In light of our governor announcing that California would be paying for illegal immigrant healthcare, I would like to share a video posted by one of the forgotten thousands living on the streets.
It's that bad in California.
In light of our governor announcing that California would be paying for illegal immigrant healthcare, I would like to share a video posted by one of the forgotten thousands living on the streets.
It's that bad in California.
Fuck, no sharing.
Here's the link:
link to her channel:
I can't even react to this shit, it's just fucking wrong
Yeah. It's crazy–I've lived in the desert, where temperatures hit at least 115 every year (without taking into account reflections off concrete). I have yet to see a single town with over ~10k people that doesn't have homeless people camping around.
Here's her first video. Looks like someone hooked her up with a phone and maybe a GoPro.
That's crazy. They can afford mobile phones and stuff but no food. I heard of the same phenomenon before. They have phones but no food. What the hell is going on in JewSA.
i second this every single town is full of white homeless people
OBAMA phones
Yeah, I don't know. But it seems like a typical tech elitist response to give her a phone and feel as if they're "teaching her how to fish."
Maybe this lady will make it out of sheer luck. Maybe not. But the truth is that the average homeless person–actually, a good proportion of people–are not tech saavy. That's why the idea that we would all become "tech barons" in a globalist, free-trade economy was absolutely damned to failure. I bet they knew it, too.
California is lost, traitors are in the government, all to secure permanent Democratic votership while poisoning the rest of the country by stimulating illegal immigration, rather, population replacement. It's just one more thing you can thank jews like Feinstein for, real real great people. In my home town here I see nothing but filipinoys and Mexicans, I see homeless whites everywhere, now even more homeless blacks, while these fuckers drive around with government handouts and no ID.
Yep. Just walked past one yesterday, offered him some food. I'm told there were no homeless in this town until recently…but now you see campsites popping up here and there.
At least the illegal ones will get free healthcare now.
Here's the video that was supposed to be the original link.
Are the immigrants really better off, or are they just as fucked as the natives?
if Trump wasn't a pussy he could have the FBI arrest people like Gov of CA, mayor of Oakland, and entire CA State legislature on all sorts of "conspiracy to human traffic" and "providing aid to fugitives"
You need a phone for all kinds of identity and communication shit. Both corporate and private. Also its not hard to get a cheap phone that millions of people are "upgrading" every year.
Whites are actively discriminated against in every aspect of life and are still expected to foot the bill for billions of shitskins. The destitution will only get worse.
If there are so many, what keeps them from organizing to collectivize housing? I don't mean ask the government for a handout, I mean take that shit.
At least take houses from the mega-rich, libs, etc.
Whites are been domesticated for decades if not hundred years in west. Used to get everything handed to them since the 50s at least. When things get tough I figure they retract like little puppies unable to do what must be done to survive by natural laws and which their forefathers did. I had that mentality myself since I was brainwashed like it. I kind of got out of that mentality. But its not easy.
*Both government and private.
Government assistance programs are specifically designed to discriminate against native whites. Especially the HUD and associated programs.
If they give illegal immigrants healthcare, they should have already had universal healthcare installed. Since they didn’t, it looks like the Californian politicians are betraying the American people, and it would be obvious even to normalfags.
I guess illegal immigrants are a priority when I comes to tax dollars. How long can a government keep this up? We don’t have unlimited money.
This is what needs manifestos written and distributed.
I am not FROM this fucking cesspool, but I am here now. Unfortunate. That said, I drove up through Jefferson a few weeks back, and every single human being I met up there was still human. Shocking. Dunno if flyover transplants can be honorary Jeffersonians, but I'm rooting for 'em. Godspeed, guys.
Put on a public showing of the 1940 film "The Grapes of Wrath". More subtle.
Every white person in the state should move out and wait for the collapse. Once SHTF take it back. Turn the entire state into detroit.
