Is America in the throes of a military coup?
>Trump goes twitter silent for several hours, first thing he does on return is appoint new (((Fed))) workers
>(((CNN))) reporting that “several” military leaders are unhappy with the planned 4th of July military display (possible fake news)
What does Zig Forums think?
Is America in the throes of a military coup?
You forgot these.
Nothing is ever happening
Literally living through some of the most complexed and interesting times in human history
stfu faggot
What did he mean by the future comms?
It's really not. It's by far some of the most simplified and banal shit.
op is a faggot
There's already a thread for this.
No. The military is full of niggers and Trump is peak postwar niggerjew. You've got to be apex retarded to think they have a problem with him. 99% of kike media attacking Trump is to make sure whatever % of his retarded base has the potential for radicalization ends up in a jew-friendly morass they can't make sense of.
I choose to live in the universe here something BIG happens.
He meant pee pee poo poo pissssssssssssSS faggot
Enjoy the illiterate brown things led by gravely senile grandpas trying to overtake the country.
They're hints to what info's going to be posted in the future.
I remember hearing the same shit a day before BT permanently deported some shitskins from NZ.
it's fucking happening
Me, watching from the sidelines.
We will see if anything popcornworthy happens.
Meanwhile, it grinds on, with the corpse of RBG legislation from the bench in hell, etc, etc, etc.
Kek'd and DACA checked!
Also, in most countries, showing your military might on your independence day is pretty normal.
Retarded shit
Patriotsfight board I think
lol okay, bro
Would be great… but no
Nothing ever happens
Pence was recalled from speech about Opioids on orders of Jewish Purdue Pharma.
Nothing odd about that, except that it shows what a shit-show the Trump White House is that they would allow the VP to schedule a speech addressing one of USA's biggest Jewish Problems, then realize, then have to cancel.
Uncle Ted was right.
He was flying to NH and then there was an active shooter at a military base in NH…so he turned around.
Military hardware? In Washington DC? for a military parade???? ON THE 4TH OF JULY?????
Proof, nigger?
I wish a nigger would.
When are you boomer retards going to accept that the mass arrests an obvious LARP on cuckchan promised would take place in October 2017, are never going to happen?
Listen, pede, like Q says "patriots come in all colors". There's literally noting wrong with African American patriots, so long as the love the Constitution and Israel, and trust the plan.
Or he didn't go silent and the whole fagbook/whatsapp 'outage' is part of another damage control incident.
Nothing ever happens because the world is run by cowards and cucks.
He was flying to NH and then there was an active shooter at a military base in NH…so he turned around.
Not buying it. There is an "active shooter" just about anywhere. Does the POTUS or VPOTUS schedule get dictated by random weirdos with pop-guns that have already been quashed by 100s of SWAT? I don't think so, instead it would be a chance for guy like Pence to have much needed photo-op and get "commanding" and "unafraid" with lots of para-military police, while calling for more (((gun control))).
Does a guy like Pence want to act "tough on drugs"? You bet! :) Until the dumbshit realizes the pushers are wealthy and connected Jews.
right about what?
anything that happened happened a year + ago when Trump went 180 degs from his campaign promises.
Unabomber , thank you , and he was right about everything newfaggot
Lurk more then never post here again
Day reminder he is first to be sprung from his cell
so true, I"m predicting Trump will make weird, vague not so veiled threats some big upcoming "and possibly even criminal charges, and you know what I mean, and you know what happens when the govt goes after criminals, yes, could happen soon" etc. then of course nothing happens.
Suck on Zionigger's dick some more you ball fanning faggot. Trump is a traitor his treason is well documented if you still support Trump the only place for you is a gas chamber or a bullet in the back of the head.
That's just the faggots who control Qrearch Purple user made Q go away because he said if Q didn't shut the fuck up he would go to his home and do his entire family before finally putting a bullet in Q's head. The people who posted that are the scum that makes money off the board being active. All the fraud Q has to do to avoid having himself and his entire family slaughtered is shut the fuck up and should he breach this agreement termination will be a foregone conclusion.
Uncle Ted is merely a mildly more advanced typical Libertarian-tard.
Much like a Liber, his shit kinda sounds good until someone asks "but what if everyone doesn't want to play that game, and like…does stuff to us?".
Main diff between typical neck-beard harmless cuck Liber and Uncle Ted was that Ted was Jewish, so he felt it was OK for him to start killing Goyim to push his "ideas".
While FBI was too dumb to catch him, mostly because they just ain't geared for that type of case, Uncle Ted would lose a debate with your average policeman, and thats really saying something.
>(((CNN))) reporting that “several” military leaders are unhappy with the planned 4th of July military display (possible fake news)
Trump got the idea from the French. Its a big meme pushed by Jews on Boomers (of all ages LOL) and US military mouth breathers that "the French are surrender monkeys", so its reasonable that US military would chaff at a clown like Trump telling "Do like those French do, thats an order!"
You were told to never post again.
Yeah, I'll say some shit is going down.
The last time Facebook had an outage, the New Zealand mosque attack was livestreamed on Facebook the very next day. The media is already setting the narrative by warning of "white supremacist attacks" on the 4th. Expect a false flag.
Whoever drew that is awesome.
Sage because not contributing anything but mainly because thread is retarded.
Did (((they))) kill the baseball player?
Fuck patriots. Patriotism = loyalty to the state. Nationalism = loyalty to blood and soil.
if only, I doubt it
Funny how Antifa derails trains, throws acid on people and kicks pregnant women in the stomach and arent terrorists, but blood and honor are.
About that dead baseball player:
It's an obvious message to President Trump.
Unnecessary until socialists get voted in.
No, it isn't.
I haven’t gone to a baseball game at all this year… makes me wanna go.
just trust the plan
GTFO Qfaggot retard
top kek
The (((Q user))) is just a PSYOP that has only one purpose: to distract you from all real happenings and stop you from doing any real research. (((They))) realized how powerful Zig Forums can be when it starts digging up info. Stop following a puppet and start doing something that is actually worthwhile, you silly boomer.
what happened is Drumpf got outed as a russian puppet on Netflix
hah ! you bigots never saw that one coming.
it's over for you scum.
t. Zig Forums
lol no
Nothing happened, again. Oh no no no
Fuck you! White Pan-continental American Nationalists support Trump.
Our continent needs to work together, or Eurasia will rape our resources soon.
I consider every Hispanic in the American continent to be white, and any Hispanic outside to be a traitor.
You can't have a military coup without the cooperation of the military. There was a Fourth of July parade, nothing more complicated than that, and my guess would be that you're already working for the shadow government.
It's too bad we don't have a compilation infograph of all the times these qniggers have done this.
You seriously need to shut the fuck up, you are obviously a spic yourself to say dumb shit like this, you know that's even not true but you still say it.
tRuSt ThE pLaN, gOyS!!!!!!!
Faggot retard
We do. They have their own website where their god’s hoaxes are all cataloged.
It's funny, the mods are absolutely active today and are deleting various threads, but they keep schizo-threads like this up for days. One thread they deleted involved someone trying to stop users from being assholes to each other. There is a clear aura they are trying to maintain here. No doubt this place is probably fucked post-Tarrant.