First off, I'm glad everywhere I go on the internet now a lot of people are redpilled on kikes. That's great. HOWEVER, smug eurofucks and other countries like to only point their fingers of blame on the evils of jewry on America but that's fucking bullshit.
Europeans have known, for centuries, thousands of years beginning with Rome on the evils of the jews and all you did over and over and over again was expel them hundreds of times leaving these parasitic vermin to infest and infect others in the world instead of absolutely eradicating them.
How is everything not Europe's fault? From the last centuries alone of the climax of the Napoleonic wars, constant backstabbings, the Rothschild Balfour Declaration King David Hotel Bombings and the creation of israel, this is absolutely fucking your burden. Europe didn't finish the fucking job on the rat kike bastards countless times when it could and you have the fucking nerve to blame America. Fuck you eurofaggots with your tiny ass clown cars own up to what you did and failed to do by not killing all the jews.
Nathaniel Cook
because there are evil white europeans who can get paid off and bribed. Whites aren't perfect and jews capitalize that.
Hey king come to my party, oh there is this beautiful maid that is twelve, it would be a pity if a i sent them to you room as you stayed the night etc. They grant favors and this that and the other for protection.
The other is that enough jews have intermarried with europeans and have taken european names. this makes them harder to find and root our completely. In spain i was reading about a bunch of converso who were jews that converted to catholicism. How are you supposed to identify these people accurately?
Jacob Hall
Who is Israel's "greatest ally", remind me.
Aiden Sullivan
There's quite a difference between not dealing with the jew problem, which indeed is part of European history and faults, and fellating them giving them billions of dollars a year while doing their bidding.
Oh look, ANOTHER D&C thread. It's like, you want us infighting with our own Brothers, rather than discussing the pressing issues that challenge us. Almost like you think stalling like this is going to save your already extinct rat asses. Don't know about the rest of the anons, all you're doing is pissing me off, and strengthening my resolve for what must be done, and done soon. Keep poking, kikes.
Grayson Hall
God I love Texe Marrs. I don't believe in the afterlife but if there is, he's looking down on us from heaven right now, and there's no fucking kikenvermin up there.
Austin Harris
He's still alive, he just isn't able to do his weekly radio show anymore.
Christopher Perry
Maybe so, but by that logic, America is not to blame anymore than Europe is because America suffers from this same problem.
How much has Germany, France, Britain, and Sweden given the jews in the last 10 years?
Jose Ramirez
Jim Marrs is the dead Marrs.
Parker Smith
Because (((Christianity))). < A kvetching neo-Jew appears!
Oh, look. Evangelical (((Christians))). Again. But yeah, no, its totally not the (((Christian))) thing that's acting as the intermediary problem which inhibits tackling the major problem. Seems legit.
Brayden James
That's actually true. But here's the rub: All Abrahamic universalist monotheistic cults worship this thing you call "Satan". And its an old-world demonic force of malevolence and maliciousness. All you have to do is read (((The Old Testament/The Torah))) to see as much point-blank.
Abrahamic universalist monotheism is the product of a disgusting sand-monster seeking to use mortals to destroy its divine competition.
And this bears reiterating: The demon even tells you itself that you're worshiping it, but only if you know how to listen. It simultaneously tells you how its going to appear beauteous and temptuous, not as some goat-legged horned abomination, but as a handsome and beautiful figure, a "fallen angel", a silvered tongue behind the Many Masks of the Morning Star.
… Yet, this 'God' you speak of, he has quite the silver tongue, doesn't he? And he often "moves in mysterious ways", doesn't he? He often seems to support the carrying out of absolute atrocities, the genocide of people – by his 'chosen', a rat-faced tribe of former-slaves and assorted semitic miscreants, no less – and he always, ALWAYS, seeks to tempt men away from the Gods of their people and to worship of him…. But, uh, you fucks never seem to get the point. And I'm quite certain that he laughs heartily at the ruse he has perpetrated upon you.
Its sad, really, in a cosmically-horrifying sort of way.
In conclusion, a Jew is not merely a thing of Spirit.
A Man is three pillars: Mind, Body, Soul
A Jew, then, is not merely a thing of the Soul, not merely a Spiritual factor – but these (((Christians))) would suggest otherwise. They would suggest, in fact, that it is their DUTY as servants of (((Yeshua))) that the Jews be converted and brought into the "Second Covenant" in totality. And, if Jews 'convert', many – I would argue MOST – (((Christians))) are inclined to accept them into the flock.
But therein lies the rub: Because a Jew is not merely a thing of Spirit, but of Mind and Body in turn. A Jew that 'converts' is only masquerading in the context of the Spirit, to cover up the continuation of his being a Jew in Body and Mind.
This is terribly hazardous and has caused great misfortune.
A Jew is a creature of the biological (Body), the cultural (Mind), and the spiritual (Soul). As it is physically impossible for a Jew to meaningfully change in terms of Body, and nigh-impossible to draw a Jew free of its innate predispositions in the context of Mind, and even Spirit, there can be no such thing as a 'convert' Jew.
