After meeting many millenials, a consistent thing about them is that they're entitled and are fixated with distracting themselves instead of expending that energy into something worthwhile.
Any ideas?
After meeting many millenials, a consistent thing about them is that they're entitled and are fixated with distracting themselves instead of expending that energy into something worthwhile.
Any ideas?
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Show them Yuri, show them manufactured ego boasting psychological operations and narratives and encourage them to seek deprogramming. Oh wait, the demoralized have no cure…
remember to make min8mum payments on student loans and wait for 2020. see who takes it. this way if they drop your loans you stick the maximum to the american taxpayer. in the meantime pay pff other debt, save, and invest.
It's called shit parenting. Instead of having parents, millenials had genXers or boomers that didn't teach them anything of value and thought TV was good enough, often having only one child, too.
Unfortunately the only way to fix this is for the good ones to figure out what's wrong with the bad ones and parent themselves into adulthood.
debt will never be erased because the name of the game is control. they want MORE debt. and no matter who is sElected they will have it. austerity is whats coming.
"millennials are entitled"
the most entitled group is kikes, then blacks, then spics and moslems. antifa act entitled. i view most millennials as having no attention span, and being soft and useless. entitled isnt the first word that comes to mind.
my degree has no jobs, im entitled to free shit from taxpayers
There are only two groups…humans and so called jews. Any differences in between humans is based on jewish division indoctrination.
bankers get free shit from taxpayers, who is the bigger parasite
Mine has plenty of jobs, more than any other industry tbh. It's just that you can't have a job and be me at the same time.
"If I reveal the true me you'd probably call the cops."
Are you posting Sol to highlight 'distracted' millenials?
Eat shit you fucking cancer.
As above, so below
Yeah well, its no surprise to find maggots in a rotting corpse is it?
After a certain point, debt become worthless anyway - if I can't, or am not willing to pay you back, all you can do is kvetch, try to convince me that it's on my best interest to pay you, and when that fail, try to scalpel the next shabbos goy.
Does this "something" happen to be fiat currency and consumerism?
And deprogramming tips?
Invent a better form of escapism than vidya and drugs
Kill yourself boomer kike.
What if there is nothing to escape from? Sitting here, no addictions, not playing videogames, nothing. Reading books, doing SIG. still kinda empty, seems like I am already smarter than my friends, Altersstufen they won’t talk with me about topics I am interested in. Maybe I should find a good pussy to get my spare time, but Is kinda bad financial investment so early in life. Any ideas?
Normies aren't interested. Heck most posters here aren't either. Why do you think most men would rather play a classic Silent Hill game for an hour than do squats for an hour?
2nd pic. Bottom row 2nd one.
not true, Yuri himself stated that they can be deprogrammed but only when something catastrophic occurs to them for which he said would be too late however i argue that redpilling can happen to anyone like that white antifa member who was told he was inherently racist and "had to put more work in".
this board has become so cancerous now
you can't deprogram them, they have to be met with moral or existential crisis before being compelled to take the red pill.
user, most of those posts are from faggot shills who come from a variety of background whether it be jidf, ahmed or autism-waffen.
Whats the point of doing something 'worthwhile' when you live in the modern equivalent of the Roman Empire mid-collapse?
You will find that the 1968 hour of work payed 3x what the 2018 hour of work pays. You will also find that 2018 college costs 3x what 1968 college did.
Anybody who reads history knows this isn't an actual observable pattern.
Millenials were all raised to consider themselves the stars of their own universe who can do no wrong and only ever deserve praise. They were told that the entire world was open to them if they'd only get a college degree. These were lies or rather half-truths invented by their boomer parents who were too much behind the times to understand that it's not the 70s anymore.
Don't you fags ever get tired of being kikes?
Worthwhile means saving your lineage/family from the impending collapse. It's the opposite of civcuck mentality - the likes of Jordan Peterstein, Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro would have you save western judeo-Christian civilization no matter the race, what you should do instead is save the white race and let the world burn.
This means you need to have a family and kids. It does not mean you're free of responsibility to play vidya all day and wait for some future Godot to save the planet.
Whats the next stage?
I used to party and do school work at the same time while everybody was just partying. Dumbfucks. Now they are reading this while at work and I never have to work ever again.
It's really just millennial women.
They were raised by boomers and early gen X to feel entitled to both female privilege and male privilege and see nothing contradictory with it. This is why you see so many millennial feminists who still are trying to marry a rich man despite having zero wife qualities. She then asks where have all the good men gone without even bothering to ask herself if she is a good women, because in the mind of the entitled millennial feminist ALL women are good women. Women being judged for their behavior in any way is patriarchal oppression! This is what they unironically and literally believe.
Millennial men are simply jaded. They retreat from reality to avoid how shit it has become, or because it just simply isn't worth it. Some of them just put up with how shit their women are and become wageslaves, others manage to chad it up and never commit to any of them.
Almost every millennial leftist has been raised with shit parenting. That's like half the millennial men out there. Over-protective mothers and fathers who were correctly represented in Soph's latest video which you should go watch, and rejoice at the comments section.
by entitled do you mean that we refuse to work for boomers who don't pay us enough?
I can get a job in California and make 150,000 a year. Meanwhile if i work for some boomer, i'll get paid like 70,000 at most.
