Why are Whites obiedient to anti-White governments?

The only thing we need to discuss.

Why is this, and how to stop it? Brown people regularly assault cops and ignore the government even though the government bends over backwards to lick their asses. On the other hand, you have White people who literally genocide themselves if it's "the law." You have White cops enforcing myriad anti-White laws because it's "the law."

Whites are the only one who should be ignoring this government, refusing to cooperate with any of it's wishes, and outright disrespecting them at every available opportunity.

Reminder that we wouldn't have any non-White immigration if it wasn't for the government, we wouldn't be enslaved to fund the breeding of infininigger through welfare, we wouldn't have gay marriage, tranny bathrooms, abortion, post-birth abortion, attacks on gun rights, attacks on free speech, anti-White discrimination, HUD, affirmative action, race quotas in every institution in soceity etc etc etc. We also have no advocate in government as both the left and right are completely anti-White. Trump should have been the last wake up call to you America, that the government is completely against you and wants you to go extinct now that they have used you up in your generation of tax revenue and wars for greater Israel.

Nah, just ready to discuss how to actually solve the problem here, instead of simply reacting to what secondary actors like kikes, niggers and spics do. Eventually, action will need to be taken or we will disappear in all White nations, especially America, because of government decree and brainwashed ZOGbots that enforce that.

Attached: the star spangled lie america.jpg (577x517, 60.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


well whites have lost every war so far
i mean like u.s. civil war, ww2, frankly even the cold war

Because america was founded on anti european premises and idea. We were a continent of absolute monarchies for over 2000 years. Liberalism, constitution, equality are all foreign concepts introduced very recently historical frame wise. Also you got to keep in mind that americans behind iy were race mixing degenerates who supported freedom of religious sects that played a huge role in all that new age bullshit. Americans were destined to become a spearhead of white genocide

The cop and soldier worship at this point is just a manifestation of exceedingly low IQ. "Conservative" White people are dumb as dog shit.

First of all, Europeans are more law abiding than even Americans are so that cope of yours falls flat.
But more importantly, America was founded upon entirely upon principles which were popular in elite European circles at the time. And they came full fledge in the French Revolution.

False again.
Absolutism was an enlightenment invention. Before then most European governments were like aristocratic republics where the kings had comparatively little power and the Lords had great power. This changed during the Enlightenment when monarchs began amassing more and more executive power and this triggered countless civil wars as lower ranking aristocrats chafed under the new regimes.
Oh and before that you had tribal electorates, Roman Republics, and Greek democracies. Even the Emperors of Rome rules in the name of the Senate.

Wrong again.
Or at least spiritually wrong.
Europeans for centuries were always more interested in slaughtering other Europeans for the benefit of jews than in being White together. Americans on the otherhand developed a very strong shared White identity that has passed from America to Europe. Not the other way around.
Whether or not America was destined to do something is not being debated. However implying that America was always some anti-White institution is ridiculous. France, Britain, and Germany were far more anti-White than America ever was. They actually spent massive sums of money trying to exterminate other White people.

consumption and lack of thinking

We combine the natural Anti-Government stance of Libertarian/Conservatives with the fanaticism & racialism of NatSoc to foster some kind of Pro-White Anarchism. Learn from our Antifa enemies, just like Uncle Addy took the word "Socialist" from the Leftists of his day.


We need to immigrate to Bolivia, the government is pretty pro White there

Maybe good idea. I was posting on cuckchan /his/ and there is one autistic anti-white Amerindian there who says that Latin American media is "anti-brown" (and European and American whites deserve to go extinct because of it)
and that local leaders want to replace natives with white people

Because they are fucked up in the head to the point of being ruined. They are now just fish in a barrel, both confined into a kill zone they stood by and allowed to be created around them, and also too demoralized (their own fault) to do anything about it. Or you can believe it ISN'T their fault, and that it "just happened TO them" through a process something like "They Live", through covert subversion and infiltration. But the thing is, the second scenario also requires at least the moral and cognitive vulnerability which is tantamount to treason against oneself and one's kith and kin, since the OFFICIAL price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and so the minimum blame is lack of due diligence. But that's all a sort of theoretical issue now. I have no confidence in the ability of the Whites in the US who haven't woken up to wake up. So therefore, this is why they are in this condition. Minds and souls are pozzed by Jews in one way or another since inception of country. Same process was used in Europe starting even before the Religious Pogrom in Rome (c.a. 300 AD) and it has spread through other vectors as well (biological warfare, chemical warfare, intelligence warfare, organized crime, subversion, etc). The "Black Nobility" are a concrete manifestation of this process. The various colonial empires are also. Does it ever really look like the Black Nobility ever cared about their own race? Or just their own class WITHIN their respective races. Think about how Ezra Pound said "every nation get's the Jews they deserve".

atheism tbh

That's bullshit. My reason is more coherent.

yes definitely a good idea to move there


America is among the most religious countries on earth.

