old town road was just the transition from underground pozzing to overt nigger worship. you thought the sticks were safe from nonstop nigger worship? you thought wrong. not only are they listening to the same mumble rap niggers, they are creating their own now. they also make it a prime objective to virtue signal that theyre not racist.
this is what happens when jews control all media. eventually even the rural areas become pozzed because everyone has smart phones now and local culture is blending into the mainstream blacked sewage. now “rednecks” instead of being overtly racist will fly the confederate flag while making sure you know how much they love niggers.
we are losing because we have no white nationalist media that is quality. the closest thing we have is moonman and beyond meme value the music is trash to the ears. if you have a good voice make some fucking deep nationalist music. im sick of having to listen to metal that kills flowers to find nationalist music.
Music created for rural whites is increasingly niggerized
Other urls found in this thread:
I once assisted a man build a local White militia for defense of his community. Yet strange as it sounds, the man loved listening to rap music.
Weird, eh?
this whore wants you to know she wants to be shitted even though its not relevant to the song. they are pozzing hicks.
now thats baste.
Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites
you post this every day faggot with no argument. its the stupidest statement ever.
one shekel has been deposited to your account
Where the fuck does this logic come from? A kike is the answer
OMG!- Who would have thought that the (((people))) who control the music industry would try and subvert White Country Music?
I stopped listening to (((their music))) in the late 80's.
RWDS when? DOTR soon?
Yeah no shit, the kikes already successfully niggerd the cities up so now they're looking outwards, they've been doing this for decades
We have quality white nationalist music but the problem is we get censored everywhere and (((they))) have every platform to spew their shit such that you'd have to go off into the woods and become a unabomber to avoid it.
you so called "white nationalists" are fucking MORONS.
your logic is so skewed its lower than sub human. just like the cave animals you are you fail to realize their is no need for "white nationalism" you IDIOTS because the majority of industries, including the music industry are controlled by white males. the very same white males you say are an "endangered species".
there's a reason real whites LAUGH at you MORONS because you are fucking lower than a fucking retard.
and you wonder why your white women are fucking BLACKS and your WHITE birthrates are on the DECLINE.
you are scared, little dicked CUCKS. worse than the dumbest GHETTO BLACK.
you should all be EXTERMINATED like the roaches you are. in a concentration camp, in a gas chamber.
newfags pay attention, this is an example of a shill post.
kikes will never be white
Go back to tumblr faggot
As someone from the rural South this is fucking sad. You'll have a total redneck that's all about hard work, family, hunting and fishing, but then they also listen to nigger music. I hate that shit.
No please, tell us more about how we are the cavemen
It slowly evolves into an acceptance of the degeneracy around him. One day his sister or a long time female friend of his will bring home some unemployed nigger bum with face tattoos and he'll have this idea in his head that even though he's never had a job and mostly makes money dealing drugs he's okay and not a threat because you know, old town road and other corny nigger shit. Niggers are cool and quirky and dance better than white boys. Niggers with guns and xanax are even cooler because they are tough and make rap music like the stuff he likes. Nek minit his sister is hooked on xanax and has a black baby in the oven and he'll never connect the dots that it's because of a nigger.
jews aren't white. keeping the other races at eachother's throat helps them. black nationalists and white nationalists, are natural allies. this terrifies the jew.
I had a fucking amazing chat about Col Qaddafi with a black nationalist (pamphlets and everything) at a jazz festival a few months ago. Woke nigs know about the JQ as well as anyone.
Metal is the whitest music, least influenced by nig nogs
metal was invented by jews to subvert a specific cultural niche. all music designed to elicit specific emotions is jewish. it's klezmer.
real music is inspired by nature. and war.
GOSH GOLLYPOPS! Who would've thought.
indeed they do. George Lincoln Rockwell had established contact with Malcolm X and had planned to meet with him publicly before he was killed.
Prove you aren't racist by sucking off your football team.
I too have black men hanging from my walls.
Southerners are scum and they always have been. No one is more loyal to the anti-White government than Southerners, despite the protestations and eternal whining you hear in these circles. Nobody fills up the military like they do. Nobody supports the israeli subversion of our country more reliably than they do.
White niggers complaining about Black niggers.
lyrical music = low IQ
instrumental music = high IQ
If you enjoy Metallica's instrumentals, good news you are high IQ.
A based nigger should make a parody where nigger is said instead of hillbilly to draw some really interesting societal commentators out of the woodwork.
I'm fucking retarded and don't know simple website usage
Music past the early medieval era is fucking gay
Swap meet airbrush shit: you cannot get any more ghetto and lowlife than that.
I don't like niggers but i like some hip hop
This meme exists for a reason
Double cancer.
Yeah, someone please fucking tell me what the hell has happened to country music. I dont even bother with the new shit. It's all so niggerfied I'm utterly DISGUSTED. Even the sentiments have become completely debauched! I just listen to the best of the best from the past now….the time when country truly was GREAT!
Prog rock, Classical, Black metal, Vikangz metal in that order
Careful - Don't smoke weed with this music
and here's some straight up instrumental
That must be why you carpetbagging Yankees move here and push faggotry and other leftist bullshit on us. It is Southern states that are standing up to baby murder while Yankees in Chicago and New York made it so you could murder one after they are born. It is Yankees turning the South blue by supporting illegal immigration.
does no one like this? tha fuq is wrong with you?
King Crimson is alright, but honestly I've never been a huge fan. A little too much prog and not enough music if you know what I mean .For example I would rather listen to Zappa than King Crimson is I want something heavily prog in nature.
