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Every year, fewer and fewer people believe in the holocaust. They're fighting a losing battle here. Truth always wins eventually.
As a child, when I went to natural history museums and saw "evidence" of dinosaurs with scales in the form of replica skeletons and drawings alongside them I didn't doubt them. Unfortunately NPCs are dumb enough they will fall for this.
lol architectural renderings as "evidence…"
I am guessing their plan is to eventually knock down the existing structures under the justification of "renovation" and then build an entirely new structure from scratch. One that will have no flaws or signs of historical evidence so that the story may live on in altered form without any restriction set by existing material. In other words, they could easily just make the simple structure into a twenty level building. Alternatively they might end up creating a sort of mobile attraction, which they can load up into a truck and set up in countries like Spain and Norway for that authentic Auschwitz experience.
the lolocaust is the greatest recent development of judaism
1000 years from now it will be as canonical as the Exodus from Egypt
When you can't archive use google cache then archive the cached page. Also cloudfare sucks. They claim their dns servers are uncensored but doesn't work if you're using their dns servers.
one of my first thoughts as well. And idiots would lap it up as long as the jews claimed "Restoring historical accuracy" or some such bullshit
The 1949 Almanac and World Book of World Facts reported over 15mil juden still living. Up about 200k from 1933. I've seen the actual book.
they claim the almanach didnt have sources so they made it up but corrected it later
It’s weird to watch people try to invent religious event. The exodus was getting expelled for kikery
Meh,, the holocaust is already fading away into history. stop giving the Jew a power-up by discussing it at all.
When confronted with grainy black and white photos of skinny people in stripped pajamas, just yawn and say. "That happened a long time ago and doesn't matter any more".
It already is.
They have a holiday for it. It's called Yom HaShoah
The exodus never happened. Moses is only folklore.
We can translate hieroglyphics. We have records going back 5,000 and more years.
No mention of the jews. no mention of a slave revolt. No mention of Moses and getting bitch slapped by the hand of god.
The Bible is a jewish lie.
Don't hang yourself on that rope.
inb4 they dig up Treblinka and plant abunch of bodies
That doesn't even make any sense given everything else we know. Allies knew it at the time this is all fucking jewish bolshevik propaganda.
biblical archaeology organization.
same site has "evidence" of noah's ark too.
Grow up, Christ fag.
Name once in history of this kike planet that truth has ever won you fucking hippy.
Kavanaugh beat the #metoo attempt against him.
but I had to cherry pick that one
there have been flood stories in a bunch of religions. christianity obviously stole it, like a lot of stuff
Not only is the Jewish Bible a bunch of made up crap, it's not even original made up crap.
Samson is just the Hebrew copy of Hercules.
This is the kind of illiterate brainlets who troll this board, uhm yeah, cultures influence each other big shocker.
It's been done before. Anybody remember the letters that were miraculously dug up at the site, only to confirm every single detail of the 3 million gas murders that took place there? (This was in 1980, when they were still claiming 3 million.)
Take the next logical step after realizing the bible is folklore.
Vargtards need to be purged, seriously.
Quads checked, and while it's nothing new, it's certainly a step up. They're taking every single criticism of the lie of the gas chambers and trying to make an air tight "Model" of their wet victim dream and try to peddle their new lie as if it were the old lie.
But of course, it would be the first time something regarding the holocaust would be air tight though
This is true.
This is not, and idiots who believe it need to be gassed.
Not a Vargtard, but worshiping and kneeling to a dead Jew is fucking pathetic.
But the Bible is folklore bro.
Jewish folklore.
Checked for lel
Yeah, that wasn't invented by a yid.
So you think the next logical step after realizing the bible is folklore is seek folklore from a different source?
You are determined to spend the rest of your life waiting in that pumpkin patch for the Great Pumpkin, aren't you Linus?
The Great Pumpkin isn't coming.
Agape your godly enemy niggers, so based.
Soon it will be illegal to not have "The Holocaust" app on your phone.
Sometimes I wonder if the kikes just came out and said "yes it was all a lie" would anything change?. The only people who believe it now are boomer NPCs.
the more you kikes take steps to get me to like you, the more you make me hate you, and my condition appears to be contagious
all three hundred or so times the kikes got the boot from various territories not good enough?
Stop being that guy.