What do you expect? California is leading the charge with the rest of the blue states behind them. There is literally a thread up here on pol about how someone is fleeing NJ.
California is the vanguard for all of the Agenda 2030 shit they are doing. This is the plan for America. And once these blue states are dried up they will invade the South which is the next battleground. And if they win the south we're toast.
Ex-Jewfornia resident here.
The economy of CA is based on usury. Debt is money. You can use debt to buy phones but you can only do that with groceries if your credit score is good enough to have a card without a low limit ( which you can't get if you are already using debt to pay for housing + smartphone ).
Not defending them. I never once bought into the debt economy and always had a surplus of savings. But many people fall for the Jewish debt scam and fall into the eternal wage/debt slavery system that is the Californian economy+workforce. It's partially their fault for being dumb enough to not see that using debt to buy goods is unsustainable, but it's still pretty disgusting how Kikes control the state so they can exploit the common man freely.
Oh, and the interest rates are intentionally set up so that once they fall this low they have zero hope of digging themselves out.
We're fucked.
She's too old to join the military or get pimped by Tyrone. Get the fuck out of America, lady.
More or less same in Europe. Always have been where "jews" were situated. Most people seem to go into the debt system all over the world. Traps them for life. Teaching people to not get into debt might be one way out of the jew system. But looking at how many people that falls for it make me pessimistic. The ego of man is its greatest enemy. The jew takes advantage of it and puts the individual face to face with Satan aka Ego. If they want tons of things gold and diamonds they must go into debt and to brag about it "fancy cars" to others. Actual like signing a deal with the devil. People choose it. You can only teach that many. Those you teach often don't even learns unless its too late.
How many people actually even need healthcare? Is everyone fucking sick all of a sudden?
CA healthcare provider here. Every single day I deal with spics who don't speak a word of english (I speak passable spanglish), don't have any US government picture ID, though I get handed a lot of Mexican consulate ID's and ironically, Mexican voter ID's. Every single on of them is on medicare (federal program) and/or partnership/medi-cal, which are county and state based handout programs. Not to mention all the WIC, food stamps, etc. Almost every single one of those paperless shitskins is already on both state and federal benefits, I see it every day, and then have to pay full cost of my overinflated healthcare because I get shit insurance and have to pay for everybody else's free ride. That shit has been going on for years in CA, the leftist state workers just put through their paperwork and file their requests for benefits knowing full well these people don't qualify, they just do it anyway and there is no one to stop them because their own bosses and managers of these state departments and bureaus are a bunch of pinkos selected from leftist university campus grooming grounds. It's already been happening for years, they're just now being open and public about it.
Agree, I talked to an elder person once who had it tough in USA. Went to San fran to live off the welfare but even then it was tough. Apparently San Fransisco is the only state who had social services that could help whites.
Only choice is to move out from US or in the rural areas woods. Try to get in contact with farmers such, who could help and she could provide some labor help I'm sure. People at least white are kind by nature, and since she's a woman people trust her more instinctively.
Christian groups also helps people not sure why she doesn't reach out to them.
What about first retake Detroit before attempting to retake an entire state? Sadly I see no will to retake Detroit.
How'd that shitskin get in that family?
What are the invaders main medical issues?
How's their general health?
