After the faggot Roberts on the supreme court ruled against citizenship q on census- no blue state conservative should pay it any mind. Throw it out, throw your tax paying white neighbors out. The left cannot incentive wetbacks and then get funding and house seats out of the deal. Love or hate Trump these days do it.

Attached: roberts coward.jpg (411x336, 34.88K)

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On the bright side, Trump loses 2020.

You're really looking forward to Biden sending "Domestic terrorist nazis" to death camps aren't you Moshe?


They have everyone on file and they perform the census to catch those not on the books.

The way the census handles race is absurd anyway.

The feds only have five categories.

Japanese and poo in the loo Indians are considered the same race.

Arabs are considered White.

It's all wrong.

Attached: census race.png (640x320, 66.2K)

Trump is going to win in 2020. fuck off kikes

Appointed by Bush, works for the jews. Hopefully this redpills the boomers on how far their country has fallen. Backstabbed by their own conservatives.

ok retard


Attached: Laughing Kikes.png (831x1172, 466.27K)