"in love, AGE is just a number"
this is a disturbing trend in social media, and it's not limited to just video games. How bad do you think this is gonna get? Will this be the straw that breaks the normalfags out of their slumber?
"in love, AGE is just a number"
this is a disturbing trend in social media, and it's not limited to just video games. How bad do you think this is gonna get? Will this be the straw that breaks the normalfags out of their slumber?
Other urls found in this thread:
Good. I can't wait until it's legal to fuck little girls. All I want is an 8 year old cunny. For all of human history this was normal but only been illegal for the last 100 years or so. Deal with it
No i dont think anything will awake the normalfags except an actual physical threat to their lives
You've been doing this for days and nobody gives a shit. Just give up.
Hello newfriend. Where have you migrated from ?
Hard to tell. There are a lot of closet pedos, just look at how many have/had a fantasy about innocent schoolgirls. In an ideal world, it'd be allowed to woo an underage girl because you want to raise her as a proper lady and give her a good life, but it's not; it'll be gullible little girls hooking up with the maggots of society under the pretende that love is love. The backlash might occur when the Jewllywood has a movie with an old kike and an underage kissing/having sex, or when "love is love" mouthbreathers find out their nieces/daughters are hooking up and being far more desirable, or are being constantly prowled by muh dik faggots.
reminder that "The Last of Us" featured underage lesbian race mixing in the DLC. the game was made by a kike specifically to subvert "White Christian Male" culture.
I think they mean the age gap between couples, my wife is 22 years younger than me. It has nothing to do with kiddy diddling. Also the link is in spanish so provide a direct link to translate it.
Oh my god. And I liked that game. Granted I never played it but I watched the playthrough and found it to be one of the most touching stories I've ever seen. You're telling me they crammed miscegenation shit in the DLC?
Fucking kikes. Why must they ruin everything?
That's just the bot or user who calls himself sitachaki. He's been here for at least half a year fucking with people who don't know how to make proper threads. I actually have enjoyed his stories. They used to be pretty raunchy with lots of nudity and slave-girls and rape.
Nobody cares, puritan.
Nah that wasn't normal throughout history
¡judío! ¡judío! ¡judío!
De yo sé.
there were only 2 pieces of poz in the game. 1. an obviously straight masculine mechanic that had a "partner" which they jammed into the story specifically to piss on the White kids that are clearly the target audience. they have the main girl find his gay porno mag with the "pages stuck together" and then they have a dialogue about that. and 2. a letter left on an OP by a jew that "doesn't celebrate Christmas"
the extra poz in the DLC (i didnt play this because i heard about it) was clearly done because the directors fellow kikes whined about not enough GRIDS in the game. looks like the sequel will be an absolute shitfest. jewess dyke in the trailer, asian males, niggers, female empowerment. there is no reason to buy it.
wherever they go they must jew
There's a straight up sex scene in Farcry 3
They've been escalating with each installment.
Spaniard here, the google translation posted next to the tweet is accurate. The only potential mistranslation is of #Orgullo which could mean pride or joy but given the context means pride.
love the mandatory disclaimer that Assassins Creed Unity was made by a "multicultural team from diverse faiths" even though the game is about a White monoculture. this displays upon every startup of the game.
In /v/ they're pushing loli very hard.
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
I didn't even remember the POZ from the original except for the negress which I just ignore since it's in every fucking game. But faggotry is even worse.
The netflix Witcher series is going to be absolute trash. The kikes seem to be going all out to evicerate a game that is pure White culture.
Unless the push back involves literal hangings, they will go all the way. By that, I mean mass homosexual 'group marriages' will adopt the children who've been forcibly removed from their conservative families, and the shameful rape-conversion will ensue. Eventually, these people won't even be human anymore. They will be cyborgs, genetically engineered from birth to interface with computers and machinery. Although for now they cloak themselves in 'pederasty is natural', in truth there is nothing natural about them. They are subversive to the core.
neither healthy nor natural. if you have a valuable skill, we will settle for castrating you in the ethnostate.
Like with all forms of jewish schemes, they only remain taboo as long as you ensure normalfags see it as taboo. Keep this in mind, we have:
Where are the pedo hate and pedo cringe threads? Where do you receive and contribute to the ammunition others can use to show nornalfags what they need to see so they stay disgusted by pedophiles?