Double posting for the 8 second gap. user, healthcare provider here, let me tell you: literally 70% of Americans are on prescription drugs. It's insane. A ridiculous amount of people are disgustingly unhealthy and require daily pills just to be able to stay alive, otherwise they would have to stop living their disgusting, degenerate lifestyles, which they refuse to do. Also, there is a huge, huge sub class of humanity that has literally nothing to do all day, and so they routinely go to the emergency room, clinic, or urgent care center, whatever is available to them, for simple problems easily solved by OTC meds, I.E. nausea, or some bullshit like that. The pattern is this:
Basically, the system is absolutely flooded by lazy, retarded hypochondriacs. Not to mention the insane amount of people on antidepressants because they just can't deal with life. I get paperwork from fucking 15 year old girls who say they're going to kill themselves because they don't want to do their homework, and then they end up on hardcore anti-psychotics that only schizos should be on. I could go on and on for that subject but I digress…
Mostly blood pressure and digestive meds for the body. Basically, they're fat, unhealthy, and eat a garbage diet so they need blood pressure meds and stomach acid meds. Also almost all of them are on antidepressants or benzodiazapines (IE Xanax, Valium) to keep them sedated, like in Brave New World. They also get a mind boggling amount of OTC medications for simple shit like OTC allergy meds, OTC aspirin etc. because they're too stupid to just go buy the OTC product, and instead have to cost the state thousands of dollars just to go the fucking doctor to get a prescription for fucking ibuprofen and flonase, but they don't give a shit because for them it's all free and they see nothing wrong with that. I have been told from the younger latinos I work with that most young hispanic americans are told by their parents that all white people have money, and just won't give "us" hispanic people any, so it's ok to just take everything from them and feel no guilt or responsibility or shame.
Manipulating whites for their unique empathetic reasoning is evil as fuck. Its clear that this freak is doing this.
While having a phone and gopro…instead of saying
Fuckin cunt just wants a handout for drugs. Fuck this gay earth.
Fucking shit. Most of them are overweight, even a lot of the young ones in their 20's and 30's needing fat body medications, and digestive meds to continue their shit diet. Even the medical community will admit that latinos have higher rates of schizophrenia and alzheimers type mental degradation, I've even done some training/education on the subject. A ton of them are on anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, benzos, etc. Basically, if the rug got pulled out from under them, most of them would die due to being completely and utterly depending on the white man's system and taxes that they abuse. That or they would kill themselves once cut off their psyche meds. They couldnt even afford the food they kill themselves with if it wasn't handed to them for free.
Jesus Christ, sounds (and IS) like a fucking nightmare. You've GOT TO make a thread before long about all the shit you know. Please do it. Thanks for the reply, med-user, God bless you!
user me and my friends kick around all kinds of book or movie ideas I could make being a healthcare provider in CA, it pays enough to live in this horribly expensive marxist shithole, but dear lord every workday of my life sucks ass. I get home and channel the anger and frustration into getting /fit/. I would have to be careful making a thread, because anything too specific and i would be violating HIPAA privacy law, but it's certainly not a bad idea. I could actually maybe even help some anons out with healthcare advice, I will consider it.
I know someone who works at a trauma center and ER in CA. The vast majority of his “customers” are non-white who obviously know they are taking advantage of the system. They often play dumb like they dont understand basic principles and rules. They just show up expecting the world, and they get it.
He is not a pussy, he works for (((them)))
Reminds me of the movie ELYSIUM. Every time I watch it I'm like "Come on, weird speaking Jodi Foster tell Kruger to blow up those invading space ships! Don't let them in!!"
That is my experience with every one of these shitskins. They just show up, act even more stupid than they really are, inevitably, a white person does everything for them, and ultimately, usually on that same day, they are getting everything they want for free. A friend of mine I did some of my early classes with is an ER nurse, and we swap horror stories. The policy in the ER where she works is that any patient who walks off the street into the ER and complains of pain is automatically entitled to two hydrocodone (Vicodin) pills, even though it is a controlled narcotic being handed out to some random person with no accountability so the poor baby doesn't have to be in pain while they do their paperwork. She says that most people just walk into the ER, pop their 2 free, complementary opioid pills, and are gone out the door by the time she comes back with their paperwork.
Do it. I look forward to it.
And good luck and good on you for doing /fit/.
How hard would it be for a charismatic with a truck full of guns to rally all these hobos towards the cause of overthrowing the California government with the promise of free housing and food and dignity for all who fight the illegals and the traitorous government?
In Ontario the only homeless are whites and a few Native Americans. Non-whites get everything handed to them free and are never ever homeless.
