Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up.
Goodbye, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start it in roughly 7 minutes.
Live stream link + explanation:
Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up.
Goodbye, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start it in roughly 7 minutes.
Live stream link + explanation:
When man meets a force he can't destroy, he destroys himself. What a plague you are.
nothing of value will be lost
At least make it remotely entertaining like the furfag who an hero'd with a KSG
dont kill yourself
dont an hero user. Things will be better.
Again? You were supposed to shoot your mom in the tit with that shotgun right before you do a front flip out your apartment window
Godspeed user. If you indeed aren't being a faggot, make sure you take some kikes with you. But seriously, don't an hero unless you have no other option.
Hey OP you must not leave this world without taking 100+ of our enemies with you.
its been 7 minutes and no link. reported.
mat rixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/190703/MATRIX_005759_BfP_DoBlackLivesMatterInIsraelStickers.jpg
His link says he's going for the highscore. He's the new Brenton Tarrant. The Third Disciple.
Go to bed FBI.
with a semi auto shotgun that isnt mag fed? just lol
Hey he can beat Earnest at least.
Brenton used one for the first few seconds, remember. He also dropped it after emptying the tube and switched to an AR, so if that's all OP has then he must have hand-eye coordination that can beat any jap bullet hell on the hardest difficulty or he MIGHT get 1 kill.
Someone archive this shit I'm on Tor and you can't archive onions.
i've seen that pic before. i'm sure of it.
If you're gonna do a shooting, you have to be properly rested first.
I get cranky when I stay up late too, OP. I once played Chronotrigger for 36 hours straight back near twenty years ago. A pressure developed inside me and regular thoughts became actions I'd seen in the game, substituted for one another. So I went to bed and felt better. Sleep is the best thing for settling down our brain chemistry and mood. Unless you are some type of leftist/pedo/goon, you should probably have a nap and a calming cup of cocoa and talk to someone who can help. I could train you to see the world and your life differently as the mind is programmable but it is hard to do over the internet, but there are likely those locally who can. All it takes is showing up and being honest and try a new way of thinking. You can not feel bad unless you think bad, thoughts become emotions and emotions can feel terrible. You are getting sleepy as you read this.
Get some sleep retard.
yea nah
OP is a fag
OP is wearing women's shoes.
you wont do anything you nigger
also at least file off the barrel if you're going to do it
why does your link lead to a trojan nigger?
Time for ponies desu.
Learn some fucking photography skills, brof
you wont do shit nigger
unironically disappointed, its been like a month since a real habbening
Don't do it man. Speaking from experience, suicide causes great pain to everyone who loves you.
He is literally just spreading a virus nigger
In all honesty bro, don't off yourself. If you're concerned with the future and with the political reality that we are facing then we need people who understand how fucked things could be. But with how fucked things could be gives us great opportunity with the things that can be done. No time in recent memory have more people been getting more redpilled all the time, but we need you. Your people need you. Your culture needs you. Your race need you. To help us fight against this situation that we're in, and you can't do that if you're dead. Read your bible, and go to church, go out to the park, listen to some good music, and realize that there are things worth living for and things worth dying for. but dying for being a pussy isn't worth anything.
This is the story of the Earth's Silk Princess and how the enemies of Atlantis seized her.
In the spinning meadows and desertlands of Nu.
It was not the sound of war in the east and the east desert that hurts.
Instead of attacking the apprentices, the remnants of the wilderness came to the northern soldiers and slaughtered the people.
It was sent to 15 cities, 30 nomadic desert tribes, and the announcement of the rebel master, Abban Ishharu.
The international power of Assu had begun preparing to resist the Uet attack.
As kingdom was the Kingdom of Uruz, the Kingdom of Uet was in the hands of Princess Alabronia.
She asked God for God's help to lead the Uet troops into the mercenary unit at the hands of Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos in Atlantis in Aquilsos.
He went to the door with the Uet Vanguard of 500 charioteers, adorned with armor of bronze slabs in the morning, and lifted his hat with flaming colored feathers.
The last 5,000 lighthouses, armed with their bow sisters and wearing copper levels from their kaftans.
500 boys of Uet-Lasyr, otherwise armed with spears and bronze marched naked.
8 of them were disadorned with brass scales and over 3,000 mercenaries of Uet-Lasyr.
