GLOWNIGGERS STRIKE BACK The kike propaganda machine dug up something useful when it went about it's daily business filing FOIA requests on NAZIS!!1one1!1one!
Files regarding white supremacists have turned up missing from the J Edgar Hoover Building. At the head of the surge, stormniggers. Now, who is to say why these have gone missing. Some may speculate it is the fed trying to hide their own shenanigans, others may feel there are nigger sympathizers. One thing for sure, it's gonna get fun.
We had a thread for that nigger. Bump your thread if you want to discuss that.
Andrew Edwards
So far, two botposts and one leaning towards distraction. Files on white nationalists/the right going (((missing))) from the FED. That's what we're discussing here.
I really don’t give a shit about the Russians. Never have, likley never will. Their country looks like a barely functioning old car that is held togethor by duct tape and reused/recycled parts.
My experience with the Russian people is mostly limited to playing against them in TF2 and Warcraft III custom maps. Really thats about it. The politicians on both sides can nuke eachother for all I care. Meanwhile we will nuke eachother in game in ever lasting NEETdom.
Nathan Rogers
Ladas are indestructible.
Levi Stewart
From June 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019:
Zig Forums received and complied with seventeen (17) valid notices of claimed infringement (NoCI) pursuant to the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Said notices were filed for the following Zig Forums boards: /agatha2/ (4x), /hnt/ (2x), /rym/ (2x), /b/, /feet/, /fur/, /s/, /shota/, /u/, /wx/, /wmafsex/ and /pinoy/; Zig Forums received and complied with nine (9) requests from United States government and/or law enforcement agencies; Zig Forums received and ignored one (1) request from foreign (non-US) authorities; Zig Forums's warrant canary has not expired.
I call them niggers to their face all the time and they never do anything but ook ook at me. I wish one of the shitskins I ridicule would fight me. It's been far too long since I had a good street fight.
> probably the mossad got the greenlight for some wetwork from Trump, I mean Kushner's cabinet
Camden Carter
I agree instead of saying the 'N' word why don't we just lynch you'll for the rapes, murders, robberies, assaults & destruction of our once prosperous nations.
Edgar Hoover would've been considered a White supremacist by the left wing activists called journalists these days for simply monitoring Martin Luther King for sodomising White & Black prostitutes.
hey! don't insult apes by comparing them to niggers, that is just rude to the apes.
Wyatt Myers
GLR was in Lee Harvey Oswal 's contact book. The first rifle reports were of a Mauser specifically in a caliber license ''only to Argentina' – More an more, MLK Jr. sex fiending is being release , most recently him spectating a gang rape.
The institutional memory of Paperclip just might not have Alzheimer's after all.
The last thread I saw on the topic got deleted when I wasn't looking.
Joseph James
Last time i called a nigger a nigger he called up a white guy to come and defend him who did nothing whilst I still kept calling him a nigger. It was humorous
Xavier Gonzalez
Saving the white race, galactic white conquest…call it what you want nigger it doesn’t change the fact that you’ll never be white and will always do poorly when the white man isn’t around to be leeched off and the jews aren’t making a shekel off you and inflating their inferiority complex. The Hitlerian era is here. Buckle up nigger
Connor Roberts
That's the thing, no one, initially, gives a fuck about them. It's just the more and more you hear the "elite" and the government shills screeching about them… the more people are convinced they must be doing something right.
In the same way you can notice clear support to: Iran, Best Korea, Syria… Hell it's how the Trump thing started! It's not as much support as rooting for the away team because you really really want the home team to lose.
So you can fucking bet I will be fucking Kremlin bot for at least as long as it's fashionable by the fucking sociopathic media sycophants to be anti-russian.
HO HO HA HA HA HE HE HA HA XDDD ZOG is really that retarded, glowniggers are, really, niggers xD Didn't know Hirohito, Puyi, Francisco Franco, hell, even Mussolini or Hitler were White Supremacists or "White Nationalists"
they retarded or something?
Adrian Hughes
Which stormniggers are you referring to here?
Adrian Martinez
Don Black would be my guess.
Nolan Taylor
(heil'd) >Files on white nationalists/the right going (((missing))) from the FED. That's what we're discussing here. The shilling would indicate that they don't want us to know we have friends on the inside that stand opposed to the ZOG takeover of the US. Hard to believe, but maybe, just maybe there's a chance of that being true. The opposite is to believe there are no "good guys" in the FBI, which I find very difficult to believe. I've never seen a perfect system. Even the kikes kike the kikes.