Checked but
if that is so, then we're doomed.

Simply because all the negative propaganda is aimed at Whites. Its a go to for marxist jews to repeat a lie a thousand times until become a "truth". Non-whites and jews on the other hand get entirely positive propaganda geared at them.

The solution is destroy all leftist platforms by any means necessary and server farmers are very expensive to rebuild.

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Because they are pasty white gypsy niggers who won't let me have sex with animals because they want me to buy their expensive garbage real estate instead of doing sex for free. These people are commies 100% telling me I have to earn sex because they don't know what it means to earn money like a decent person. They're fucking trash pigs and can't handle putting down their ham hammer and sickle to let someone fuck.

How do you think I feel? But I adhere to the Wisdom of the ancients, who said many wise things about the life of man and what counts and what doesn't, and how and why. One thing they said (and I draw from all traditions, the only "Global" thing about me) is this:

So in that context, I am not doomed. In worlds where others had done their part, I would have been a vital asset. On the contrary, THEY are doomed. For even if all the possibilities were there for them to overcome their failure, they still yet failed. I hate and despise them, for they are truly the most degenerate specimens that are only "passing" for white in any meaningful sense. I wouldn't even want their filthy genetics to pollute the future, since obviously a biological reductionism would imply their genetics as the principle cause of their failure, not the environment. But a non-biological reductivism, that allows for trans-physical causality of a "mental, soul-like" sort, would condemn them as well. For if their genetics WERE worthy in any way, they themselves did not apply their potential.

All that having been said, I SUPPORT the waking up of "Sleeping Whites", for what good that will do (or not) regardless. It's never too late (one hopes) to purge one's soul of evil and do heroic things. I simply don't have any confidence based on track record.

My only optimism is that the 4th Reich really did get its legs, and cares about something beyond just "what race is it", because biological race has merit only by demonstrated merit, and in that tense, most of the White race here after up to, during, and after "The War" have been a strategic failures. That is against the very thesis of having a strong race! Also they have some karma weighing against them no doubt, since they are the very one's who violently betrayed their own race, their own ancestors, their own children and grandchildren, and every good and brave person in the history of the entire world as well, in EVERY race. They have a horrible spiritual disease. But still, I would like to believe that the 4th Reich would have some nobility and not be pozzed by freaky aliens or something. I don't know if that is true. But my feeling is that the first pic related negates the hope for any help in the form of the second one.

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I am not talking about just western Europe though. Granted rule of aristocrats still has nothing to do with what america is. I dont see your point. The rest is just mutt history. If it was not for american influence and american money ussr would have never existed, germans would have won ww 1, etc

Decadence, hyper materialism and an expectation of comfort
It’s pathetic really too see the majority of normie whites are literally offering up their existence and their children freedom for temporary comforts while watching and encouraging their own racial displacement. It’s literally mental illness

Working overtime this holiday JIDF?

Are you White today?

Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular everyday.

Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel
boicotisrael.net/ (ES)

Wagecuckoldry and fear of punishment from a big government. Just keep obeying and slaving wagie!

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Once we arbitrarily saw our will as capable of effecting the world around us to temporally favorable conditions, we sought it's domination rather than harmonisation. We took the predictions of science and its methods to be absolute, and removed ouselves from the equations. We turned our faith and adherence to principle into logical certainty and manipulation. We gave our will that our Creator endowed us over to other men to be governed. We put ourselves in a closed loop that cannot persist. All nations and it's peoples through all of history have crumbled and dispersed to repeat this anew.

And winning WW1 is good for White people because, how exactly? No German defeat means no Hitler. Instead, the weakened monarchs would continue ruling in name until communism overthrew them.
Also, which country was it that paid for Lenin's Bolshevik party AND transported him to Russia?
God, I forget what that country was called… could you help me out?
Oh yes. It was Germany.
Thanks Germany.