Boomers are the entitled ones. Boomers think they are entitled to slave labor.
You can't say it's just women's fault in one breath, then in the next say it's not men's fault for retreating from reality or enabling women. If it wasn't for all the optics cucks around us we could oven the kikes and remove all shitskins within 5 years. The reality is that you name the jew, you name the shitskin and their low IQ and high crime rates, and you get slammed by "fellow whites". Fuck the cucks, they are the root of all our problems and what is stopping us from ridding ourselves of this fucking parasite the kikes. It is sort of a chicken or the egg problem, but the reality is that men are the only ones who can possibly right the ship, so they have to take the blame which goes along with the spoils of victory. Can't have one without the other.
Yeah; 90% of the bullshit of millennials is the result of them being single children in homes with two earners.
Milennails are entitled to think they can reap the rewards of civilization while at the same time denigrating their own race and welcoming in the invading hoards en masse. We are not the majority here. Most millennials are absolute shit, just like every other generation in recent history.
And who taught them that I wonder?
no i agree, most millennials are scumfuck liberals and marxists but whatever. We are still entitled to being paid what we are worth. I'm talking about economics.
So blame equally. Attack AOC and the immigration act of 1965 in the same post.
It it's the optics cucks' fault, then why has America been choosing the side of consumerism and Marxism since ww2?
because baby boomers are hollow empty shells of a human being and try to fill the void with material bullshit
How can millennials and boomers help each other fix their respective problems?
By telling Gen X fags to quit whining about millennials, all you fags do is whine
How DARE you?! As a BOOMER, I'll have you know I PERSONALLY put a man on the moon, you just need to quit whining and GET A JOB.
boomers are beyond saving. They are far too gone to be saved.
sup boomer. We never went to the moon. The earth is flat, and space is not real. Gravity ain't real, dawg!
Dems are just LARPing as America's frands.
Fuck off mate and come back when there is hair on your nutz.
Wanna hear something really, I mean really fucking funny?
I'm a real boomer and none you will ever make to boomer age before the Jews kill you. Now carry on with you internet bravery.
No one cares. Go back to your containment board.
You're next boomer.
We won't be playing Journey at your viewing, either. Only Danzig.
Kys boomer
No, they will just tax legal pot and fudge the numbers, kicking the can down the road for about 20 years or so.
True, this is why I blame the Silent Generation primarily for passing that abomination.
Why would you be amused by your descendents facing hardship and dying? You sound like you don't love your own people.
I don't deny the millennial men are also at fault, their cucked behavior absolutely acts as an enabler for females thinking they can do whatever they want. It's just not what you could call "entitlement".
If anything, the cucks are anti-entitled. They are so brainwashed by leftist thinking that they believe it's totally normal to allow women to walk all over them. It's the lack of millenial men willing to say "no, that's bullshit" that is causing the trouble.
Must have been hard being raised in an ethnically white country with low taxes, affordable housing and high income with lower requirements for education, which was also cheaper, while not having as many kids as the previous generation.
We’ve lost a lot of technology that made America great. Such as the art of the earnest look in the eye and the firm handshake.
Like what, working at minimum wage so that I can possibly afford a 10x10 flat in 30 years eating garbage? Show me how my efforts can help raise the minimum wage and deport non-whites to make employers compete for workers, and I will work when incentivized. Until then I am going to lift and leech the system.
If boomers killed themselves, who would fucking take care of a lazy fat shit like you?
This is an odd photo. At first judging from the clothes I took it to be 1930's then I saw those plastic cups…they're from teh 1970's, no?
more like all but the bottom right.
They're not allowed to be proud of their own history so they get proud of Star Wars lore. They're not allowed to love their own race so they fetishize Japanese cultures and "noble" savages. They're not allowed to join a club about identity so they join a Gryffindor facebook page. The reason millenials have no downtime is because they're not allowed to. If they stopped and thought and felt for a second they'd see how crazy the world has become. Luckily there's Avengers and comicon and twitter and Fortnite and endless consumerism to keep badthink away.
Can you blame them. I mean look at that wall of participation trophies.
If boomers killed themselves there would be a lot of obese Caribbean negresses looking for work as "caregivers."
could be frosted glass. Don't seem like the class of kids who would be allowed to drink from plastic.
Boomers are almost as ad as kikes.
Are you White today?
Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular everyday.
Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel
What the fuck are you on about, schizo?
You're going to work for Jamaican negro women? Doing what? Eating their brillo pads?
No, get a skill, learn some dignity, grow up, be a man and stop being a whinny little bitch.
Boomers fell for the kike bait, as did every generation since 1914, because they didn't have the internet.
You have the internet, and you're the most kiked generation ever.
Wake up, stop swallowing the jew's divide, distract and conquer memes, and grow a pair.
I don't give a shit, boomers like you sold us out and for all I care you can go to hell.
Is that a Jew hat and a bent nose?
thats because they spent it all going to rock concerts and traveling
exactly thats why theyll do it literally buying votes with illegitimate debt they created.
Did you use a forklift or something.
Or better yet, get several beer kegs and heat em up till they explode in a synchronized fashion?
Isn't that the favorite form of rocket propulsion for boomer rocketeers. I'm sorry, just can't take it seriously when someone makes a claim like that online.
More D&C. This is really lazy.