Is "male maturity" feminist code word for "pay me for my rotten cunt?"

I note that the Western Woman flings itself with infinite abandon at anything with money, engaging in sexual intercourse with as few as 20 partners simultaneously, while claiming that Western Men are not "growing up anymore."

Could it be that the definition of "maturity" has come under the spell of the Lesbian Supremacists?

How is it that in a society where "we are all equal" exists and "strong woman don't need no man" is the mantra, women are considered mature if they can simultaneously service five horses, and hand the bill to their ex-husband, while men are only considered mature if they finance all the activities and results of said massively blown-out and disease cunts?

How's this for mature: Women keep their legs, mouths, and butts shut until they are married, and men don't do anything with insane sluts (Western women) at all?

I think it is the zenith of maturity to keep one's money and possessions to oneself, and make sure no casual gutter filth (Western woman) can get its disease-mottled hands on it.

The Eastern Hemisphere has plenty of girls, not yet turned into women by a United Nations of dicks, who can appreciate character, not just money.

Not that they are free of the mental illness known as nympomania, either, but you could nuke any American city and not kill a virgin over the age of 12.

So, how about redefining maturity as "your body, your choice, your cost, your responsibility, you alone."

Oh, and court GIRLS of quality, not women, who are, unless they are one-man-woman widows, by definition, trash.

But, "you only bear the seal of Maturity if you pay me for my cunt and my larvae" is patently wrong. I spend every cent I make on toys, fun, and travel. There are no little niglets, piglets, Siglets, Chiclets, Spiclets, or whatever running around with the divine advantage of my DNA to be squandered by some slut zombie.

How is that not mature? How is NOT creating the future generation of sluts, whores, and criminals by avoiding the Western woman not the very pinnacle of maturity?

Meanwhile, I get wealthier, more secure, and happier. I am all for the idea of having children, as long as the first child is only the second living thing that has ever graced that vagina.

The vagina of the Western woman is a tunnel straight to, and from, hell.

Maturity is enjoying life, not caring what others think of one's choices, and not creating children in dismal, low-success-rate circumstances (aka, with a slut.)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, pic related.

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For many "white nationalists" on this board, it means the same. You're supposed to settle with a whore of it's for the glory of your race.

I don't care about roasties, but every Male feminist needs to suffer for encouraging this EXPECTED SLAVERY

Throw the hoes with them.

Why not just let them get bred out of existence? They will get knocked up by (insert other race dick here.) (*I mean, insert a LOT of them)
and then her defilement of the gift she was given will end.

And, keep our eyes open for younger, unspoiled, girls of character to watch to see how they come along, and to talk out of the dead-end world of sluttery.

There is a tidal shift coming. The women who have thought they have a monopoly on our attentions know it, and we know it. Every new girl who comes of age is another penny on the arcade game inching the other pennies closer to falling off the edge.

Get out of the fishbowl that is your town and see what else is out there. If she's at a bar, she's lost. If she's at a church, there's more of a chance. If she works at a Starbucks, 50/50. Other, FAMILY restaurants (not rallying points for homos) you can find young ladies meeting people in non-questionable circumstances. Retail is the real-world dating app for women. Just roll through all the retail stores in an area at all shift times for one week or so. You will have met almost all the quality girls who are, thank God, not old enough to slut it up in a bar.

Girls work in "meet" jobs, guys work in "do" jobs.

Not to seem like I support the current marriage and custody laws, but did women face "expected slavery" too before they could work, vote, own property, and not survive outside of wedlock or daughterhood?

How do you know I was thinking of Pinochet?

What benefit does a man receive to being mature compared to not being mature? Society is not organized in a way that benefits male maturity. The women are slags 80% of the time and you get taxed more the more productive you are.

The optimal state of male happiness is to work out, so your body is prime and healthy, learn a skill, but spend all your time playing video games or watching cartoons instead of being productive. Don't give the Jews your tax dollars to fund more nigger gibs and support single mothers with half nigger spawn they got from 'having fun' at college.

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So, instead of living in high-cost-of-living places with high taxes and a higher-paying job, do the same job in a lower-cost-of-living locale with lower taxes *coughNevadacough* and be able to easily own a small house, mortgage-free, support yourself and enjoy life?