JEEEEZUZ I can tell their related somehow but I can't figure out what the lineage is in that family.
See it all the time too, poorfags and homeless fags always seem to have better clothes and phones then I do
I've been homeless AND INJURED but I always offer myself for work. Never once just begged for hand-outs. Always would work, even with pain and no sleep, and such issues. I also never do drugs.
Want to fix california? It's easy. Just kill everyone
homeless CA user here. can confirm. shit is way worse than you can imagine. the only hope for Commiefornia is to call in USAF airstrikes and carpet bomb this shithole with bunker busters until it is ground down back into empty desert land. i can't even get a fucking McJob in this shithole because this area is 90% illegal beaners, and i don't speak taco, so i wouldn't even be able to say "would you like fries with that?" to an customer base who only speaks taco.
in my informal "tent city", well, it's more like RV park–miles of industrial streets lined with hundreds of campers and RVs, one of my "neighbors" is an elderly beaner from El Salvador. he can barely speak English. he showed me his green card that he got in 2011. he also showed me his state card that certifies him as mentally retarded. can you believe that bullshit? Obama and Zognald let in thousands and millions of elderly disabled spics who will never work and pay into our system. they can immediately earn monthly SSI money. i can't even get that, and i have worked and paid taxes for nearly 20 years. and given that he is retarded, he is only going to be a drain on our resources and he will never contribute anything to our nation.
another crazy thing i saw once when i was at the welfare office trying to get some gibs. (it is a myth that you get very much from welfare at all!). i overheard the lady ahead of me in line being told by the case worker that since she was an illegal and had 3 kids that she would be fast tracked to be given a house within 4 days. meanwhile, i don't get shit from the lazy fucking bureaucrats and live on the street. best of all, all of the govt welfare workers are fucking foreigners themselves. so now we got white men native born begging for scraps from illiterate niggers and dune coons from foreign countries who are working in welfare offices. why the govt hires foreigners over native born folks is inconceivable to me. i could not express how furious it makes me to have to beg for help from foreigners in my own fucking country.
the reason all homeless have phones is because the welfare office gives them out for free. the infamous "Obama phones", which are paid for by the 1% tax you all pay on your phone bills for rural phone service subsidies. they are shitty $50 Chinese crapdroid phones loaded with gook spyware. you get like 500MB of data per month, but unlimited calls/texts. these are not luxury phones and truth be told the Obama phones are a life saver when you ain't got shit because your millionaire elderly kike landlord raised your rent so high to force everyone to move out of his apt bldg so he can demolish it and build 8 condos in its place that will sell for $1.2 million a piece. without a free phone i wouldn't be able to apply to and be rejected from hundreds of jobs here in Mexifornia, or keep up with the happenings by reading Zig Forums.
if i could leave here for any white majority place, i would. CA is lost territory–without straight up military intervention to intern and deport like 20 million spics by force, there is no "soft" solution and the spiclets will just reproduce and infect and take over every smaller and smaller town until all of America becomes a collapsed anarchy narcostate just like Mexico.
since my life is a living blackpill now, all i'm doing now is biding my time awaiting my chance to effortpost in minecraft and take out some kikes with me.
It doesn't sound like there's anything keeping you there. Why don't you leave?
Do you have advice for being a good boi and not being annoying to my Doctor?
What the governor is doing is illegal.
Harboring – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who – knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.
Encouraging/Inducing – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who – encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.
Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.
This society can't die fast enough.
Can confirm. There are Soros- and Obama-funded NGOs that take these motherfuckers around to sign them up for everything. They have absolutely no shame. You'd think they were Normans looting England from the way they hoover up everything we have. Muslims are a smaller population, but they're next. Obama-era policies snuck hundreds of thousands of them in, and now my neighborhood has a mosque, and my son's school (chosen for being white and hard for niggers to find) is now 1/4 mudslime, going off the hijabs.
