How Jewish is Antifa?

Boomer conservatives are running with the angle that "antifa = white identitarians". You guys were digging into arrest lists/mugshots after the DC J20 thing, let's go over that stuff again.

Attached: antifa israel.jpg (480x427, 28.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Get ANTIFA talking about Israel. They will inevitable support Palestine, and Soros will stop funding. ANTIFA dies.

It's kind of the same thing with anything Zig Forums would or could be or is associated with. It's all glowniggers and jewish organizations tryping to co-opt.
It's why Zig Forums is 100% anti any named organization. It will inevitably be partially or fully controlled by some progressive group of elites.
The average antifa is extremely anti israel and pro Palestine.

Imagine thinking something this retarded

antifa was created by german jews in the 30s

fuck off with your psyops moshe

Some antifa groups openly support Zionism (see pic originally posted). Some groups see Jews as white oppressors of brown Palestinian bodies. That's possibly a good guide as to which groups are the most heavily infiltrated by Zionist-aligned state and non-state intelligence operatives.

This has already happened with Femen and Black Lives Matter.

This is a working tactic.

Ok but my original request:

Nah, he's right. Remember what happened to FEMEN.

AntiFa Infiltrated by Zig Forums and finds they are led around by the (((JDL)))

1 hour & 40 minute tape of two Zig Forums Anons undercover at a local AntiFa meeting where they planned to shutdown a "white supremacist" rally. The audio is very clear & loud & would only need some editing to be useful for propaganda purposes. Highlights of the tape include them admitting affiliation with the JDL, admitting being a violent organization & going beyond a "peaceful vigil" with confrontation. They discuss logistics and shutting down the event with intimidation and by drowning them out with noise and chanting.



Please be kind and try to transcribe and write some kind of a subtitle if you can.

Transcripts courtesy of TripCode Autscript:


This. Commie kikes started the revolution then made antifa only to get BTFO by the Freikorps and later the Brownshirts.

ANTIFA are majority lost kids who have good hearts but completely mindfucked into oblivion. The Palestine route as others suggested is the highway to destruction of ANTIFA .

Worked at least for pussy riot.

Thank you user

The whole anti-racist schtick is at the heart of anitfa. Surely they would turn on an ethno-state like Israel in a heart beat.

This is my experience too, with the little contact I have had with these people. They are people who care greatly, often intuitively, but that energy has been misdirected by a counterfeit intellectual cabal, and it's kind of like they've been psychologically abused. The basic question "where is power?" is answered in the wrong way. You had mostly white guys going to Occupy Wall Street - and it's after this that the campus-left and media-left culture dramatically shifted.

Pussy riot retards tried to start an -israel chapter-, there is no need for antifa starting any chapter in israel, have you givent htought why antifa does not attack the very conservatives in likkud and kulano or beitenu? there is no antifa in israel because there is no need!

What I'm really looking for, though, is:

I was there. It got fucked up by progressive stack bs. Whether there or Portland it's white af hope they wake up soon.

Kikes join ALL groups to gain intelligence, just like the bikers do. Often they are both. Passive organization like the masons with their Damok and Jalad initial isms/metaphor code. Learn their comments to disrupt them.

So what happened at OWS? (NY?) How many days did it go on before the "progressive stack" people completely took over? Was there any sense at the time that it was an organized attempt to disrupt?

I used to be one. Eventually ended up here when I faced up to the JQ. Far too many cohencidences to ever fool me again.

How did you come to join them - were you actively recruited? How would you describe the demographic makeup of your particular group?

This is data mining folks.

I'm not asking anyone to give away identifying information. I want to understand antifa and other fake-opposition groups that suppress dissent on behalf of elite factions. What happened at OWS needs to be explored more. This was a 80% white movement against Wall Street, and it's during/after when the SJW-antifa thing was made mainstream. The timing is interesting, as Steve Sailer points out:

OWS was literally hippe and sitting it out.

They weren't as violent as the antifa.

Sure, but there was a period before the progressive stack groups took over, and before they started to bus in lumpenprol homeless/gangsters etc. OWS may have been hippies, but it was important and threatening because it more correctly answered the question "where is power" than what we have to suffer through now, i.e. the mainstreaming of minority grievance studies and critical race theory.

Read this image to get a general idea (sorry can't post images). A combination of shrill af lunatic women, stupid af whiny niggers, and glowniggers fucked it all up for us. We were on track at first and everything but soon you'll find out why Zig Forums is always right and why corporations are so into supporting fags and shitskins. After that bs corporate media even the ones traditionally deemed left|liberal attacked us for going after their hooked nosed money masters including that traitorous kike at the kike viacom corporate comedy central's dailyshow (((Jon "Stewart" LIEbowitz))) and that's where the redpill begins. Because who the fuck is LIEbowitz's brother? The fucking kike piece of shit who literally ran wall street (((Larry Leibowitz))). Everything was all lie, there's nobody "liberal" or "leftist" or "socialist" on the tv who isn't a greedy lying kosher fuck even if they pretend to be your friend. If the common man knew the truth all the executives on wall street and politicians in DC would be hanged and full of bullet holes.

