I've been a long time lurker for a while now, but something thats always kept me from participating was my lack of understanding when it comes to the blatant racism and antisemitism rampant in this board. I'm not offended, just confused. Why do we hate the Jews so much? I mean, I've gathered that they own the media, and the government or something, but not much else. Can anyone give me clear laid out reasons for the necessity to preserve white people, and why the Jews are a strict enemy of this plan? I fail to understand how an entire religion/race could be in charge of anything. It makes more sense to me to just say that some high level officials are Jewish, and some aren't. The self awareness you guys consitently display leads me to believe you're not just a bunch of stupid racists, so what gives? You guys always talk about redpilling and showing the truth, so this is a formal request. Please, can you give me the redpill? I'm not a kike shill (though I'd be surprised if I wasn't called one by the end of this) I just am honestly really curious, and with the SJW media and Youtube censoring everything, you guys seem to be the only ones that might have the answers. Cheers.
Can someone redpill me?
Other urls found in this thread:
have you been lurking all summer so far?
the only redpill you need.
When you datamine like this, it helps if you at least refrain from insulting us. I mean, come on.
The things we want, Jews will do anything to stop. Jews have a lot of power. Even these two ideas alone make them a problem. It should be quite obvious they are one of many threats.
Yeah if you truly are a long time lurker and still don't understand the Jewish thing then you probably won't ever.
Also if you can't understand why people don't want to go extinct well that's unnatural and somethings wrong with you.
That's the answer I always seem to get. "If you don't get it, you never will." That just doesn't seem very solid. I have lurked for a while, but everyone on this board automatically just knows all of this by default, and it's never fully explained for anyone not in the loop already. I've always found the posts funny, but knew it was probably pointless to try to probe further and see if there was anything genuine, as I'd likely just be called a liar and kike. That's not an insult to you guys, as its been interpreted, more just an understanding of how chans work in general. This post is just kind of a last ditch attempt to understand this stuff, because nobody on the internet will seemingly just explain it in plain terms.
Well, time to do some reflection. There's thousands of shitposters here, 99% hate the fucking Jews with a passion, and not for no reason. Most came here from diverse places and mental spaces, young and old, left and right, to piss on the Jews. If you haven't figured out why, when we are telling you why in as straight-forward terms as we can… maybe you need to read a book, nigger. There's a whole lotta resources beyond Zig Forums. Do your own research and come back here when you know something.
OP this thread here explains why we hate jews:
Jews are anti-nature, we are pro-nature.
We want a society that conforms to the laws of nature.
They want a society where they violate nature.
That's basically what it comes down to.
When I was 18 years old is when I got introduced to the jewish problem. At that point I already knew all about race and understood that well.
The jews just refuse to be good allies, refuse to get along with whites, and always attack us at their #1 enemy. I wish we could be allies/friends but it's impossible, they've demonstrated their backstabbing over and over for years.
Why Christians hate Jews: Read Martin Luther The Jews and Their Lies
Why We hate Jews: Read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf.
Why Leftists Hate Jews: Muh Poor Palestinians
Why Communists Hate Jews: The Jew always fucks over the proletariat.
Why Every Country That Has Ever Hosted Jews Hates Jews: The Jews Always Take Over, then try to replace the original population with foreigners, and enslave everyone with usury. Then they are kicked out every single fucking time.
Why Parents Hate Jews: Jews molest kids, sacrifice kids, consider their kids animals, and steal their foreskins.
Why Jews Hate Jews: Jews Jew Each Other.
1. Kill all jews
2. sage and report all slide threads
3. Op is a fucking jew, a reporter, a glow nigger, or a fed
4. Kys Op
5. shit mods are shit
Why The Military Hates The Jews: USS Liberty, also they are draft dodgers, also they drag us into stupid wars for Israel
Why Scientists Hate Jews: They steal credit and plagiarize their works, buy out everything, and leave the original aryans poor.
Why Computer Scientists Hate Jews: Same as above.
Why Psychologists Hate Jews: Largest rates of schizophrenia/madness around.
Why Pagans Hate Jews: Jews burned their groves down and rebelled against Rome all the time.
Why God Hates Jews: They were chosen to be the vessel of his wrath. He made them for the very purpose that they would embody evil.
Why Nature Hates Jews: They are feeble, ugly, miscegenated AND inbred abominations.
Why Youths Hate Jews: The jew looks on with envious desire
Just watch the new big kike anti white hate movie Midsommar to red pill yourself on the Jew’s over the top hatred for us and their abject fear that whites will give up the kike cult of Christ insanity en masse and return to our true pagan religion and pagan gods as white europeans.
Hence they’ve made this filthy shitty liitle lie of a movie that makes paganism out to be an evil thing just like the previous anti pagan anti white Jew movie the Wicker Man before it also did.
