Iran is developing nuclear weapons and it is very close to testing it, so it must be stopped at all cost says Israel government and Netanyahu in a tweet.
Could be a distraction to divert our attention from Damascus bombings. How will God emperor and american golem respond.
Iran must be stopped : Israel pm
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I also wish i wouldn't understand the concept of sleeper agents in every west country….
Just do it.
"International law" applies to you, but not to me!
Fuck Trump and fuck Israel.
Somebody should spam the 141 pages on the High Fivers
I wish they would hurry up and get that bomb. All the kvetching is making my brain hurt.
Please do it Persia. Please.
Death to the kikes and all their servants.
based Iran. nuke israel and save the world!
It's win-win.
Why would the US obliterate Iran for that?
We would finally be free.
It was Israel that told the US that "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction." Remember that folks.
Yes literally the ENTIRE world would celebrate Iran if they did this. Iran would rise to new glory.
I'm worried that Israel will launch a terror attack on U.S. soil to (((remind))) Trump that action against Iran must be taken.
No, we're Israel's bitch and we will fight Iran for them.
We clear or do you need some draconian hate speech laws?
Take two minutes and watch this vid, it's dope af
If Israel disappeared the Jewish powers in London, and New York would still exist, and have a casus belli to launch a new century of wars.
HUGE BETRAYAL: Team Trump Planning Major War Using Tactical Nukes Against Iran for Fall 2019
Seems like fan fiction, but they made a good call on their boats in the Strait of Hormuz prediction.
Without Israel those same Jews will have no where to run.
Same outfit, claiming Trump was replaced,
Did that stop them from reviving the fed and giving women and minorities a vote?
When the Western masses turn against Jews they will seek to flee into Israel for safety. No Israel, no safety.
Anytime Israel bombs or just threatens someone, the Jews crawl out from under their rocks to urge us to kill people for them.
US attacks Iran, because Israel just wants us to.
Iran calls on its allies, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Russia, China, North Korea, and perhaps India all feel sorry for the big bad bully, the evil (((United States))).
World War 3 ensues.
How about no.
Just say no to the subversive, enticingly angry, ever vindictive as fuck-all Jews.
Just say no to killing people for Israel, even Israel entices us into another war.
Fuck Israel, fuck the Jews.
cuz white guys reject bitches you faggot guido wannabes
Why didn't the masses of America turn against them for the 200 years before Israel?
Yeah, good. I'd rather have WW3 starting tomorrow and get a chance to finally rid this planet of the talmudic vermin once and for all, than live one more day in this kike system. Even if it means we lose and perish. Better to go down fighting and with a bang than to live on in mongrelization and slavery. Now piss off to r/the_donald you homo.
(((god))) bless trump
We werent in the information age.
Show us your tits, jailbait.
You liberals got the subreddit quarantined and we shall not leave until this place quarantines you scumbags.
Developing a nuke system is the only way to get the JewSA off your back. That's why one of their tactics beyond propping up insurrections is to stop the development of nukes.
too late jew, thanks to Zig Forums every nation on earth knows what you really are. deception, your only real power, is useless when the entire world knows you're nothing but a liar
Found this when I wasn't even looking for it. All the world knows Israel is the source the modern world's D&C hate.
I recall seeing a video of a Netanyahu interview from the 90s where he was saber-rattling about Iran being close to having nukes. Does anybody have this?
I would absolutely love a "30 years of Netanyahu on Iran" compilation to show just how long they've been crying wolf about this fake threat.
Just die for us, goyim! Just do it!
I will never understand how the world manages to endure an entire race of such disgusting slimey leeches.
Wait, I think I found it.
It's not the exact video I remember seeing, but it's got a lot of the same footage. I think this stuff is very memeable, Netanyahu's own words are damning proof that Israel is willing to make up any lie in the name of justifying their violent expansionist dreams of conquest.
Remember to download everything.
4th of July is coming up…
Trump has three hotels in (((occupied Palistine))) and one more in development. His son inlaw is a land developer there for the jetsetting AmIsr class. No hard to figure his reaction. Boots on the ground, goyim, the woke ones might have trouble with their aim.
The projection is stronger when it is scared.
Israel violated the nuclear proliferation treaty first, it's only fair that Iran gets to do the same especially with such a hostile neighbor as Israel near them.
kek i remember when this fat kike was saying this shit in the 80s always always any day now now decades later and still nothing.
He's infamous in political circles and among world leaders for telling lies
>Most definite of all is Joe Lockhart, who was the White House spokesman at the time. In a recorded interview to Clayton Swisher, author of the book "The Truth About Camp David," he described Netanyahu as "one of the most obnoxious individuals you're going to come into - just a liar and a cheat. He could open his mouth and you could have no confidence that anything that came out of it was the truth."
>“I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar,” Sarkozy told Obama, unaware that the microphones in their meeting room had been switched on, enabling reporters in a separate location to listen in to a simultaneous translation.
This is nothing to be scared of. The term "Nuclear Limit" sounds scary but it's not. It's just the amount of enriched uranium Iran agreed to have, now they have a little bit more. Fun fact, they were keeping to that agreement until Trump broke the deal and started sanctioning them again. So now there is no reason to keep the agreement. This is what they have. (see pic) A big heavy radioactive frisbee. No one in Iran has a good enough arm to throw this hunk of minerals into the United States. This is not a casus belli. This is not a reason for war.
When have kikes or kike pets ever needed a legitimate reason to harvest goyim souls?
He says a lot of things and nothing happens. The kike who cried Iran.
all these desert religions should die in a fire.
If you lose limbs fighting Iran, you deserve getting ignored by the VA when you ask for healthcare.
This interview is hilarious. I've noticed that when intelligent interviewees interact with the ZioJewMediaWhores they all have this deep smugness and really clever look in their eyes, like they are talking to a dangerous child.
You Jew?
fight your own wars you filthy kikes.
this Jew has been saying this exact same thing since the 80s.
because there are just as many jews in the diaspora.
Yup since the fricking 1980's, Iran has been six month from an atomic bomb.
Do it. Just do it.
So Iran can nuke you.
He's more intelligent than about 95% of Zig Forums posters
I've noticed it too, Putin does the same thing.
A war needs an enemy.
Too late. The Budapest memorandum was not upheld therfore MAGATE is defunkt and illegitimate. All countries who desire sovereignity must have nuklear weapons or face destruction.
Iran's nuclear program and Syria's civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. For Israeli leaders, the real threat from a nuclear-armed Iran is not the prospect of an insane Iranian leader launching an unprovoked Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that would lead to the annihilation of both countries.
What Israeli military leaders really worry about – but cannot talk about – is losing their nuclear monopoly.
An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well.
The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today. If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier
The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.
The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.
The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.
I stand with Iran.
The overfed Rat King is sweating. Now all these recent happenings at once? Limit break coming.
Wish we lived in a normal world
They flooded Europe with shitskins in the name of diversity.
Can they do anymore false flag terrorism to blame specifically on Iran?
pic source:
You could have been born at the time of the Black Plague or in Communist Russia, you know.