Even Himmler said that Jesus wasn't "jewish". The jewish "race" is an anti-race invented to attempt to keep control of the lucrative trading routes under the confederation of Pharisaic money lenders. DNA studies and historical research proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Western Europeans literally have more claim to Egypt than that cursed tribe has on Palestine.
nah, jackasses like him arrive with multiple IP's to argue with themselves to derail.
neat thread. going to bump it without the slide d&c niggering
are they going to make piles of ashes with real jews to go with it this time?
imma need a [citation] on that, or maybe it was just real in your mind
See, the derailing has begun.
MMM I bet that skin and tounge would taste good together in A pot full of potatos!
I'm no expert on Himmler but I doubt that he gave one fuck enough about Christ-insanity to comment on Jeebus.
After years of studying the hoax I can tell you the bottom line is where are the graves? You can go on and on about "if the millions of missing jews weren't murdered where did they go", or "how many kikes fit in an oven". Millions of bodies don't disappear no matter what you do to them. We know exactly where they're supposed to be buried. These graves have never been proven to exist.
Name one time when it didn't, in the long term.
Here in Europe only view people I met knew about holocaust revisionism most of them are Boomers and they will soon die off. The problem is that most of the books are in English or very old and obscure because they are literally purged in meat space and aren't named by the MSM.
It is not like they don't believe it, they simply don't care, at some point in the near future to call some one a Nazi will be equivalent with Satanic panic of today.
Where should this and the next generation even hear about the holohoax? (((Their))) control of the Normal-faggot space is total, every wrong think is banned or hidden.
what about the aerial photographs taken during the war which showed no execution chambers
We have a winner
To proof holocaust was real they will build new gas chamber? That is realy not proof, it is? These jews have strange ideas. Just like cooking meal today is not proof someone ate same meal 70 years ago.
the stacks of dead bodies were due to the typhus epidemic and starvation. thanks to allied bombing they could not get food or water. the holocaust and the number 6 million had been constantly in the newspapers decades before it happened and the diary of anne frank was written in ballpoint pen which was extremely rare at that time. most likely she never died and is alive today selling books about anne frank ie herself. hitler was also alive until recently according to declassified records
nobody denies anything they simply point to the fact that the claims lack proof. there is not one shred of evidence of a holocaust. hundreds of honest people have already stated they had a clinic parties music food and even a swimming pool.
Spoiler your bug trash, user.
Filtered for religious D&C among our people. This is a Zig Forums politics page and a person's personal religion should not be brought up as a divisive point destroying our in group preference which should be based solely on our race.
They did that with their worship of the high density foam reconstruction of the 'gate of Ba'al' so I wouldn't be surprised.
Think about it. The only people who would know that they had altered it, would be the people who had seen the camps in person.
A mobile death camp for the Jews, you say? Interesting. . .
Why, a great example of lie repeated 1000 times, this fades out jews will invent something else, better to brand them as liars forever.
the soviets were using gas vans then blamed the Germans.
Everything the Germans are supposed to have done was actually the Soviets.
Except the camp records, most of which survive in the archives of Russia, and which show no evidence of millions of deaths by gassing. These records are confirmed by British decrypts.
Wow, that was a great reading. It's an interesting but unassuming start that develops into a detailed and sober analysis of the state of Holocaust scholarship and its history. I'm truly thankful that you posted that.
the ball point pen/anne frank diary is kike lead well poisoning. The pen marks in the writings were from someone applying page numbers to the papers in an attempt to order them, the 'girls writing' was in fountain pen. Same with the "otto frank lost a fraud case" regarding the play that was penned, this is related to fraud in payment, not in the storytelling. If you want the REAL issue that anne frank provides to shit on the holohoax narrative, look at WHERE ANNE FRANK WAS SENT INITIALLY, and WHERE ANNE FRANK FINALLY DIED. (she was sent to auschwitz where supposedly 'all children were killed on arrival,' then transferred to bergen-belsen SO SHE COULD RECEIVE BETTER MEDICAL TREATMENT AT THEIR INFIRMARY) Also, don't forget her fuckin' dad survived auschwitz and was 'iberated.' so deadly goyim, so tragic.
Actually they help us by supplying material to create more redpills :3
4chan died when they started archiving. That was done at the behest of the "agencies."
The CP was posted there as an excuse to clamp down on the place. all of it done by the alphabet agencies.
The place is being scrubbed in preparation for the coming election. I got an IP range ban to coax me into buying the goyim pass. Fuck that place.
We need to use this place now.
Can confirm. You still have to go back. No refugees.