For women, male maturity means being a slave to their every whim while paying them for it.
For society, it's much the same, except you get a pittance of a paycheck.

I used to be irritated at NEETs who live off other people's dollar but after seeing what taxes go to, all the power to them.

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also knock roasties up but never pay child support or alimony, let them raise the brats and move on
yes the banks encourage nigger behavior and punish responsible white or asian behavior

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That and work off the books, say giving geology advice to oil and gas corporations for cash in the mail not that I do that *cough*fuckTomWolf*cough*.

We're on that already. Here's some propaganda.

The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 opened the doors of America to the dregs of the world. We were promised by all parties involved that this law would not change the demographic makeup of America. In 1965 the US was 89% white, today it is 60% white. We were deliberately lied to.
And they had good reason. Currently white conservatives have a birthrate of 2.7, white liberals 0.9, jews 0.8, hispanics 1.7, blacks 1.2, and “others” 1.3. The only demographic in any industrial nation which is breeding at or above replacement level are right wing whites in America. That is why they are so desperate to import more non-whites, without that importation by 2050 America would be 75% white again and the vast majority would be voting so conservatively that the GOP would not be politically viable and would need to shift far to the right. They wanted to replace your fathers because they feared them. Now that more whites are coming to learn this truth they fear us even more.
Demography is destiny.
Demand your country back.
In this moment of dire threat, you are not alone. (LBJ’s speech in which he promises that immigration will not alter the demographics of America, he was a filthy liar)

Alternatively, surrogates can be used to continue your lineage without risk of divorce and child support.

Both parties were expected to be slaves to their children, with men at the lead and not as some sort of slave master. The idea that a leader must be a tyrant is liberal retardation. Now the parents say fuck the kids the government will raise them and spend all their time vying for power.

How can you convince men on endless classic video games and porn, and women on endless social media validation and weekly one night stands with 6'10'' Chad, to become slaves to children and give up most of what they know?

OP is a feminist.

Go FIRE, surrogate 3+ children with white women. This is my plan and the only objectively correct decision to make unless you go full tarrant.

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You can't. That's why the west is kaput. And yes, the over-entitling of women was the cause.

And if you want to work the street alone
I'll disappear for you
If you want a father for your child
Or only want to walk with me a while
Across the sand
I'm your man

If your gf can say nigger unironically without flinching, she might be a keeper.

1) u pay for reporoduction, not just for a cunt.
2) as a male, u educate her. if shes a bitch, its your fault.

stop trying to be equal.

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External locus of control. It is not she who is doing anything she doesn't see herself as an agent. We are transitioning from a honor based society to a face based one while they cling bitterly to the privileges offered by the former.

Male maturity is, as Zig Forums would say - a spook.
"Male Maturity" is just being a man, the manchild is a relatively new phenomenon. In older eras, even cucked ones like the victorian era effeminate urbanite men were effectively sent off to harsh locations so that they learned not to be faggots - the only manchildren were inbred offspring of lords and monarchs, most of who learned some kind of skill so they weren't totally useless.

Most non-urbanite men are "mature" and OP's obsession with abstaining from degenerate urbanite sluts says to me that he himself is an urbanite wishing he had access to women who aren't degenerates. This is how asian-bound sexpats are made, or maybe OP is just a filthy korean who wishes he was japanese.

Listening to a woman talk about maturity is the same as listening to a kid throwing a tantrum about how he is an adult.
Women will side with you if you win, and against you if they think you are losing, making their opinion irrelevant. If they don't like traditional marriage, take stock of the cucks in your area and breed their children when the civil war comes. They are property, they just get to decide if it's pleasant or forced servitude.

something thats easier for lefties to swallow is that, when women tell men to be more mature, they're really telling soyboys to stop being soyboys

What changes are they offering in themselves to leverage such a change in men?

Post more of these.
I find them revolting and fascinating at the same time.

No. Marrying a woman and predictably getting divorced sooner or later is expected slavery, because you have to pay an enormous amount of your income, which CAN be more than 100% of it depending on the circumstances, to her, for the rest of your life. And receive nothing in return. Nada. No contact to her, no contact to the kids, no help from her, no help from anyone. It's a one-sided arrangement where only you give and no-one returns.
Living as a housewife is not a one-sided arrangement. The woman tends to the children and manages the household, the man makes it so that there is a household to manage in the first place. It's a give and take. Both parties make an effort and both parties receive something out of it.
Yes, that's what happens. That doesn't make it slavery, that just means the arrangement is conditional. Namely it is bound to the condition that both parties in this agreement do their part, and if one stops doing their part, then the other isn't obliged to do theirs either. You asking it that way is symptomatic of a major problem.

