Presented for your amusement, quotes about Fascism from people who don't have the slightest idea what it is.
and maybe some discussion about what fascism really means, if you guys are up to that.
Presented for your amusement, quotes about Fascism from people who don't have the slightest idea what it is.
and maybe some discussion about what fascism really means, if you guys are up to that.
The essay that quote is from never directly talks about fascism itself, its only referenced as to how other lefties are destroying language by making words meaningless and subjective (a la 1984).
That's communism.
The first half is communism, the second half is ethnonationalism.
All of these guys are Zig Forums tier retarded.
What FDR is saying in that quote is complete utter bullshit. From what it sounds like he is against people rising up against the collective that is democracy.
That was my point.
Thanks for explaining it.
Um it's not communism either.
Individuals owning so much stuff that they become more powerful than the state is a laissez faire capitalist monopoly.
Fascism would never allow that.
cooperations our a huge problem. Anyone know some good books to learn more about them? Why does our legal system give them personhood? That's fucked up.
fuck me
"You as a Fascist stand for the small trader against the chain-store; for the peasant against the usurer; for the nation, great or small, against the super-state; for personal business against Big Business; for the craftsman against the Machine; for the creator against the middleman; for all that prospers by individual effort and creative toil, against all that prospers in the abstract air of High Finance or of the theoretic ballyhoo of Internationalism. "
-Wyndham Lewis, 1937
Obviously this was meant to be a response to the question about what fascism actually is as opposed to what kikes and their servants claim it is.
It's not "personhood".
Call it what it is. Corporations have the right to make campaign contributions and lobby.
this is a very old problem in American politics.
Yet Libtards throw this quote around (see pic) and say Fascists are for multinational corporations.
Big prize for the person, who can explain what Uncle Benito meant when he said "Corporate Power",
Lefty/pol/ not sending it's best as usual. I guess their lack of brain development didn't reach the stage of adulthood from a lack of nutrition from killing all of the Ukrainians over the years. Pity really they would have made excellent cannon fodder on the front lines.
He meant "Private power". Back then the word "corporate" meant any private organization.
I searched "fascism" on reddit but my blood pressure is already too high to read the results
People would have an aneurysm if they read Mussolini, Mazzini, or Mosley and realized how close fascism (aka dirigism per Mosley) is to and grew out of socialism.
tl;dr It means that the free market is subordinate to what is best for the state.
Well done.
and all those organizations were to have a role in the state.
Watch and learn something know it all clown & as Yuri Bezmenov would say useful idiot.
Which corporations? You talk like a libshit faggot speaking of "corporations". Many materially productive corporations even large ones like ExxonMobil do little if any harm even in the current system while kike owned banks and service corporations will fuck you even against their apparent interests, Google being the most current example.
Also "personhood has nothing to do with their power and oddly enough is somewhat of a check on the people within the corporation. You see as a legal "person" a corporation can be held accoutable to the law as a single entity rather than necessitating the need to prove a conspiracy to commit an act among its members which is much harder to do. Those members can all be individually charged as well. Needless to say that with a court system full of kikes who cover for other kikes, the ones in say a bank often get away. But that is not a flaw with the legal idea but rather the inherent result of letting any kikes into any position in society.
Almost any system can function, unless it is ouright marxism, if there are no kikes to fuck with in internally and no shitskins to suckle on the public tit.
This is what you faggots don't get about National Socialism, there were lots of problems with Germany after they took power. Maybe some of those problems would have been resolved in time as it was a new system after all and had yet to be fully stabilized especially given its circumstances. However merely be getting rid of kikes they removed immense amounts of obstruction and malinvestment from the economy and malice from the government.
Well lets say you have a hypothetical Ford Motor Company in the hypothetical American Empire which has slaughtered all it's kikes, libtards, faggots, shitskins, ect. FMC makes many useful things like automobiles and it pays wages and has a relationship with employees which fits the nation state's interests in terms internal policy. Well FMC stays incorporated while any form of bank(ie basic investment banks) or restaurant or retail store cannot ever be incorporated because the state has decided that only truly productive corporations deserve to be empires within the empire. FMC effectively is under noblesse oblige it must behave in a responsible manner and if it ever does not it is instantly dissolved. The government does not dictate its internal policy but it does dictate who gets to sit at the grownup's table. Now lets say FMC does more than merely be a productive heavy industrial corporation, it also manufactures tanks for the Imperial Army as they kill every spic in the hemisphere. FMC also supports the racial and social politics of the government encouraging religiosity, racialism, fecundity, and well nationalism. Well good for you FMC you a vital and valued part of our Imperial society, a contributor to the welfare of the public at large, and a pillar of national prestige and power so you don't pay taxes this year keep it up. Now the CEOs and CFOs of course will still pay taxes as the law dictates but the corporation if it is a very good boy may pay little or none as the situation dictates. This encourages good behavior while bad behavior means you get your shit splintered and cast into the wind and any kikey faggots we find will be murdered in the night with knives.
Now would such a system of corruption, incompetence, ect absolutely. All systems are prone to such things we should be aware of this eventually and accept it while creating a system that can endure it. We don't need a perfect system we just need one that fucking functions.
The US was set up as a combination of what we'd now call libertarianism and fascism with absolute racial laws. The erosion of those laws and the inclusion of corrosive elements kikes and roundhead puritian faggots in particular cause the slow decline and failure of the system.
The vital element in any prospective system is to kill the faggots particularly the kikes. After that the second most important feature is to incentivize behavior that increases national prestige and power while ruthlessly killing any faggot who fucks with it.
