Now you are just retarded everyone is still living in a White world our civilization started from Whites along with the worlds progress entirely pushed by Whites even the wheel shitskins couldn't figure out.
So the whole world will crumble without Whites so there no Whites go extinct its the world itself will end or Whites get even stronger. As seen repeatedly when Whites leave the area, mud victories only happened when the nation was already collapsed and in the middle of a civil war with no formal military. That these former White areas were also already sacked several times before the muds arrived from their European neighbors , muds are just that dumb that they decided to stay in the war torn areas because they themselves were trying to get away from the brown hordes in their original homeland then ended up getting killed by the brown hordes where ever they settle anyway.
The areas that were formerly White nations end up with their elite and leaders being Whitest ones left over. While the muds suffer and die for their White descendant leaders in the end.
Ghengis Khans army wasn't mud filled until after it success was made from the eurasians who destroyed shitskin muslim armies with survivors being shitskins who were tasked with killing other shitskins after his reign the White descendants rebelled even living around the shitskins after so all the islamic land conquered. Meant absolutely nothing but, centuries of more war with other muslims.
The Ottoman empires main fighting force was made of Whites mamluks and the Janissary both started as slaver soldiers groups took over the entire muslim rule. The muslim war machine was entirely stopped by Whites multiple times with a total defeat on the islamic side by having their leadership replaced entirely by Whites.
Even after all that the difference is Whites become stronger and open a whole new can of whoop ass that lasts for generations and make their enemies entire lineage go extinct.
Now the consistent enemies has been muslims and jews. But, look at the few victories they had and what they inherited since a absolute hellhole where their descendants having been living in misery for centuries and further destroy themselves with inbred dygensics. The jews get purged for their backstabbing and the whole local jew lineage disappears and becomes muslim. While Whites have been living comfy in comparison. So non-whites have never won anything but their own misery in the end.
The main takeaway from all these wars is the only people who have beat White people is other Whites and all the non-whites end up being inbred suffering more in the long run for being opportunistic cowards against White nations in a civil war. While Whites build stronger nations.
Some facts to add are Yamnaya culture spread across 3 continents in less then a hundred years there wasn't much of a tech advantage over shitskins then and shitskins still couldn't push out White horsed warlords even when they outnumbered them.
The spread of Christianity across the world was entirely by Europeans and the fact time for world is based on the European created calendar shows European conquering on a subconscious level. As for Europeans as whole they conquered the world three thousand years ago and its been on repeat since.
In the end the question isn't when Whites go extinct the question is that will Whites stop short of extinction of shitskins races in the shitskin own homeland? The answer is no our descendants will know not to stop this time.
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