We see women getting shit for free and under no conditions whatsoever, as something that should be taken for granted. And cry foul the moment that isn't the case any more. So what this impression of yours really is, is that you are so used to arrangements where women receive, receive and receive and give nothing back, that a different one where they do have to give something back, seems like some kind of oppression or enslavement.

Well said.

Whore BTFO, these kinds of stories are good reads.

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Dont do this on the WC. The state will garnish your wages and take your drivets license.

You can't, that's the job of natural selection. Everyone who does that shit won't reproduce. The next generation is going to be entirely composed of those born from parents who for whatever reason were able to ignore the societal decay and enforce their own family culture on their own lives no matter what. Those children will then grow up with that environment and have an even better chance than their parents of not being degenerates. The only caveat is that we're quickly getting replaced in our own countries too quickly before natural selection can bail our asses out of the fire.

O herrow meesta angwin!

Attached: Its me mr long time.jpeg (474x319, 22.63K)

Girls mature faster than boys.
Says a bunch of studies done by bunch of sociologists educated in an school system overrun by feminists for easy gibs.

Chick in that post made a gamble that she’d find a Chad to ditch him for in college. She probably did and got used and dumped by many Chads. She had zero emotional connection with any of them and that’s why she still has feelings for the last guy that gave her anything beyond cock and, shortly thereafter, the door. Now she’s back and feels like a dumb whore, but is hoping her safety net and the only guy she ever had any real connection will take her dumb whore ass back. Really glad that he didn’t. A lot of betas would.

Yes, totally, my good goy.
Reminder to keep playing with your video game toys, watch cartoons and never even think about marrying and reproducing. After all you don't want to fall for the roasties games do ya? of course no. They are all disgusting anyway, have ever seen a pussy before? it's like eewwww, it's much better to want to be the little girls of my precious gook cartoons.

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Thank you for the post. You're absolutely right about pre-20th century marriage being a cohesive unit of cooperation. My post was about whether or not women being forced into modern marriage is "expected slavery" as the person I replied to implied that men being forced into a modern marriage was "expected slavery". Then I realized he was just making a Pinochet reference.

What's easier, somehow changing them against the forces of natural selection to give up social media and porn, voting for tighter borders, or some combination of the two?

The usual phrase is "man up", which you'll never hear used to mean "find a virtuous woman and support a family", only things like "support my aging loneliness and three bastard kids by different men".

"Man up" is always a call to act against your own interests, and should be immediately laughed at and called out for what it is.

What do you mean? Those infected with degeneracy are lost, they are unsalvageable. Voting won't work either. The only real answer is violence. That or wait for the Mormons to eventually take over by sheer force of demographics.

Already 78% white and dropping

I've seen a few dozen degenerates get saved. Granted, they were all guys raised by single mothers that quickly straightened their act out once they found work in a rural environment, after being pushed out of urban employment by affirmative action. They just needed a white, trad environment.

To add, infected with degeneracy can never be saved. Once a woman has had one other partner, she is lost. Only virgins are fit for marriage.

Read this book user. It will reveal to you the true nature of woman.

Feminism created the soyboy. And now in typical pathological narcissistic fashion, they are punishing us for giving them what they asked for but not what they wanted.

Completely correct, had bitches try this shit on me before. Keyword: "try."
Have to say I dodged a bullet on the second one, and the first one couldn't dodge suiciding by her final drunk boyfriend.

Also correct, I like to think of it as an STD that permanently mutates all the eggs all the additional sperm from various different donors comes in contact with.
Someone has the science on this saved, somewhere.
But I don't, because I tend to only save the funny things.

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Can you explain the second image? I mean yes, the OP reeks of thiscouldhavebeenusstacy but why does it warrant this seething rage from all the commenters?

Probably because they realize, deep down, he was right. Stacy likely got into drugs and hook up culture when there's some beta who would have been willing to slave for her happiness. Instead she chased after dick and wallowed into mental illness.



