What do you think of this, Zig Forums? Jewish projection, or a threat against the goyim? Or both?
Cattle. Aka, goyim.
What do you think of this, Zig Forums? Jewish projection, or a threat against the goyim? Or both?
Cattle. Aka, goyim.
This means the inability to have children of the other gender would go down generations.
I can now lord over a country of female chattel slaves that are my wives just like in my fantasies
LOL, whew, Lad! Try logiccing that statement, plz. How many generations will Women produce only Male offspring? Cause I can't see it going past ONE.
t. Geneticist
If you were wondering who was shilling CRISPR so hard on Zig Forums for the past year or so …
Kikes want to destroy everything natural and turn everyone into a golem. This is the endgame of (((transhumanism))) They want to offer you an artificial body as a salvation, which would be an ultimate trap.
Oh that'd be horrible. Imagine all the women bickering with each other and using you as a weapon against their rivals or worse, deciding that the one thing they agree on is overcooking your meals.
If by 'profit' you mean 'kill out 90% of the population.'
Umm haven't they been able to separate X sperm from Y sperm for decades now.
Pretty sure you've been able to chose the gender of your child, provided you do the insemination with a turkey baster instead of the fun way.
Every white baby will be female
Every colored will be male.
Diversity in action.
Fuck off reddit.
Couldn't this already be done with a centrifuge and IVF? You spin the sperm in the centrifuge and they'll separate into the X and Y sperm because the X chromosome is much heavier than the Y.
its currently about 50% successful in choosing the gender but they hope to improve with a US Govt grant.
You mean sex, not gender, right?
its only CRISPR goyim. what could go wrong?
They've been able to chose the sex of human offspring since the 70s. The difference here is that it's being done genetically.
Lurk moar
Perhaps this can one day be used to curb wild invasive species populations by making the female offspring numbers drop, lowering the reproduction rate
Tbh I would just use it to have only male offsprings, women are useless and don't even carry the family name.
Proper transference of consciousness from brain to computing device is basically physically impossible. At the very best, you'd have a duplicate that would be its own sentient mimicry of you, and that's assuming you can build a computer powerful enough to simulate a human brain in the first place. "You" would still be stuck in your mortal body.
The only true way to do it would be to literally take the brain out of your head and insert it into a mechanism filled with a special fluid that would somehow stop your brain from deteriorating while also providing it with the proper nutrients/chemicals/etc. We are not even close to this kind of magical nanotechnological fluid, and you also have to consider the kind of hardware/software that would be needed to properly read the signals of the brain and turn them into a perfect consciousness output in a machine.
Given that software development is already in decline (overall), the chances of humanity achieving either of these technologies pre-collapse are very close to zero.
The singularity between human mind and machine is literally just a meme perpetuated by delusional transhumanist escapists. No need to fear a supposed inevitability regarding a topic that will never come to fruition.
CRISPR is already here and we should be far more worried about the consequences of playing with genetics (possible scenarios like "I Am Legend", "Children of Men", etc.)
While it may seem outlandish, those kinds of scenarios are infinitely more likely than shekel-grabbers offering you an artificial body in your lifetime.
Your missing the point it is metaphorical.
It’s not that the kikes are going to build people pods it’s that by assuming control of the fundamental apparatuses that organize human activity ( like media or finance for example or biological imperatives like playing God with gender) they can put in Orwellian dysgenic policies without the population being aware in any way. They’ve already done this but messing with biology while completely controlling political institutions (what gets decided) media ( what’s gets to be popular) and finance ( who gets to live well and who doesn’t) they have set up precursor situations for this type of biological science to be used for dysgenics
If the conscious mind could be entangled with the machine and experience existence from within the machine and within the flesh, a full transference would take place.
Unfortunately, the personalities would eventually diverge because they would have differing experiences.
This process would have to take place during death of the flesh in order to achieve a true transference.
If you wished to maintain the fidelity of copied personalities, you would have to synchronize the individual memories of all personalities.