Pic related.
all illegal to do so
Harboring – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who – knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.
Encouraging/Inducing – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who – encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.
Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.>>13462211
whats the difference between a border hopper and an immigrant?
I guess food banks in california are only for spics and niggers.
probably because he needs to find some dosh for a bus ticket.
why he doesn't have any for that, I don't know.
It IS like this in every US city, and you've figured out by now that it's by design. It's not a coincidence that the majority of the homeless are White people.
This is part of how they're doing this shit. They tell you that they're "revitalizing" part of town. What that means is that all the private housing people used to rent will shut down. When current residents move out, they'll board it up or tear it down - it will no longer be rented to the people. After awhile this takes a toll, what properties there ARE to rent are renting for astronomical amounts of money, we're talking $1500 for a 2 bedroom house in an area where it used to rent for $500 - this is how they're pushing people onto the streets. You think it's JUST CA? No, it's not. It's ALL ACROSS the US, and still we're allowing this shit and telling ourselves "it's all their fault, they're drug addicts, they're this they're that" no, they're White Americans. That's what they're guilty of. It's fucking disgusting.
I hate to tell you this but the phenomena of hiring non whites in ALL government jobs (BOTH state and fed) is going on nation wide. It's so that White people can get no help from welfare OR police when accosted. And yes, Whites are being pushed out EVERYWHERE. I've got a bad feeling that when White people say "fuck it" and DO leave for the country to start their own towns with their own food/barter system there's a very bad answer waiting for them. There's a bill CURRENTLY in Congress that calls "White Supremacy" a terrorist organization and allows the government to wipe out these people . This is going to be REALLY bad, they'll just kill all the White people, tell others on TV that they were "terrorists" planning an "attack" and that will be that.
fuck off. Homeless people are gypsy scum.
Homeless people are to America, what gypsies are to Europe.
it is their fault.
it is their fault that they are all on drugs.
it is their fault that they are lazy and don't look for a job.
you are a faggot.
homeless people are are a gypsie hybrid race. they are a race of nomadic garbage scum.
fuck you.
homeless are not white.
and fuck you again. fag.
So why are you still there? I don't see someone who can actually do their job sticking around in a shithole unless it's paying like 5 or 10 times the amount of everywhere else or something.
I'm unfamiliar with the retarded nature of modern "civilization" (Because it's all semantical bullshit designs to weave loops of lies in order to "legally" steal from people) but are there legal reasons you and every other not-retarded doctors can't up and fuck off from Sansfransnigco and leave them to have the "doctors" who "cure" diseases with injections of aids and feces?
Imagine living in a state where testing the IQ of anybody indexed as black was illegal.
Ones meant to be there and one isn't
The opposite of gentrification is ghettofication
I've been on a country trip with my gf for the last week and a half. I'm from L.A. so I am already well-acquainted with the homeless issue there.
The homeless problem I have seen in every metro area I've been in these last 10 days has been staggering. Portland, Milwaukee, and Chicago. Individuals camped out everywhere. Group camps set up under bridges and overpasses and in large open areas like parks and riverfronts. Extremely young people panhandling and brazenly asking for money.
I've visited these places before and many times in the past 15 years. This is beyond anything I've ever seen in my traveling life through the U.S.
Pic somewhat related: Taken in Portland the same day as the recent Antifa tantrum in downtown.
I hate to tell you this but the phenomena of hiring non whites in ALL government jobs (BOTH state and fed) is going on nation wide. It's so that White people can get no help from welfare OR police when accosted. And yes, Whites are being pushed out EVERYWHERE. I've got a bad feeling that when White people say "fuck it" and DO leave for the country to start their own towns with their own food/barter system there's a very bad answer waiting for them. There's a bill CURRENTLY in Congress that calls "White Supremacy" a terrorist organization and allows the government to wipe out these people . This is going to be REALLY bad, they'll just kill all the White people, tell others on TV that they were "terrorists" planning an "attack" and that will be that.
homelessness is a growing problem in every metro area around the world
blame real estate meddling by foreign companies. Selling off all property and land to the highest bidder really fucks the middle class because we can barely compete
Bullshit, it's NOT "foreign" anything, it's YOUR OWN "officials" doing this shit. This would not be possible without the help of amoral White people.
