Documents In Epstein Case To Be Unsealed
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Possible false flag incoming to distract?
Kill yourself, shariablue. Epstein is BASED and did literally nothing wrong, why else would GEOTUS be friends with him, and then appoint Acosta, who got him that sweet and well-deserved deal?
Oh wow, can't wait to see the facts:
weird rich pedo guy rapes kids
he gets out of trouble by the help of the Jew
The End.
That's how it will probably go but worth following still
the fuck is GEOTUS?
God Emperor of the United States
Unproven salaciousness?
Just in time to memoryhole Mueller's non-event.
Kiked first post...
Kike is attempting to distract and derail Real anons will ignore my and his comments. Don't let them slide this! Baiting with smug because the niggers can't resist crying about kampfy.
They're easy to spot
oy vey
A lot of pedes in the MAGA movement are afraid to say it , but it's independence day , so I'm going to declare my independence from the demonkkkrat mind control and tell it like it is ! I am 100 % sure Jeffrey Epstein is a true American patriot , and victim of the DNC media smears , like his friend (of decades !) President Trump , and others . His attorney is Alan Dershowitz , another true patriot and member the Q TEAM ! But yeah , the people who are literally rounding up deepstate cabal pedophiles and putting an end to all human trafficking are connected to a guy with a pedo plane , whatever you shills say .
That is the DNC media taking things out of context . President Trump is 24 years older than Melania , that is what he was talking about . Jeffrey likely dates girls in their 30's and 40's. There is NOTHING wrong with that !
Found the reason for all the slide.
I have foundeth the source of the slideth.
Q predicted this!
Nice try, JIDF.
You obviously haven't caught on, but your favorite president appoints corrupt people to high-profile positions, giving them enough rope to hang themselves. See Mueller, Rosenstein, Amarosa, et al.
can't wait for these to come out
If you hate Drumpf, shouldn't you be in favor of exposing Epstein's brownstone OP?
True though: he DID post about Rachel Chandler and >>>/qresearch/ has dug significantly on her.
I hope we hear these words on the tube.
Based user.
Oic related
It will honestly be interesting to see if they cover for their fellow tribesman or latch onto muh Trump/Epstein photos. The cognitive dissonance will be a thing to behold either way.
True. They will try not to cover it I assume, like NVIXM. I haven't been paying attention to how much coverage its gotten.
ARE YOU SAYING THEY COULDN'T LIE IN COURT DOCUMENTS ? ? Look at all the lies the DNC media tells about POTUS , why would they not do the same to his friends ? Do you believe DJT is a secret pedo too along with the Dersh ? Are they really democrats in disguise ?
Giving Trump too much credit in either direction if he was chosen by Mil to play the part.
Qverse related.
Do you really think your 1D disingenuous posting is fooling anyone? Your bumps seem odd but thanks anyway!
That's memery on par with Hillary's "ducks on the ground" and "Pokemon Go-Go-Go to the polls".
Your reading comprehension—in addition to your [space question marks]—prove you are ESL and probably typing on a foreign (hebrew) keyboard…because media matters has the day off to do poppers and suck dick.
You can call me names all you want but don't you ever say I'm not an American ! I've been typing longer than you've been alive , shill !
Shills hate minions . Does this trigger you ?
Q post # 1132 "Thank you Alan.
Welcome aboard.
Freedom!" but a member of the Q team is really a pedos lawyer, right shill ?
Would make an AWESOME CS map for rescuing hostages.
So the jews are gonna expose Epsteins shit to attack trumpstein?
I think you've given us enough of a dataset to work with.
Exactly this.
That's so creepy. What do you think it is, anons? I've heard its a temple, but does anybody actually know?
We already know the Jews did 9/11.
Epstein was the one who increased the insurance. Trump could also be involved.
And as we know the Clintons they could be involved in fucking everything.
And as we know the USA they don't care about it in the slightest because it's ruled by the kikes.
Prove me wrong.
Q movie inc
Holy shit, its a fucking pyramid.
now this is shitposting
Is it guarded?
This is what kills me, the lack of agency on behalf of right-wing Whites.
If we know where this thing is, why hasn't someone sailed out there with a few barrels of kerosene and 'fixed' it (in GTA V on PS4)?
Probably…or at least there are regular maintenance workers.
I think "droneanon" got chased off a few weeks ago.
Well we have two weeks before they would be unsealed. Not sure if constant bumps are necessary.
Destroying all of the evidence would accomplish what exactly?
I thought it was already filled in with concrete.
But the shills said Pizzagate was a baseless conspiracy theory after reading BBC & CNN articles. Surely the mainstream media knows more than the worst part of the internet?
