oh my, this is some tears of joy tier level of kek.
>Rob Miller, frontman of legendary crust punk band Amebix names the jew on new album (((Messengers of Deception))), thanks "Gerard Menuhin, a prominent Holocaust denier"
You can see Rob Miller shitposting NPC memes on his faceberg timeline as well. He knows !
Amebix is /ourband/
Other urls found in this thread:
never had heard Tau Cross before.
instant fan
They even scrubbed their page on bandcamp.
Will listen later thanks man
ok, instant cucking from the other members and probably instant split.
I wonder when will kikes and their SJW golems go after Metal music in general, so many problematic themes there.
Smart bands know to never publish their lyrics and to always say what fans hear is their interpretation when confronted by (((media))).
They have attacked some bands like marduk which is ww2 themed. Fortunately most of these bands aren't cucked and will tell the faggots to fuck off.
this one is a favorite of the leftards / antifa though, which makes it worthy of clown world.
Thanks to Amebix pill, I just found this book which came out in 2015.
Gerard Menuhin - Tell the Truth and Shame The Devil
pretty much every fucking single redpill is condensed in there, and it's written by a contemporary elite jew.
page striked right after this.
this man is a modern hero.
Leftist punks losing their minds, time to buy all the cheap Amebix records undoubtedly being listed to ebay this week
Holy fuck, this shit has Away from voivod too, as well as Jon misery. Also instant fan.
nice autistic hebraic screeching over there from (((axl rosenberg)))
these herds of literal braindead retards virtue signalling all over the comment sections (even raging over the use of the "virtue signalling" expression) really make you wonder if the internet is worth existing at all anymore. the normie web certainly isn't worth shit and should go down in flames.
They killed it in 08, anything rock and roll or metal was cut from television and radio. Even shit that was doing well.
Here's another good one
Man crawls back into the slime
Like carrion upon carcasses of slaughtered beasts
Successors – scraping at your gates
Spine broken underfoot in rotten evolution
Drowning in eternities of neglect
I always liked Amebix and Rob Miller. Just imagine how many other bands are keeping quiet about their realizations.
Never heard of them but the first song I got when I searched for Amebix is called Knights of the Black Sun. It's from 2011 so it's not like they didn't know.
I'm one of them bands and can confirm.
They shut down the comment section, I tried a couple of VPNs and posting with and without links, but every comment I make about the holocaust being a hoax is shadowbanned (verified by IP hoping).
Sing about drinking the whore of babylons cup of fornication with inverted crosses and dead babies on sticks, your good.
Mention a book that a jew wrote about jews, reeeeeee fucking nazi punks fuck off reeeeeeee.
the only place where the majority of reactions was positive (nwnprod) locked the thread.
probably the most absolutely epic and beautiful "hitler did nothing wrong" song ever done.
Desperation took us down
Uneasy lies, the head
That wears the crown
You can't see it
I saw the mourners passing by
These wicked men
Beneath the sulfurous skies
Oh what can it mean?
Every bell is silent here
The hands of clocks are bound
And time itself has stopped
Can you feel it?
The birds are frozen in their flight
Trapped within the thunder light
A storm is rising
A voice within the winter halls
Some great secret from these careless lips will fall
A star on our horizon
See you gods forgotten son
Lies broken and alone
Searching for a father,he has never known….
From Dresden's blazing skies
To the bloody wash of dawn
I saw the beast arise
And climb upon the throne
And fallen angels weep
And long for peace, for home
Whilst far beneath the ice they sleep
These dark knights of the black sun
And on the stormlashed mountain high
I found the hidden book
On the altar of the wretched prince of lies
And I broke apart the graven seal
And these seven words I read
Rejoice, the great god Fear is dead
So from the rooftops call it out
You were always free
Yes from the rooftops call it out
And ever may you be
>nice autistic hebraic screeching over there from (((axl rosenberg)))
Axl Rosenberg aka David Cohen the kike that runs MetalSucks.net? I've tried to find his entire dox but there are 6 million David Cohens in Jew York though.
There has to be at least one record label out there where it's management are aware of the SJWs taking over and should say fuck you to political correctness and sign Amebix, I know some of you fuckers have the ears of these guys, let them know the majority will back them too, these SJWs are a small minority, most people into metal/punk don't even give a fuck about social issues, lefties have been trying to inject their politics in extreme music for long as I can remember.
how do you find redpilled musicians to work with?
no one really listens to metal anymore. maybe like 0.0001% of young people. punk and indie hippie shit is way more popular and even that fades away amongst all the nu hip hop fangirls and wiggers
there is always pagan front tbh but genres dont match
it's probably the last demographic in the world to actually buy physical records and merch, and I wouldn't say it sums up to "no one". however it was taken over by soyface hipsters in the mid-00's as the next trend for post-rock and emo losers. they create nothing but they're very loud on the internet. everyday they find out that their favorite BM band was actually "edgy" (just low profile full natsoc) since the beginning. the next step is probably making metal illegal.
good. i like my genres like i like my metal. dead
punk has been 100% SJW and moronic for the last 20 years.
GG allin was a cool guy
If we ever get to know who you are I hope you don't cuck. Even communities of j-woke whites didn't exist, cucking still wouldn't be a good idea. Weakness is the signal to the predator to go for the kill.
From the Amebix wiki:
>Rob Miller now lives on the Isle of Skye where he works as a self-taught swordsmith.
That's awesome.
