a recent r/T_D rapefugee nigger?
despite being the usual shitty, degenerate, interracial, pro-homo, dysgenic season, this one only had one interesting twist on top of it:
(ring any bells?)
Was the speech about the towns record low black unemployment?
And? Will you mobilize your race to kill niggers, leftists and jews, as you should? If you won't, complaining will amount to nothing.
Could you go a little more into detail?
The most obvious thing I've seen so far, is that it promotes race-mixing (Negro with White, Ginger Girl, Lisping Mulatto with a White, Mormon Girl). Most of the . Little Will is really Jewish (he's also played by Noah Schnapp, fully Jewish on both maternal and paternal line). The fact that he's the one suffering so much from the curse he's under, could translate to real life, as to symphatize with Jews.
Then there's some side stories in season 3 i've seen so far:
- How the mall is killing small, rural city centres → haven't figured the deeper meaning to this
- How politicians will use cops to squash down protest → young, impressionable teenagers can watch this and use it for identification for their own SJW/LGBTW protests.
I haven't found your underlying encryption of white genocide, so i'm curious where you saw it.
So many of you complain.
Yet you do nothing.
These men are known. They can be found. They are not immortal. They anything BUT immortal.
They are not God's, not giants, they are merely men.
Remember the riddle of the steel.
Naturally, there's a lot of weird bullshit in there. Since Jews overly communicate in metaphors, when trying to read Hollywood, you have to forgo on pragmatism and focus on metaphors and their layered meanings. It's like talking to a woman: women hardly ever say what they really want and instead say something which can be interpreted in a multitude ways. Since the Jews are an effeminated race, they do to.
For instance:
In the first picture, the two girls are shopping the mall after there's some boyfriend troubles. They end with some ice cream (one vanilla-with-sprinkles, one strawberry both with extra whipped cream). While they walk outside, they swap their ice cream cones.
In the 2nd picture, the dude is ordering a bottle of red win for his date. The Maître D' is explaining the chianti, with its subtle hints of cherry. The dude replies "Great, who doesn't love cherry?"
Right, here's the finishing touch
The red wine comment also was a bit viler
Zig Forums isn't some deepweb hitman forum. If you want someone dead, kill them yourselves.
>It is confirmed that black nationals are afrocentric insurgents conspiring with the (((media))) to destabilize the country to usurp our futures and securities.
Yes this is 100% true and it's part of the Jewish end game. The Black end game in America is the eventual enslavement of the White race. That's their fantasy and they will never let go of their genetic memory telling them they were emasculated by our ancestors, which is why they should never have been allowed to live among us in the first place - all non-whites are subversive ticking time bombs.
What happened on Ruby Ridge?
The kid who plays Mike is also Jewish.
Do you even know what a metaphor is you degenerate nigger?
finna box niid gigna
Anyone still watching mass media is a lost cause. Why do you even care what garbage they're feeding normies?
a thread died for this
Why Netflix put commies as the villains for Stranger Things season 3? Did they get tired of nazis?
Maybe they appealing to libertarian/republican fanbase, since commies = nazis is their typical mindset.
Even if they show commies as pure scum, which they actually are, they always trying blame only russians for marxism spreading, and never mention the jewish role in it.
I don't see how Stranger Things is encrypted White genocide propaganda.
The "Mulatto" is an Italian with
cleidocranial dysostosis and who's the Mormon girl you're talking about?
I don't see any other meaning in the mall subplot other than commentary on capitalism.
I'm gonna assume you mean cast?
In which case, I checked most of them and they're usually white with the exception of Noah Schnapp and Winona Ryder, Finn Wolfhard is a quarter-Jew I believe.
The only real "propaganda" is the Mayor is an obvious Trump allusion.
That's honestly better than Nazis tbh but I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence since the Soviets are Russians.
because whether you want it to or not, normies affect our lives too.
Explain the subliminal message to me. It went over my head. What does cherry mean and the shit with the ice cream.
commies = evil russians, who corrupt rich white american politicians with a blonde wig. don't get it yet?
muh 80s nostalgia
I think you guys are overthinking this.
i wonder what will happen once all the whites die off in USA.
Do you think china will try to regain control of USA?
i seem to remember a flower representing girls during pizzagate. i lost my pizzagate folder during the new pc build though
Same glowniggers, attempting to create a schizo reading where there is none. It flies so far above the heads of even enlightened people that you'll understand there is nothing to see here.
People exchanged ice cream and talked about the lovely cherry flavor. So FBI shot at whites.
No you didn't.
I just noticed the spiral theme on the girl's dress, and the boxes with pandas inside the secret russian store (both pedo references).
anyway stranger things is obviously centered on the theme of MKultra.
Just some general background about the role of esotericism in Judaism.
I post this not because I suspect that "all jews" are pedophiles, or that Maimonides and other Jewish scholars are part of some international Jewish network of child rapists and murderers. What IS significant, is that is show that highly esoteric and secretive teachings are a component of mainstream rabbinic Judaism, and that it is not at all a conspiracy to suggest that "hidden knowledge" play a significant cultural and political role in certain Jewish circles.
It's also worth noting that there is a tradition of "oral torah" dating back to antiquity. The "oral torah" consists of the most secretive and intricate of Jewish traditions and beliefs. Moreover, Jews are forbidden from sharing this knowledge with anyone (and pretty much none of it is available on the internet). In fact, they can't even share it with other jews, with the exception being a one-on-one private conversation between two scholars or rabbis (or in some cases, a teacher and a student)
russians my dude;wow when have russians been around.
You are gay.