He still walks the streets, right?
A lot of the stuff that supposedly constitutes "evidence" for Pizzagate is retarded, but "VIP pedophilia" is real. on both sides of the semitic spectrum.
Literal earthquake.
There's no distinction between the two. Who is John Podesta or Hilary Clinton nobodies now? And doesn't the Talmud permit the rape of 3yr old gentile children? You need to be burned at the stake for playing a part in stopping people hanging them, demonic Journalist.
Tell me I’m wrong.
That would be most excellent of those nigger things in that fancy boat was all the security they had
I bet not though. A higher level individual would not go to that island if it didn’t have missile defense and mines and armed security men. Just a bet
Agreed, very nice work user.
Yup this is a false flag against pedos
what a disgusting fucikng loli. absolutely ruined blacklisted
They only had to have statues of the Devil with a black cube between his legs…
I have a very nice professional video monitor and I still cannot make out any details on the figure in this pic. The zoomed in pic from your preceding post is clearly Neptune, though, and not a version of Satan/Saturn.
That being said, it is a clear fact that this fuck is in fact doing these things with the kids and the Satanic ruling class.
I also want to note that the Neptune statue has no beard, which really is profoundly strange and as far as I know completely unheard of.
It is still, however, clear that this statue does, in fact, represent Neptune. He has a trident and the hindquarters of a sea creature. In this image, he also has the forelegs of a horse. This, too, points to Neptune as he was for some reason associated with horses.
So, it is very interesting that this custom idol of the god has no beard, when every other aspect is so faithful to traditional depictions. It is so very out of place that it must have some sort of occult significance.
Why does he have no beard here? I do not know enough about this sort of thing to speculate, but it may represent youth somehow.
Try this, the other was from a reduced image, both the figures have cloven hooves which Neptune is never represented with, Pan would be the more obvious but he doesn't carry a tripod, sometimes a statue of the Devil is just that.
It is rare, but he is known to have at times been depicted visually with horses legs. Those legs are very clearly those of a horse and not of a goat or ram. Pan is never represented with a trident. Ever. Nor is he ever in any way related to the sea or sea creatures.
This statue has zero features that would point to it representing Satan. Saturn carries a scythe, and Old Scratch carries a pitchfork, which is shaped differently from a trident and is, like the scythe, a farming tool and not a weapon.
I see no cube in these pictures, unless you are referring to the rectangular pedestal. The vast majority of statues in the world are on simple pedestals. Sometimes a pedestal is just that.
You're image is still crap. Epstein is an evil child-fucker, but you are clearly either grasping at straws here, or just plain retarded.
I assume it's possible Neptunus Equester could be shown with horses legs, very obscure though and combined with the youthful beardless head anomalous.
I didn't say it was Satan, just the popular idea of the Devil, cloven hooves and a tripod, maybe the 2nd figure also has wings, one thing for certain is that it's kitsch like all the rest of the island artwork.
Those hooves aren't even cloven. There is nothing devilish or demonic about this idol. The depiction of 'The Devil' with a pitchfork is quite new as far as this stuff goes, and, more importantly, pitchforks and tridents are very different things and they look different. That implement held by the idol is clearly the straight-forked, three-pronged weapon known as a trident (not tripod). It is not the curved-forked, four-or-two-pronged farming tool known as a pitchfork. The Devil/Satan/Saturn/Molech has never been portrayed with a trident by any culture. You have no idea what you are talking about. And what about that cube you claimed to see?
Best post in this thread.
Imagine having a legit secret island lair like some kind of capeshit villain and wasting it on occult LARPing and pedoshit.
Only the Devil would say that whilst seated on a Black cube.
Don't be a nigger.
Nice faggot clip art. How old is that picture? 500 years?
Also, for your information, black cubes tend to be black, and cube-shaped. Where is the black cube? Circle it and upload the pic.
You are a fool, and likely a nigger.
That was just my initial impression, that the figure was sat on a Black cube and sort of looked like the Devil, i was wrong though upon further investigation, and so were you.
The two figures are icyhthyocentaurs
The second of the pair will be this one, they're interesting as they facilitate the emergence of Aphrodite from the sea, thus in keeping with the love island theme.
bump to hype the 2 week countdown
Epstein is a martyr. Help him, Supreme Court.
t. fat, disgusting jew
>(((Mystery litigants)))
Alan Dershowitz. There's nobody else. He was fucking them all like an animal, and Epstein sent him as far out as Australia to shut the witnesses up. The heeb lawyer fighting disclosure is Alan Dershowitz.
I should make more statement like this.
A magapede appears to shit up the thread.
The time for arguments is over.