Thanks. I'll post the image here for others:

Attached: SJW protects wall street.jpg (1568x2146, 665.26K)

The other thing to remember is that OWS was originally seeded (or at least promoted) by Adbusters Magazine, which crossed the line on the JQ in 2004 regarding the neocons, see attached image:

Attached: adbusters neocons jewish.png (747x855, 401.99K)

antifa are controlled useful idiots for wall street. They'll attack trash cans and working class people all day long but you never see them beat up or kill some fuckin corp execs. Only good thing this time in Portland is that they beat up a journalist and all journalists and the media deserve to be dead.

Knew plenty of those types of kids and even adults.Antifa serves as a gatekeeping group, it always has. The anti fascism stuff is just to cover up the fact that it is a gatekeeping group, jews do this constantly.

GO TO LIBRARY OF CONGRESS and search the Soviet Union archive.

I used to be a leftist, i guess i still am. Anyways I can see things from both perspectives we're not as dif as you think.

They are not anti-Israel like BLM

It's said that when you are young you lean to the left "acting on emotions, sympathy inexperience" but as you grow older into the 40s you turn right as you got more life experience and understand the world better.

No amount of evidence you ever dig up on this issue is going to change the conservative mind. People need to understand that conservatism in the United States is NOT pro-White. It is genocidally anti-White. They are incensed and enraged that White workers actually want a decent life instead of indentured servitude. They are apoplectic that America's burr-headed hordes don't give them the proper credit for mass murdering White America.

Being anti-zionist wouldn't necessarily mean they aren't controlled. I'm sure there's no antifa that actually pushes the hardcore issues with Israel, like the assault on the USS Liberty, Palestinian organ harvesting, etc.

Toothless anti-zionism from the left is generally fine with the jews, the same as how the impotent "anti-globalism" is tolerated from the right.

Toothless anti-zionism from the left is generally fine with the jews

Bullshit.. the slightest criticism of Israel draws out endless screams of anti semitism;'

Look at how hard they are freaking out over mere boycotts in Germany.

there was a list when they got arrested in DC during Trump's inauguration.

they are about 1/2 kike. one was the soon of one of the kikes in the house.

Keep an eye out for incoming dump

Twitter account was nuked by mods within the last hour. Idk where he's going to dump it, but it will almost definitely be dumped regardless.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (858x1199, 704.21K)

global report

0hour1 is a Q shill/spammer that says this shit to get follows. He larps about how he has massive important info but never dumps it. Just ask yourself, if he really had the identities of all members of rose city antifa, why didn't he post them immediately? He's a fraud, and a Q shill.

That didn't take long.

Attached: Capture.PNG (632x504, 8.78K)

These faggots are literally protecting Antifa as well as 1984'ing everything in sight. This is not a joke, they are going for a full crack down using these faggots as their useful idiots.

0hour1 is a fraud, retards. He doesn't have any info on antifa

That doesn't matter.
The mere assertion that public information of a terrorist cell will be posted got him suspended.

Reported for what?
What are (((you))) on about?

wrong thread. some fag was posting cp

he said he was going to dox antifa 2 years ago

And how do you know he didn't?
It would be shit opsec to drop the info on that same account.

Because he didn't.
NOTHING useful has come from this guy. He's actively acted like a kike, and has no credibility, shills bullshit for money. He also larps as a member of anonymous and makes empty threats.

fuck tagged incorrectly

They're all jews and shabbos goys. That's why they belong in body bags.

yeah this is the thread I'm looking for, anybody archive it?

Your logic is flawed

Here’s “(((john Stewart)))” defending occupy wall street. I’m all for blaming Jews if you can do it coherently. When you just blame everything on “(((Jews)))” you sound like a victim cuck.

ANTIFA is a boogey man puppeted by jews to keep you chasing ghosts while the real jews in your country continue their criminal acts against your people.

Get a clue retard.

Maybe try to see Antifa as a method, not one organized group which need huge financing.

occupy wall street? that was a much simpler time. here is a jew attacking occupy wall street and telling them it should be occupy washington and they go insane
not going to lie the way he calmly talks his points through about capitalism for almost 2 hours to these communists is part of what woke me up
I would like to debate peter schiff on the jews one day, his jew dad died in prison for trying to prove the jews cant tax income, the jews kind of banished him to purgatory, like bobby fischer but because bobby's IQ was so high he actually identified and named the threat before he died

Attached: 1558833355700.gif (640x640, 2.43M)

Over 6,000,000%

Here are some lists of antifa I managed to find, if that is of any help.

here's a shekel, you did good

Seriously after the last few years of endless sucking of neocon jew dicks on here this is what Zig Forums is reduced to?