Of course himmler said that. It would not be politically expedient otherwise. Too many people were superstitious back then for them to take a specifically anti Christian stance. Since Christianity didn't mesh well with national socialism, the created positive Christianity to slowly ween the germanic world off of it.
Except he publicly ruled that the 2nd amendment doesn’t exist, so fuck off.
Did Hercules kill a bunch of jews in a suicide attack? didn't think so
Why are you wasting board space adding this to your post?
wrong. the bible is to folklore what (((journalism))) is to reporting
There were 1000000 holocaust survivors alive in 2005. There were 500000 holocaust survivors alive in 2014. Do the math. Both statistics indicate there were 5900000 Jews alive at the end of the war. There were 6290000 Jews listed in the Vansee list. Normally 1200000 Jews would have been born while Hitler was in power. Also 1200000 Jews would have died of old age. So theoretically 1590000 Jews could have been killed. However birth rate always goes down in war time. In addition some Jews were born after their parents left Europe so technically these are not survivors of the holocaust. 60000000 people died in WW2 Jews were 2 percent of the population so their share of the deaths were 1200000. If the number of Jews who were killed was less than 1200000 then there was no holocaust which I just proved. has the life expectancy tables I used.
The exodus did happen though. Kikes were oppressing the egyptians and then they finally had enough, overthrew the kikes and expelled them from their land. It didn't happen in the way the bible mentions it where they dindu nuffin, but it did happen and it happened because of kikes pulling the same shit they always pull.
Checking those dubs, have any sources for "survivor" numbers in 2005 and 2014?
But they aren't even trying to get us to love them anymore. The focus now is on silencing our criticism of them and suppressing information of their scams and crimes.
Why? Because trying to refute the Holocaust is huge uphill battle and doing it draws attention to it and keeps the myth alive.
Just let it fade into the past. (make fun of it too)
Let's see them invent something that big again, they'll never be as much chaos and confusion as WW2 again. And nearly everything in the modern world is recorded and broadcast in new time. (this fact is boning them hard, they can't keep their treatment of the palestinians under wraps anymore)
Meh.. Same basic idea. magical super strong guy.
The Jews just put their love of failure and being oppressed into the story.
Hercules was cooler.
So are you saying you trust Journalists?
I'm a Slavshit and I was surprised to find out how many people online talk about the holocaust like it's the hoax that it actually is. There is even a term for jews which translates to "typhus victums"
typhus victims* sorry for being a dumb Slavnigger
You had one job sholmo.
Weren't they just captured after one attack?
Hey Tone is fun. My boomer father actually reads them, unlike all the other red pills on the kikes I send him.
Not inefficient.
Not necessary. Zyklon B is far deadlier at a lower ppm to humans than to lice. Also the more people you have in the chamber, the fewer grams of hydrogen cyanide you need to reach that deadly ppm.
They used Jewish as well as other camp slave labor
They used crematoria as well as open pyres built on the ground on railroad ties
They used wood shipped into the camp, the same wood they would have used in the winter for warmth in large quantities
In the grounds surrounding the camps which have been excavated and documented, it's literally right in front of your eyes
Most of the gas vans were destroyed so it's fully possible they were based on wood gas. However the consensus of the scientific community found that they used gasoline engines in death camps.
As you said, you can't burn all the bodies at once.
They waited years to purge the gay head of the SA
Directly killing thousands or even tens of thousands of people with your own hands is very traumatic. I know you think you could murder dozens of Jewish children with your bare hands because you're a big nazi man, but real human beings experience severe PTSD from this. That's why they used methods to hide the killings even from themselves like gas chambers and rotating death camp staff.
On .org and .is, right?
you also ruin the logistics further and further
moving a person that died and fell over might not be so difficult but an entire funhouse of perfectly woven bodies? you arent moving them at the rate of 1 a minute or whatever it is
We're obviously not talking like a clown car here but comparatively speaking, lice tolerate a higher ppm and also occupy essentially 0% of the space in the chamber. If humans occupy, say, only 60% of the air in the chamber and also tolerate less ppm of Zyklon then we're getting some considerable benefits here. Nobody would say they were taking up 98% of the chamber volume.
Citation needed
Citation needed
Citation needed
Wild conjecture begins
The (((scientific community))) ?
Which is why it did not happen.
Honk, honk
Can you explain how the Germans managed the logistics to send 6 million Jews to concentration camps during a war on 2 fronts?
Can you explain why the so called death camps were only found in Russian Bolshevik dominated territory?