The locations are all Underground Military bases.

The Apocalypse IS coming, in the form of a major Solar Flare, bringing floods and radiation.

Included in the post is a DOD IP address that is used operationally (if you google the address, XDA and other forums discuss these)

The facilities and their entrances are mapped out in the attached.

China is the only one that isn't on the same earth axis as the others.

Dig deep

Granite protection from gamma-ray shielding

Maxar Tech sat photo

journo drove thru mt olives tunnel

Removing Dirt from Temple Mt

the bible on what the olive tree means

NZ commercial bay taking longer then expected, cost not an issue tho ;)


Attached: first location is under a mountain at the base of a hill in china.jpg (1348x1154 1.3 MB, 398.9K)

Take your meds schizo

I would have uploaded more images in the OP but the captcha is fucking retarded

Attached: new rim earth atlantis uluru.jpg (2648x2196 7.49 MB, 1.38M)

good work OP keep it up

Attached: autist.jpeg (600x315, 78.93K)

That's some numerology-tier bullshit right there. Sure you don't want to feel the bumps on his skull or something? Maybe drill a hole to let any demons out?

Attached: k-keep-me-posted-3401629.png (500x593, 169.22K)

Why not Or

Attached: 2019-07-01 15.23.24 whois.domaintools.com cb3cea6f361a.png (1659x1947 248.47 KB, 266.85K)

So here's what i did
I counted the days between the dates
Then i separated those numbers by the word 'Disclosure' or Descent' with a 'Dot'

thats it. That gives you a DOD IP address. If wrong, its a crazy coincidence right?

because the 'D'ots line up with the words 'D'isclosure and 'D'escent

I'm fine with that I guess. Let the maggots rule the corpses I'd rather die than live in their shitty world for the only purpose I serve in live is to see them all dead anyways.

Attached: world is a fuck.jpg (600x776, 79.71K)