You know, a victorious Germany would mean an exceptionally weak Europe. Many millions of angry nationalists in the now very multi-cultural German and Austrian Empires. Not to even mention the Ottomans.
All these angry nations would turn to communism as a means to fight their oppressors.
And France and England, eager to avenge their defeat would help fund them if they didn't fall to communism themselves.
So tell me again, how is this a great thing for Europe?

Okay. And in Eastern Europe, absolutism was not a thing until the Enlightenment.

Europeans are a gentle people. We are also altruistic to a fault, often allowing our enemy to attack us. But we are also a mighty race and his blows tend to annoy us more than anything else. However, once the enemy becomes a nuance we should our might. It may take a year or 100 years to finally cause us to lose our temper, and when we do… we cause the enemy to suffer 1,000 years of torment with a single blow.

I truly do understand how you feel, user. But don't be so quick to throw your racial kinsmen (yes, even the lemmings) under the bus. Remember, it seemed just as bleak in 1929 in Germany. Most Germans were no less lemmings than Americans are and all it took was a leader who spoke the truth to bring out the better aspects of our race. Americans are mostly lemmings, no question there. But the same blood that energized the people of Germany flows in the veins of Americans and French and Swedes.

Oh and I forgot to mention; No German loss in WW1 means no Hitler, no National Socialism, no Third Positionism (in Germany anyway), and no anti-jewish reaction in Northern Europe. The Keiser was as much friend of the jews as his cousins in Britain were. Maybe he didn't say nice things about them but he sure did love their money.
And you know, the thing about weak monarchies is that they allow communism to become the dominant political ideology whenever they fuck up and Wilhelm II was a giant fuckup all his life. No offense to any admirers but please look at the history of this man. It's an embarrassment to Germany.

Any war in which whites fight other whites is a loss for them and a victory for shitskins.

scooter brown

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American kikes literay financed the reds during russian civil war. As well as japs during russian japanese war which largerly caused rev of 1905 to occur there. Stop playing smart muttboy. Your country as well as britkikes have been hq of international jewry. Also german monarchy was not weak. Also wrong on east europe. Tzarism = absolutism at least until troubled times after ivans death. Ivan Grozny literally made boyars shit their pants.

>Why are Whites obedient to anti-White governments?
Because Governments make laws and Whites tend to follow the law more than other races for sure. At least 10x as much as niggers for example.

Whites boomers were the first generation fully indoctrinated into the subversive economic, educational, media, military/diplomatic relations framework of the Anglo-Zionist establishment. As they're the (retard) elders of contemporary Western civilization, we must present alternative frameworks which simultaneously demonstrate - convincingly, easily, and exhaustively - the subversive nature of the incumbent frameworks, the irredeemable consequences thereof, and the necessary maxims and foundations of thousand year reich . ..

Lemmings are some of the greatest enemies for the time being that will do anything to serve their current masters and doctrines. In old Germany they were economically dying before Hitler took control at the last minute. Never trust a lemming.

because of a lack of HARDSHIP and living in WEAK and SETTLED societies.
When the people are strong, the state is weak, when the people are weak the state is strong.

Eastern Euros constantly break laws, have illegal firearms, do illegal shit because they lived under hardship and don't give a fuck about what any authority says to them. Amerimutts will worship their master because they've lived soft, weak decadent lives.

to live under enemy occupation without realizing it
and to abide terms of surrender for fear of consequences
to not understand personal responsibility and accountability for personal and others' situation,
to not see the long term consequences of short term but unending tolerating what shouldn't be tolerated, accepting what shouldn't be accepted
to fear the short-term consequences instead of fearing the long term consequences

we won't get 100% people to 'wake up'
we don't need 100% people to 'wake up'
we need the growing few % to shake the wolf in shepherd's clothing to make people realize their 'shepherd' can not be relied on

Lol, the real question is why whites would ever obey bigots. Man must not submit, you fucked over spineless death cultists. YOU may be so hollow inside as to be nothing but a race-aligned virus, but look at the world of cathedrals, skyscrapers, and fine institutions white people built not by “being white”, but by honestly caring about truth and independent thinking.

Racists want the world to follow them into surrender and wear the same shackles that make them scream agonized lies, but the proud cultures they seek to throw into pointless sociopathic obedience will not bend to them.

Disturbing lack of angry replies.


that's because everyone filtered that nigger

If whites wanted to do something to really damage the anti-white governments of the west, they should simply stop paying taxes all together.

If people are willing to expand their disobedience against the natalist death cult, eternal life beckons. You need not spend your whole life dying as natalists do, but you may opt to truly live forever with biotechnological advances.