He was a literal shit-flinging retard.
he literally did nothing wrong
>still cucking to (((record labels))) in 2019
Rob Miller just allahu akbar'd his legacy (and it was probably carefully planned) and just went back to DIY punk ethos. Being on Relapse was absolute cringe tbh.
best Zig Forums thread ever
redpilled and someone that knows their craft and isn't a retard whom can record and write their own songs/arrangements
Its still big in Europe, not in Jewmerica
>still cucking to (((record labels))) in 2019
pretty much this, but most people in bands still believe you have to be cucks, the quicker the (((record labels))) become irrelevant, the better.
You're right. Heil Allin.
Redpilled fellow Austfalian rapper by the name of Xiahbu.
Check this one out and don't be a faggot kike.
Metal is mostly trash.
he had at least 4 songs where he openly said "i hate all niggers" and one song bashing kikes.
GG allins revolution would have literally been a white revolution
If they name the jew, they're ok in my book
Until you can listen to this while reading, you are like a little baby.
Check out the DL link: youtu.be
Fuckin Heil'd!
G.G. was a hilarious fellow.
Thanks for the links user. I've always known about G.G. but was not aware of his outspoken views on race and politics.
We need more Bound for Glory tier in the world.
literally the new skrewdriver
Zig Forums is now a board of peacepunk
Just tracked down Amebix - Sonic Mass. It's actually more metal than I expected. Breddy good.
Outstanding. I always instinctively felt that Rob Miller was alright. Was involved in the Anarcho-Punk scene of that time and a good number kept questioning. Others,intellectually stunted, settled with dubious "Anarchist" ideology. Never desiring to see where the rabbit hole led.
based. a shame relapse is pozzed though. they had some good bands. will be sure to only pirate their shit from now on.
lol delicious salt. these fucks have nothing to live for.
now in boomerposting mode, not taking any prisoners.
all record labels are jewish (or synthetic jew) prostitution scams, except those operated by bands themselves. nowadays one has to cuck to bandcamp though, which after taking their wide (((margins))) can still boot you anytime for any wrongthink.
re pic related: "no gods no masters…"
Dumbfucks are too dumb to realize the hall of cost is their literal god and master.
Did wyatt draw these too? lmao.
Yes. The last one is a letter to him from GG Allin that he posted on here.
For what it's worth, Bill Cooper's (still living) sidekick, Doyel Shamley, is a big fan too.
Lol it's actually possible. I know he used to hang with punk bands in the 80's & 90's (he drew the cover art for one of Bloody Messes side projects). He also used to hang with Xenia Lavey and Radio Werewolf
Nice, they get PR around the edgy and potentially carve themselves into a niché, they are no unchained from a record kike label and don't have to play shitty gigs (because cucky faggot establishments won't book them)
A shame they aren't playin or performing any style that is worth listening to. Not uplifting, useful to our people or any such thing. Oh well. I wish them the best though
agreed, he will have to replace all other band members though, as they immediately cucked and threw him under the bus. it seems he was shit-testing them.
checked, and barely anyone even sages this bullshit thread and the faggot jew mods leave it up
Bump for Amebix.
Eat a dick.
Been listening to Skrewdriver as of late. Did they have any lyrics questioning the holohoax?
if this is not a relevant thread then what is, moron?
"You Kids are in a Prison,one that you created and you maintain.One that you build onto year by year and yet never see. It maintains itself through the characters you represent, both the guards and the snitches,monitoring and judging every detail of your fellow inmates,telling tales and spreading gossip. i cannot be a part of that.
No walls,no guard,no wire no yard,we are the perfect Prisoner.
You have created a hierarchy of victimhood, desperately scrambling for status on a ladder of the imaginary oppressed, nice kids from nice homes still trying to fight against evil mummy and daddy, the people who gave you everything, and who you turned your backs on. You live vicariously through a compromised media,themselves terrified of uttering an inappropriate phrase or idea, furiously signalling their own virtues through self censorship and speech regulation. Your movies sell you the same stories, with an increasingly complex mixing of archetypes,until there are no real stories of any value left, and still you consume.
The worst thing is that you see yourselves as rebels of some kind,anti system warriors against the vague “Patriarchy”. You ARE the system,you are the useful idiots that keep the cogs turning,you are the Prison guards, glued to your screens on the Worldwide Panopticon. You are the Beast i despise, and the whole reason i have spent my life seeking answers, immersing myself in the forbidden,the occult,the Taboo, the places where there are still clues to how we got here,and how we can get back out.
You People set the dogs on me,you threw me under that bus without a moments hesitation,and that shows your true nature, the imaginary friends of the Internet,the curtain twitchers and tittle tattlers,the town hall gossips and Intenational knitting circle. You are not people i would want on my side in any kind of struggle.
To the very few men and women who have reached out on their own initiative,i salute you,we are Brothers and Sisters, a crazy family who may disagree fundamentally with what one another has to say ,or the opinions we hold ,but we will fiercely defend their right to do so. and that is the difference between the Prisoner and the Free man, the winnowing and separation of the wheat from the chaff,some of you passed the test and many did not."
Death Metal Underground did an article on this. Unfortunately it's pozzed by some zionist faggot named Brett Stevens.
The jews try to psyop the metalheads for a long time. But many of the metals are autistic enough to see through the smokescreen like us.
Remember that Zig Forums always was and will be right. National socialism would improve the world 30x better compared to any jewish ideology.
White people don't want kikes or this trash
Metal is two clicks from Classical. That's why it attracts so many Aryan Autists. Especially the older shit when all the Classically trained nerds realized they could put those years of sitting in a lonely room to work, and all they had to do was cut their jeans and grow some hair.