You guys are so hell bent on causing a race war. Why not just solve things peacefully and take white women's rights away? It works for the muslims. They are winning in terms of birth rates because they keep their women in line. Why aren't you using your enemies tactics against them?
Why so focused on violence?
Ladies plz we are busy.
the extreme right have done good work in 2019.a attack on moslims,an attack on jews,and a race traitor is killed.
if there are still people that want to do a attack,they can do a attack against the apes.but better do another group then 'muslims' 'jews' and 'traitors' because that is already done.
death to the apes.
This is a 4chan-tier shit thread, which means its almost-certain that the moderators made it.
Fuck off fednigger.
This is what im talking about. You guys wont have the numbers if you don't increase your fertility rate. i think many of you are just bitter incels and fantasize about killing because you weak and pathetic in the real world.
I'm trying to help you dipshits. You guys are so fucking hopeless.
You're crazy. We didn't start this war. We're in it and we're trying to end it. Want to stop the race war? Get the elites to stop their policy of population replacement.
You won't, so that leaves only one response to attempted genocide.
I don't know what you're talking about OP. This is a board of peace.
The Race War was targeted against me when I got to Clown World, you ignorant, arrogant whore.
I'm fucking sick of these condescending threads every two days from retarded, brainwahed bitches who strawman us into their own personal boogyman.
This is no longer a Race War, it's a Smart vs. Stupid War.
Good vs. Evil.
You're on the wrong side again, bitch.
so you are going to continue sending your daughters to college and letting them divorce rape their husbands?
I don't have a daughter.
Good idea OP. I'll just snap my fingers and make that happen.
You're too retarded for me to willingly expose myself to your idiocy any longer, bitch.
Reported and filtered.
Taking women's rights away is extreme, just not violent. The muslims are currently conquering Europe with relatively little violence, we have a chance to turn this back without firing more than a few shots.
its like im giving you the cure for cancer and you are simultaneously shoving my hand away, your loss fag.
No. What you are doing is saying "Hey guys, let's just magically cure cancer somehow!"
And everyone is just watching you embarrass yourself with annoyance.
You haven't thought this through. Hence your worthless thread.
Grow a brain, moran
I think youre just mad you didn't think of it. Just because I am not going into detail about the method doesn't automatically debunk my claim,retard.
they are WEAKER and DUMBER than us. What are they going to do?
I already did. In fact I have solved all the worlds problems long ago.
If all the jews would simply die, then there'd be no problems.
yup, all those WHITE feminists who shill for abortion and openly call for the CASTRATION of men will just disappear,right? The jews created feminism, but white women carry the torch.
Obviously you do not understand that the Jewish agenda is working out a plan to wipe out the white heritage and then the race itself. And they have been doing well, and they will continue doing so if we do nothing. Of course, we want to talk but then we get censored. We are mainly strengthening up because we dont believe in a Jewish solution for the existance of the white race.