KIKES… Just…
Russian Foreign Ministry says 6 Israeli fighter jets carried out Monday’s predawn raid, reportedly against Iranian weapons caches
Russia: Israel behind Syria strikes, threatens regional stability
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Oy vey, what happened to all the talk of the Russians serving Israel?
Israel and Russia are the same thing
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And communism is jewish too. Even if they fight against it.
Reminder that a lot of that - and the resurgence of the old smears about Hitler being a zionist - is coming from the admitted jew Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
Russia is our true ally, do not be deceived. Israel does not exist, the holy land belongs to the Palestinians.
Zig Forums knew before it was confirmed but I'm glad it's confirmed now.
Israel is goodbye. Bye, Israel.
It is, which is why all Russians are really jews
God I'm so fucking damn sick of Jews. I really hope all the fucking boomers that have been kissing their asses these last few decades suffer some worthy fate.
LOL what? So we didn't know Israel is behind the strike, we need Russia to tell us?
Where's the damn S-300?
Surely you mean Israel and Jewnited Slaves of America are the same thing.
You want to go back to Poland, cunt?
>Listen here goyim, Russia is your enemy! You must believe (((me)))! Ignore the fact that they protect (((our))) opponents and prevent (((us))) from reaching our goals easily, the US might send i$rael billions on military aid to arm their army of civillian murders and fight their wars, but they are your greatest ally in the fight against *ahem* kikes! Now go back worshipping your god emperor goy.
At least try hiding your nose, chayim.
So why don't you bomb them back?
Watch Yuri Bezmenov's talks on subversion. Russia can't be controlled by foreigners simply because their government doesn't allow foreigners to hold any sort of power, whether it be media or government related. America let foreigners take power by allowing them to be present in educational, political, and journalistic positions. Foreigners freely spreading their (((values))) means death to a nation's native people.
I hope it will happen soon not just all talks. Literally need to destroy US. US being destroyed by wars is much better than by non-whites immigration and not only that, Israel will be hopeless too.
Please kikes, please. Just one inch too far. You're good at it.
88. Summer of h8. It's never too l8. Never too late.
He seems to be a very honest person when he talks about jews, judaism and zionism. But he's quite shady when he talks about other topics. It's quite confusing.
all signs point to soon the shoah will be real
Back to Reddit, dumbass.
This thread demonstrates clearly that 8ch is dominated by shills shilling shills shilling shillls.
Bananas and cucumbers are the same thing.
What does Zig Forums make of this article?
Israel’s Latest Strikes in Syria Prove that the US-Russia-Israel Jerusalem National Security Summit Was a Success
By Andrew Korybko
Read the original article, but if you're lazy -
Not everything is black and white, even if stupid burger retards can't think about things any other way. Jewish power and influence is a spectrum. In Russia it is also there, but diminished compared to the West, that's all.
Not even worth a star.