They fear a potential rise of paganism so much they deplatformed Uncle Varg (Vikernes) whose “extremist message of hate” ultimately boiled down to encouraging whites to live simpler lives, don’t buy crap we don’t need, don’t watch porn and avoid drugs and alcohol.
Wow man such hate, Varg really needed to be stopped quite obviously.[/extreme sarcasm
For further red pills read “Hell Storm” and “Other Losses” if you can even manage to find them available anywhere these days.
Jews and their shabbos goyim lackeys at Amazon and Walmart have been engaging in tons of proverbial book burning and censorship of late of books they don’t want truth seeking people to read.
why the ecl1ptic philosphers hate jews: they pass down through the woman. our system is one sun one moon, one man one woman. jews want a system of darkness with no sun at all, where a woman (the moon) has all the power, cant be seen, and controls the tides in a chaotic nightmare world
Culture of Critique:
Just read that book
Dude just watch Europa - The Last Battle on Bitchute or something, at first it's all (((coincidences))) then you fucking wake up to the JQ, it's just a matter of instances I guess. The good thing is that you're curious.
hello media!
Have you lurked for two years? Because that's the minimum. Even then you're a newfag. I've been here for well beyond that, and I still refrain from commenting most of the time because it's about knowing your place and knowing when people have more and better information to contribute than you do. If you've been a "long time lurker" you'd have seen the threads about the bulk of fiction behind the holocaust narrative, you'd have seen the threads about an incredibly tiny global minority controlling banks and media. You'd be aware of the allegiances of those leading us into war consistently. You are not a long time lurker, you're an infiltrator. You claiming that you need reasons to preserve the white race is the biggest indication of that. I bet you have a plethora of reasons as to why it would be neccessary to preserve the black race or the hispanic race, or that it would be ridiculous to even suggest that such a thing requires reasons. But there's a burden of proof you put upon those who want to see the white race preserved. You are disgusting to everyone here that truly believes in the views here. The best case scenario is that you're lying about being a long time lurker because that's what you've seen in other similar posts in the short time you've been here. If that's the case, I do apologize for my tone here and the honest advice for you from an user is to lurk for an extended amount of time and find the quality threads on history and the various rankings and hierarchies of the modern world when they do pop up. Keep in touch with current events as reported in the mainstream, but check out the analysis of these events and the reporting on them here.
Also consider reading "200 Years Together" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Clearly not long enough, fuck off.
I've lurked for about 4 or 5 years now, on and off. I won't say I've been a dutiful one, but I've been laughing at Zig Forumss antics since about 2010. I just used it as a fun little thing to read on the weekends or something though, never really took it too seriously. My point isn't that we should perserve blacks or hispanics over whites, but more the question of why preservation for any race is really necessary. I mean, isn't it more important to divide people based on their personalities, and by their idealogies, then by their race? I'm white, but I don't really see the point of the supremacy just yet. Why would it matter what my genes happened to be on birth, rather then my ideas which I form with my own free will?
Either way, thanks for the reading material guys, this has actually turned out to be quite helpful.
This. Fuck off newfag.
Please remove yourself from the gene pool and stay off this site
you are not welcome here
The people you fill your nation with will have children, and those children will not be their parents. Their personalities will be different, their politics will be different. Your nation will unite for a generation and then tear itself apart once the founders are gone. Race is inherent, and it continues to be passed down through your kids and their kids. We can't ensure the next generation has things like ideology in common as people decide that for themselves. Race & your genes are not chosen, once you are white you are white until you die. A nation without that common backing will die, and the people of the nation will suffer terribly.
simple answer? jews/adamites
user, here's how it is from my point of view (been on the chans since 2011, so 8 years now). In groups create nepotism. These in groups are usually based on race or beliefs. While whites have been berated for in group preferences, every other group has been able to keep their identity and unironically say "I care for my people" while a white would automatically be labeled a nazi. In western society, alot of jews got rich off of practices that were considered taboo to Christians (mostly usury). This led to them accumulating wealth. Granted not all Jews got rich. One of my closest friend grew up poor and Jewish. But a few did get wealthy, and they used that wealth to propel themselves and their communities to the top while everyday whites are told to lie down and stop helping their group. Sorry if this is rambling, but what I'm trying to say is the Jew down the street is not "scheming to wipe out your race" but a few who are wealthy have a vested interest in keeping their in group powerful (as all humans have done throughout history). Only difference now is whites are the devil in everyone elses mind and those in power (alot of who are Jewish, but some are white) are fine with this as long as they have wealth. Don't take this board as gospel but use it as point of comparison, the truth lies not in the mainstream media nor does it lie on a Chinese underwater basket weaving forum.