I note that the Western Woman flings itself with infinite abandon at anything with money, engaging in sexual intercourse with as few as 20 partners simultaneously, while claiming that Western Men are not "growing up anymore."
Could it be that the definition of "maturity" has come under the spell of the Lesbian Supremacists?
How is it that in a society where "we are all equal" exists and "strong woman don't need no man" is the mantra, women are considered mature if they can simultaneously service five horses, and hand the bill to their ex-husband, while men are only considered mature if they finance all the activities and results of said massively blown-out and disease cunts?
How's this for mature: Women keep their legs, mouths, and butts shut until they are married, and men don't do anything with insane sluts (Western women) at all?
I think it is the zenith of maturity to keep one's money and possessions to oneself, and make sure no casual gutter filth (Western woman) can get its disease-mottled hands on it.
The Eastern Hemisphere has plenty of girls, not yet turned into women by a United Nations of dicks, who can appreciate character, not just money.
Not that they are free of the mental illness known as nympomania, either, but you could nuke any American city and not kill a virgin over the age of 12.
So, how about redefining maturity as "your body, your choice, your cost, your responsibility, you alone."
Oh, and court GIRLS of quality, not women, who are, unless they are one-man-woman widows, by definition, trash.
But, "you only bear the seal of Maturity if you pay me for my cunt and my larvae" is patently wrong. I spend every cent I make on toys, fun, and travel. There are no little niglets, piglets, Siglets, Chiclets, Spiclets, or whatever running around with the divine advantage of my DNA to be squandered by some slut zombie.
How is that not mature? How is NOT creating the future generation of sluts, whores, and criminals by avoiding the Western woman not the very pinnacle of maturity?
Meanwhile, I get wealthier, more secure, and happier. I am all for the idea of having children, as long as the first child is only the second living thing that has ever graced that vagina.
The vagina of the Western woman is a tunnel straight to, and from, hell.
Maturity is enjoying life, not caring what others think of one's choices, and not creating children in dismal, low-success-rate circumstances (aka, with a slut.)