When the jews had an unambiguous pedo-applogist Ted talk, it only got taken down after we prodded normalfags into being aware of it. Normalfags need guidance or they shut up and do nothing or virtue signal.
true, you would think that pedo shit would just be all around accepted as un natural and disgusting, it's just common sense. guess I was wrong
Most homos are pedos. One mental disorder goes hand-in-hand with the other.
make some memes of it, use an image of the underage dykes with a brief description of what they are, how old they are supposed to be. then at the top the ubisoft message with "age" highlighted.
Perhaps put one of the faggot organisations' logos on it with a note saying "thanks ubisoft for recognising that children need love too".
Ubisoft is more jewed than EA games and it’s really hard to get more Yiddish than EA. Always look for content purchasing
So back in the day we used to get threads advocating and defending "pedo" shit.
There was this one time that it got so bad that the mods band all tor-posting for 24 hours.
the older I get the more convinced I am that 15-22 year old girls will always turn me on.
pedophilia is perfectly ok, compared to all the atrocities christianity has committed throughout history, pedophillia is a walk in the park. america will become a pedophile nation tehehehe.
The right has been infiltrated by pedos
The main character Joel is a Jew. Joel is a Hebrew word meaning "Yahweh is God." Yo'el. He even looks like a Jew , just like Niel Druckman, only with shorter hair.
His first name is Semitic, but Miller isn't Jewish.
He said that as shock humor in a babbling nonsense video from a decade ago.
Dumb (((kike))), gas yourself now.
Then why did he use some 16yo girl's anus as a cumsock?
Sodomites were hated by everyone not too long ago. Consider the hatred you have for Child abusers being similar to the hatred felt against sodomites by your great great great grandfathers. They were executed as per requirement in the Old Testament.
Either way, women can already legally murder their children via abortion. Do you genuienly believe the public is going to wake up now of all times?
Luke 17:28-30
Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all— so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
Any more juice on that one? I want to pass the info along and would hate to miss anything.
Some anons making claims? Sounds legit!
Tommy and that journalist showed how easy it is to fake messaging to catch that dirty, dirty smear merchant.
What this blackpill vapidity?
It's simple. We make it happen. Be creative, be convincing, be suave, start printing flyers right away or bid your time for something good.
Join the war effort to the best of your abilities, you must.
Kill yourself.
he literally talks about her in a skit and there are pics of them together shirtless, and ex-employees of his have corroborated the whole thing:
oh so you're one of the pedos, that explains why'd you'd try to defend one so badly
Somebody didn’t play far cry primal
Leon the Professional was nothing more or less than an excuse for a pedophile story
This will never happen.
I just dont have the will to dig through my folder for 20 examples of leftist pedo promotion anymore, blame chodenigger and the global board garbage. This place isnt worth it anymore.
where's the doxx?
For better or worse, women are best able to bear and raise children in their mid-teens. It's the healthiest for both the mother and the child.
Women will never in the span of their lives be mentally mature. Just drop it.
We have other people (non parasites) who are skilled. Kill that trash the second you find him.
As young as 12/hebe/actual loli tier I can unironically understand, but below that/pedophilia is a true sickness. You deserve an actual gassing
I would put a bullet in every one of you.
I can't wait til its legal so I can just start killing you fucks.
Explain why you’re not already killing them, and jews, and spics, and niggers, and slants, and faggots, and trannies.
posh af tbh
Last of Us is a perfect Jew game. You play it and see Ellie as a daughter figure throughout the entire game, then in the DLC they turn your daughter into a full blown race mixing dyke.
You know this is fake because it's the exact same photo set every time and nothing else to back it up. We don't even get a name.
lol you're fucking right
Now that's cuckery
It will never 'be legal' user. The government is set up to protect these fucks, not prosecute or bring justice to them. If they are found guilty you are the one who pays your whole life for their room and board. So you just get fucked twice. If there was any justice you could put a bullet in every one you found, no questions asked. But you can't have 'governance' and freedom to act as you see fit in the same system. Even a NS government exists to 'protect the guilty' and 'establish their punishment'. The sandniggers just throw people off buidlings. This is how we need to deal with parasites.
