RED ALERT Vladimir Putin’s urgent meeting with defence chief at Kremlin as Mike Pence’s Air Force 2 plane turns back to DC for ’emergency’
Wild speculation appreciated.
RED ALERT Vladimir Putin’s urgent meeting with defence chief at Kremlin as Mike Pence’s Air Force 2 plane turns back to DC for ’emergency’
Wild speculation appreciated.
Try to keep it to one thread.
Oh hayyyy it's kike shit on planet kike. Weird.
Iran Strike When?
Q predicted this.
If Russia leads it, perhaps this. do we know Putin called a meeting? I thought they didn't show their hand..unless they wanted us to know. Shots fired on Air National Guard base I heard somewhere. Pence flies back…meh. We will NEVER know what's going on in clown world.
It's a new moon tomorrow, is that a fortunate time to start a new war?
And then it never does.
We know one thing for sure. If there is a happening, the jews are involved.
The gays aren't gay anymore.
This Thread
is the reported emergency pence recalled to white house thread
I like tthis thread more. No discount Mario
My father work in KGB. It has began.
Nukes in 30 minutes
PIZZAGATE disclosure and HRC&co. were executed for their crimes and Trump is showing the video of their execution in Gitmo and Trump has detained ALL illegals and fired ALL the Left.
Cool. I am ready. Show some Samson option BiBo.
What did he mean by this?
My uncle does, too. He said it's a joint operation in collecting the illegals and firing Congress.
It's what the world needs.
IDK, seems truly cryptic.
The war machine springs to life
4th of July fireworks will be nukes.
Only if Israel gets em too. Mecca included.
You're a God among men!
14 seamen dead in fire on Russian deep submersible
MAJESTIC-12 convening. . . Comms black. Reaper has come for the harvest. . . G.H.O.S.T. revealed. . . The river has a delta. Rain at 7. . . Did you listen?
Irony that we may be facing war
4th of July
Fireworks picture
Clearly the work of Iran.
those iranian subs
Is that why Trump called for tanks in the "parade"?
Huh, I dreamed about this two nights ago. Weird.
Nations hold parades for two reasons. The military is leaving, or the military is celebrating a victory. There are no victories here user.
It begins
About Russian sub? I had Nuclear dream few months ago. Well. I still waiting.
Yea, well, let's put that dream on hold for a few millennia.
Zig Forums is a board of peace.
Where do you read Q's posts?
But nuclear winters are peaceful user
To be honest, I haven't seen a Q post since they first appeared. I just wrote nonsense
You convinced me. That's slightly more intelligible than the average Q post.
It was just dream but it was beautiful. Maybe one day.
Daaamn ye art darketh.
That explains Putin's call back, but I'm not sure why Pence would have to upend his schedule because of some roasted Russkies.
To plot, of course and to do the Jew bidding lest they release the video of him.
Looks like he's on one of those old cell phones.
and in a WWF wrestling ring.
All in all what a stupid photo to use.
and all the gays.
Um user he does not have A cell phone in his hand
Seems like it was a scientific vessel.
A deep-water research vehicle belonging to the Russian Navy was conducting a bathymetric measurement operation in Russian territorial waters when a fire broke out on board, the ministry’s statement said.
Right, kind of looks like it though.
Oh, research and scientific I reckon is code words for spying.
Iran time?
I found this hidden in some Israeli publication.
I'm pretty sure we pulled out of the agreement, but yea this is a Cuban Missile Crisis type threat. Jews ARE working around the clock to set the US and the Russia.
This is kind of a big deal but it was unreported.
One of the last countries that the Jews want gone…so yeah, maybe.
We are toe to toe with the ruskies
This is the verge of thermonuclear war
Going to eat a whopper for lunch for the sheer keks of it
Pee pee poo poo pissssssssssss and such
See you all in Valhalla
Jews never want to do the work. This is why Hitler sent them to CONCENTRATION work camps so that they can learn how to work for once.
Im happey now it's all going to beover the system will be destroyed!
Idk if you're pulling my leg here or user but anyway 4 minutes or so until you're proven right or wrong.
You don't go to Valhalla unless you die fighting. Fighting to keep a whopper down doesn't count.
Checked - pissrael might have already launched
Call up your loved ones user.
What can you do? Be witness to it.
I beat the crap out of other kids in preshcool so do I go to valhalla?It was kind of A battlefield 3 vs like 1
Shoot the beaner scum for starters
Bend over and kiss your ass for the last time.
Liar. You know full well those kids beat the shit out of you.
I'm in Ireland, if nuclear war between those 2 does break out, we're certainly not a high priority target of any means, at least when compared to other European nations like the UK, Germany, France, Italy or hell even shit like Belgium.
Did you died during your school riot?
Yes, you shall battle that battle eternally in the afterlife
No I beat the shit out of them with A pair of scissors
What's with all the quotations marks? Or am I just too cynical…?
Why are you capping your A's?
What do you mean i will not be let to drink with the allfather?
don't know
Sounds like some prison gang story.
If the nukes are concentrated/powerful enough, we can destroy the planetary biosphere down to about 600 feet below ground by catching the atmosphere on fire.
Well it's been 33 minutes, I haven't heard anything about nukes yet, false alarm?
Well…um, fucking stop it.
Maybe we're already dead and we don't know it yet.