Trump was friends with the Clintons and still ended Hillary’s dream of being President.
Being “friends” for the rich and famous doesn’t mean he flee on the Lolita Express 26 times like Bill did. Trump also openly turned on Epstein after he was charged and banned him from Marr Lago for hitting on the staff.
Because then maybe we would be allowed to care about it? Moly, it’s time for you to go home.
Get checked for autism.
The MSM is not "worth following". The whole point is that there is ALWAYS a current event that seems like it might be "worth following", it never is, the stories never go anywhere, once your interest starts to wane they just move onto the next narrative to keep you entertained, and it goes on and on, around and around, forever. The MSM will never report on anything of any significance. By definition if it is being reported on, it's nothing.
Because I don't support Trump?
It's called a polite sage for an offtopic post dipshit. lrn2chan
The gold dome on top used to house the pulleys and cables for the elevator that used to go down a few levels. They filled in the sacrificial chambers and removes all elevator equipment from the temple roof
Is this now the official Epstein 2 thread?
Epstein was one of a thousand rich Jews Trump buttered up while he was working in (((New York real estate))). He once flew in Epstein's plane from Florida to New York, but nowhere else. Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago for being a creep to the staff. He broke off all contact after the allegations surfaced.
Sure sounds like Trump is Epstein's partner in crime to me! Now I'm off to Temple to study the Talmud.
Why would you be against this, especially if it takes down Trump too?
Clarify your position. You can only choose one.
Q predicted this
Your communication skills are as poor as your reading comprehension, gender studies user.
>Epstein was one of a thousand rich Jews Trump buttered up while he was working in (((New York real estate))).
This might sound crazy, but maybe the guy who was created by rich jews, and even bailed out by Rothschild Inc., is controlled by them?
It's an unconfirmed rumor, and the story goes that it was after he went after somebody's daughter, so not an issue with his pedophilia, just that he targeted the wrong young girl.
I'm against any attempts to link something as idiotic as the Q LARP to real issues. Back in 2012, when David Wilcock and Drake Bailey had the original mass arrests hoax, it was retarded, and only taken seriously by the mentally ill, but somehow, the MIGA-themed reboot has managed to be even more dumbed-down.
not him, but Q is a gay larp, and you are a faggot for even referencing it.
I wish there was a way to I dunno…ID uses in a thread. Thanks for clarifying that you proxyhopped to agree with yourself
Doors look open on this pic.
Door here looks painted on but there's clearly another type of door to the left by the cliffs. Also there's some light HVAC, looks to be some drainage system on the flat roof too.
This island isn't well constructed at all. Palm trees are all young. Road is weird. It almost looks like it has to be centered on the sigil adjacent to it. Same thing with the sand area off to the left. Seems like they'll set up tents over that way and use the blocks build in to the sigil area - then put posts in the middle of each of the white lines on the sand.
Unlike the rest of the island, the parts that lead to underground seem well built. Most likely older and predates his ownership. The structures at the left appear to be new and are likely added by him. The green building looks to be a cover for HVAC system or an air handler possibly. Or maybe ladder or something.
But what's striking about this picture is the quality of construction in some spaces and complete lack of quality in others. That stonework is old school and done well. I highly doubt it's just facade. The roof, however, holy fuck look at that. It's tin roof applied shitty over an otherwise decent island property if not for all the stuff under it. That's bizarre. Why would you cheap out on roofing? Especially with how thick those walls look to be - see the windows on the left side. House isn't cheap or poorly constructed at all except for the roof and maybe what looks to be moisture barrier under the porch (probably a new addition and where the crown molding with shit tin roof came from). Even the side facing the sun has been well taken care of.
Shits bizarre, anons.
Are we all going to everlook the fact that Epstein was allegedly filming orgies with millionaires and minors to blackmail them in the future? I remember that during 2016 election there were Wikileaks emails alluding to a large circle of jewish pedophiles organizing such orgies for major politicians with aforementioned purpose in mind? I also remember a screencap of interview with some billionaire from years ago in which such operation was mentioned.
Rev up those fucking shovels and start digging, anons. Show the world that 8/pol/ has still any juice left in it.
Because you can't spot obvious irony. Not only that, you're fucking retarded. Did you honestly think a Trump supporter would love Epstein because he is allegedly friends with Trump when not two years ago they all wanted the pedo Epstein dead? You are fucking stupid and people like you are the reason Zig Forums is dying. You just can't help but reply to obvious shitposts. These faggots are also guilty: >>13467143
Autism is the cancer that is killing Zig Forums.
What kind of hard security is on this island? Is it mine protected and missile protected? Some armed dudes?