Jamalberg rises from his dusty tomb, responding to his call…
Bringing Order out of Chaos
Nationalize the banking system
End banking usury for U.S. citizens
Nationalize the media
Ban international firms.
Promote national firms.
The firms exist as competition and to provide jobs for the people, not to feed the internationalists.
Make pornography illegal
Guaranteed minimum income with guaranteed employment [job creation through basic labor jobs like community gardens, street sweeping, etc. Would replace all forms of welfare]
End forced desegregation
[Recongnition of the reality that different races have different racial characteristics]
Create a "Domestic Dependent Sovereign Nation" within the U.S. for Black people, similar in status to Native American Tribes.
Desegregation simply doesn't work. Forcing blacks and whites into a pretend homogeneity has failed dramatically and both races would be better served by giving blacks their own sovereign state within the U.S., where they can elect their own leaders and not feel pressured to conform to unrealistic white standards.
Openly promote Jewish immigration to Israel
Part of bringing to an end U.S. financial support to Israel
Create "every citizen armed" civil militia
Create a "Judge Dredd" State sanctioned position, authorized to carry out extrajudicial punishments, for every State within the United States.
Penalize childbirth out of wedlock while promoting birth control
Create Nationalized adoption program to phase out abortion
Part of penalizing single motherhood would be mandatory adoption of single parent children into functioning 2 parent families.
[Needs a stance on outsourcing, tobacco, alcohol and any business that harms the country (aka all sorts of swindlers and charlatans, GMO/hormone food growers, etc.)]
Make all alcohol and tobacco advertising illegal.
Focus on creating healthy family environments including benefits of alcohol and tobacco abstinence.
[Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: Constitutional Convention
Prohibit congress from regulating activity that occurs wholly within one state.
Require Congress to balance its budget.
Prohibit administrative agencies from creating federal law.
Prohibit administrative agencies from pre-empting state law.
Allow a two-thirds majority of the states to override a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Require a seven-justice super-majority vote for U.S. Supreme Court decisions that invalidate a democratically enacted law
Restore the balance of power between the federal and state governments by limiting the former to the powers expressly delegated to it in the Constitution.
Give state officials the power to sue in federal court when federal officials overstep their bounds.
Allow a two-thirds majority of the states to override a federal law or regulation.]
Nationalism, love of ones Nation, must have an almost religious zeal to it.
Order out of Chaos
Bringing order out of chaos
Nationalize the banking system
End banking usury for U.S. citizens
Nationalize the media
Ban international firms.
Promote national firms.
The firms exist as competition and to provide jobs for the people, not to feed the internationalists.
Make pornography illegal
Guaranteed minimum income with guaranteed employment [job creation through basic labor jobs like community gardens, street sweeping, etc. Would replace all forms of welfare]
End forced desegregation
[Recongnition of the reality that different races have different racial characteristics]
Create a "Domestic Dependent Sovereign Nation" within the U.S. for Black people, similar in status to Native American Tribes.
Openly promote Jewish immigration to Israel
Part of bringing to an end U.S. financial support to Israel
Create "every citizen armed" civil militia
Penalize childbirth out of wedlock while promoting birth control
Create Nationalized adoption program to phase out abortion
Part of penalizing single motherhood would be mandatory adoption of single parent children into functioning 2 parent families.
No gay adoptions
No promotion of any gay or any other degenerate lifestyle as being "normal"
[Needs a stance on outsourcing, tobacco, alcohol and any business that harms the country (aka all sorts of swindlers and charlatans, GMO/hormone food growers, etc.)]
Make all alcohol and tobacco advertising illegal.
Focus on creating healthy family environments including benefits of alcohol and tobacco abstinence.
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