Median White IQ is 100, so half the White population is spic nigger tier.

Go back leftynigger
>>>Zig Forums

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Husks, niggers inside.
Don'try save them. Pray (and provoke) for global racial/etnic/religious wars or/and world collapse(s).

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Yes. So did German ones. But unlike America, the German government joined them.
Address the point, do not run off to address a non-sequitur.

It was stupendously weak. The Keiser basically took a backseat to the war he entered and allowed his generals to run the country. That's why it was so easy to overthrow him. Learn some basic history before you respond to me again.

That's a meme. I will not respond to you again if you keep basing your understanding of Europe from 20th century memes.
In real history, Russian Tsars were constantly hampered by powerful local lords. Go look up Russian history.

Certainly not. But they will trust you if you're a leader or if they think you are anyway

Because Nordics have the lemming gene. They are called snow niggers for a reason, they weren't the ones creating euro civilization.

Nords and Scots were the blood that built scientific advance, they have the freedom gene, you're a shill, mankind is a race of lemmings on the whole, the Whiteman's belief he could set free other oppressed, benighted, and uncivil men is what caused and is causing civilization collapse.

"The parasite is a social climber that arises from inauspicious beginnings – wallowing in the pigpen, if you will. But invite it into your home and it will climb another rung."


good vector.

fuck that. no one should be running. we need to fight. there really isnt anywhere to go that wont also get fucked sooner or later. even russia and china will get fucked by diversity in our lifetime.

solid point. but those of us awake still have a duty to fight. if anything, for our own experience of exacting vengeance upon the heads of the enemy, regardless of its it becomes historically effective.

maybe by some metrics. but not so much if you are actually here.

Why? and how to stop this? Those are the important questions here

so the acceleration of collapse ftw then. cloward-piven it is.

sure. let's do something then

idealism and individuality brought us here. those structures were the product of strong nations, not idealistic individuals separated from folk.

spics and niggers are at 70-80. also Whites of average intelligence are still more constructive in their behavior, even if they do believe their TV. you are making a false parallel.


Leave the cities and America becomes a much more religious place. I matriculated in an Appalachian college and outside of the university bubble, even the democrats were biybul believin' Christians who thought that evoooolushan was Satan's trick and that the world would end soon because Jesus was coming back. Any day now.
In seriousness, outside of major metropolitan areas America is pretty damn religious.

user, you have White people genocide themselves WHEN IT IS NOT EVEN THE 'LAW'. Example, the invasion of people into the USA is totally unconstitutional and AGAINST THE LAW of the Constitution of this nation. Yet people are still going to genocide themselves to UPHOLD what is unconstitutional.

Who's bringing in all the spics and niggers though…

lol if only, you realize the US border policy and Catholic theology are basically one in the same

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yes, the jesuits want a brown romcat america

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Lemmings do not suicide, that was disneypedos throwing them off of a cliff for a talmuvie.
The Scandinavians and the Scots were the Norse and the Scythians, respectively, now they are mixed and often called "Scottish" or "Dane" or "German" or "Dutch" or "Belgic" or "Swiss", depending on language, culture, and genetic lineage.
The English, Cornish, and Irish are Norse & Iberian-celtic mixed instead of proto-south-slavic Scythian-mixed.

slavs are the ones called snow niggers you literal mouth breather

So every child who makes those are "satanists" ?
And "satan" who is Roman "Saturn" is bad because why ?
jews say so
better do as jews say goyim
ancient celtic masonry is evil goy
so is your privileged "white" history
better cede it to us like always goy
just like the Polish obwarzanek krakowski, Dutch pekel, and Greek Isopsephy
it's for your own protection
it's God's plan

Most asthma patients in the world are European, specifically Northern Europeans living in warmer climates. These peole breath with their mouth and their nose, so as to get enough oxygen out of the warmer air by increasing the volume inhaled, becaue heat expands gasses. Only jews use "mouthbreather" as an attack or insult you fucking nigger.

You are a nigger, too.

There was a movie about this recently, right?

Don't talk to cops.
Watch from 26:50 till the end.
Police testimony in favor of the defendant will be thrown out as hearsay.
Glowniggers can make up stories to throw you in prison so record everything.



Can't believe you would type this and not post the movie meme.

in what world does this happen? whites have never fought a war of conquest against shitskin nations and won in recorded history. the muds however have conquered formerly white nations. all white people do is fight each other and create “chivalry” codes to ensure wars are never finished. white peoples extinction has always been inevitable.