Attached: vintage antifa.png (614x625, 257.41K)

Do us all a favour and upload it here:

(signing up is ez)

at this point the hasabara shills call you 'moishe' and deny they exist.

Turning antifa against Israel is natural because Israel violates their spirit of social justice.

antifa is a distraction from the jews. fighting antifa is a waste of energy.


There is only one parasite.

Attached: 114b047b7a3f1e0ee67c269b48f66ba13d52f077a0ee1e300db7c3def8fc15a3.png (295x346, 3.71K)

>(((Jon "Stewart" LIEbowitz)))
I just looked this up and

Attached: jon stewart.png (600x350, 49.39K)

Zundel predicted this

Well, a kike did write their handbook

Attached: Screenshot_20190702-093420.png (250x400 153.02 KB, 32.35K)

Kill all antifags and all jews. There is no need to do anything else than this.

You don't need data. We've already seen antifa make a lot of fracture points with the left. As boomer conservatives noted, antifa is heavily white. Antifa also enjoys a lot of benefits, like
There are a lot of liberal groups who have a reason to be jealous of antifa. And antifa is mostly white males. I feel like I'm just touching the tip of the ice berg. But I can guarantee you there's things antifa gets away with that groups like BLM don't. And Antifa is filled with whites. It's not hard to see a ton of facture points here.

Dox of Portland Mayor, Portland Police Chief and Johnathan Evans the Antifa member with the cement milkshake

This won't work well. The (((media))) is now attacking antifa for being too white. Written by ???David Marcus???

>oy vey! the goyim know what (((antifa))) is about! project my fellow jews! project onto the white goyim!!!!


So? Do what the FBI did for COINTELPRO – Show up in the crowd wearing a mask and hurl a molotov cocktail at the cops. Antifa gets the blame and even the police union leans on the Soros ambassador in the mayor's office to crack down. Win and win.

Fuck off, another don't losten to your elders fucking brainwash! I wonder why the JEWS dont want us learning from our elders like they do. Shit, how would blaming our elders and not the JEW possibly help the Jew?? Fuck off, all hate the boomer threads are filthy jew posts. If you do this yourself your brainwashed and fucking stupid to not see the angle.

Antifa are inadvertently serving our cause. I have more in common with those faggots than the milk toast cuckservatives like Shapiro.

By my experience from Europe they are also often manned with children of politicians or similar influential persons, and to some extend related to workers unions, churches, political parties, youth organizations of such organizations, government funded organizations against 'racism' and such. Fur sure also groups organized in and around universities or colleges (socialfags, culturefags, …). The more hardcore militant ones of course are rather like political hooligans with some militant socialist ideology.

Trying to fight them as an organization is pointless, you might rather wanna make sure your president which wants to be reelected promises to try to defund these organizations (tax deductions, privileges, tax money) and makes it a federal crime to attack people which are holding a rally within the law, so these localfags don't get to decide who is being prosecuted and how.

I'm not endorsing militancy, but given the list of backers above there are enough targets outside of those rallies on which police is around. And people might run into someone who tries to rob them and it's not working so well or whatever, no reason to go after white nationalists while having bad press… At least don't be to stupid and driven be emotion.

Attached: fbi.jpg (1080x1080, 111.57K)

lol relax moishe, we are assembling evidence to counter the "antifa are white identitarians" narrative. The arrests lists/mugshots/details are useful.

"only fight us on one front, goyim"

I agree. They beat some non-white sub-human queer to death. That's more than the KKK has done in forty-fifty fucking years. They're already us, they just need direction.

This antifa Europe has an absurd number of bourgeois brats, kosher noselings, and children of politicians (explaining why they get away with everything through their rich connections) misdirecting and making sure we don't fucking kill them and the rest of these wealthy shekel hoarding pig shits and achieve real revolution just fucking street squabbles and violence against proletariat burning cheap cars of proles who the bourgeoisie fool people into believing are fascists. This is the reality we are and comrades must be made to wake up and kill the kikes.

Divide and conquer antifa over the palestinian right to live is a genius idea, because Israhell is actually doing imperialistic politics. Something that the left claims to hate

We must use every angle possible to weaken the (((enemy)))

Antifa is entirely jewish. Not the people on the street, the funding, every ngo who has funded antifa is staffed and boarded by 90% jews. It doesnt matter if youre talking about immigration ngos, civil rights ngos, lgbtqp ngos they are all traced on IRS form 990s to jews, with wanton over representation. This is what judaism is, it is theocracy, the capable destroying the incapable. Even BAMN that shut down milo at berk and is currently running migrants into the US is primarily funded by the jew that owns 7/11 chain. Its really quite absurd. They have ridiculously long paper trails. The goyim are going to figure it out at some point.

I hear also Green Party in Germany funds Antifa over there
Can't find. Is any of this stuff compiled anywhere?