I know that all of us hate niggers, its normal. Because all of us had a painful experience with them. stealing your wallet, sucker punch you, grope your girlfriend in front of you, jumping you, 10 on 1, etc etc.
But, can we label all of them? maybe there are based black people? I remember seeing a black mormon who said that its natural for black people to be slaves. he was ok about it, and was supporting it.
Please share some info about based blacks (if you know any)
wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com/ I'm of the Rockwell opinion that blacks and whites should unite to take down the jews. We wouldn't even have to turn on them afterwards because the world would be a near utopia. Too bad they're too dumb though.
This is a bit of a shit thread, but it has potential for good conversation. I feel like I would naturally take an almost fatherly attitude towards blacks if they weren't a threat. But I don't think I could be happy with just a modern caste system, apartheid, segregation, etc. They've just done so much harm. They attack innocent people, bully children for being White, rape women, etc. For awhile I tried to take the Orthodox NatSoc position of not hating other races, and just wanting to help your own, but I'm not sure I can. I feel such a strong desire to kill every time I see a group of niggers causing ruckus, and absolutely unbearable is seeing a nigger show any interest whatsoever in a non-black woman. I'm usually not the sort to hold grudges, but I just can't forgive them. How am I supposed to?
Jackson Miller
Nope, I just hate them because they are stupid, ugly and smell like piss. I've had to deal with disruption because of them. Not necessarily because they're criminal, but because they're so stupid they can't into civilization.
We tried to hire some for manual labor at my company but it was like Empire of Dust. If they showed up at all they'd do little to no work, get themselves hurt doing simple tasks and fought over the lunch we bought them even though there was more than enough.
It's easier to train animals to perform useful tasks.
The most you can really get a nigger to do in terms of supporting whites is help the along the path to realizing that getting rid of white people (or at least making them the majority) means that the western country they're in will slowly degrade to the conditions found in Africa. You can do this by showing them what happened every time the whites left a colonized country. Everything goes to shit, and the country is left in economic, social, and moral ruin. If you want niggers to fight someone, you just have to convince them that all their problems are because of that person/group. That's what the (((media))) has been doing against us. I think niggers could be a valuable tool in the coming conflict, assuming we can convince them that spics, muslims, and ultimately Jews are their enemies.
wow that guy has more balls than most of us. I know I would not say that on tv. cuz im a coward.
John Allen
thats a pretty fucking based noga
Lucas Brooks
take your stupid shilling somewhere else the concept of based blacks means to actively incorporate them into our group and accept them. That is not acceptable but if i a do happen to come across a black man who isn't a total nigger am i going to be an ass to him? no, i believe in reciprocity and if i am given a even an ounce of respect i will give it back. But that doesnt mean i want that black guy as my neighbor in my church and in my country
Landon Watson
Niggers are a threat to the future of humanity and must be thoroughly obliterated.
Owen Garcia
Chase Wood
[trigger warning]
Niggers are Bigger
How can you even hope to match the pure power of the Giant African Penus? The BBC, (or big black cock for those uninformed) will impregnate all of your goy daughters, sisters, and mothers, and will sweep the whole of America in an interracial orgy bathed in vaginal lubricant and black cracker semen.
That's why I say BOW. Bow before the benis of black bigness and feel it within your anus
My rule? 40yo+ blacks only. 5 year minimum vetting process. I use the same rule for most white people, recently. Huge majority of the genpop are fucking losers and don't try hard, do drugs, are manipulative, etc. Don't want to have nice things or live in a nice world. There was a time when I'd trust most white people within a year, but thanks to opioids, academic brainwashing, etc. trust is now a level playing field.
This is a good topic for discussion. In the US, for instance…100th level Dark Elf Wizards could be assets during the revolution; but be prepared to play RISK with them later for Atlanta and Baltimore. We get Chicago. They want LA, we want SF. There will be no decisive victory if one identity group goes against the elite alone. We unite for the win, then in-fight, most likely, hopefully via online gaming. Once we get the power and internet working again, that is..
Jews make up .2% of the global population, so we should be trying to get as much of that other 99.8% onboard as possible. It's really in everybody's best interest, even the people who may be benefiting from them in the short-term will end up getting jew'd down the line.
Ultimately, we're all goyim to that. Of course, we shouldn't be race-mixing with them or anything, as some of the autists who lack nuance will think I'm implying.
Rockwell's mentor, DeWest Hooker, who he called "the nearest thing to a Nazi since the Bund", and who he credited with first teaching him to "know the cunning and evil ways of the enemy" in the dedication to This Time the World, felt the same way, and was apparently in contact with Farrakhan in the '80s or '90s.
I think that sort of regional segregation might be more palatable. I just really don't want to see any non-Whites when I'm walking around town. It probably wouldn't take much tinkering to get their birth rates below replacement level anyways.
Zachary Cooper
How about when we take power we conquer some portion of the African west coast and give that to the Hoteps.