It's because we haven't even considered that "our" governments would be hostile. Many of us still view them as part of our in-group. We're waking up right now.

Now you are just retarded everyone is still living in a White world our civilization started from Whites along with the worlds progress entirely pushed by Whites even the wheel shitskins couldn't figure out.

So the whole world will crumble without Whites so there no Whites go extinct its the world itself will end or Whites get even stronger. As seen repeatedly when Whites leave the area, mud victories only happened when the nation was already collapsed and in the middle of a civil war with no formal military. That these former White areas were also already sacked several times before the muds arrived from their European neighbors , muds are just that dumb that they decided to stay in the war torn areas because they themselves were trying to get away from the brown hordes in their original homeland then ended up getting killed by the brown hordes where ever they settle anyway.

The areas that were formerly White nations end up with their elite and leaders being Whitest ones left over. While the muds suffer and die for their White descendant leaders in the end.

Ghengis Khans army wasn't mud filled until after it success was made from the eurasians who destroyed shitskin muslim armies with survivors being shitskins who were tasked with killing other shitskins after his reign the White descendants rebelled even living around the shitskins after so all the islamic land conquered. Meant absolutely nothing but, centuries of more war with other muslims.

The Ottoman empires main fighting force was made of Whites mamluks and the Janissary both started as slaver soldiers groups took over the entire muslim rule. The muslim war machine was entirely stopped by Whites multiple times with a total defeat on the islamic side by having their leadership replaced entirely by Whites.

Even after all that the difference is Whites become stronger and open a whole new can of whoop ass that lasts for generations and make their enemies entire lineage go extinct.

Now the consistent enemies has been muslims and jews. But, look at the few victories they had and what they inherited since a absolute hellhole where their descendants having been living in misery for centuries and further destroy themselves with inbred dygensics. The jews get purged for their backstabbing and the whole local jew lineage disappears and becomes muslim. While Whites have been living comfy in comparison. So non-whites have never won anything but their own misery in the end.

The main takeaway from all these wars is the only people who have beat White people is other Whites and all the non-whites end up being inbred suffering more in the long run for being opportunistic cowards against White nations in a civil war. While Whites build stronger nations.

Some facts to add are Yamnaya culture spread across 3 continents in less then a hundred years there wasn't much of a tech advantage over shitskins then and shitskins still couldn't push out White horsed warlords even when they outnumbered them.

The spread of Christianity across the world was entirely by Europeans and the fact time for world is based on the European created calendar shows European conquering on a subconscious level. As for Europeans as whole they conquered the world three thousand years ago and its been on repeat since.

In the end the question isn't when Whites go extinct the question is that will Whites stop short of extinction of shitskins races in the shitskin own homeland? The answer is no our descendants will know not to stop this time.

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Can't allow you to post that without posting this, quid pro quo.

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Christianity in the long run stole the life identity of them and replaced it with a suicidal doctrine, and for short term it was systematic destruction of any and all character traits of whites by jews using military, science, education, economics, historical revisionism and entertainment through deception, indoctrination to self destruction and poisoning of physical and mental capabilities.

Many factors.
It's very difficult to convince the average white of the threat, because
-The threat is "over there" (in liberal cities, ignoring the NGO's operating in rural areas)
-There are still enclaves to run to
-Bread and Circuses are very powerful motivators, on YouTube banning all politics would be a drop in the bucket in terms of ad revenue compared to unboxings and let's plays
-Anti-racialist programming/conditioning
-Anti-american, antiwhite Commie/Cop&Soldier-loving Patriot false dichotomy in the popular mind like mentions
-Lack of social networking/bad social skills = perceived isolation, this creates a chilling effect
-People are a lot less principled than they tell you, most people won't rebel against status quo unless there is an immediate existential threat

TL;DR - Zig Forums has very little proportional reach IRL and is actively shut out of higher society by the powers that be, so convincing the masses is an uphill battle for us until the powers that be go fuller retard and start sending out killsquads in broad daylight.

Well played and thanks bruda, I actually had never seen this one before, good vid that just warmed my heart this morning.

I agree with most your post till you get to this point, I don't forsee a need for "kill squads" on pro white movements. Sterility and lack of baby making does a better job for (((them))) then bullets behind walls. we already are doomed, its just a matter of time for them. WE Have to do something to alter that, not them.