Camel were always my absolute favorite prog band, musical geniuses honestly. Lyrically and vocally they were not great, but did they ever have a knack for melody, song writing, and album themes. youtube.com
If you appreciate raw musical talent, fun, and don't mind a bit less prog than usual; their album Mirage is also fantastic. youtube.com
Typical yankee kike
Absolutely not true. Lyrics are intellectual what is flyting you uneducated mong.
Thank you
I appreciate the recommendation, but they sound like a cross between Deep Purple and Iron Butterfly.
sounds like some form of primitive kike pilpul to me
Also should post this obligatory Rush:
There are those who think that life
Has nothing left to chance
With a host of holy horrors
To direct our aimless dance.
A planet of playthings
We dance on the strings
Of powers we cannot perceive
"The stars aren’t aligned -
Or the gods are malign"
Blame is better to give than receive.
There are those who think that
They were dealt a losing hand
The cards were stacked against them
They weren’t born in Lotus-Land.
All pre-ordained
A prisoner in chains
A victim of venomous fate
Kicked in the face
You can’t pray for a place
In Heaven’s unearthly estate.
Each of us
A cell of awareness
Imperfect and incomplete
Genetic blends
With uncertain ends
On a fortune hunt
That’s far too fleet.
You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that’s clear
I will choose free will.
Read the shit faggot.
There is no debate. Hip hop is Celtic. Poetry is Celtic. Rhyme is Celtic. Prose is Celtic. Everything is Celtic. Except jews. They are Africans.
The trick is getting you to believe that Africans created linguistic games in a foreign language (Frisian/English) based on wit that requires a high IQ.
If you listen to their full albums moonmadness or snowgoose you will understand why they fall into prog, they are full album listens. Prog is pretty broad and I wouldn't say you have to be as batshit insane as something like KC, Zappa, or early Floyd to be classified as such.
I like the lyrics to "La Villa Strangiato" the best lel
Keep listening to rap or whatever you want to call it, justifying your niggerization and nigger worship.
We have a nice music thread going on here, don't shit things up with your incessant autism.
Conservatives believe in the supremacy of music over truth. Psuedoleftists do this, too. News at 11.
onle last one for (him)
Just cuz I'm a cowboy don't mean I cain't run the trap
man thats good thank you
well, "Yes" is definitely prog…
Emerson Lake and Palmer for sure…
I'm looking through my mp3 collection - I'm seeing Tangerine Dream, but that's more like New Age…
The Mahivishnu Orchestra…
The Moody Blues…
yeah, that's all I can think of off the top of my head
Pssht. Took us Canadians just 30 years to accomplish that.
you guys are ahead of the power curve
you impress me
introduced by the Beatles before they were famous.
sang this while out of his mind on heroin.
want something even better? youtube jeff buckley
I mean they literally have everything to make them fall into the prog genre from concept albums, changing time signatures, longer songs with tempo changes, song structure that isn't based on verse chorus verse, a heavier focus on instrumentals, etc, etc etc.
i challenge anons to find a white man who sounds better than this
I've always liked niggerized music if that's what you like to call it
Chris Cornell
Nah Chris was brilliant. Love him. But imagine Chris singing the song i posted. He didnt' stand a chance. Even Chris's rendition of "nothing compares to you" didnt defeat sineads.
Chris Buckley sang the Song to the Siren, which he wrote, so out of his mind he couldnt even open his eyes. Cornell sang this song and he didn't compete.
Here's a rendition of Song to the Siren to show how superior Tim's was.
Tbh now that I think of it I don't think I've heard Cornell do a quiet mellow song, and now that I have I guess it wasn't anything insane. Still I highly doubt your man Buckley can match Cornell in power and feel. Ignoring soundgarden as a band, Cornell is an absolute monster on vocals.
I guess I would say that if you give Cornell a song where he shines that he's probably the best to have done it. He does have a bit of a weakness outside of his area though, I will admit.
Found the discord spic
Also, learn to greentext faggot
If white nationalism exterminates whites then the only logical conclusion is that whites have already been exterminated.
Top kek.
Those poor faggots are experiencing their culture through the apropriation of it by Africans. Africans learned English and string instruments and how to play like Europeans. Africans eat fried chicken because Ulstur Scots in slavery did. Africans play basketball because a Celtic from leafland created it. jews even try to say "blacks invented Rock'n'Roll music" when it is clearly Celtic.
Celtic Folk > Appalachian > Blue Grass > Country > Rock
Same instruments, same rythm, same culture. Africans just wish they could. They just want to be Europeans but they can't.
Same in the US. In the 90's it was 90% non-mayan European. Now almost 30% of the US is Mayanos. Still the same 13% Africans. Nobody is creating shit, though. They just come to take jobs and free monies.
Your nightly dose of schizo spam from the retards that comprise this shit board's remaining userbase. Ever wonder why everyone with an IQ over 70 either left or sticks around just to insult you?
My friend and I used to play this when we got really drunk. We would dj eachother like fags. I would always play Candlebox, Queensrÿche, Temple of the Dog, Nada Surf, UB40, Silverchair, The Verve Pipe, or Sister Hazel.
Proof jews weren't gassed to death.
jews are not a race so he is just a polish guy whose ancestors converted.
Neil Peart writes all the lyrics and music anyways.
All European culture and folklore.
Get into it.
Country rural people don't make country music, all music country included, is made by jewish corporations. Jews love niggers so it is always niggered
Jews are in fact a race, semites.