If you want to see an actual modern feminist and not some disgusting blue-haired landwhale dyke on twitter, look to the women who leave Islam and speak out against it under threat of death from even their own family.


Le 56% Maggotmutt Supreme Gentleman is triggered! -D
"Stop telling me to be mature!"

"Muh pershunal anecdote!"

Le 56% Supreme Gentleman has spoketh.

This is OP IRL, haha!
"Western wimmenz are so mean, Pol!"
"I just want a 9 YO out of LOVE! It's only natural and healthy!"

"Feminists telling me maturity good means maturity bad! I have literally no reasons to stop being an infantile faggots if some college girls gets laid!"
National-Socialism has the answer to your problem. The T4 program. -D

There are ways to avoid paying taxes. Depend on the business model. Just sayin. -)


Now, are you yourself a dissolute, infantile degenerate? You are doing exactly what feminists does. "Why should I improve myself in any way when ___ are so mean??!"

Zero social skills, kek!


Reported for sheer retardation.

"I CHOOSE not to have a GF, Pol!"
"Single by choice! Can you please validate it, Pol??!"
"Feminists of all people are saying I am immature!, how could that be?? They want to trick me into marrying them!"
"Evil sluts are getting laid instead of marrying gentlemen such as myself and its horrible!"
"GIRLS, virgins under 12, are my only hope at a successfull relationship…"
"The eastern hemisphere…. Yellow fever, Curry fever, here I come!"
"I am not the dissolute degenerate here, western women are!"

Filthy, dumb, ugly, pedophile scums! -D

Jesus christ you're retarded.

Nope, I'm sadistic.

Got GF? Got ANY relationship EVER? We both know the answer to that one, don't we? Schadenfreude, sweet Schadenfreude.
At least incels have the strenght to admits they are incels, ugly genetic defects.

Kind of agree with you on that, but from what I remember it was an anons "social experiment" more than wanting to BTFO random skanks.

What said seems quite likely. I don't know the full context behind all of these images.

See Image 3, one of those is probably (You).

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"U retards!"
"Ur a woman!"
Those are some high-energy arguments!

"Another /b/ pershunal anecdote!"
"Another one! Read and believe!"
Pathetic and weak, as always, b! -)


What kind of retardation is this? "Man up" isn't a call for self-improvement, it's a call to act against your own interests and reward their degenerate behavior. Improving yourself (fitness, career, knowledge) lets you bypass them for better quality women.

Who gives a shit dude?

Nah, you're just retarded.

well, if they stop being soyboys and put them in their place, women will be forced to change accordingly

Wow… Imagine being such a retard you LARP as an assmad roastie on the 4th of July.
Talk about not having any relationships, lel ;^D

And thanks to our great moderation staff for all that they d-oh wait nevermind, kek.

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If she's a bitch from the start it's not.

Ohhh those eyes (right pic)! What a great example of the famous "thousand-cocks stare"!

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You know your case is pretty sad when even feminists tells you to stop being an infantile, sperging faggot.

Your "arguments" are screenshots of /b/ and reddit posts that we are supposed to take at face value!
What? Some fat, sheltered, spoiled feminist tells your kind to man? Ouch! Let's be defensive! Let's defend being a dissolute degenerate too!

Why spam Pol with your bullshit, if you "choose" to not have any relationship?
Is Pol supposed to be some sort of safe space for some weak, pissant omega male faggots to bitch about how mean, degenerate Stacy or Veronica is for not getting into a relationship with some ugly, loser mutt that should have been euthanasied at birth? Are their lives really so boring and pathetic, in a timeline where you got the internets and an ongoing race war?
You already got /b/, you already got /r9k/.
Oh, that's right, muh tradishunal valoos of "marriage" with a 9 or 12 years old and a "gentleman" profligate with zero social skills. With the out of luuurve argument, like some faggot marriage activist or Twilight fan. Because that is what Pol is supposed to be about! -D

JK, Day of the Woodchippers is what Pol is about. Some Chads eating pop corn as Stacy pushes a shrieking fattie down the chipper with a pitchfork, pigs feasting on the fodder coming out on the other side. Or bring OP and some mudsharks to a horse stable… -D

Wow, the arguments keeps getting better!

