maryland anons need to take action. they are openly indoctrinating our children and the police are complicit. you need to get off of your asses and fire the library director and anyone else involved with furthering this agenda
maryland anons need to take action. they are openly indoctrinating our children and the police are complicit. you need to get off of your asses and fire the library director and anyone else involved with furthering this agenda
Other urls found in this thread:
how to expect to fight faggotry with calls to another sort of ineffective feggotry
Ugh, that picture. What a disgusting bunch of mongrels.
Wow police guards for the indoctrination. That is intense.
>When nationalism is finally smashed in America. I will personally be there to fire-bomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your children away.
- Letter sent to Christian Pastor Sheldon Emry from a Bolshevik jew.
I guess they have decided not so 'send them to Eastern Bloc schools when they can indoctrinate them right here.
ALSO OP how could you post this and not give us the name of these SAINTS and giants among men?
Not really, most places hosting this filth will then ask for local police or even have that locations security be ramped up. Just happened locally with my town actually. A museum got harassed and they clearly favor the degenerates, so they bitched to the local newspaper, citing the SPLC bullshit corporate list. It's the same tiresome shit with child drag queens.
Didn't this guy's son shit up the board with a thread a few weeks ago?
Note also that it's assault to tell tranny degenerates they're not allowed to groom small children. Little taste of Judaism for you there.
Trump needs to legitimately crackdown on pedophiles, faggots, dildo delighters, queers and pansies ASAP, hopefully once he has time after dealing with the Democrats. More reason to vote GOP in 2020
If he wants a 2020 vote he better do something in 2019.
The black hole is nice, but maybe some flames or something as well.
I know what we can do user! It works every time!
We must go on Zig Forums, bitch about it, call people who disagree kike shills, and do absolutely nothing! That always works. And best of all, there's no risk involved! Just post away! Show them how big and tough your fingers are!
If they did something like this where I live the parents might just shoot them. But rest assured, the day they attempt it, I will be there and for sure I will be arrested defending our nation's children.
You forgot to add the part where any action that’s something less than immediate GTKRWN is PR faggotry and to just wait for hitler.
is being gay an attempt to be equal or a demand to be a special class. so what if you dress up like a woman. just because of that there's an exclusive drag queen storytime? what about a pedo storytime? illegal immigrant storytime? what about a heterosexual storytime? how about a transvestite black nigger with AIDS storytime?
or a "NAZI's shoved 25cm of wood up my ass" storytime
Some Zig Forums user's father got arrested for soing the same thing, even made a thread about it.
You need to keep your fetish to a general nigger. You're shitting up the cat with your tranny fetishing.
I got shit to do and a life to live but if I see that shit, a dude in a dress is probably getting smashed the fuck up. I'll probably hit the women supporting it too. It's beyond what I can bear. I know I'll react and go to jail.
Lol defending tranny faggots.
What a surprise…
He's talking about capping trannies, nigger
He won't do anything you nigger.
Ok I misread. Its kool
It's as simple as this