"Palo Also" written and starring James Franco has a high school gym teacher deflowering sweet virginal Emma Roberts…and crickets. He's supposedly a prolific groomer of underage girls on instagram.
Ok, but who is supposed to be the ones angry about this? These are your future wives these fucks are defiling. Kill them.
Emma Roberts is Julia Roberts daughter and thus a jewess. Nobody cares about jews doing filth to other jews. When I was young I dated better looking girls than this without thinking twice about it. Not a big deal.
some memes will never die.
I'll bet you no one in America sleeps so soundly as this righteous warrior of divine justice.
Wanna’ guess how I know you’re a Jew?
I don't think so. Pubescents, maybe.
What is this MP4 from? It's superb.
I really learned how to "see the jew" between 1969 and 1981. It was well nigh intolerable. Like this People magazine cover for example.
Pedofascists want to bring back old Rome, apparently.
So why didn't he get a date with the Health Inspector? "Soap dropped, nigger! You not gonna pick it up?"
What group?
More r9kike relationship advice.
"I tell you like this, I like ya and I want ya, we can do this the easy way or we can do it the haaard way, the choiiish is youuurs!"
"Oh boy, here I go killing r9k again!"
Don't forget the woodchipper!
No need to remind us that you kikes are genetically faulty degenerates who need a proper genocide.
Anyways, historically marriage age in Europe was somewhere around the time puberty hit like when a woman bleeded for the first time, which typically happens somewhere around the age 12 and 15, which naturally overlaps with what most men find the most attractive.
So you're saying I can fuck under 18 girls and get away with it? Democrats 2020!!!!
I would hit that.
Neck yourself, chaim.
Still a pedofascist. I have some sympathy for ephebophilia, but only some. I have no sympathy for ephebophilia in the hands of broken bigot slaves with no internal liberation.
Go to the fuck, degenerate.
Is this an official (((ubisoft))) account, or a fan one? (((twatter))) has been giving checkmarks left and right, so that's no proof.
You'd be wallowing in a gooey swamp of Harvey Weinstein's sticky joo jism.
The only trash that want kids, only want kids because of there lack of life exp and foundation of standards to reject such trash from the start. I understand 15/16 yo with 17/19 yo… Not anything under 18 with trash 20 and up… You're garbage if you simply with to pray upon there stupidity when they have a chance to be somthing great with out you fucking them up…. But thats the point pedos are about…. Just like kikes they want to destroy the pure and take advantage of the stupid/unknowing… Good fuckin luck kike, I'll kill any garbage who looks at my kid wrong.
Remember how much of piece of shit you were at 20? I do. Do you really want to have that kind of power and control over a person's life at that age? I will agree that the average person, even on this board, is only thinking of muh dick, but once society is in a better place, producing better people, things need to trend back to more traditional system: marrying young, raising a good wife, and having tons of white children.
Kill yourself femikike. In no way whatsoever is it predatory or "preying" on someone for people to be on opposite sides of MUH MAGIC NUMBER concocted by puritans and feminists led by jews.
This is objective truth, and anyone disagreeing is owned by the kikes. High AOC is a concept by kike-led feminists and puritans who think any form of intercourse is bad.
What the hell is wrong with you.
Vidya companies and popular streamers/YouTube channels are subliminally pushing pedophilia and pornography for children.
Good to hear Japan isn't fighting the fight alone anymore
It's genuinely stunning how many legit pedos are ITT. How the fuck can any of you cry about other people's degeneracy yet you yearn to fuck little girls?
Fuck off
This story is fake sadly
16 is legal in my country. When will you illiterate retards understand what pedophilia actually is
The ending of the play "El Retablo de las Maravillas".
It will never happen. 14 was legal in Germany under Hitler. It doesn't matter. Schizo boomers and younger generations have all been fed the same bullshit lies from feminists, run by kikes, and puritans and there is no way to rescue them from their delusions.
Your ancestors engaged in wholly consensual relationships with people under your magical jewish number of 18. Even in puritan feminist US, many states have an AOC under 18. Even in modern times, people in the teenage age bracket that puritans and femikikes claim to be "pedophilia" are willingly having sex.
you don't understand the essence of this board
if you knew who post here and wherefore, you would have run away and never returned
not my problem