These were of Panzaer, Ceirse, Esther, and Petahoon.
There were mercenary soldiers controlled by the Silk Princess of the Earth.
After the Atlantean commander, Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos were carried weapons of iron, interesting Dedek riders with no power, and drivers traveling next to him. One of whom was named Itaya, Knight of gold, the gold and sternum scale copper in the Crown.
His statement was horseshoe-shaped.
"It is safe that the Princess went with us?"
Taza, son of Jadikira, laughed and replied to the Atlantean;
"Fear is simply 'Bandar Puteri.'"
"There is a good place to live", said the Atlantean.
"Do you fear rebellion? "
He said to Uette, peer of Rusa.
"He is afraid the wonders of Abban Ishharu."
"Well, it's better to see the enemy fell upon one about Atlantis waiting for her."
As the host moved ahead towards an area of lowlands, the authority was stolen by Abban Ishharu in towns in the South.
The next day, then the 'make knitted' soldiers of Suva made good in the town of Altaku.
Upon the hill stood Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos, who took the 3,000 people from the city.
This was in the Daer Mountains the Suva soldiers he brought to the font from Altaku.
This Valley had they been led to by only one edition, allowing the enemy to move to bear.
Here, the Atlantean king had turned camp and took his scale armor.
Chariots formed on the square and hoped to fight against the enemy there.
The plain was flooded with water, but the chariot squadron swept away Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos and put a camp in the valley clearing.
Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos arranged the archers on the back and rocky square across the well.
The soldiers relaxed.
The Atlantean Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos asked if he thought about Abban Ishharu's history.
Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos was told that Abban Ishharu had been awoken by a foolish thief and had an army amassed from the deserts east of Uet composed of nomads.
At that point, a cloud of dust reached the valley.
Abban Ishharu's horse-drawn chariots were ready to fight with the landing army
When a boy prepared for battle, the fog and the enemy's hidden movements were canceled.
Stop running Windows Botnet dumbfuck. And buy a VPN while you're at it.
When the fog was cleared, the chariots stopped a squadron from Abban Ishharu in the valley.
A total of 5,000 chariots crashed in front of Abban Ishharu in front of the army carrying naked and bow wielding warriors.
Behind this line were hundreds of naked Black charioteers from Harazan.
Broke did the Harazan horse-drawn Hasanai chariot-squadron.
They carried smoke and Dingilmeshi, knight of Hasanai, carried the corselets and brought a scale post.
Abban Ishharu thought that the Apani went to the slopes and the main army marched into the valley.
It was a mistake to stop to disrupt the formation of the enemy, the Knights of Uet would recharge.
Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos knew that this was a trap.
He wanted to attract enemies to the hills and fight from defensive positions.
Without following the instructions, 500 chariots pushed from the upstream ground into the ground.
From the army of Abban Ishharu, from the army put the luminescent fluid from a single flat horse and a gold ship from the army.
Ulcus, knight of Suva, shouted; "Didikase does not cover the seed?"
Swearing, Itaya, Knight of gold rode around the hills to strike at the enemy's rear.
Across the sharp end of the chariots of Abban Ishharu of Uet, burned the fire.
He died near the 500 Knights of Uet in the inferno.
He died with the Black Harazan charioteers, the Knights of the commander of Uet.
The servants had witnessed the slaughter, fell they to their knees and wept.
Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos encircled them.
The charioteers were preserved by a number of mercenaries and he sent himself into the spears.
In response to this, the charioteers had landed at the Waters of Cikase and drank water.
"I have accepted the obligation of my spearmen," the Atlantean muttered.
They established a Treaty of military alliance with the formation of naked Apani heads.
When they went up to the Valley, please enjoy the arrow-fire.
Although death had attacked the Apani of Uet, many hundreds were cast out of the garden.
Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos knew that he led his army.
He decided to lead from the enemy.
The Atlantean was sent from the enemy to the side of Itak.
Ran the Apani to Uet.
The brass storm tore through their lines, twisted and inspired.
The crash projected between the shield and the shaft drove shaft, cleansing them in blood.
He broke into the path of the Apani line, the courage to take them forward.
Upon the rocks they fought the soldiers, naked were the Harazan and the Daer archers fought naked as well.
When they took the Hillmen and the Daer were piled dead, faltered did the Center.
The Knights of Uet were not on the back of the enemy positions, like all hope is lost.
Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos was accused of fighting him and his wife to take the wagon and follow him.
The charioteers, 500 in number, took to the East Ridge and rode down the Valley.
They smashed the enemy's flank.
Then the charioteers hit them, and allowed them to believe that they are more likely to be around.
This threw the enemy into fear.
Apani is a marine reserve in the world, but the Nu warriors fled from the Assu wagons.
The Charioteers of Uet lost 350 whom died in the war.
Then the King of Apani, the legendary hero, threw his sword at broken Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos who stood at the top of Skhilosin.
The Atlantean hero was slain by the driver of the Prince with his naked dagger.
His face was covered in his blood, the Atlantean fell on the battlefield and knowing that some of the enemy delivered his body.
The Princess was taken captive during the war of the Didikase and which got deeper into the desert, after it received the body of Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos.
After an intense battle, he killed a lot of men with his sword.
Fake thread
gape bread
posting in an epic thread
Eat my shit cartel
This weeks episode brought to you by OP
Eww just a fucking discord tranny thread. What a fucking kike. Maybe you should an hero
This was posted on half chan earlier today.
Jesus loves you user! Don't do it. Repent!
Did he do it?
Get a thicker skin faggot
It says in his original post the following:
Going for the high score niggers 4chan July 7 2019 Live stream link + short manifesto (in-chat):
There's also a discord link but I'm not posting that.
I’ll get on a fedlist for this, but don’t do if you really care about your parents. It’s not too late to stop it, for the love of god, this never solves anything.
Violence solves everything, cuck.
Subscribe to PewDiePie.
For all future IRL effort posters can you please do us the small courtesy of not using shitty streaming services Kikebook, Youtube, and Discord? Something we can at least access without downloading some shitty software or signing up? Periscope seems more ideal, idk, there may be something better. At least then we can archive your legacy and you will live on forever in our memes.
You can't make good decisions without sleep, how about you get some fucking sleep user.
Will believe when I see it.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed puss
I had a dream i beheaded a kike the other night. It was hyper realistic
My suggestion is they make video (in 4k or higher resolution) and pdf manifestos so we have material to use for our memes and make sure to always upload to multiple megas and other cloud storages and to tor based file hosts that won't have shit taken down.
Also they should consider recording their heroics and if possible finding a chance to upload it then somewhere. Livestream is also important as they might never be able to get their video uploaded.
Do a back flip, faggot.
This is so true, sleep deprivation makes you completely insane. I was reading that this is the real cause of tweaker rage and not the actual meth. Get some sleep user. You'll feel like a new man.
Was this the CA mall shooting?
IDK…I mean..he's already got the gun and everything..might as well.
Fuck off commie jew
still looking, two nogs were shot:
Don't do it. Please get help.
Nice, better than nothing.
To all fedniggers screenprinting this thread: neck yourselves, traitors.
Wouldn't it be funny if the FBI false-flagged so hard they set off a bomb in their own federal headquarters?
Sounds like the mall thing was just some nogs chimping out. There was a suicide (apparently by gunshot) on I70 in KC today tho.
Can anyone find this retard's manifesto? It's purportedly all posted on that discord but I can't (more like unwilling) figure out how to navigate a fucking discord.
Clearly a fake retard shill, everyone who's lurked more than two hours knows better than to use pozzcord. Lurk harder glow niggers
OP only posted this thread 2 hours ago (14 minutes ago when I initially saw it, heh)
I should make a guide on how to do a proper mass shooting and get it mass distributed across the chans so future mass shooters do it properly.
Op, don't do this.
Jesus, how new are you?
This guy has been here posting fake suicide threads since Tarrant subscribed to Pewdiepie.
I hate to break character but you should be lurking rn if you fell for this one.
Did OP did something ?
did did nothing
He didn't do shit.
I mean it's been 2 hours but does the live stream link works or it's a virus ?
did OP an hero?
Made a shitty op with a virus.
was he on live stream video and decided to not do it?
There is no livestream. It's all bullshit.
OP never delivers
OP failed to deliver
Fag OP made this same thread a month ago on /xyz/.
Nobody fell for it then either.
And yet, this thread remains unpruned. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
If this is the fbi attempting to demoralize us with unfulfilled anticipation its working
This. Sigh. Going to sleep now.
Then do something about it.