Because the majority of whites, like the majority of any population are normie lemmings. Only a small percentage of any given population actually think, are actually aware and can see the world as it is. Lemmings don't look at the world as it is and make judgments based on what they see, they look at what the other lemmings are doing and try to conform. And as William Luther Pierce was so kind to point out, the Lemmings are totally obedient to the system so long as their needs and wants are met.

The only way to change this state of affairs is for the system to crash and burn, there is no political solution, there is no bartering with the system, there is no waking people up while they are still comfortable. We need to find new and creative ways to damage the system and each of us work on finding ways to survive and not contribute to the system.

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imagine unironically believing in this shit

Exactly. The point is that it would take some comic book villain tier shit to motivate normies.

normies will riot over taxes. look at the tea party and the yellow vest movement. this is exactly why we need to meme reparations into a thing.

If we are not we get put in a cage full of Niggers and raped to death… We don't want to be nigger food.. That's why.

Have you ever heard of the British Empire, you fucking retarded redneck faggot?

OP you are a retard. White law enforcement breaks the law and the DAs back them up because the judiciary is corrupt.

how is that not enforcing that which is anti-White you fucking brainlet?

99% of people are mindless drones that are programmed to follow whoever or whatever ensures their food and income streams are relatively uninterrupted.
as long as that continues, they will not go against their masters.
that's why disrupting transport systems and power grids works so well; once the food and energy supply is interrupted, people begin to lose patience.
key thing is to not become the target of them, and pin it on the government.
gilete jaune did this well.

Gee OP, hard question.

Just an FYI boys and girls. When you see threads like this doing it's damnest to stir you up against the "gubberment" or your country, expect the SVR and Kremlin Propagandists at the helm.

And before you claim Russia as your big white savior, know these son of a bolshevik cocksuckers do the same for the niggers on another forum.



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THIS! This is so true. Ffs I am from former Yugoslavia. It was a communist dictatorship but borders were secure, gays were imprisoned, shamed and shunned, everyones ethnicity was public knowledge, women did female things, promiscuity was not seen as beneficial, trannies were openly ridiculed… ffs my PARTISAN grandad told me fags are disgusting dangerous people and that blacks never did anything useful but we should not treat them as garbage, just keep them at safe distance

Our social democratic party threw out migrants, our muslims want to put border up so these third world illiterates stop entering, our left wing websites have our "leftists" quote IQ stats, our most liberal province has anti gypsy protests.

USA attracted all the scummy hyperopenminded people from our country who genuinely believe everything is possible with enough hard work

oh well… keep working on that multiculturalism and teaching a stupid brain to get smarter. Americans keep saying "they laughed at the Wright Brothers when they said they will fly"


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got a link to them taking out a power grid? i never heard that

only 1 type of person actually blames russia and defends the feds

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I have been called a glow-in-the-dark before, black and white thinking like that is unrealistic.

I don't think they attacked the grid, but they blocked roads (making things inconvenient for normies) and rioting shuts down commerce, severely cutting down taxable revenue from the city.

Wasn't that mostly boomers? Last I knew, they didn't actually riot, only protest.
France is a small country, it's much more difficult to pull that off in the US without the support infrastructure that leftists have. Driving to a state capital can be done in less than 12 hours, the same can't be said for people looking to get to DC. This is why I think local organizing is more effective; local politics are under less scrutiny and the travel costs are much lower.

Because boomers

This user is wise.
Watch this video if you want to be as wise as him.
Never ever ever talk to police or the FBI. Don't let them into your home. The only thing you should ever say to the police is "Do you have a warrant?" and "I do not consent to anything, please leave"

I agree but the reality is in our modern day time a large percentage of people, especially whites are very uncomfortable. They are constantly discriminated against, don’t have money to get themselves a home, or do they have a girlfriend as women are too busy being sexually liberated.

The main pacifiers men have are video games, t.v and pornography. We should start targeting these three things. If these things are targeted I guarantee more men will naturally become redpilled.

Controlled psyop opposition Schlomo?

Are you White today?

Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular!

Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel

boicotisrael.net/ (ES)

Hate your own people goy.

And non Boomers are doing nothing but cry on the internet.

Always eliminate a traitor before an enemy

TV is worst. Games and porn are bad and will make people less competent in social life but this is good
for getting more people redpilled. Frustration is the best way to get people towards to our movement.
It makes people angry so they will look someone to blame this for. People won't notice that anything is wrong unless they feel bad.
BTW this place is filled with gamers and porn addicts who are completely imcompetent in social life.

Video games, TV, and pornography all relies on BLANK to function. The BLANK grid is the keystone.