Hamas attempted to deliver a fire bomb into Israel with a kite.
Is this all they can do now? I'll give them points for putting a swastika on it and doing it on Hitler's Birthday, but this is just not serious terrorism.
Hamas attempted to deliver a fire bomb into Israel with a kite.
Is this all they can do now? I'll give them points for putting a swastika on it and doing it on Hitler's Birthday, but this is just not serious terrorism.
In response to this new threat, Israel seeks an increase in Military Aid.
I suggest that Zig Forums have a bake sale to raise more so Hamas can have some real weapons.
Those are spics user.
Come home to the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah anti-Jewish power axis Hamas.
Why did you turn on Bashar?
It's the thought that counts, user.
How many pictures of Nazi baked goods can you find online? I did my best.
What was I supposed to do? Actually bake some damn nazi cookies and photograph them just for a joke post.
I turned on Bashar because the jew owned media told me he was using chemical weapons on his own people.
I fell for that.
Posting in a kike thread. Those crafty Palestinians drove the kikes nuts last summer during the drought by setting farms on fire and making them use up water resources. It's about that time of the year again. Enjoy your summer, Shlomo!
It's not terrorism at all.
Which (((American mainstream))) media would you ever trust when it comes to the middle east?
It's fucking sad. let's not pretend it isn't.
A mere helium balloon with a tiny fire bomb randomly setting a tiny blaze in the middle of no where.
I want to give them stingers so they can knock down the planes that bomb them for the amusement of the watching jews. That would whip the smiles off their smug chosen faces.
Surely you remember before you were redpilled.
You used to believe stuff.
one cannot be un-redpilled
although one may be blackpilled afterwards
Its cheap and effective. They are under occupation, jews literally count calories they can get.
I suppose they get points for refusing to yield and making any sort of resistance at all.
But damn, I wish they had some real weapons.
I'd like to see a fair fight over there.
Why SO serious?
Iran tried to get Bashar to reconcile with Hamas, but he refused because of the MB influence.
None of them. I go to RT, Al-Manar, PressTV, Al-Masdar, Yeni Safak, and Al-Jazeera. There are enough conflicting, but non-Jewish, viewpoints there to get a good picture of what's going on.
No user, you are stupid.
You can achieve great results with simple methods.
Didn't japs send napalm bombs to start forest fires in the USA, using baloons and pacific air currents? It was frighteningly effective too and they only stopped because they mistakenly thought it was not.
I want to believe. Source please.
Say it with me:
Radical. Islamic. Retardation
Yes and yes
You'll give them points?
Your points are not worth the taxes that you pay to ZOG. They're not even worth your arrogant smirk.
HAMAS actually did something and they did so creatively, overcoming the stupendeous military forces arrayed against them by international zionism.
And you sit there in your comfy armchair and smirk at their efforts as if your opinion is worth more than a pile of dog shit?
You've never laid a hand upon ZOG. You don't even know HOW to make a bomb, let alone deliver it to land controlled by the enemy.
All you know how to do is make shitty threads.
>I want the Palestinians to fight my battles for me while I sit here eating potato chips and insulting their efforts.
>Then I want to reap the rewards of THEIR struggle and claim credit for THEIR sacrifices against the jew.
That about sum up your position, buddy?
You think there are White people posting here? It's all spics and Indians
Notice these dots? This is a Hindu swastika. I bet it had a poological warhead.
I guess you want to just keep shoving money into Israel and fighting their wars for them.
Maybe it's intracable ?
Lighten up, it's a joke.
Here's another.
Q. How many Israeli soldiers does it take to arrest a child?
A: I don't know but it costs the American Tax Payer 4 Billion dollars a year.
>israeli military might shillposting
I thought Joshua Moon didn't come here anymore since being fired?
kite shoah
Everyone go thumb down this bullshit, white guilt has caused enough problems.
Meanwhile, Americans were defeated without firing a single shot.
I'd rather just overthrow them and execute them all.
That's a great joke. I'm going to use it next time I want to shut up my liberal neighbor.
Hamas is just a mossad ran organization. Who cares?
It's existence is the justification for Billions of your tax dollars to go to Israel as military aid.
You might consider caring.
Not post spics.
Now someone gives a good picture.
never forget the 6 million shitposters
Comments for any of their shit is alway closed… Zionists hate free speech.
because 38 billion dollars isnt enough
lol, look at this fake yid prop.
user you need to reread some books user.
Fuck off.
you never once thought twice about it all?
I mean seriously, though I'm glad you see the light now
dude now I'm going to see that when I go see this movie lmao this is gold
Les be honest, crimes against israel are 90% done by jews. That swastika is a clear indication of jewy shit going on.