Absolutely. I've seen nearly all of this with my own eyes.
I will add that in my own corner of L.A. county, I'd noticed a dramatic uptick in the numbers of dune coons and afrinigs in the last couple years. And it's accelerating. Hell, one of the local schools (Cal Poly Pomona) is full of them now.
That's exactly what I'm doing. I would love a chance to return and help set things right.
california is a bankrupt ball of pus filled spics with no papers. it has been plundered and trampled underfoot by sellout politicians that give away 100 times what they produce. now businesses are moving to texas because of inflation and red tape and the whole vicious cycle starts over again an empire in decline at the end stage ie decadence and devalued fiat currency
I always thought that not getting into debt is a must and was basic common sense. Then again, I lived in an area where getting into debt with no prospects of paying back gets your ass caned, even amongst children. "You can give my sweets back?" *sucker punch breaks septum*
fuck the homeless its every man for himself all homeless should be given 6 months to improve or get shipped off to some remote island like england did and remove the cancer
I remember my first day of university and standing in line for my student card, listening to everyone around me talking about their student loans. My attitude was and is, fresh out of high school, that if you're not intelligent enough to see the dreadful consequences of compound interest then you're not intelligent enough to profit from a university education.
You'd do much better with a truck full of hard liquor and fentanil in rallying a following than luring them in with guns.
It's called "unity" which we will never get because people who are still making it will never stop going to work (therefore stopping the taxing system that allows our own officials to do this shit). If all White people got on the same page and said "no more" - refused to show up for a job that automatically debits their paychecks for "social security" that they're giving to illegals AND using to import those people plus line thier pockets along with other bullshit that ultimately hurts native born. But you think you can these ppl who are still making it to understand that it's going to be THEM next? Fuck no, they just keep contributing to their own demise.
Was in a similar position in WA. Just my opinion, fuck the USA. I saw so damn many well off white people who did not give a damn, ever since 2009 the fuck you i've got mine mentality has fucked us all. I'm just waiting for AI software to really kick in, that's going to screw over so many people here it's not funny. Never forget in 2009 when you could watch people on the Today Show saying how employers would gloss over any employment gaps, they understand how many people lost everything, bullshit. Right after I was laid off I went to a workfare class of sorts, had some dude from the state tell it like it is, most of us were fucked. He came out and said it, in an interview unless you could convince him that having you around would be slightly more interesting than having to be around his kids he wouldn't give you the time of day. Was in my early 20s, those in their late thirties and beyond had this god awful look of dread on their faces the whole time, cannot help but wonder how many ended up homeless, how many are now dead.
Anyway, here's what I did. Only way you're going to get out of this is to claim you're mentally ill, part hispanic and possibly gay. Know it's a stretch but considering your situation you do what you have to, it's the only way you have a shot at getting out of the hole you're in. Mental illness will get you access to therapy, medicaid and food stamps, possibly more. No one will check to see if you're really hispanic, start checking that box. Finally, the faggot card, yeah I know it sucks (lol…), like I said considering your situation do what you gotta do. Another idea, since you live in a camp, if you know anyone with kids find a way to make friends with em and file as head of household. can be kinda sketchy and especially in a place like CA an easy way to get stuck with child support, that being said considering your situation you have absolutely nothing to lose. One more thing, consider getting on SSI. Mental illness, fake injury, whatever it takes. When they ask you to apply for jobs, tell em you've applied (actually do so…) to these nice white collar jobs but they've rejected you because you're an lgbt person of color. Oh, one more, tell em you're jewish. I literally did all these things…
God speed user, do not envy you. My time in Seattle made me really, really hate Americans as a rule, they know god damn well how bad things are and chose to do nothing. Now that the homlessness and drug problem has really started to affect them they bitch to no end yet don't want to pay for the mess they helped create. Think the worst part is once the reality of your situation kicks in, that's when you feel like you're starting to disappear. Your skills, everything you had fails you and you realize just how worthless and invisible you are. No one gives a shit, you start being able to relate to the mentally ill around you and people either ignore you or go out of their way to avoid you, you feel like a ghost, a non person. It's awful.