The basis for my assertions has been countless times by what happens to people after traumatic injuries or events.
Their personalities are irrevocably altered in such a way that some people close to them call them "changed", and yet they're still the same person.
They're the same not because the flesh is the same, but because the personalities which formed before and after the trauma share the same body of memories.
The foundations of your personality are defined by biology, but your experiences shape how your personality is expressed.
Reminder that CRISPR was found to be not as precise in manipulating the genetic code as originally thought
Quantum entanglement is a thing, as pointed out the easiest way to avoid divergent personalities and other BS, the "transfer" has to be during death. From there however we'll get into the calamity of determining if there is such a thing as a soul.
I don't think that's how it works bro.
Soul is an ancient description of personality.
If you pay attention to Abrahamic religions they always describe animals as being soulless, which is preposterous to anyone who observes any complex animal.
The act of this transference wouldn't damage that "soul", as it would be a copy of the original, and would hopefully continue to evolve as the original would.
The soulless do exist, and you can see them everywhere. They're consumers who have no personality outside of the current trend, their work, or whatever sportsball they view.
They've sold their soul for the comfort of the herd.
I'm not an MD, but yeah I don't think so either, since as far as I know the practice of "washing" sperm during artificial insemination of any kind, involves chemically removing alkilinities in seminal fluids, then shoving that shit into a centrifuge to basically weed out and kill sperm cells that are just too fucking weak in general.
The X spermatozoa have approximately an extra 93 million base pairs over the Y ones. Y'all don't think that would make a difference that would affect the density of the sperm leading to a stratification in a centrifuge that can be exploited to choose the sex of a child?
Hmm maybe someone who knows how to wade through medical journals can show us some statistics on IUI which I know for sure uses the sperm "washing" techniques.
Widespread use of it as it stands wouldnt really work just yet… they'll need to adapt it to specifically work on only males of european descent. Either that, or hide it in a vaccine series they "come up with" to replace a current one but "oh it only works for those of european descent" so it will only be given to them
Either way, its a little bit further off still.. but of course you know its coming. They just have to make sure it only specifically targets white males, leaving their females intact to be raped by nog hordes, and not messing with the nog hordes or any other group lest they accidentally wipe out all of humanity by mistake
See I'm doing some digging and I found out about the Ericsson method which does use Albumin seperation and sperm washing. However the research and papers I'm finding claims that the reason this works is due to how fragile Xy is compared to XX. In fact in some cursory searching I'm doing comparing this to IVF I find it that IVF favors males due to the fact that Xy despite being more fragile is more "aggressive" in nature than XX.
Also sperm washing is less prevalent in IVF. So yeah this is an interesting topic to be honest and I learned something new now. Sage due to sperg tier double posting.
Wouldn't the use CRISPR completely fuck genetics of the babies in terms of what they can eventually produce? I can't wait see birth defects and all sorts of fucked up shit as well.
i wonder if that would actually work wtf
you can already statistically bias in favor of boy or girl by proper application of heat / cold to your balls + timing insemination to her cycle. a couple days before her cycle and it biases female becase x and y sperm have different lifespans
The scariest shit about CRISPR isn't unintentional fuck ups being produced. But INTENTIONAL fuck ups being driven onto an unknowing population. There's this term called in genetics called a "gene drive" where basically genes are pushed into a population via this gene editing tech. Well someone extremely nefarious could use this to push onto populations genes that makes offspring susceptible to a shitload of genetic defects. This is the real danger of CRISPR, the spread of shitty genes due to bad will actors and straight up psychopaths. This is why Jews controlling a huge portion of Biochemistry and most specially Genetics is EXTREMELY worrying and problematic.
being 100% real i suggest starting your own companies then if possible, or invest in a company that is a major player with crispr.
They specifically designed a genetic weapon to get rid of Aryan genetics, which are Y-Chromosome features (Yamnaya ancestry is almost exclusively a Y-chromosome feature).