Its merely a Jew utilizing the tenants of (((Christianity))) to worm its way into European society, like a worm painting itself red to get the apple to let it in; and it goes without saying: There are no good Jews.
Kek.That's funny, I was just thinking about that since pic related is becoming popular lately among my people.
You need to understand something, my burger friend, we come from pretty much the same people; Our ancestors were tricked and backstabbed by greedy traitors who sold their own people to kikes and their usury for short term pleasures and useless shiny shit. This has been in the making slowly for at least 2000 years and it's no way it can be unfucked quickly. We are in a long war that will probably last many more generations. Let us stop bickering who is more guilty and who got more fucked in the past, and let us wage this long war against kikery together, yes?
>But yeah, no, its totally not the (((Christian))) thing that's acting as the intermediary problem Jesus fucking christ you jidf faggots stick out. Every thread has to turn into christian bashing for you stupid faggots.
Joseph Lee
< A kvetching neo-Jew appears!
Kayden Watson
Not going to get into a thread derailing debate with you kike. Just calling you out.
Isaiah Collins
Because you are their bitch now your government gives all their money to them and they have your country by the balls. You can't blame other countries for that blame your own government. No one forced yous to be in the mess your in now.
Liam Lee
Yeah thats great Neo-Jew. You really "called me out" by doing exactly what I said you were going to do, what your kind always do when confronted with the reality of the cult of (((Yeshua))) being a means of subversion.
Go kvetch about the semitic trash of (((Christianity))) being called out elsewhere.
Jose Smith
It's a kike d&c strategy. We all know the fucking kikes are everywhere and they have many nations protecting the nest.
Grayson Gonzalez
It's not just America, shitskin.
Evan Morris
Same reason Americans don't: Jews always had the protection of the State and the rich aristocratic assholes. Whenever Europeans rioted against kikes, the kings and nobles sent soldiers to put the riots down and protect the kikes.
Thomas Moore
No but mainly and I am white burgerkike.
Kayden Campbell
Tell me who's country has the biggest synagogue outside of Pissrael? or pays the amount you pay them in foreign aid and still wanting to increase it?
Noah Ortiz
America is a jewish puppet state You died to the jew back then and you die for the jew now
>Thats the tale of (((Judeo-Christian))) "expulsions" in a nutshell.
Cameron Bell
Tell me whose country has the largest jew population outside pissreal? Tell me, where do all those jews come from? Tell me further, why did you only ever move jews around instead of destroying them, then send them all to the US, the complain about the US being jewed, as though Europe was not jewed before the US existed, as the direct consequence of (((Christianity)))?
Actually, scratch all that, just go hang yourself instead.
US gets the blame because 40% of the Jews in the world live in the US. We were a natural for their ethnic DD&C (divide,distract and conquer) tactics. As a people, whites don't commit genocide. Now, the English are a bit … perverse in that way, because they've been run by genocidal jews for centuries. Look at what those sick fucks did to Boer women and children - slaughtered them like the devil's servants that they are. But in general, no one wanted to kill off all the jews for two reasons: 1) They had the gold needed to fight wars. 2) Drive the jews out and the other King has the gold to fight wars.
John Gutierrez
Iran. North Korea.
Robert Rivera
This is why we got George VI and not Edward. You really believe the cover story?
Harry ran afoul of this. Lots of Mormon blackmailers in Alberta.
Jayden Carter
Yes. I read the fine print. They hate it most when you teach others how to as well.
Owen Garcia
It wouldn't be that hard to identify individual kikes with a NatSoc economic system where only labor has value. Anyone not producing tangible goods and operating "solvent" would be identified in short order.
That is why the kikes hate it so much.
Ian Campbell
America sucks plenty of shlomo shlong. If you were Japanese maybe you would have point, but even then, we just really need to be sure the whole world understands how bad things really are before anyone goes full exterminatus, only God can do that really, through our collective prayers, we literally pray hard enough and the ostracisation magic can backfire onto the Jews, if we have more spirit and intelligence.
Because Europe is our Homeland. America is just an artificial colony of mutts.
Justin Baker
Because Yuropoors have always been buttmad about America
Zachary Stewart
I love Luther, his banter is vicious. Arguably the best medieval shitposter, along with the unknown Englishman who whipped women at random through the streets yelling "SPANKO!" However, Luther didn't go far enough. He was right to remove the apocryphal shit, filled as they were with jewish fables, but so is the rest of the bible. Luther should have just slapped some Eckhart and The Heliand together.
Ethan Scott
We almost did wipe them out many times over. Why the fuck do you think they all look so much alike?
Dominic Walker
not enough anons are ready to be religious the pagans thought the eclipse was odins eye. thats clearly wrong and no wonder no one wants to be religious in these times but out of all the mammals with a menstrual cycle. that moon in the sky only corresponds to one mammal, our women. if you arent religious after thinking that over a few times the jews got you., they got you right where they want you. you are asleep in every sense of the word one sun, one moon, one man one woman. this is our system and those are its morals. jews pass down through the mother, so their world is akin to a world of darkness, a moon that you cant see because there is no sun yet it still pulls the tides in a chaotic abyss, it is provably immoral and we are very weak that we havent just banded together to stop them