Hey Hassan, you won't do shit faggot!
‘Israel’ Will Be Destroyed in Half an Hour if US Attacks Iran
I support Iran in this decision and if this happens.
Let them fucking try. Trump would push their shit in
You do understand this is post US-attack, right? How it trump going to push their shit in when they already sent the fizzle stick after they caught some fire crackers?
Highly doubt the US military is capable of another war in the middle east, let alone "pushing shit in".
Ok. Let's go kill some stinkies Trump.
Oh please, please Trump, attack Iran and do us a goddamn favor.
I fear the Iran cucks ain't going to keep their end of the bargain.
Nah, they just have to attack Iran.
If Iran doesn't immediately glass Israel, it means the Emperor has no clothes.
how will (you) spend that 30 minutes,Moishe?
Nuclear war. Trump is going to turn Iran into a radioactive parking lot in order to protect our allies
This. Israel can wait, right now shitskins are the bigger threat
I doubt they will.
Just like Trump keeps none of his threats.
Just like Trump keeps none of his promises.
Masturbating furiously to nazi torture porn.
Not if he wants to win in 2020.
Not if he wants America to not go into civil war 2.0 before 2020.
Yeah, Trump is a peace president.
No, Ari, I want the stinkies to push your shit in. Two birds, one fucking stone.
God bless Iran
Stop, my erection can only get so big.
He's gonna win 2024 if Iran turns Israel into a wasteland.
(((your))) first post;
Playing both sides Moshe?
That isn't what I was commenting on.
What I said was in reference to Trump "turning Iran into a radioactive parking lot"
This is the best reason I've heard to attack Iran. Can we use Israeli rules where throwing a rock counts as an "attack"?
Well, I've change my mind. I am totally for attacking Iran now.
Trump isn't going to air strike Iran let alone nuke Iran.
That's the bad thing.
He needs to provoke Iran into striking Israel, that's two birds in one stone.
Bring it on nazis.
Trump won't attack. The dems want it to happen so they can manufacture a scandal and impeach him and Trump is aware of it. (((Pelosi))) and (((Schumer))) can go suck an egg.
The funny thing about the Shia as opposed to the Sunni is that the Shia's entire religious identity is centered upon martyrdom. That is the beginning of their history; martyrdom fighting a vastly superior enemy. The idea of if sexually arouses them and makes them long for a violent glorious death like it was the sweetest orgasm. I can actually see them wiping Israel off the map even as the US wipes them off the map.
That's what I want.
I want Israel dead more than Iran surviving.
Didn't ol auntie hillary say it only took like 8 minutes for a nuke to get launched? and then at least another 30 minutes until it hits? What makes you think Irans speed sticks are any less fast than ours? They're much closer too, so by the time the US even sends them Irans will be touching down.
Hold on, Iran. Let me get my phone - I'll time ya.
Ready when you are!
YFW Iran annihilates Israel in hellfire for Zig Forums.
If Iran did get wiped right off the map for destroying Israel for ever, they would surely go down in history as the greatest benefactors of all mankind in all it's long history.
Thanks for taking one for the team, m8.
Literally nothing is going to happen. Israel will wait for Iran to get a nuke and then set off a nuke in a Western Nation to then secure invasion of Iran.
Which means Iran will nuke them and no more Israel?
fucking iranian blowhards. i'll pull for the jews against them.
Shilling for war here. Pitiful.
Funny when it comes to striking Israel, iranian shills pussy out.
pretty sure we all do, user
fuck off jew
Pissrael is not our ally, and if the US nukes Iran there won't be a single jew left on Earth. Bet on it.
Yeah, the bastards wont give their land to you, what a bunch of assholes
Its a fail for us.
Man, if he air strikes Iran and Iran glasses Israel, that's nuclear tier strike, yid.
Trump has one day to send airstrikes against Iran or (((PurpleAnon))) is ExposedAnon :^)
some faggot larping
Oh god, oh god, I hope he does it.
Sucks for him, lol.
wtf I want to attack Iran now
Purple is verified unlike Q.
I support all troops.
whatching pewds try to kep a straight face never gets old.
in one day he wont be :^)
Do you promise?
Wtf I love Iran now
what if israel attacks iran not usa?
Its all so tiresome.
2 birds with 1 stone. Please let this happen.
… Okay.
Iran nuking Israel would by default also nuke the Palestinians.
So, uh, I’m not seeing the threat to us exactly.
I hope Iran has developed a huge amount of nuke shelters.
No, it wouldn't. Maybe there might be radioactive debree blown into Gaza, but not the nuke itself
I wish a sandnigga would.
Promises, promises…
Me too, I don't know what hope there would be without the Iranians.
That's not what I was implying I was implying that the jewish false flag will use a nuke once it can be believed that Iran has a nuke. At that point Iran won't actually have the means to nuke anyone, so the goyim can invade because "the West was nuked by evil Muslim Iran".
The US is more than capable of a war in the middle east & winning.
The problem is trying throw troops on the ground afterwards & trying to rebuild their government & giving them billions of dollars after the fact. This is the wrong new approach.
The correct old approach is to bomb the shit out of them, make them look like the Flintstones from the air & then walk away without giving them a dime or caring how they put themselves back together.
We're all counting on you Iran.
The whole point of sinking billions into bottomless shitholes that are Iraq and Afghanistan was for some (((thrifty))) people to embezzle them. Do you really think ziocons give a shit about your average kebab? Fuck no, it was just an enrichment opportunity for them and their numerous friends and associates, who descended on taxpayer money funneled into Iraq and Afghanistan like vultures.
I mean, if it were true that Israel would be in any danger because of this then I'd be all for it. But destroying Iran is exactly what Israel wants and that's why America is being herded into war.
We should just nuke Israel and solve the problem that way.
actually it should be the other way around, with Israel attacking Iran, and Iran rightfully striking back at (((them)))
Let's hope they nuke Hollywood first.
Your expectations of Iranian long-range missile CEP must be pretty optimistic.
Could this actually be the end of US imperialism around the world?
The threat to Israel comes from Iranian proxy Hezbollah, not Iranian missiles launched from Iranian territory. They are conventional ballistic missiles, not nuclear, but there are over 100,000 of them, and they have precision missiles also.
Well, win, sure, but we suck.
Guys, think now is good. Are we going to continue the current tactics of the '10s now in the '20s? That old-fashioned American Zig Forums internet culture? Is that really it?
We really need to become much more racist and start a racist network.
We have to find a new variation between the old traditional racist cultures and the now modern right-wing extremist culture.
Get serious and organize better.
Can you glow even harder, faggot?
Your sons and daughters will turn to alt-right once they learn the truth and find websites like 8ch.
What really happens when you mix them?
-t. The Chemistry Impaired
Damn, that's some basic shit. At least mix it up a bit FFS. If you keep copy-pasting it you will get fined or demoted.
And they live where, Africa? Samson option is a lie, they lose their colony - no biggie, its all useful idiots there anyway.
Trump is a kike-loving faggot, and so is 80% of all the Amerimutts.
Americans in general are seriously the worst "whites".
Antisemitic you mean?
Seriously ADL poster, if you use a wrong-think word will you get fired.
Kind of disappointed you haven't proven how racist and insane you are.
No one here is racist, gtfo
Oh gee, I don't know what other country has the highest jew population after Israel and where kikes are already ruling supreme?
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