My plan is to go far north in a few years, I lived up there as a kid and for all their problems I'd take em vs. the shit that I have to put up with down here. I can take the cold, the dark, the lonliness and all the other problems life up north entails vs. the shitstorm that's a brewin' here.
Good luck man.
This right here. Our own kind sold us out, they call us druggies, white trash etc. Funny how that all changes when the same mean asshole ends up in a similar situation and ends up on the street.
Yes, they don't understand the golden rule we were taught:
"Be careful who step on on your way up the ladder of life, you may pass them again on your way down."
Couple problems with that, if/when we get to that point be assured as a people most of us will be very, very poor and either on the verge or homeless. These handouts to brown people/favoring them has cost businesses a lot of money, shit gets that bad here they'll either start folding or leave. Affirmative action is expensive, hell even the gov't is cutting back on non essential positions. Once the market tanks, taxes will skyrocket and once the consequences of tax revenue shortfalls kick in there goes inflation. They try to pull on whitey what they did at Waco, what do you thinks going to happen? They're going to piss off every white vet and conservative in this country to no end. The fuckers who push this shit will likely get their whole family dox'd, as will the cops. Military intervention like that is very expensive, we can't afford it. They end up occupying US territory like they did in the middle east not only will it bankrupt what's left of the US gov't, you will see non stop gurilla warfare, domestic terrorism and god knows what else. That will not end well.
Also, there are already communities like this, many of em in Alaska and other rural parts of the USA. Felons hide out up there all the time, the feds are constantly looking for people and they either never find them or occasionally disappear themselves. The frontier states can be real scary in places.
Give em time, once AI software kicks in and millions of white collar people get replaced things will get interesting. We're going to see a shit ton of white families end up on the street, I mean whole nuclear families. No idea how all this will turn out, all I know is the majority of the people here are going to end up tearing each other apart, I plan on watching it all from afar.
No they're not. Gypsies have a long, rich cultural history as a people. Homeless are a classification nothing to do with race, a symptom of bad management and sociopaths in the establishment.
we need live drones recording it all and uploading the streams.
Honestly, that's the kind of thing we need to record and save for future generations. I have a funny feeling our collapse is going to be Rome 2.0 in terms of scale. Once things get bad, there goes the infostructure, our supply lines, everything. Being able to have footage as well as what data one can gleam will be of great interest to future generations, it will literally be the red pill of the ages.
Zero military bearing. Looks like it was taken in a BX..? They don't even give a shit. Should have been written up and handed to the 1st shirt for a dressing down and given remedial training for a month, loss of rank and pay. Fucking amateurs.
A family member is having trouble finding a job. I told him to start checking off BLACK or Hispanic on applications. He'd get a job that day.
I figure Alaska would be the last safe haven for whites in USA. Seen some videos of those living there plenty of land too even if its cold there. If I lived in USA and was in a critical situation, well I guess being white is critical in USA now. I would get to Alaska ASAP.
Whites are meant for cold dark climates, white skin. After all. So going to Alaska and living in cold environments should be beneficial in the end.
Arabs, Africans and Spics doesn't seem to like the cold that much. I read article from Finland how the refugees hated it since it was too cold there and like hell. So the refugees left Finland.
In other words go to places where its cold dark. Adapt accordingly to the situation. Look at the positives.