Everything going on today boils down to a battle between Aryan and Kike Y-chromosomes for control of the world.
Theoretically no, but in practice you might need a level of mathematical sophistication and precision that could be impossible to attain by physical means, as it could as well exceed the total computing power of the physical universe (unless we manage to tap into other sources, but that's a whole other story). We could also afford a certain margin of error by utilizing holographic and other principles such as stochastic processes, which would actually make it possible. But you would need an actual quantum processor for that, which will remain science fiction for a very long time.
It is certainly not possible as far as Jewish science is concerned. As for turning ourselves into dreadnoughts or attaching our natural brains to other organic bodies, it's a most likely scenario in the near future, but unfortunately not possible now due to you know who controlling the scientific institutions, despite this area being closest to their golem science and a wet dream of elites who put a lot of money into such research. Like any parasite, by destroying the host, they will also destroy themselves.
Kikes are pulling the same trick with singularity as they did with (((Jesus))) , it's as likely as the second coming and physical resurrection of the dead. Just being sold under pseudo-scientific rather than pseudo-religious guise.
Heavily influenced by biology, not defined. At least not in people who are not NPC's. Traumas just create fractures which change the outlook, not the self. Also, erasing memories in the brain might not erase them entirely. There are certain natural principles which allow for their reconstruction even if the physical carrier is removed.
Kikes are already genetically altering us into perfect goyim through food, air particles, radio waves (whatever knowledge about it they managed to steal, which is not much, but works on the most basic level) and by one of oldest forms of biological warfare, importing masses of shitskins. They don't really need a high level of scientific sophistication, they can use what worked in the bronze age to the same effect.
Designer babies will have the general "soulless" appearance (just like the kikes themselves) and will probably start rotting alive at some point due to hubris and ignorance of their creators. In any case, they will not be real people.
Try harder lol
… I might be crazy here, but this could actually end up fixing some of our issues. Females receive preferential treatment, especially in jew-dominated societies. Thus the majority of normies will want to produce female offspring. This effect is occurring in the upper eschelaons of the Chinese high society right now. Females receive benefits, have female kids.
In a 2 or 3 generation long run though? We know that a surplus of available males makes women feminist cunts. That's why they become demure and feminine during/immediately after every war that's ever occurred. A surplus of females means males get the pick of available females.
So in the long run, this is likely to lead to a social structure where males are highly valued. Similarly, men (unlike women) aren't retarded. Men will produce one or two male children and three female children. One favored son and a bunch of daughters. The result will be the reformation of a proper patriarchy.
(((Leftypol))) approves of this forced matrilineal descendants. After all you're not a real jew unless your mother is a jew and all those important (((psychopathic traits))) are found on the X chromosome.
Blacks only breeding black / mongrel women? That should be mandatory.
I'm sure this could be induced by less artificial means. But yes, high female to male ratio society where males get to decide about things is the most optimal one.
Nature somehow managed to keep humanity at a close balance when it come to gender percentages and science has never explained how. Now if the balance is rocked, who knows what will happen.
You can probably look at China's population for some insight on that. From what I recall there's significantly more males than females there.
Enjoy being killed by another country having way more men (and therefore way more soldiers) than yours.
We already know.
Too many women? Insufficient men to do the actual jobs, including fighting.
Too many men? Middle-east style situation where due to polygamy there's a bunch of unmarried men wandering about and very angry, leading to either constant war with other countries to expend those men OR the government gets overthrown.
because the sky is 50 percent moon and 50 percent sun
the sun is the man and the moon is the woman
fear whatever put that system there because we sure as hell arent following it right now
But there are no other countries user. Nor races. Just white men having their harems and enjoying their favorite hobbies and creating. This is peak evolution.
We already had that.
It's called "abortion".
It was also heavily promoted and normalized by the jews.
So yet another lie from the worlds most despicable group of parasites.
You've just described this movie…..