Why National Socialism was successful:
1. Fought crime.
2. Attacked vice and perversion.
3. Attacked class-snobbery.
4. Created jobs and fought unemployment.
5. Protected women.
6. Protected veterans.
7. Protected animals.
8. Protected the environment.
9. Protected the family.
10. Protected private property.
11. Protected the right to bear arms.
12. Attacked communist subversion.
13. Attacked special interests and corruption.
14. Restored their national honor.
15. Protected workers and their rights.
16. Defended Europe from Bolshevism.
17. Promoted mutual respect and cooperation among independent nations.
18. Protected public health.
19. Promoted science and innovation.
20. Developed synthetic rubber, fuels, and fabrics, thousands of new patents.
21. Promoted the arts and cultural vitality.
22. Reinvigorated the manhood of a generation.
23. Protected agriculture, promoted land reforms.
24. Pioneered cancer research.
Really good infographic, too bad it was made by an anti-racialist cuck.
Real shit
Thats not what Socialism is. Socialism is class warfare, economic equality, ideas of racial equality, wealth redistribution. Marxist Socialism, that is.
I meant that's what fascism is. Jibes with
pics related explain the syndicalist roots of Mussolinian fascism
"The Fascist Movement in Italian Life"
by Dott. Pietro Gorgolini
Surely you can't be naïve, you really think he actually said that? Jesus. *Shakes head in disgust*
That is what Orwell said he said. Take it for what you will.
And effectively, that is what he did offer them so I don't see what your problem is with that.
To further clarify: by including all private bodies within the state and providing them a role, they would then begin to work with the state as opposed to against it. It essentially eliminates the problem of 'lobbying' which is the true scourge that has undermined British and American 'democracy'. The businesses in those nations have no stake or loyalty, and in general they are better able to achieve profits when they have the entire planet as their market as opposed to a single nation; this might mean the people in their nation end up unemployed, having their wages undercut, or even seeing the establishment of sweatshops and slave labour camps; but what does that matter to the trans-nationalist businessman?
Note also that it is not just the businessmen involved, but representatives from every level of society. It is essentially the British constitutional monarchy with representation for the Lord's, Commons and Monarch; just evolved from its feudal roots and without the potential for corruption. The British Constitutional Monarchy was supposed to ensure that all levels of society were included in the rule of the nation to ensure that neither a plebian led communist state could form, nor a tyrannical dictatorship, nor an inhuman mercantilist corporatacracy. It didn't work in Britain because of corruption, and now the Lord's are Lords, the Commons are Lords, the Monarch is no longer allowed to have an opinion and everyone is bankrolled by international businesses that care nothing for the nation and have no investment outside of being able to milk the populace.
Tldr: Fascism is just a more specific and less corruptible version of Constitutional Monarchy with the roles renamed and expanded upon.
This one is an accurate though incomplete statement.
African tribal warlords are fascism incarnate. They hate irrationally.
Absolute pleb. Fascism has nothing to do with hatred, with irrationality, with rationality, with sexism or racism or really anything-ism. Fascism is a blank slate like Democracy that will simply represent the will of the masses, only now the heads of every facet of society have a say instead of the ignorant laymen (although it can also be fused with democracy).
Unlike Democracy, there is no foreign media or lobbying trans-nationalists; because everyone is included in the state to a greater or lesser degree. Think the UN with everyone having their stupid little placards that have their nation written on it; except they each instead say: "Representative of Church, Hospitals, Bakers, Butchers, Factories, Military, Police, Librarians, Farmers, Fishers, etc, etc"; they all have a say in how the nation is run. It is implicitly Nationalistic because only those from within the Nation are involved; but arguably the same case is true with Democracy, the only difference being that the Media would be involved which would make it harder for foreign jews to preach to your masses, and if they had worked their way into the parliament like many marranos did; they would face extreme pressure from all the other advisory bodies that represent every facet of society, which would quickly overwhelm them and force them to retract their nation destroying propaganda.
It is objectively a very fair and very well thought out ideology. Fascist Italy was only explicitly Nationlastic because of its recent history; Italy had an 'identity crisis' as it had been the bitch of France and Austria for centuries, it had seen its intellectual and cultural works plundered and its people owed their loyalty to various factions. Mussolini sought to rebuild the nation on their shared heritage, which is why Rome and Roman-esque iconography featured so heavily. Had Fascism taken place in another Nation it would likely have been far less explicitly Nationalist as the necessity for it would not have been there.
Fascism is great because it would entirely mute the ignorant and baseless opinions of a pleb like you.
The funniest thing is when communists say that National Socialism/fascism is only a last resort of the capitalists to save capitalism. These retards analyze everything only from the perspective of their utopian ideology and don't even know that the Bolshevik Revolution was financed by Jewish capitalists.
That sounds typical Hitler. He never offered cheap promises.
Marxism isn't socialism, it's zionism
I'm thankful that people like Hitler, David Koresch, The Weaver family, etc. existed because they exposed the synagogue of satan. Imagine if NatSoc Germany never rose to power? Imagine if people like the new davidians and the weavers never righteously stood up against the government? When they were persecuted by earthly law, they were found guilty(like Joan de Arc) but they bore a purpose that transcended those laws. They are now a beacon to anyone with free thought and who is not an NPC. They cast a light down from above and into the shadows concealing the puppet masters pulling the strings. Our "masters" have other things in play that might defend them from outright revolution(civil rights, affirmative action, feminism, antisemitism, etc.); they're holding their cards to their chests thinking that their full house will win them the pot, but we've counted the deck and know they're pulling tricks from their sleeves.
Not sure if trying to be super ironic…
Proof that Fascism is Liberalism:
Get gassed, boomer.
To imagine a world where the Nazis didn’t succeed is to imagine a world where Jewish power is absolute. One may as well imagine a world where gravity can be subverted.
piss off kike
Please lefty bitch. That's all you've got?