Parker Powell
Has nobody ever stopped to think, "Hmmm, what would Putin even do with the US if he took it over?" Literally nothing. It would be far out of his control and covered in men and women of revolutionary spirit. It would be the dumbest fucking thing he ever did, try to bring down the US because if he did, it would spell out the quick dismantling of Russia. Same goes for China. All those little shits at the top want to do is maintain their seats at the top. They know damned good and well that the more area you have under your control, the less control you have of your land. The only pieces of dogshit who aspire to world domination are jews which is hilarious as they don't even have their own land under control. They are at constant war with their neighbors, nobody likes them, they have asbolute shit internal policy, they cannot map out a specific gene profile of "their people" they are literally the worst, most incompetent ruling class on earth but are somehow convinced they are "chosen by gods" to rule. The only they they are is dumb enough to believe lucifer when he speaks sweet things into their ears. The only reason Rome expanded it's reach so far is so much land wasn't under rule. The minute they encountered the Germanic Tribes, they said "fuck this shit" and posted a rule, "Hey, none of ya'll dipshits go east of the Rhine. Mmmmkay?"
Only fucking jews push for globalism and look who the prophet of the anti-globalist push finds himself surrounded by. I think the Fedniggers are starting to see reality. Trump may have set out with good intentions, but that sneaky fucking jew does not make a good bedfellow and trump finds many in his bed. Fedniggers aren't stupid, they see the writing on the wall. We are so infiltrated (in the US) by the kikes that the only way out is to exterminate them. They WILL NOT leave of their own accord. It sucks, but here we are. Welcome to the party Fedniggers. We've been waiting for your arrival.
Or to cover up that the most known WN sites are honeypots and have been from the beginning.
Nolan Rodriguez
the FBI is removing the records to hide their embarrassing attempts at finding people or goading them into terrorist attacks. It also provides them with a neat opportunity to demonize and ask for more funding. It's a stupid jewish trick that will work
Hunter Thompson
Why are glowniggers so obsessed with this website? Are we really that much of a threat to them? The only people who listen to us are those that already frequent here.
Alexander Davis
Hello Hon. Judge, or whoever in the court reads this post; I would like to advise you take time to consider that the Original Poster(OP) in this thread might be a Federal/Local law enforcement agent or a thridparty working on their behalf. A tactic they use is trawling through online forums and antagonize other users into posting things that may be taken out of context. Due to the odd and somewhat unique layout of image-boards, following the conversation, deciphering the meaning behind posts can be tricky to understand for outsiders who are not familiar or experienced with chan culture. Law enforcement personnel will then use those posts manufactured by themselves or a associate working for them as justification to convince you to approve subpoenas and warrants to make Zig Forums administrators & ISPs to produce & hand over IP addresses, network information, private messages or posts not relating to the subject of the warrant. These requests may also ask for personal info of those posters, and anyone who posts in the same thread, even if those other posters belittle and attempt to persuade the provocateur to cease illegal & immoral activities.
Unfortunately also, many times third parties and individuals whom are hostile and hold enmity to some of the ideas and content hosted on this forum do incite European countries' law enforcement agencies into investigations of indecent content, "hate speech" and other posts that can be considered tasteless content. Even though such content is not illegal inside the United States, it can be considered a crime to create or view that content in other countries. The content posted by these provocateurs allows the law enforcement of those foreign countries to request personal identifying information of american citizens who have not committed or should even be suspected of a crime inside the United States. This is an obvious conspiracy by bad actors to trick foreign governments to circumvent the protections american courts, the constitution of the United States & many individual states' protection of the right to free speech & privacy. It may also violate many laws protecting Americans' personal information, correspondences, communications from being disseminated to other governments' agencies while also having a chilling effect on free speech. I hope you take a few extra moments out of your busy day to thoughtfully consider the warrant request and possibly ask for further evidence, information and justification before you make a decision to approve or deny a request. You may also consider to just limit the warrant directly to the individual poster who made, created, reposted or implied illegal or concerning content.
Likely "losing" evidence of surveillance of or interference with constitutionally protected activity. I used to believe they saw themselves as bound by the law and that they would act accordingly. That changed when, among other things, I was forwarded a DHS email, complete with the DHS banner, by a dating prospect "warning" her about my political leanings. Up until that point she and I had discussed nothing political or racial. I had done nothing illegal and had advocated time and again against any form of illegal activity. This was a number of years ago, but it and similar events irreconcilably altered my perception of U.S. law enforcement agencies.
Sebastian Sanders
This thread is definite proof that we have glowniggers derailing, and that is not good for the ones that claim glowniggers are the good guys, since that means glowniggers are trying genocide white people.