That's just an excuse, tho. The same kind of excuses feminists often does "But men are doing this, this and this!".

If that 1st pic was even fatter, male or "transmale" with a fake dick, it would be posting on Pol about college girls being degenerate and shit. -)

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Oh right:
Checking those sweet moderator dubs!

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So these are the thread your kind is sliding, huh? Outed!

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Sorry to hear that my man.

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Good for you user. Make sure you are becoming the Chad, so when you find your pretty virgin, she is happy to be yours.

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No their brains cease developing at a younger age (17-21, vs. 19-25), and they are mentally stuck as a teenager forever.

Its worth nothing that something very similar to this happens in dogs – they never mature beyond the puppy stage of mental development, unlike wolves.
I think its a byproduct of domestication, which would explain why women exemplify it in a sense as well.

… Now I'm wondering how far away we are from people arguing their pit-babbies should be allowed to make their own life-choices.

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I promise I will give you an argument once you've given me one and no sperging effort posts out do not count. Especially when it's one long spam post.

Now a KAFFER is almost always a black person, however in some rare cases it can be just about anyone deserving of the title.
Which you earned, stupid KAFFER.

Really activates the ol' almonds, doesn't it?

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How will you stop the ZOGbots from collecting them on battery charges?

JIDF found.

Just stay away from women that have been in the public schools or colleges/universities.

"Virgin up. Oh, wait, too late. Do you have any younger sisters who aren't sluts?"

Hilarity ensues.

put it in one-column-wide format. Makes it FAR more readable by anyone who does not have a 750,000X1080 monitor.

Reported for racemixing thread. Your diseased, disgusting, rotten chink women are all shit. Every last one of them. Meanwhile in white nations, the majority of people are shit, but there's still a few million that aren't.

woman detected
hey cum rag, get the fuck off pol
don't you have some shit dick to suck or some betabux to score?
or did you find out that a bitch over 26 has literally nothing of value

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You can always tell the feminists/JIDF.

They always lead with what they consider to be insults and/or clever cleverness that is clever, in the clever sense of clever zingers.

Projection, much, Moishe?

I save up all my money and spend it on ammunition, equipment, spy cameras, printer ink, etc.

While you're just wasting it helping shitskin countries economies with your tourism and being the male equivalent of one of the millions of feminist city women who want to waste all their fertile years doing the exact same shit as you.

You DO realize that the entirety of Eastern Europe, in fact, almost ALL of Europe is in the Eastern Hemisphere, correct? Have you ever looked at a globe?

I just noticed that the crazy seems to go into overdrive right at zero longitude.

OP's rant amounts to hurr durr all white women are sluts but muh ching chongs are pure waifus bullshit.

Girls have all the bare minimums they need to be a useful wife VERY early. Tits and eggs. They need more than this to be a viable wife, but, it isn't like men hit sixteen and someone hands us 10 million in cash, which will be spent, and never return, for the rest of our lives, which it WOULD be like if the roles were reversed.

Women peak at around 15. They slowly deteriorate from then, and rocket vertically downwards the moment they hop on the cock carousel.

If the roles were reversed, it would be like the boy who got the 10 million started spending his money on crack whores the moment he turns 16, starting with giving nine million of it to the first one. He would be worthless at 26, like most women.

Boys have to work for decades to be as useful as a husband in a traditional role, as in, woman raises kids and keeps a fine home, replete with hot meals, even hotter sex, and knowing when to keep her mouth shut. (and open.)

JIDF bot. filtered.

Real Zig Forumsacks rent a cheap camp site and get a 24/7 cheap gym membership for the showers and maybe a storage unit for storing stuff and make shitloads of money while having zero expenses, money which they then invest and it grows even more for them, and which they can use to start a business and employ others too and get even more rich, then start their own churches and use their influence over their employees to preach a pro-white version of the dominant religion of the area, and raise a militia to fight the ZOG.

You've won the lottery then. I suggest you move your family to Europe (just not Sweden or bong…) before the US becomes South Africa 2: Spic Boogaloo.

You found a unicorn. Take good care of her.

Anything a scumfuck feminist says is garbage. Femshits should die. You typed too much text over them, since they belong in a ditch.

Shut up newfag. Filtered.